

源代码1 项目: lucene-solr   文件: IndexAndTaxonomyRevision.java
 * Constructor over the given {@link IndexWriter}. Uses the last
 * {@link IndexCommit} found in the {@link Directory} managed by the given
 * writer.
public IndexAndTaxonomyRevision(IndexWriter indexWriter, SnapshotDirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter)
    throws IOException {
  IndexDeletionPolicy delPolicy = indexWriter.getConfig().getIndexDeletionPolicy();
  if (!(delPolicy instanceof SnapshotDeletionPolicy)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("IndexWriter must be created with SnapshotDeletionPolicy");
  this.indexWriter = indexWriter;
  this.taxoWriter = taxoWriter;
  this.indexSDP = (SnapshotDeletionPolicy) delPolicy;
  this.taxoSDP = taxoWriter.getDeletionPolicy();
  this.indexCommit = indexSDP.snapshot();
  this.taxoCommit = taxoSDP.snapshot();
  this.version = revisionVersion(indexCommit, taxoCommit);
  this.sourceFiles = revisionFiles(indexCommit, taxoCommit);
源代码2 项目: lucene-solr   文件: SolrCore.java
private IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper initDeletionPolicy(IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper delPolicyWrapper) {
  if (delPolicyWrapper != null) {
    return delPolicyWrapper;

  final PluginInfo info = solrConfig.getPluginInfo(IndexDeletionPolicy.class.getName());
  final IndexDeletionPolicy delPolicy;
  if (info != null) {
    delPolicy = createInstance(info.className, IndexDeletionPolicy.class, "Deletion Policy for SOLR", this, getResourceLoader());
    if (delPolicy instanceof NamedListInitializedPlugin) {
      ((NamedListInitializedPlugin) delPolicy).init(info.initArgs);
  } else {
    delPolicy = new SolrDeletionPolicy();

  return new IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper(delPolicy, snapshotMgr);
源代码3 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: DeletionPolicyModule.java
protected void configure() {

源代码4 项目: lucene-solr   文件: CreateIndexTask.java
public static IndexDeletionPolicy getIndexDeletionPolicy(Config config) {
  String deletionPolicyName = config.get("deletion.policy", "org.apache.lucene.index.KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy");
  if (deletionPolicyName.equals(NoDeletionPolicy.class.getName())) {
    return NoDeletionPolicy.INSTANCE;
  } else {
    try {
      return Class.forName(deletionPolicyName).asSubclass(IndexDeletionPolicy.class).getConstructor().newInstance();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("unable to instantiate class '" + deletionPolicyName + "' as IndexDeletionPolicy", e);
源代码5 项目: lucene-solr   文件: IndexRevision.java
 * Constructor over the given {@link IndexWriter}. Uses the last
 * {@link IndexCommit} found in the {@link Directory} managed by the given
 * writer.
public IndexRevision(IndexWriter writer) throws IOException {
  IndexDeletionPolicy delPolicy = writer.getConfig().getIndexDeletionPolicy();
  if (!(delPolicy instanceof SnapshotDeletionPolicy)) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("IndexWriter must be created with SnapshotDeletionPolicy");
  this.writer = writer;
  this.sdp = (SnapshotDeletionPolicy) delPolicy;
  this.commit = sdp.snapshot();
  this.version = revisionVersion(commit);
  this.sourceFiles = revisionFiles(commit);
源代码6 项目: lucene-solr   文件: SolrSnapshotManager.java
 * This method deletes index files of the {@linkplain IndexCommit} for the specified generation number.
 * @param core The Solr core
 * @param dir The index directory storing the snapshot.
 * @throws IOException in case of I/O errors.

@SuppressWarnings({"try", "unused"})
private static void deleteSnapshotIndexFiles(SolrCore core, Directory dir, IndexDeletionPolicy delPolicy) throws IOException {
  IndexWriterConfig conf = core.getSolrConfig().indexConfig.toIndexWriterConfig(core);
  conf.setMergePolicy(NoMergePolicy.INSTANCE);//Don't want to merge any commits here!
  try (SolrIndexWriter iw = new SolrIndexWriter("SolrSnapshotCleaner", dir, conf)) {
    // Do nothing. The only purpose of opening index writer is to invoke the Lucene IndexDeletionPolicy#onInit
    // method so that we can cleanup the files associated with specified index commit.
    // Note the index writer creates a new commit during the close() operation (which is harmless).
源代码7 项目: RDFS   文件: TestMixedDirectory.java
public void updateIndex(Directory dir, int base, int numDocs,
    IndexDeletionPolicy policy) throws IOException {
  IndexWriter writer =
      new IndexWriter(dir, false, new StandardAnalyzer(), policy);
  for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
    addDoc(writer, base + i);
源代码8 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件: TestMixedDirectory.java
public void updateIndex(Directory dir, int base, int numDocs,
    IndexDeletionPolicy policy) throws IOException {
  IndexWriter writer =
      new IndexWriter(dir, false, new StandardAnalyzer(), policy);
  for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) {
    addDoc(writer, base + i);
源代码9 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: SnapshotDeletionPolicy.java
 * Constructs a new snapshot deletion policy that wraps the provided deletion policy.
public SnapshotDeletionPolicy(@Named("actual") IndexDeletionPolicy primary) {
    super(((IndexShardComponent) primary).shardId(), ((IndexShardComponent) primary).indexSettings());
    this.primary = primary;
源代码10 项目: Elasticsearch   文件: SnapshotDeletionPolicy.java
public IndexDeletionPolicy clone() {
   // Lucene IW makes a clone internally but since we hold on to this instance 
   // the clone will just be the identity. See InternalEngine recovery why we need this.
   return this;
源代码11 项目: lucene-solr   文件: SolrIndexWriter.java
private SolrIndexWriter(SolrCore core, String name, String path, Directory directory, boolean create, IndexSchema schema, SolrIndexConfig config, IndexDeletionPolicy delPolicy, Codec codec) throws IOException {
        setOpenMode(create ? IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE : IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.APPEND).
  log.debug("Opened Writer {}", name);
  this.name = name;
  infoStream = getConfig().getInfoStream();
  this.directory = directory;
  solrMetricsContext = core.getSolrMetricsContext().getChildContext(this);
  if (config.metricsInfo != null && config.metricsInfo.initArgs != null) {
    Object v = config.metricsInfo.initArgs.get("majorMergeDocs");
    if (v != null) {
      try {
        majorMergeDocs = Long.parseLong(String.valueOf(v));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn("Invalid 'majorMergeDocs' argument, using default 512k", e);
    Boolean Totals = config.metricsInfo.initArgs.getBooleanArg("merge");
    Boolean Details = config.metricsInfo.initArgs.getBooleanArg("mergeDetails");
    if (Details != null) {
      mergeDetails = Details;
    } else {
      mergeDetails = false;
    if (Totals != null) {
      mergeTotals = Totals;
    } else {
      mergeTotals = false;
    if (mergeDetails) {
      mergeTotals = true; // override
      majorMergedDocs = solrMetricsContext.meter("docs", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "major");
      majorDeletedDocs = solrMetricsContext.meter("deletedDocs", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "major");
    if (mergeTotals) {
      minorMerge = solrMetricsContext.timer("minor", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge");
      majorMerge = solrMetricsContext.timer("major", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge");
      mergeErrors = solrMetricsContext.counter("errors", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge");
      String tag = core.getMetricTag();
      solrMetricsContext.gauge(() -> runningMajorMerges.get(), true, "running", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "major");
      solrMetricsContext.gauge(() -> runningMinorMerges.get(), true, "running", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "minor");
      solrMetricsContext.gauge(() -> runningMajorMergesDocs.get(), true, "running.docs", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "major");
      solrMetricsContext.gauge(() -> runningMinorMergesDocs.get(), true, "running.docs", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "minor");
      solrMetricsContext.gauge(() -> runningMajorMergesSegments.get(), true, "running.segments", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "major");
      solrMetricsContext.gauge(() -> runningMinorMergesSegments.get(), true, "running.segments", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString(), "merge", "minor");
      flushMeter = solrMetricsContext.meter("flush", SolrInfoBean.Category.INDEX.toString());
源代码12 项目: lucene-solr   文件: IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper.java
public IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper(IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, SolrSnapshotMetaDataManager snapshotMgr) {
  this.deletionPolicy = deletionPolicy;
  this.snapshotMgr = snapshotMgr;
源代码13 项目: lucene-solr   文件: IndexDeletionPolicyWrapper.java
public IndexDeletionPolicy getWrappedDeletionPolicy() {
  return deletionPolicy;
源代码14 项目: incubator-retired-blur   文件: TableContext.java
public IndexDeletionPolicy getIndexDeletionPolicy() {
  return _indexDeletionPolicy;
public IndexDeletionPolicyReader(IndexDeletionPolicy base) {
  _base = base;