

源代码1 项目: Kettle   文件: CraftEventFactory.java
public static void handleEditBookEvent(EntityPlayerMP player, ItemStack newBookItem) {
    int itemInHandIndex = player.inventory.currentItem;

    PlayerEditBookEvent editBookEvent = new PlayerEditBookEvent(player.getBukkitEntity(), player.inventory.currentItem, (BookMeta) CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(player.inventory.getCurrentItem()), (BookMeta) CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(newBookItem), newBookItem.getItem() == Items.WRITTEN_BOOK);
    ItemStack itemInHand = player.inventory.getStackInSlot(itemInHandIndex);

    // If they've got the same item in their hand, it'll need to be updated.
    if (itemInHand != null && itemInHand.getItem() == Items.WRITABLE_BOOK) {
        if (!editBookEvent.isCancelled()) {
            if (editBookEvent.isSigning()) {
            CraftMetaBook meta = (CraftMetaBook) editBookEvent.getNewBookMeta();
            List<ITextComponent> pages = meta.pages;
            for (int i = 0; i < pages.size(); i++) {
                pages.set(i, stripEvents(pages.get(i)));
            CraftItemStack.setItemMeta(itemInHand, meta);

        // Client will have updated its idea of the book item; we need to overwrite that
        Slot slot = player.openContainer.getSlotFromInventory(player.inventory, itemInHandIndex);
        player.connection.sendPacket(new SPacketSetSlot(player.openContainer.windowId, slot.slotNumber, itemInHand));
源代码2 项目: ViaBackwards   文件: LecternInteractListener.java
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onLecternInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) {
    Player player = event.getPlayer();
    if (!isOnPipe(player)) return;

    Block block = event.getClickedBlock();
    if (block == null || block.getType() != Material.LECTERN) return;

    Lectern lectern = (Lectern) block.getState();
    ItemStack book = lectern.getInventory().getItem(0);
    if (book == null) return;

    BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) book.getItemMeta();

    // Open a book with the text of the lectern's writable book
    ItemStack newBook = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);
    BookMeta newBookMeta = (BookMeta) newBook.getItemMeta();
    newBookMeta.setAuthor("an upsidedown person");

源代码3 项目: CS-CoreLib   文件: CustomBookOverlay.java
public CustomBookOverlay(String title, String author, TellRawMessage... pages) {
	this.book = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);

	BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) this.book.getItemMeta();

	for (TellRawMessage page: pages) {
		try {
			addPage(meta, page);
		} catch (Exception e) {

源代码4 项目: NyaaUtils   文件: CommandHandler.java
@SubCommand(value = "setbookauthor", permission = "nu.setbook")
public void setbookauthor(CommandSender sender, Arguments args) {
    if (!(args.length() > 1)) {
        msg(sender, "manual.setbookauthor.usage");
    String author = args.next();
    Player p = asPlayer(sender);
    author = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', author);
    ItemStack item = p.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
    if (item == null || !item.getType().equals(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK)) {
        msg(sender, "user.setbook.no_book");
    BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) item.getItemMeta();
    msg(sender, "user.setbook.success");
源代码5 项目: NyaaUtils   文件: CommandHandler.java
@SubCommand(value = "setbooktitle", permission = "nu.setbook")
public void setbooktitle(CommandSender sender, Arguments args) {
    if (!(args.length() > 1)) {
        msg(sender, "manual.setbooktitle.usage");
    String title = args.next();
    Player p = asPlayer(sender);
    title = ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', title);

    ItemStack item = p.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
    if (item == null || !item.getType().equals(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK)) {
        msg(sender, "user.setbook.no_book");
    BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) item.getItemMeta();
    msg(sender, "user.setbook.success");
源代码6 项目: NyaaUtils   文件: CommandHandler.java
@SubCommand(value = "setbookunsigned", permission = "nu.setbook")
public void setbookunsigned(CommandSender sender, Arguments args) {
    Player p = asPlayer(sender);
    ItemStack item = p.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
    if (item == null || !item.getType().equals(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK)) {
        msg(sender, "user.setbook.no_book");
    BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) item.getItemMeta();
    ItemStack newbook = new ItemStack(Material.WRITABLE_BOOK, 1);
    BookMeta newbookMeta = (BookMeta) newbook.getItemMeta();
    msg(sender, "user.setbook.success");
源代码7 项目: Thermos   文件: CraftEventFactory.java
public static void handleEditBookEvent(net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP player, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack newBookItem) {
    int itemInHandIndex = player.inventory.currentItem;

    PlayerEditBookEvent editBookEvent = new PlayerEditBookEvent(player.getBukkitEntity(), player.inventory.currentItem, (BookMeta) CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(player.inventory.getCurrentItem()), (BookMeta) CraftItemStack.getItemMeta(newBookItem), newBookItem.getItem() == net.minecraft.init.Items.written_book);
    net.minecraft.item.ItemStack itemInHand = player.inventory.getStackInSlot(itemInHandIndex);

    // If they've got the same item in their hand, it'll need to be updated.
    if (itemInHand != null && itemInHand.getItem() == net.minecraft.init.Items.writable_book) {
        if (!editBookEvent.isCancelled()) {
            CraftItemStack.setItemMeta(itemInHand, editBookEvent.getNewBookMeta());
            if (editBookEvent.isSigning()) {

        // Client will have updated its idea of the book item; we need to overwrite that
        net.minecraft.inventory.Slot slot = player.openContainer.getSlotFromInventory((net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory) player.inventory, itemInHandIndex);
        player.playerNetServerHandler.sendPacket(new net.minecraft.network.play.server.S2FPacketSetSlot(player.openContainer.windowId, slot.slotNumber, itemInHand));
源代码8 项目: civcraft   文件: BookUtil.java
public static void paginate(BookMeta meta, String longString) {	
	/* Break page into lines and pass into longString. */
	int count = 0;
	ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
	String line = "";
	for (char c : longString.toCharArray()) {
		if (c == '\n' || count > CHARS_PER_LINE) {
			line = "";
			count = 0;
		if (c != '\n') {
			line += c;
	linePageinate(meta, lines);
源代码9 项目: civcraft   文件: BookUtil.java
public static void linePageinate(BookMeta meta, ArrayList<String> lines) {
	 * 13 writeable lines per page, iterate through each line
	 * and place into the page, when the line count equals 14
	 * set it back to 0 and add page.
	int count = 0;
	String page = "";
	for (String line : lines) {
		if (count > LINES_PER_PAGE) {
			count = 0;
			page = "";
		page += line+"\n";			
源代码10 项目: NBTEditor   文件: BookSerialize.java
public static String loadData(BookMeta meta, String dataTitle) {
	int pageCount = meta.getPageCount();
	if (pageCount == 0) {
		return null;

	StringBuilder dataSB = new StringBuilder();
	for (int i = 1; i <= pageCount; ++i) {
		String page = meta.getPage(i);
		if (page.startsWith(dataTitle)) {
			dataSB.append(page.substring(dataTitle.length() + _dataPre.length()));
			for (++i; i <= pageCount; ++i) {
				page = meta.getPage(i);
				if (page.startsWith(_dataPre)) {
				} else {
			return dataSB.toString();
	return null;
源代码11 项目: NBTEditor   文件: CustomItem.java
protected void applyConfig(ConfigurationSection section) {
	_enabled = section.getBoolean("enabled");
	_name = section.getString("name");

	ItemMeta meta = _item.getItemMeta();
	if (meta instanceof BookMeta) {
		((BookMeta) meta).setTitle(_name);
	} else {

	List<String> allowedWorlds = section.getStringList("allowed-worlds");
	if (allowedWorlds == null || allowedWorlds.size() == 0) {
		List<String> blockedWorlds = section.getStringList("blocked-worlds");
		_blockedWorlds = (blockedWorlds.size() > 0 ? new HashSet<String>(blockedWorlds) : null);
		_allowedWorlds = null;
	} else {
		_allowedWorlds = new HashSet<String>(allowedWorlds);
private int getBookLength(final ExploitPlayer exploitPlayer, final HamsterPlayer hamsterPlayer,
        final ItemMeta itemMeta) {
    final Player player = hamsterPlayer.getPlayer();
    final Logger logger = plugin.getLogger();
    final BookMeta bookMeta = (BookMeta) itemMeta;
    final double dataVls = packetsModule.getDataVls();
    final int pageCount = bookMeta.getPageCount(), dataBytesBook = packetsModule.getDataBytesBook();
    int bookTotalBytes = 0;

    if (pageCount > 50) {
        if (notificationsModule.isDebug()) {
            logger.info(player.getName() + " has sent a packet with a book with too many pages! (" + pageCount + "/"
                    + 50 + ") Added vls: " + dataVls);

        exploitPlayer.addVls(plugin, null, hamsterPlayer, packetsModule, dataVls);
    } else {
        for (final String page : bookMeta.getPages()) {
            final int pageBytes = page.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;

            bookTotalBytes += pageBytes;

            if (pageBytes > dataBytesBook) {
                if (notificationsModule.isDebug()) {
                            player.getName() + " has sent a packet with a book with too many characters per page! ("
                                    + pageBytes + "/" + dataBytesBook + ") Added vls: " + dataVls);

                exploitPlayer.addVls(plugin, null, hamsterPlayer, packetsModule, dataVls);

        return bookTotalBytes;

    return itemMeta.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;
源代码13 项目: PGM   文件: KitParser.java
public ItemStack parseBook(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException {
  ItemStack itemStack = parseItem(el, Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);
  BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) itemStack.getItemMeta();
  meta.setTitle(BukkitUtils.colorize(XMLUtils.getRequiredUniqueChild(el, "title").getText()));
  meta.setAuthor(BukkitUtils.colorize(XMLUtils.getRequiredUniqueChild(el, "author").getText()));

  Element elPages = el.getChild("pages");
  if (elPages != null) {
    for (Element elPage : elPages.getChildren("page")) {
      String text = elPage.getText();
      text = text.trim(); // Remove leading and trailing whitespace
      text =
          Pattern.compile("^[ \\t]+", Pattern.MULTILINE)
              .replaceAll(""); // Remove indentation on each line
      text =
          Pattern.compile("^\\n", Pattern.MULTILINE)
                  " \n"); // Add a space to blank lines, otherwise they vanish for unknown reasons
      text = BukkitUtils.colorize(text); // Color codes

  return itemStack;
源代码14 项目: PGM   文件: MapPoll.java
public void sendBook(MatchPlayer viewer, boolean forceOpen) {
  String title = ChatColor.GOLD + "" + ChatColor.BOLD;
  title += TextTranslations.translate("vote.title.map", viewer.getBukkit());

  ItemStack is = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);
  BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) is.getItemMeta();

  TextComponent.Builder content = TextComponent.builder();
  content.append(TranslatableComponent.of("vote.header.map", TextColor.DARK_PURPLE));

  for (MapInfo pgmMap : votes.keySet()) content.append(getMapBookComponent(viewer, pgmMap));

      meta, TextTranslations.toBaseComponent(content.build(), viewer.getBukkit()));

  ItemStack held = viewer.getInventory().getItemInHand();
  if (held.getType() != Material.WRITTEN_BOOK
      || !title.equals(((BookMeta) is.getItemMeta()).getTitle())) {

  if (forceOpen || viewer.getSettings().getValue(SettingKey.VOTE) == SettingValue.VOTE_ON)
    NMSHacks.openBook(is, viewer.getBukkit());
源代码15 项目: Kettle   文件: PlayerEditBookEvent.java
public PlayerEditBookEvent(Player who, int slot, BookMeta previousBookMeta, BookMeta newBookMeta, boolean isSigning) {

    Validate.isTrue(slot >= 0 && slot <= 8, "Slot must be in range 0-8 inclusive");
    Validate.notNull(previousBookMeta, "Previous book meta must not be null");
    Validate.notNull(newBookMeta, "New book meta must not be null");

    Bukkit.getItemFactory().equals(previousBookMeta, newBookMeta);

    this.previousBookMeta = previousBookMeta;
    this.newBookMeta = newBookMeta;
    this.slot = slot;
    this.isSigning = isSigning;
    this.cancel = false;
源代码16 项目: TabooLib   文件: I18nOrigin.java
public String getName(Player player, ItemStack itemStack) {
    if (itemStack == null) {
        return "-";
    ItemMeta itemMeta = itemStack.getItemMeta();
    if (itemMeta instanceof BookMeta && ((BookMeta) itemMeta).getTitle() != null) {
        return ((BookMeta) itemMeta).getTitle();
    if (!Version.isAfter(Version.v1_11)) {
        if (itemStack.getType().name().equals("MONSTER_EGG")) {
            NBTCompound nbtCompound = NMS.handle().loadNBT(itemStack);
            if (nbtCompound.containsKey("EntityTag")) {
                return lang.getString("item_monsterPlacer_name") + " " + lang.getString("entity_" + nbtCompound.get("EntityTag").asCompound().get("id").asString() + "_name");
            return lang.getString("item_monsterPlacer_name");
    } else if (!Version.isAfter(Version.v1_13)) {
        if (itemMeta instanceof SpawnEggMeta) {
            String spawnEggType = lang.getString("entity_" + ((SpawnEggMeta) itemMeta).getSpawnedType().getEntityClass().getSimpleName().replace(".", "_") + "_name");
            if (spawnEggType != null) {
                return lang.getString(NMS.handle().getName(itemStack).replace(".", "_"), itemStack.getType().name().toLowerCase().replace("_", "")) + " " + spawnEggType;
    return lang.getString(NMS.handle().getName(itemStack).replace(".", "_"), itemStack.getType().name().toLowerCase().replace("_", ""));
源代码17 项目: TabooLib   文件: BookAsmImpl.java
public void addPages(BookMeta bookmeta, BaseComponent[]... pages) {
    for (BaseComponent[] components : pages) {
        if (v11600) {
            ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.inventory.CraftMetaBook) bookmeta).pages.add(net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a(ComponentSerializer.toString(components)));
        } else {
            ((CraftMetaBook) bookmeta).pages.add(IChatBaseComponent.ChatSerializer.a(ComponentSerializer.toString(components)));
源代码18 项目: TabooLib   文件: BookBuilder.java
 * Creates a new instance of the BookBuilder from an ItemStack representing the book item
 * @param book the book's ItemStack
public BookBuilder(ItemStack book, String title, String author) {
    this.book = book;
    this.meta = (BookMeta)book.getItemMeta();
源代码19 项目: TabooLib   文件: ListenerCommand.java
public void run(Player player, String[] args) {
源代码20 项目: ProjectAres   文件: BukkitUtils.java
public static ItemStack generateBook(String title, String author, List<String> pages) {
    ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);
    BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) factory.getItemMeta(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK);


    return stack;
源代码21 项目: Skript   文件: ExprBookAuthor.java
public String convert(ItemType item) {
	if (!book.isOfType(item.getMaterial()))
		return null;
	return ((BookMeta) item.getItemMeta()).getAuthor();
源代码22 项目: Crazy-Auctions   文件: Main.java
private boolean allowBook(ItemStack item) {
    if (item != null && item.hasItemMeta() && item.getItemMeta() instanceof BookMeta) {
        System.out.println("[Crazy Auctions] Checking " + item.getType() + " for illegal unicode.");
        try {
            Files.TEST_FILE.getFile().set("Test", item);
            System.out.println("[Crazy Auctions] " + item.getType() + " has passed unicode checks.");
        } catch (YAMLException e) {
            System.out.println("[Crazy Auctions] " + item.getType() + " has failed unicode checks and has been denied.");
            return false;
        return ((BookMeta) item.getItemMeta()).getPages().stream().mapToInt(String :: length).sum() < 2000;
    return true;
源代码23 项目: CS-CoreLib   文件: CustomBookOverlay.java
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
private void addPage(BookMeta meta, TellRawMessage page) throws Exception {
	Field field = ReflectionUtils.getField(ReflectionUtils.getClass(PackageName.OBC, "inventory.CraftMetaBook"), "pages");

	List pages = (List) field.get(meta);

	pages.add(ReflectionUtils.getClass(PackageName.NMS, "IChatBaseComponent").cast(page.getSerializedString()));
源代码24 项目: ShopChest   文件: Utils.java
 * Check if two items are similar to each other
 * @param itemStack1 The first item
 * @param itemStack2 The second item
 * @return {@code true} if the given items are similar or {@code false} if not
public static boolean isItemSimilar(ItemStack itemStack1, ItemStack itemStack2) {
    if (itemStack1 == null || itemStack2 == null) {
        return false;

    ItemMeta itemMeta1 = itemStack1.getItemMeta();
    ItemMeta itemMeta2 = itemStack2.getItemMeta();

    if (itemMeta1 instanceof BookMeta && itemMeta2 instanceof BookMeta) {
        BookMeta bookMeta1 = (BookMeta) itemStack1.getItemMeta();
        BookMeta bookMeta2 = (BookMeta) itemStack2.getItemMeta();

        if ((getMajorVersion() == 9 && getRevision() == 1) || getMajorVersion() == 8) {
            CustomBookMeta.Generation generation1 = CustomBookMeta.getGeneration(itemStack1);
            CustomBookMeta.Generation generation2 = CustomBookMeta.getGeneration(itemStack2);

            if (generation1 == null) CustomBookMeta.setGeneration(itemStack1, CustomBookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL);
            if (generation2 == null) CustomBookMeta.setGeneration(itemStack2, CustomBookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL);
        } else {
            if (bookMeta1.getGeneration() == null) bookMeta1.setGeneration(BookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL);
            if (bookMeta2.getGeneration() == null) bookMeta2.setGeneration(BookMeta.Generation.ORIGINAL);


        itemStack1 = decode(encode(itemStack1));
        itemStack2 = decode(encode(itemStack2));

    return itemStack1.isSimilar(itemStack2);
源代码25 项目: BetonQuest   文件: Journal.java
 * Checks if the item is journal
 * @param playerID ID of the player
 * @param item     ItemStack to check against being the journal
 * @return true if the ItemStack is the journal, false otherwise
public static boolean isJournal(String playerID, ItemStack item) {
    // if there is no item then it's not a journal
    if (item == null) {
        return false;
    // get language
    String playerLang = BetonQuest.getInstance().getPlayerData(playerID).getLanguage();
    // check all properties of the item and return the result
    return (item.getType().equals(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK) && ((BookMeta) item.getItemMeta()).hasTitle()
            && ((BookMeta) item.getItemMeta()).getTitle().equals(Config.getMessage(playerLang, "journal_title"))
            && item.getItemMeta().hasLore()
            && item.getItemMeta().getLore().contains(Config.getMessage(playerLang, "journal_lore")));
源代码26 项目: civcraft   文件: Spy.java
public void onPlayerDeath(EntityDeathEvent event, ItemStack stack) {
	Player player = (Player)event.getEntity();
	Resident resident = CivGlobal.getResident(player);
	if (resident == null || !resident.hasTown()) {
	ArrayList<String> bookout = MissionLogger.getMissionLogs(resident.getTown());
	ItemStack book = new ItemStack(Material.WRITTEN_BOOK, 1);
	BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) book.getItemMeta();
	ArrayList<String> lore = new ArrayList<String>();
	lore.add("Mission Report");
	meta.setAuthor("Mission Reports");
	meta.setTitle("Missions From "+resident.getTown().getName());
	String out = "";
	for (String str : bookout) {
		out += str+"\n";
	BookUtil.paginate(meta, out);			

	player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), book);
源代码27 项目: PlotMe-Core   文件: SchematicUtil.java
private Item getItem(ItemStack is, Byte slot) {
    byte count = (byte) is.getAmount();
    short damage = (short) is.getData().getData();
    short itemid = (short) is.getTypeId();

    ItemTag itemtag = null;

    if (is.hasItemMeta()) {
        List<Ench> enchants = null;

        ItemMeta im = is.getItemMeta();

        Map<Enchantment, Integer> isEnchants = im.getEnchants();
        if (isEnchants != null) {
            enchants = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Enchantment ench : isEnchants.keySet()) {
                enchants.add(new Ench((short) ench.getId(), isEnchants.get(ench).shortValue()));

        List<String> lore = im.getLore();
        String name = im.getDisplayName();
        Display display = new Display(name, lore);

        String author = null;
        String title = null;
        List<String> pages = null;
        if (im instanceof BookMeta) {
            BookMeta bm = (BookMeta) im;
            author = bm.getAuthor();
            title = bm.getTitle();
            pages = bm.getPages();

        itemtag = new ItemTag(0, enchants, display, author, title, pages);

    return new Item(count, slot, damage, itemid, itemtag);
源代码28 项目: PlotMe-Core   文件: SchematicUtil.java
private void setTag(ItemStack is, ItemTag itemtag) {
    List<Ench> enchants = itemtag.getEnchants();
    //Integer repaircost = itemtag.getRepairCost();
    List<String> pages = itemtag.getPages();
    String author = itemtag.getAuthor();
    String title = itemtag.getTitle();
    Display display = itemtag.getDisplay();

    ItemMeta itemmeta = is.getItemMeta();

    if (display != null) {
        List<String> lores = display.getLore();
        String name = display.getName();


    if (itemmeta instanceof BookMeta) {
        BookMeta bookmeta = (BookMeta) itemmeta;

    if (itemmeta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta) {
        EnchantmentStorageMeta enchantmentstoragemeta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) itemmeta;

        for (Ench enchant : enchants) {
            enchantmentstoragemeta.addEnchant(Enchantment.getById(enchant.getId()), enchant.getLvl(), true);

源代码29 项目: CardinalPGM   文件: Items.java
public static ItemStack createBook(Material material, int amount, String name, String author) {
    ItemStack item = createItem(material, amount, (short) 0, name);
    BookMeta meta = (BookMeta) item.getItemMeta();
    return item;
源代码30 项目: NBTEditor   文件: BookOfSouls.java
public static EntityNBT bookToEntityNBT(ItemStack book) {
	if (isValidBook(book)) {
		try {
			String data = BookSerialize.loadData((BookMeta) book.getItemMeta(), _dataTitle);
			if (data == null) {
				// This is not a BoS v0.2, is BoS v0.1?
				data = BookSerialize.loadData((BookMeta) book.getItemMeta(), _dataTitleOLD);
				if (data != null) {
					// Yes, it is v0.1, do a dirty conversion.
					int i = data.indexOf(',');
					NBTTagCompound nbtData = NBTTagCompound.unserialize(Base64.decode(data.substring(i + 1)));
					nbtData.setString("id", data.substring(0, i));
					data = Base64.encodeBytes(nbtData.serialize(), Base64.GZIP);
			if (data != null) {
				if (data.startsWith("§k")) {
					// Dirty fix, for some reason 'data' can sometimes start with §k.
					// Remove it!!!
					data = data.substring(2);
				return EntityNBT.unserialize(data);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			_plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Corrupt Book of Souls.", e);
			return null;
	return null;