

源代码1 项目: Slimefun4   文件: MinecraftRecipeService.java
 * This returns the shape of a given {@link Recipe}.
 * For any shapeless {@link Recipe} the result will be equivalent to
 * {@link RecipeSnapshot#getRecipeInput(Recipe)}.
 * For a {@link ShapedRecipe} this method will fix the order so it matches a
 * 3x3 crafting grid.
 * @param recipe
 *            The {@link Recipe} to get the shape from
 * @return An Array of {@link RecipeChoice} representing the shape of this {@link Recipe}
public RecipeChoice[] getRecipeShape(Recipe recipe) {
    Validate.notNull(recipe, "Recipe must not be null!");

    if (recipe instanceof ShapedRecipe) {
        List<RecipeChoice> choices = new LinkedList<>();

        for (String row : ((ShapedRecipe) recipe).getShape()) {
            int columns = row.toCharArray().length;

            for (char key : row.toCharArray()) {
                choices.add(((ShapedRecipe) recipe).getChoiceMap().get(key));

            while (columns < 3) {

        return choices.toArray(new RecipeChoice[0]);
    else {
        return snapshot.getRecipeInput(recipe);
源代码2 项目: Slimefun4   文件: TestRecipeService.java
public void testShapelessRecipeShape() {
    MinecraftRecipeService service = new MinecraftRecipeService(plugin);

    Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> service.getRecipeShape(null));

    NamespacedKey key = new NamespacedKey(plugin, "shapeless_test");
    ShapelessRecipe recipe = new ShapelessRecipe(key, new ItemStack(Material.TNT_MINECART));
    MaterialChoice choice = new MaterialChoice(Material.TNT);


    Assertions.assertArrayEquals(new RecipeChoice[] { choice }, service.getRecipeShape(recipe));
源代码3 项目: Transport-Pipes   文件: ItemService.java
public ShapedRecipe createShapedRecipe(TransportPipes transportPipes, String recipeKey, ItemStack resultItem, String[] shape, Object... ingredientMap) {
    ShapedRecipe recipe = new ShapedRecipe(new NamespacedKey(transportPipes, recipeKey), resultItem);
    for (int i = 0; i < ingredientMap.length; i += 2) {
        char c = (char) ingredientMap[i];
        if (ingredientMap[i + 1] instanceof Material) {
            recipe.setIngredient(c, (Material) ingredientMap[i + 1]);
        } else {
            recipe.setIngredient(c, new RecipeChoice.MaterialChoice(((Collection<Material>) ingredientMap[i + 1]).stream().collect(Collectors.toList())));
    return recipe;
源代码4 项目: UhcCore   文件: UpsideDownCraftsListener.java
private ShapedRecipe getUpsideDownRecipeFor(ShapedRecipe recipe){
    ShapedRecipe upsideDown = VersionUtils.getVersionUtils().createShapedRecipe(recipe.getResult(), UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    Map<Character, RecipeChoice> recipeChoiceMap = recipe.getChoiceMap();
    for (char c : recipeChoiceMap.keySet()){
        upsideDown.setIngredient(c, recipeChoiceMap.get(c));

    return upsideDown;
源代码5 项目: UhcCore   文件: RandomizedCraftsListener.java
private ShapedRecipe cloneRecipeWithResult(ShapedRecipe recipe, ItemStack result){
    ShapedRecipe clone = VersionUtils.getVersionUtils().createShapedRecipe(result, UUID.randomUUID().toString());

    Map<Character, RecipeChoice> recipeChoiceMap = recipe.getChoiceMap();
    for (char c : recipeChoiceMap.keySet()){
        clone.setIngredient(c, recipeChoiceMap.get(c));

    return clone;
源代码6 项目: Slimefun4   文件: ElectricFurnace.java
public void registerDefaultRecipes() {
    SlimefunPlugin.getMinecraftRecipeService().subscribe(snapshot -> {
        for (FurnaceRecipe recipe : snapshot.getRecipes(FurnaceRecipe.class)) {
            RecipeChoice choice = recipe.getInputChoice();

            if (choice instanceof MaterialChoice) {
                for (Material input : ((MaterialChoice) choice).getChoices()) {
                    registerRecipe(4, new ItemStack[] { new ItemStack(input) }, new ItemStack[] { recipe.getResult() });
源代码7 项目: Slimefun4   文件: ChestSlimefunGuide.java
private void showMinecraftRecipe(Recipe[] recipes, int index, ItemStack item, PlayerProfile profile, Player p, boolean addToHistory) {
    Recipe recipe = recipes[index];

    ItemStack[] recipeItems = new ItemStack[9];
    RecipeType recipeType = RecipeType.NULL;
    ItemStack result = null;

    Optional<MinecraftRecipe<? super Recipe>> optional = MinecraftRecipe.of(recipe);
    RecipeChoiceTask task = new RecipeChoiceTask();

    if (optional.isPresent()) {
        MinecraftRecipe<?> mcRecipe = optional.get();

        RecipeChoice[] choices = SlimefunPlugin.getMinecraftRecipeService().getRecipeShape(recipe);

        if (choices.length == 1 && choices[0] instanceof MaterialChoice) {
            recipeItems[4] = new ItemStack(((MaterialChoice) choices[0]).getChoices().get(0));

            if (((MaterialChoice) choices[0]).getChoices().size() > 1) {
                task.add(recipeSlots[4], (MaterialChoice) choices[0]);
        else {
            for (int i = 0; i < choices.length; i++) {
                if (choices[i] instanceof MaterialChoice) {
                    recipeItems[i] = new ItemStack(((MaterialChoice) choices[i]).getChoices().get(0));

                    if (((MaterialChoice) choices[i]).getChoices().size() > 1) {
                        task.add(recipeSlots[i], (MaterialChoice) choices[i]);

        recipeType = new RecipeType(mcRecipe);
        result = recipe.getResult();
    else {
        recipeItems = new ItemStack[] { null, null, null, null, new CustomItem(Material.BARRIER, "&4We are somehow unable to show you this Recipe :/"), null, null, null, null };

    ChestMenu menu = create(p);

    if (addToHistory) {
        profile.getGuideHistory().add(item, index);

    displayItem(menu, profile, p, item, result, recipeType, recipeItems, task);

    if (recipes.length > 1) {
        for (int i = 27; i < 36; i++) {
            menu.addItem(i, ChestMenuUtils.getBackground(), ChestMenuUtils.getEmptyClickHandler());

        menu.addItem(28, ChestMenuUtils.getPreviousButton(p, index + 1, recipes.length), (pl, slot, action, stack) -> {
            if (index > 0) {
                showMinecraftRecipe(recipes, index - 1, item, profile, p, true);
            return false;

        menu.addItem(34, ChestMenuUtils.getNextButton(p, index + 1, recipes.length), (pl, slot, action, stack) -> {
            if (index < recipes.length - 1) {
                showMinecraftRecipe(recipes, index + 1, item, profile, p, true);
            return false;


    if (!task.isEmpty()) {