

源代码1 项目: ProjectAres   文件: FillListener.java
 * Return a predicate that applies a Filter to the given InventoryHolder,
 * or null if the InventoryHolder is not something that we should be filling.
private static @Nullable Predicate<Filter> passesFilter(InventoryHolder holder) {
    if(holder instanceof DoubleChest) {
        final DoubleChest doubleChest = (DoubleChest) holder;
        return filter -> !filter.denies((Chest) doubleChest.getLeftSide()) ||
                         !filter.denies((Chest) doubleChest.getRightSide());
    } else if(holder instanceof BlockState) {
        return filter -> !filter.denies((BlockState) holder);
    } else if(holder instanceof Player) {
        // This happens with crafting inventories, and possibly other transient inventory types
        // Pretty sure we never want to fill an inventory held by the player
        return null;
    } else if(holder instanceof Entity) {
        return filter -> !filter.denies(new EntityQuery((Entity) holder));
    } else {
        // If we're not sure what it is, don't fill it
        return null;
源代码2 项目: Civs   文件: RegionsTests.java
@Ignore // TODO fix this
public void regionShouldRunUpkeep() {
    HashMap<UUID, String> owners = new HashMap<>();
    owners.put(new UUID(1, 4), Constants.OWNER);
    Location location1 = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld("world"), 3, 100, 0);
    Region region = new Region("cobble", owners, location1, getRadii(), new HashMap<>(),0);
    Chest chest = (Chest) location1.getBlock().getState();
    chest.getBlockInventory().setItem(0, new ItemStackImpl(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, 1));
    assertEquals(Material.GOLDEN_PICKAXE, chest.getBlockInventory().getContents()[0].getType());
    chest.getBlockInventory().setItem(0, TestUtil.mockItemStack(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, 1, null, new ArrayList<>()));
源代码3 项目: factions-top   文件: WorthListener.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void checkWorth(InventoryOpenEvent event) {
    // Do nothing if a player did not open the inventory or if chest events
    // are disabled.
    if (!(event.getPlayer() instanceof Player) || plugin.getSettings().isDisableChestEvents()) {

    Inventory inventory = event.getInventory();

    // Set all default worth values for this chest.
    if (inventory.getHolder() instanceof DoubleChest) {
        DoubleChest chest = (DoubleChest) inventory.getHolder();
        checkWorth((Chest) chest.getLeftSide());
        checkWorth((Chest) chest.getRightSide());

    if (inventory.getHolder() instanceof Chest) {
        checkWorth((Chest) inventory.getHolder());
源代码4 项目: factions-top   文件: WorthListener.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void updateWorth(InventoryCloseEvent event) {
    // Do nothing if a player did not close the inventory or if chest
    // events are disabled.
    if (!(event.getPlayer() instanceof Player) || plugin.getSettings().isDisableChestEvents()) {

    // Get cached values from when chest was opened and add the difference
    // to the worth manager.
    if (event.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof DoubleChest) {
        DoubleChest chest = (DoubleChest) event.getInventory().getHolder();
        updateWorth((Chest) chest.getLeftSide());
        updateWorth((Chest) chest.getRightSide());

    if (event.getInventory().getHolder() instanceof Chest) {
        updateWorth((Chest) event.getInventory().getHolder());
源代码5 项目: NyaaUtils   文件: MailboxCommands.java
public void createMailbox(Player admin, OfflinePlayer player) {
    UUID id = player.getUniqueId();
    if (plugin.cfg.mailbox.getMailboxLocation(id) != null) {
        msg(admin, "user.mailbox.admin.already_set");
    plugin.mailboxListener.registerRightClickCallback(admin, 100,
            (Location clickedBlock) -> {
                Block b = clickedBlock.getBlock();
                if (b.getState() instanceof Chest) {
                    plugin.cfg.mailbox.updateNameMapping(id, player.getName());
                    plugin.cfg.mailbox.updateLocationMapping(id, b.getLocation());
                    msg(admin, "user.mailbox.admin.success_set");
                    if (player.isOnline()) {
                        Player tmp = plugin.getServer().getPlayer(id);
                        if (tmp != null) {
                            msg(tmp, "user.mailbox.admin.player_hint_set");
                msg(admin, "user.mailbox.admin.fail_set");
    msg(admin, "user.mailbox.admin.right_click_set", player);
源代码6 项目: FastAsyncWorldedit   文件: BukkitWorld.java
 * Gets the single block inventory for a potentially double chest.
 * Handles people who have an old version of Bukkit.
 * This should be replaced with {@link org.bukkit.block.Chest#getBlockInventory()}
 * in a few months (now = March 2012) // note from future dev - lol
 * @param chest The chest to get a single block inventory for
 * @return The chest's inventory
private Inventory getBlockInventory(Chest chest) {
    try {
        return chest.getBlockInventory();
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (chest.getInventory() instanceof DoubleChestInventory) {
            DoubleChestInventory inven = (DoubleChestInventory) chest.getInventory();
            if (inven.getLeftSide().getHolder().equals(chest)) {
                return inven.getLeftSide();
            } else if (inven.getRightSide().getHolder().equals(chest)) {
                return inven.getRightSide();
            } else {
                return inven;
        } else {
            return chest.getInventory();
源代码7 项目: FastAsyncWorldedit   文件: BukkitWorld.java
public boolean clearContainerBlockContents(Vector pt) {
    Block block = getWorld().getBlockAt(pt.getBlockX(), pt.getBlockY(), pt.getBlockZ());
    if (block == null) {
        return false;
    BlockState state = block.getState();
    if (!(state instanceof org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder)) {
        return false;

    org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder chest = (org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder) state;
    Inventory inven = chest.getInventory();
    if (chest instanceof Chest) {
        inven = getBlockInventory((Chest) chest);
    return true;
源代码8 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件: GameMap.java
public void addChest(Chest chest, ChestPlacementType cpt) {
	ArrayList<CoordLoc> list;
	if (cpt == ChestPlacementType.NORMAL) {
		list = chests;
	} else {
		list = centerChests;
	InventoryHolder ih = chest.getInventory().getHolder();
       if (ih instanceof DoubleChest) {
       	DoubleChest dc = (DoubleChest) ih;
		Chest left = (Chest) dc.getLeftSide();
		Chest right = (Chest) dc.getRightSide();
		CoordLoc locLeft = new CoordLoc(left.getX(), left.getY(), left.getZ());
		CoordLoc locRight = new CoordLoc(right.getX(), right.getY(), right.getZ());
		if (!(list.contains(locLeft) || list.contains(locRight))) {
			addChest(locLeft, cpt, true);
       } else {
       	CoordLoc loc = new CoordLoc(chest.getX(), chest.getY(), chest.getZ());
           if (!list.contains(loc)){
			addChest(loc, cpt, true);
源代码9 项目: SkyWarsReloaded   文件: GameMap.java
public void removeChest(Chest chest) {
	InventoryHolder ih = chest.getInventory().getHolder();
	if (ih instanceof DoubleChest) {
		DoubleChest dc = (DoubleChest) ih;
		Chest left = (Chest) dc.getLeftSide();
		Chest right = (Chest) dc.getRightSide();
		CoordLoc locLeft = new CoordLoc(left.getX(), left.getY(), left.getZ());
		CoordLoc locRight = new CoordLoc(right.getX(), right.getY(), right.getZ());
	} else {
		CoordLoc loc = new CoordLoc(chest.getX(), chest.getY(), chest.getZ());

源代码10 项目: ShopChest   文件: ChestProtectListener.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onItemMove(InventoryMoveItemEvent e) {
    if ((e.getSource().getType().equals(InventoryType.CHEST)) && (!e.getInitiator().getType().equals(InventoryType.PLAYER))) {

        if (e.getSource().getHolder() instanceof DoubleChest) {
            DoubleChest dc = (DoubleChest) e.getSource().getHolder();
            Chest r = (Chest) dc.getRightSide();
            Chest l = (Chest) dc.getLeftSide();

            if (shopUtils.isShop(r.getLocation()) || shopUtils.isShop(l.getLocation())) e.setCancelled(true);

        } else if (e.getSource().getHolder() instanceof Chest) {
            Chest c = (Chest) e.getSource().getHolder();

            if (shopUtils.isShop(c.getLocation())) e.setCancelled(true);
源代码11 项目: ShopChest   文件: ShopUpdateListener.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onInventoryUpdate(InventoryMoveItemEvent e) {
    if (!plugin.getHologramFormat().isDynamic()) return;

    Location loc = null;

    if (e.getSource().getHolder() instanceof Chest) {
        loc =  ((Chest) e.getSource().getHolder()).getLocation();
    } else if (e.getSource().getHolder() instanceof DoubleChest) {
        loc =  ((DoubleChest) e.getSource().getHolder()).getLocation();
    } else if (e.getDestination().getHolder() instanceof Chest) {
        loc =  ((Chest) e.getDestination().getHolder()).getLocation();
    } else if (e.getDestination().getHolder() instanceof DoubleChest) {
        loc =  ((DoubleChest) e.getDestination().getHolder()).getLocation();

    if (loc != null) {
        Shop shop = plugin.getShopUtils().getShop(loc);
        if (shop != null) shop.updateHologramText();
源代码12 项目: uSkyBlock   文件: IslandGenerator.java
 * Fill the {@link Inventory} of the given chest {@link Location} with the starter and {@link Perk} based items.
 * @param chestLocation Location of the chest block.
 * @param perk Perk containing extra perk-based items to add.
 * @return True if the chest is found and filled, false otherwise.
public boolean setChest(@Nullable Location chestLocation, @NotNull Perk perk) {
    if (chestLocation == null || chestLocation.getWorld() == null) {
        return false;

    final Block block = chestLocation.getWorld().getBlockAt(chestLocation);
    if (block.getType() == Material.CHEST) {
        final Chest chest = (Chest) block.getState();
        final Inventory inventory = chest.getInventory();
        if (Settings.island_addExtraItems) {
        return true;
    return false;
源代码13 项目: uSkyBlock   文件: SignLogic.java
void addSign(Sign block, String[] lines, Chest chest) {
    Location loc = block.getLocation();
    ConfigurationSection signs = config.getConfigurationSection("signs");
    if (signs == null) {
        signs = config.createSection("signs");
    String signLocation = LocationUtil.asKey(loc);
    ConfigurationSection signSection = signs.createSection(signLocation);
    signSection.set("location", LocationUtil.asString(loc));
    signSection.set("challenge", lines[1]);
    String chestLocation = LocationUtil.asString(chest.getLocation());
    signSection.set("chest", chestLocation);
    ConfigurationSection chests = config.getConfigurationSection("chests");
    if (chests == null) {
        chests = config.createSection("chests");
    String chestPath = LocationUtil.asKey(chest.getLocation());
    List<String> signList = chests.getStringList(chestPath);
    if (!signList.contains(signLocation)) {
    chests.set(chestPath, signList);
源代码14 项目: uSkyBlock   文件: SignEvents.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR)
public void onSignChanged(SignChangeEvent e) {
    if (e.isCancelled() || e.getPlayer() == null
            || !plugin.getWorldManager().isSkyAssociatedWorld(e.getPlayer().getWorld())
            || !e.getLines()[0].equalsIgnoreCase("[usb]")
            || e.getLines()[1].trim().isEmpty()
            || !e.getPlayer().hasPermission("usb.island.signs.place")
            || !(e.getBlock().getType() == SkyBlockMenu.WALL_SIGN_MATERIAL)
            || !(e.getBlock().getState() instanceof Sign)
            ) {
    Sign sign = (Sign) e.getBlock().getState();

    if(sign.getBlock().getState().getBlockData() instanceof WallSign) {
        WallSign data = (WallSign) sign.getBlock().getState().getBlockData();
        BlockFace attached = data.getFacing().getOppositeFace();
        Block wallBlock = sign.getBlock().getRelative(attached);
        if (isChest(wallBlock)) {
            logic.addSign(sign, e.getLines(), (Chest) wallBlock.getState());
源代码15 项目: civcraft   文件: PlayerListener.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
public void onInventoryOpenEvent(InventoryOpenEvent event) {
	if (event.getInventory() instanceof DoubleChestInventory) {
		DoubleChestInventory doubleInv = (DoubleChestInventory)event.getInventory();
		Chest leftChest = (Chest)doubleInv.getHolder().getLeftSide();			
		/*Generate a new player 'switch' event for the left and right chests. */
		PlayerInteractEvent interactLeft = new PlayerInteractEvent((Player)event.getPlayer(), Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK, null, leftChest.getBlock(), null);
		if (interactLeft.isCancelled()) {
		Chest rightChest = (Chest)doubleInv.getHolder().getRightSide();
		PlayerInteractEvent interactRight = new PlayerInteractEvent((Player)event.getPlayer(), Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK, null, rightChest.getBlock(), null);
		if (interactRight.isCancelled()) {
源代码16 项目: civcraft   文件: InventoryHolderStorage.java
public InventoryHolder getHolder() throws CivException {
	if (playerName != null) {
		Player player = CivGlobal.getPlayer(playerName);
		return (InventoryHolder)player;
	if (blockLocation != null) {
		/* Make sure the chunk is loaded. */
		if (!blockLocation.getChunk().isLoaded()) {
			if(!blockLocation.getChunk().load()) {
				throw new CivException("Couldn't load chunk at "+blockLocation+" where holder should reside.");
		if (!(blockLocation.getBlock().getState() instanceof Chest)) {
			throw new CivException("Holder location is not a chest, invalid.");
		Chest chest = (Chest) blockLocation.getBlock().getState();
		return chest.getInventory().getHolder();
	throw new CivException("Invalid holder.");
源代码17 项目: civcraft   文件: InventoryHolderStorage.java
public void setHolder(InventoryHolder holder) throws CivException {
	if (holder instanceof Player) {
		Player player = (Player)holder;
		playerName = player.getName();
		blockLocation = null;
	if (holder instanceof Chest) {
		Chest chest = (Chest)holder;
		playerName = null;
		blockLocation = chest.getLocation();
	if (holder instanceof DoubleChest) {
		DoubleChest dchest = (DoubleChest)holder;
		playerName = null;
		blockLocation = dchest.getLocation();
	throw new CivException("Invalid holder passed to set holder:"+holder.toString());
源代码18 项目: civcraft   文件: BonusGoodie.java
public void setHolder(InventoryHolder holder) throws CivException {
	if (holder == null) {
	if (holderStore == null) {
		if (holder instanceof Chest) {
			holderStore = new InventoryHolderStorage(((Chest)holder).getLocation());
		} else if (holder instanceof Player){
			holderStore = new InventoryHolderStorage((Player)holder);
		} else {
			throw new CivException("Invalid holder.");
	} else {
	// If we have a holder, we cannot be on the ground or in a item frame.
	this.frameStore = null;
	this.item = null;
源代码19 项目: Slimefun4   文件: Composter.java
private Optional<Inventory> findOutputChest(Block b, ItemStack output) {
    for (BlockFace face : outputFaces) {
        Block potentialOutput = b.getRelative(face);

        if (potentialOutput.getType() == Material.CHEST) {
            String id = BlockStorage.checkID(potentialOutput);

            if (id != null && id.equals("OUTPUT_CHEST")) {
                // Found the output chest! Now, let's check if we can fit the product in it.
                Inventory inv = ((Chest) potentialOutput.getState()).getInventory();

                if (InvUtils.fits(inv, output)) {
                    return Optional.of(inv);

    return Optional.empty();
源代码20 项目: Slimefun4   文件: ActiveMiner.java
 * This consumes fuel from the given {@link Chest}.
 * @return The gained fuel value
private int consumeFuel() {
    if (chest.getType() == Material.CHEST) {
        Inventory inv = ((Chest) chest.getState()).getBlockInventory();

        for (int i = 0; i < inv.getSize(); i++) {
            for (MachineFuel fuelType : miner.fuelTypes) {
                ItemStack item = inv.getContents()[i];

                if (fuelType.test(item)) {
                    ItemUtils.consumeItem(item, false);

                    if (miner instanceof AdvancedIndustrialMiner) {
                        inv.addItem(new ItemStack(Material.BUCKET));

                    return fuelType.getTicks();

    return 0;
源代码21 项目: Slimefun4   文件: MultiBlockMachine.java
protected Inventory findOutputChest(Block b, ItemStack output) {
    for (BlockFace face : outputFaces) {
        Block potentialOutput = b.getRelative(face);

        if (potentialOutput.getType() == Material.CHEST) {
            String id = BlockStorage.checkID(potentialOutput);

            if (id != null && id.equals("OUTPUT_CHEST")) {
                // Found the output chest! Now, let's check if we can fit the product in it.
                Inventory inv = ((Chest) potentialOutput.getState()).getInventory();

                if (InvUtils.fits(inv, output)) {
                    return inv;

    return null;
源代码22 项目: Shopkeepers   文件: PlayerShopkeeper.java
protected int getCurrencyInChest() {
	int total = 0;
	Block chest = this.getChest();
	if (Utils.isChest(chest.getType())) {
		Inventory inv = ((Chest) chest.getState()).getInventory();
		ItemStack[] contents = inv.getContents();
		for (ItemStack item : contents) {
			if (Settings.isCurrencyItem(item)) {
				total += item.getAmount();
			} else if (Settings.isHighCurrencyItem(item)) {
				total += item.getAmount() * Settings.highCurrencyValue;
	return total;
源代码23 项目: UhcCore   文件: TimebombListener.java
private void spawnChest(){
    spawned = true;

    block1 = loc.getBlock();
    loc.add(-1, 0, 0);
    block2 = loc.getBlock();


    Chest chest1 = (Chest) block1.getState();
    Chest chest2 = (Chest) block2.getState();

    String chestName = Lang.SCENARIO_TIMEBOMB_CHEST.replace("%player%", name);
    VersionUtils.getVersionUtils().setChestName(chest1, chestName);
    VersionUtils.getVersionUtils().setChestName(chest2, chestName);

    // Make double chest for 1.13 and up
    VersionUtils.getVersionUtils().setChestSide(chest1, false);
    VersionUtils.getVersionUtils().setChestSide(chest2, true);

    Inventory inv = chest1.getInventory();

    for (ItemStack drop : drops){


    armorStand = (ArmorStand) loc.getWorld().spawnEntity(loc, EntityType.ARMOR_STAND);
源代码24 项目: UhcCore   文件: VersionUtils_1_13.java
public void setChestSide(Chest chest, boolean left){
    org.bukkit.block.data.type.Chest chestData = (org.bukkit.block.data.type.Chest) chest.getBlockData();

    org.bukkit.block.data.type.Chest.Type side = left ? org.bukkit.block.data.type.Chest.Type.LEFT : org.bukkit.block.data.type.Chest.Type.RIGHT;

    chest.getBlock().setBlockData(chestData, true);
源代码25 项目: UhcCore   文件: VersionUtils_1_8.java
public void setChestName(Chest chest, String name){
    try {
        Class craftChest = NMSUtils.getNMSClass("block.CraftChest");
        Method getTileEntity = NMSUtils.getMethod(craftChest, "getTileEntity");
        Object tileChest = getTileEntity.invoke(chest);
        Method a = NMSUtils.getMethod(tileChest.getClass(), "a", String.class);
        a.invoke(tileChest, name);
    }catch (Exception ex){ // todo find a way to change the chest name on other versions up to 1.11
        Bukkit.getLogger().severe("[UhcCore] Failed to rename chest! Are you on 1.9-1.11?");
源代码26 项目: Civs   文件: RegionManager.java
public void removeRegion(Region region, boolean broadcast, boolean checkCritReqs) {
    if (broadcast) {
        RegionType regionType = (RegionType) ItemManager.getInstance().getItemType(region.getType());
        runRegionCommands(region, regionType.getCommandsOnDestruction());
    for (Map.Entry<String, DestroyRegionListener> entry : this.destroyRegionListener.entrySet()) {
    Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new RegionDestroyedEvent(region));

    if (checkCritReqs) {
    Block block = region.getLocation().getBlock();
    if (block instanceof Chest) {
        ItemStack[] contents = ((Chest) block).getBlockInventory().getContents();
        for (ItemStack is : contents) {
            if (is != null) {
                block.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(block.getLocation(), is);
        ((Chest) block).getBlockInventory().clear();

    if (Civs.getInstance() != null) {
源代码27 项目: Civs   文件: CivilianListener.java
@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onCivilianDragItem(InventoryDragEvent event) {
    if (event.getView().getTopInventory().getHolder() instanceof Chest) {
        Location inventoryLocation = ((Chest) event.getView().getTopInventory().getHolder()).getLocation();
    if (ConfigManager.getInstance().getAllowSharingCivsItems()) {
    ItemStack dragged = event.getOldCursor();

    if (!CVItem.isCivsItem(dragged) ||
            MenuManager.getInstance().hasMenuOpen(event.getWhoClicked().getUniqueId())) {

    int inventorySize = event.getInventory().getSize();
    for (int i : event.getRawSlots()) {
        if (i < inventorySize) {
            HumanEntity humanEntity = event.getWhoClicked();
            humanEntity.sendMessage(Civs.getPrefix() +
                    LocaleManager.getInstance().getTranslationWithPlaceholders((Player) humanEntity, LocaleConstants.PREVENT_CIVS_ITEM_SHARE));
源代码28 项目: Civs   文件: CVInventory.java
public void setInventory() {
    Block block = this.location.getBlock();
    if (block.getType() != Material.CHEST) {
        this.valid = false;
    try {
        Chest chest = (Chest) block.getState();
        this.inventory = chest.getInventory();
        this.size = this.inventory.getSize();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        this.valid = false;
源代码29 项目: Civs   文件: TestUtil.java
public static Block createUniqueBlock(Material mat, String name, Location location, boolean containsPickaxe) {
    Block block = new BlockImpl(location);
    if (containsPickaxe) {
        ((Chest) block.getState()).getBlockInventory()
                .addItem(mockItemStack(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, 1, null, new ArrayList<>()));
    return block;
源代码30 项目: factions-top   文件: WorthListener.java
private void updateWorth(Chest chest) {
    if (chest == null) return;
    BlockPos pos = BlockPos.of(chest.getBlock());
    ChestWorth worth = chests.remove(pos);
    if (worth == null) return;

    worth = getDifference(worth, getWorth(chest.getBlockInventory()));

    plugin.getWorthManager().add(chest.getChunk(), RecalculateReason.CHEST, WorthType.CHEST,
            worth.getTotalWorth(), worth.getMaterials(), worth.getSpawners());