

源代码1 项目: sequenceiq-samples   文件: MRJobStatus.java
public JobStatus printJobStatus(YARNRunner yarnRunner, JobID jobID) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
	JobStatus jobStatus;
	jobStatus = yarnRunner.getJobStatus(jobID);
	// print overall job M/R progresses
	LOGGER.info("\nJob " + jobStatus.getJobName() + "in queue (" + jobStatus.getQueue() + ")" + " progress M/R: " + jobStatus.getMapProgress() + "/" + jobStatus.getReduceProgress());
	LOGGER.info("Tracking URL : " + jobStatus.getTrackingUrl());
	LOGGER.info("Reserved memory : " + jobStatus.getReservedMem() + ", used memory : "+ jobStatus.getUsedMem() + " and used slots : "+ jobStatus.getNumUsedSlots());
	// list map & reduce tasks statuses and progress		
	TaskReport[] reports = yarnRunner.getTaskReports(jobID, TaskType.MAP);
	for (int i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) {
		LOGGER.info("MAP: Status " + reports[i].getCurrentStatus() + " with task ID " + reports[i].getTaskID() + ", and progress " + reports[i].getProgress()); 
	reports = yarnRunner.getTaskReports(jobID, TaskType.REDUCE);
	for (int i = 0; i < reports.length; i++) {
		LOGGER.info("REDUCE: " + reports[i].getCurrentStatus() + " with task ID " + reports[i].getTaskID() + ", and progress " + reports[i].getProgress()); 
	return jobStatus;
源代码2 项目: hadoop   文件: TestClientProtocolProviderImpls.java
public void testClusterWithYarnClientProvider() throws Exception {
  Configuration conf = new Configuration();
  conf.set(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME, "yarn");
  Cluster cluster = new Cluster(conf);
  assertTrue(cluster.getClient() instanceof YARNRunner);
源代码3 项目: big-c   文件: TestClientProtocolProviderImpls.java
public void testClusterWithYarnClientProvider() throws Exception {
  Configuration conf = new Configuration();
  conf.set(MRConfig.FRAMEWORK_NAME, "yarn");
  Cluster cluster = new Cluster(conf);
  assertTrue(cluster.getClient() instanceof YARNRunner);
源代码4 项目: sequenceiq-samples   文件: JobClient.java
public static void main(String[] args) {
	try {
		JobClient jobClient = new JobClient();
		QueueOrchestrator qo = new QueueOrchestrator();
		HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
		ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
		String schedulerURL = "http://sandbox.hortonworks.com:8088/ws/v1/cluster/scheduler";
		LOGGER.info("Starting YARN Capacity Queue Test");
		LOGGER.info("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues = default,highPriority,lowPriority");
		LOGGER.info("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.highPriority.capacity = 70");
		LOGGER.info("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.lowPriority.capacity = 20");
		LOGGER.info("yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.highPriority.default = 10");
		LOGGER.info("Scheduler URL: ", schedulerURL);
		MRJobStatus mrJobStatus = new MRJobStatus();
		QueueInformation queueInformation = new QueueInformation();
		//Create low priority setup - low priority root queue (capacity-scheduler.xml)
		Path tempDirLow = jobClient.createTempDir("lowPriority");
		//Create high priority setup - high priority root queue (capacity-scheduler.xml)
		Path tempDirHigh = jobClient.createTempDir("highPriority");
		String lowPriorityQueue = new String("lowPriority");
		String highPriorityQueue = new String("highPriority");

		// create YarnRunner to use for job status listing
		Configuration lowPriorityConf = qo.getConfiguration(lowPriorityQueue);
		// doesn't matter the configuration as we use YarnRunner only to retrieve job status info 
        YARNRunner yarnRunner = new YARNRunner(lowPriorityConf);
     	Configuration highPriorityConf = qo.getConfiguration(lowPriorityQueue);

		JobID lowPriorityJobID = qo.submitJobsIntoQueues(lowPriorityQueue, tempDirLow);
		JobID highPriorityJobID = qo.submitJobsIntoQueues(highPriorityQueue, tempDirHigh);
		// list low priority job status
		JobStatus lowPriorityJobStatus = mrJobStatus.printJobStatus(yarnRunner, lowPriorityJobID);
		// list high priority job status
		JobStatus highPriorityJobStatus = mrJobStatus.printJobStatus(yarnRunner, highPriorityJobID);
		// list job statuses & queue information until job(s) are completed
		for(;!lowPriorityJobStatus.isJobComplete();) {
			highPriorityJobStatus = mrJobStatus.printJobStatus(yarnRunner, highPriorityJobID);								
			lowPriorityJobStatus = mrJobStatus.printJobStatus(yarnRunner, lowPriorityJobID);				
			queueInformation.printQueueInfo(client, mapper, schedulerURL);
	} catch (Exception e) {
		LOGGER.error("Exception occured", e);