

源代码1 项目: Kettle   文件: CraftMapRenderer.java
public void render(MapView map, MapCanvas canvas, Player player) {
    // Map
    for (int x = 0; x < 128; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < 128; ++y) {
            canvas.setPixel(x, y, worldMap.colors[y * 128 + x]);

    // Cursors
    MapCursorCollection cursors = canvas.getCursors();
    while (cursors.size() > 0) {

    for (Object key : worldMap.mapDecorations.keySet()) {
        // If this cursor is for a player check visibility with vanish system
        Player other = Bukkit.getPlayerExact((String) key);
        if (other != null && !player.canSee(other)) {

        MapDecoration decoration = worldMap.mapDecorations.get(key);
        cursors.addCursor(decoration.getX(), decoration.getY(), (byte) (decoration.getRotation() & 15), decoration.getImage());
源代码2 项目: LagMonitor   文件: ThreadsGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    int threadCount = threadBean.getThreadCount();
    int daemonCount = threadBean.getDaemonThreadCount();

    //round up to the nearest multiple of 5
    int roundedMax = (int) (5 * (Math.ceil((float) threadCount / 5)));
    int threadHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, threadCount);
    int daemonHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, daemonCount);

    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, MAX_HEIGHT - threadHeight, MAX_COLOR);
    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, MAX_HEIGHT - daemonHeight, USED_COLOR);

    //these is the max number of all threads
    return threadCount;
源代码3 项目: LagMonitor   文件: CombinedGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    for (int i = 0; i < graphRenderers.length; i++) {
        GraphRenderer graphRenderer = graphRenderers[i];
        int position = this.componentLastPos[i];

        //index starts with 0 so in the end - 1
        int maxComponentWidth = (i + 1) * componentWidth + i * SPACES - 1;
        if (position > maxComponentWidth) {
            //reset it to the start pos
            position = i * componentWidth + i * SPACES;

        graphRenderer.renderGraphTick(canvas, position);
        this.componentLastPos[i] = position;

    return 100;
源代码4 项目: LagMonitor   文件: HeapGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    //byte -> mega byte
    int max = (int) (heapUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted() / 1024 / 1024);
    int used = (int) (heapUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed() / 1024 / 1024);

    //round to the next 100 e.g. 801 -> 900
    int roundedMax = ((max + 99) / 100) * 100;

    int maxHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, max);
    int usedHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, used);

    //x=0 y=0 is the left top point so convert it
    int convertedMaxHeight = MAX_HEIGHT - maxHeight;
    int convertedUsedHeight = MAX_HEIGHT - usedHeight;

    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, convertedMaxHeight, MAX_COLOR);
    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, convertedUsedHeight, USED_COLOR);

    return maxHeight;
源代码5 项目: LagMonitor   文件: ThreadsGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    int threadCount = threadBean.getThreadCount();
    int daemonCount = threadBean.getDaemonThreadCount();

    //round up to the nearest multiple of 5
    int roundedMax = (int) (5 * (Math.ceil((float) threadCount / 5)));
    int threadHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, threadCount);
    int daemonHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, daemonCount);

    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, MAX_HEIGHT - threadHeight, MAX_COLOR);
    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, MAX_HEIGHT - daemonHeight, USED_COLOR);

    //these is the max number of all threads
    return threadCount;
源代码6 项目: LagMonitor   文件: CombinedGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    for (int i = 0; i < graphRenderers.length; i++) {
        GraphRenderer graphRenderer = graphRenderers[i];
        int position = this.componentLastPos[i];

        //index starts with 0 so in the end - 1
        int maxComponentWidth = (i + 1) * componentWidth + i * SPACES - 1;
        if (position > maxComponentWidth) {
            //reset it to the start pos
            position = i * componentWidth + i * SPACES;

        graphRenderer.renderGraphTick(canvas, position);
        this.componentLastPos[i] = position;

    return 100;
源代码7 项目: LagMonitor   文件: HeapGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    //byte -> mega byte
    int max = (int) (heapUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getCommitted() / 1024 / 1024);
    int used = (int) (heapUsage.getHeapMemoryUsage().getUsed() / 1024 / 1024);

    //round to the next 100 e.g. 801 -> 900
    int roundedMax = ((max + 99) / 100) * 100;

    int maxHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, max);
    int usedHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, used);

    //x=0 y=0 is the left top point so convert it
    int convertedMaxHeight = MAX_HEIGHT - maxHeight;
    int convertedUsedHeight = MAX_HEIGHT - usedHeight;

    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, convertedMaxHeight, MAX_COLOR);
    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, convertedUsedHeight, USED_COLOR);

    return maxHeight;
源代码8 项目: MCAuthenticator   文件: ImageMapRenderer.java
public void render(MapView mapView, MapCanvas mapCanvas, Player player) {
    for (int x = 0; x < 128; x++) {
        for (int z = 0; z < 128; z++) {
            mapCanvas.setPixel(x, z, bitMatrix.get(x, z) ? FILL_COLOR : MapPalette.WHITE);
源代码9 项目: LagMonitor   文件: ClassesGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    int loadedClasses = classBean.getLoadedClassCount();

    //round up to the nearest multiple of 5
    int roundedMax = (int) (5 * (Math.ceil((float) loadedClasses / 5)));
    int loadedHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, loadedClasses);

    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, MAX_HEIGHT - loadedHeight, MAX_COLOR);

    //these is the max number
    return loadedClasses;
源代码10 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
public void render(MapView map, MapCanvas canvas, Player player) {
    if (nextUpdate <= 0) {
        //paint only every half seconds (20 Ticks / 2)
        nextUpdate = 10;

        if (nextPosX >= MAX_WIDTH) {
            //start again from the beginning
            nextPosX = 0;

        clearBar(canvas, nextPosX);
        //make it more visual where the renderer is at the moment
        clearBar(canvas, nextPosX + 1);
        int maxValue = renderGraphTick(canvas, nextPosX);

        //override the color
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH / 2, MAX_HEIGHT / 2, title);

        //count indicators
        String maxText = Integer.toString(maxValue);
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH - Math.floorDiv(getTextWidth(maxText), 2), TEXT_HEIGHT, maxText);

        String midText = Integer.toString(maxValue / 2);
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH - Math.floorDiv(getTextWidth(midText), 2), MAX_HEIGHT / 2, midText);

        String zeroText = Integer.toString(0);
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH - Math.floorDiv(getTextWidth(zeroText), 2), MAX_HEIGHT, zeroText);


源代码11 项目: Thermos   文件: CraftMapRenderer.java
public void render(MapView map, MapCanvas canvas, Player player) {
    if(CauldronCommand.debug) {
    System.out.println("Default Map Render called!");
    for (StackTraceElement ste : Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()) {
    } }

    // Map
    for (int x = 0; x < 128; ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < 128; ++y) {
            canvas.setPixel(x, y, worldMap.colors[y * 128 + x]);

    // Cursors
    MapCursorCollection cursors = canvas.getCursors();
    while (cursors.size() > 0) {

    for (UUID key : worldMap.playersVisibleOnMap.keySet()) { // Spigot string -> uuid
        // If this cursor is for a player check visibility with vanish system
        Player other = Bukkit.getPlayer(key); // Spigot
        if (other != null && !player.canSee(other)) {

        net.minecraft.world.storage.MapData.MapCoord decoration = (net.minecraft.world.storage.MapData.MapCoord) worldMap.playersVisibleOnMap.get(key);
        cursors.addCursor(decoration.centerX, decoration.centerZ, (byte) (decoration.iconRotation & 15), decoration.iconSize);
源代码12 项目: LagMonitor   文件: ClassesGraph.java
public int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX) {
    int loadedClasses = classBean.getLoadedClassCount();

    //round up to the nearest multiple of 5
    int roundedMax = (int) (5 * (Math.ceil((float) loadedClasses / 5)));
    int loadedHeight = getHeightScaled(roundedMax, loadedClasses);

    fillBar(canvas, nextPosX, MAX_HEIGHT - loadedHeight, MAX_COLOR);

    //these is the max number
    return loadedClasses;
源代码13 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
public void render(MapView map, MapCanvas canvas, Player player) {
    if (nextUpdate <= 0) {
        //paint only every half seconds (20 Ticks / 2)
        nextUpdate = 10;

        if (nextPosX >= MAX_WIDTH) {
            //start again from the beginning
            nextPosX = 0;

        clearBar(canvas, nextPosX);
        //make it more visual where the renderer is at the moment
        clearBar(canvas, nextPosX + 1);
        int maxValue = renderGraphTick(canvas, nextPosX);

        //override the color
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH / 2, MAX_HEIGHT / 2, title);

        //count indicators
        String maxText = Integer.toString(maxValue);
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH - Math.floorDiv(getTextWidth(maxText), 2), TEXT_HEIGHT, maxText);

        String midText = Integer.toString(maxValue / 2);
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH - Math.floorDiv(getTextWidth(midText), 2), MAX_HEIGHT / 2, midText);

        String zeroText = Integer.toString(0);
        drawText(canvas, MAX_WIDTH - Math.floorDiv(getTextWidth(zeroText), 2), MAX_HEIGHT, zeroText);


源代码14 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void clearBar(MapCanvas canvas, int posX) {
    //resets the complete y coordinates on this x in order to free unused
    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < MAX_HEIGHT; yPos++) {
        canvas.setPixel(posX, yPos, (byte) 0);
源代码15 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void clearMap(MapCanvas canvas) {
    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < MAX_WIDTH; xPos++) {
        fillBar(canvas, xPos, 0, (byte) 0);
源代码16 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void fillBar(MapCanvas canvas, int xPos, int yStart, byte color) {
    for (int yPos = yStart; yPos < MAX_HEIGHT; yPos++) {
        canvas.setPixel(xPos, yPos, color);
源代码17 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void drawText(MapCanvas canvas, int midX, int midY, String text) {
    int textWidth = getTextWidth(text);
    canvas.drawText(midX - (textWidth / 2), midY - (TEXT_HEIGHT / 2), MinecraftFont.Font, text);
源代码18 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void clearBar(MapCanvas canvas, int posX) {
    //resets the complete y coordinates on this x in order to free unused
    for (int yPos = 0; yPos < MAX_HEIGHT; yPos++) {
        canvas.setPixel(posX, yPos, (byte) 0);
源代码19 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void clearMap(MapCanvas canvas) {
    for (int xPos = 0; xPos < MAX_WIDTH; xPos++) {
        fillBar(canvas, xPos, 0, (byte) 0);
源代码20 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void fillBar(MapCanvas canvas, int xPos, int yStart, byte color) {
    for (int yPos = yStart; yPos < MAX_HEIGHT; yPos++) {
        canvas.setPixel(xPos, yPos, color);
源代码21 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
protected void drawText(MapCanvas canvas, int midX, int midY, String text) {
    int textWidth = getTextWidth(text);
    canvas.drawText(midX - (textWidth / 2), midY - (TEXT_HEIGHT / 2), MinecraftFont.Font, text);
源代码22 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
public abstract int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX); 
源代码23 项目: LagMonitor   文件: GraphRenderer.java
public abstract int renderGraphTick(MapCanvas canvas, int nextPosX); 