

源代码1 项目: blueocean-plugin   文件: Computers.java
public Container<ExecutorInfo> getExecutors() {
    final List<ExecutorInfo> out = new ArrayList<>();
    if (computer != null) {
        for (Executor e : computer.getExecutors()) {
            out.add(new ExecutorInfo(this, e));
    return new Container() {
        public Object get(String string) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported.");

        public Iterator iterator() {
            return out.iterator();

        public Link getLink() {
            return parent.rel("executors");
源代码2 项目: kubernetes-plugin   文件: KubernetesSlave.java
public Launcher createLauncher(TaskListener listener) {
    Launcher launcher = super.createLauncher(listener);
    if (template != null) {
        Executor executor = Executor.currentExecutor();
        if (executor != null) {
            Queue.Executable currentExecutable = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
            if (currentExecutable != null && executables.add(currentExecutable)) {
                        ModelHyperlinkNote.encodeTo("/computer/" + getNodeName(), getNodeName()),
    return launcher;
public static void attachFacet(Run<?, ?> run, TaskListener listener) {
    final Executor executor = run.getExecutor();
    if (executor == null) {

    final Computer owner = executor.getOwner();
    DockerComputer dockerComputer;
    if (owner instanceof DockerComputer) {
        dockerComputer = (DockerComputer) owner;
        try {
        } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
            listener.error("Can't add Docker fingerprint to run.");
            LOG.error("Can't add fingerprint to run {}", run, e);

protected void done(Executor executor) {
    final AbstractCloudComputer<?> c = (AbstractCloudComputer) executor.getOwner();
    Queue.Executable exec = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
    if (executor instanceof OneOffExecutor) {
        LOG.debug("Not terminating {} because {} was a flyweight task", c.getName(), exec);

    if (exec instanceof ContinuableExecutable && ((ContinuableExecutable) exec).willContinue()) {
        LOG.debug("not terminating {} because {} says it will be continued", c.getName(), exec);

    LOG.debug("terminating {} since {} seems to be finished", c.getName(), exec);
源代码5 项目: DotCi   文件: ShellScriptRunner.java
public Result runScript(final ShellCommands commands) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    Result r = Result.FAILURE;
    //Todo: use VitualChannel to figure out OS
    final String shellInterpreter = Functions.isWindows() ? "sh" : "/bin/bash";
    final Run run = this.buildExecutionContext.getRun();
    addExecutionInfoAction(run, commands);
    try {
        final Shell execution = new Shell("#!" + shellInterpreter + " -le \n" + commands.toShellScript());
        if (this.buildExecutionContext.performStep(execution, this.listener)) {
            r = Result.SUCCESS;
    } catch (final InterruptedException e) {
        r = Executor.currentExecutor().abortResult();
        throw e;
    } finally {
    return r;
源代码6 项目: DotCi   文件: DbBackedBuild.java
public Executor getExecutor() {
    final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance();
    if (jenkins == null) {
        return null;
    for (final Computer computer : jenkins.getComputers()) {
        for (final Executor executor : computer.getExecutors()) {
            if (isCurrent(executor)) {
                return executor;
    return null;
源代码7 项目: DotCi   文件: SubBuildScheduler.java
public void cancelSubBuilds(final PrintStream logger) {
    final Queue q = getJenkins().getQueue();
    synchronized (q) {
        final int n = this.dynamicBuild.getNumber();
        for (final Item i : q.getItems()) {
            final ParentBuildAction parentBuildAction = i.getAction(ParentBuildAction.class);
            if (parentBuildAction != null && this.dynamicBuild.equals(parentBuildAction.getParent())) {
        for (final DynamicSubProject c : this.dynamicBuild.getAllSubProjects()) {
            final DynamicSubBuild b = c.getBuildByNumber(n);
            if (b != null && b.isBuilding()) {
                final Executor exe = b.getExecutor();
                if (exe != null) {
private void done(Executor executor) {
    final DockerSwarmComputer c = (DockerSwarmComputer) executor.getOwner();
    Queue.Executable exec = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
    if (exec instanceof ContinuableExecutable && ((ContinuableExecutable) exec).willContinue()) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "not terminating {0} because {1} says it will be continued",
                new Object[] { c.getName(), exec });
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "terminating {0} since {1} seems to be finished", new Object[] { c.getName(), exec });
源代码9 项目: docker-swarm-plugin   文件: DockerSwarmComputer.java
public Queue.Executable getCurrentBuild() {
    if (!Iterables.isEmpty(getExecutors())) {
        final Executor exec = getExecutors().get(0);
        return exec.getCurrentExecutable() == null ? null : exec.getCurrentExecutable();
    return null;
源代码10 项目: jenkins-test-harness   文件: HudsonTestCase.java
 * Waits until Jenkins finishes building everything, including those builds in the queue, or fail the test
 * if the specified timeout milliseconds is exceeded.
protected void waitUntilNoActivityUpTo(int timeout) throws Exception {
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int streak = 0;

    while (true) {
        if (isSomethingHappening())

        if (streak>2)   // the system is quiet for a while

        if (System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime > timeout) {
            List<Executable> building = new ArrayList<Executable>();
            for (Computer c : jenkins.getComputers()) {
                for (Executor e : c.getExecutors()) {
                    if (e.isBusy())
            throw new AssertionError(String.format("Jenkins is still doing something after %dms: queue=%s building=%s",
                    timeout, Arrays.asList(jenkins.getQueue().getItems()), building));
 * Abort running builds when new build referencing same revision is scheduled to run
public void preCheckout(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException,
        InterruptedException {
    String abortOnRevisionId = getAbortOnRevisionId(build);
    // If ABORT_ON_REVISION_ID is available
    if (!CommonUtils.isBlank(abortOnRevisionId)) {
        // Create a cause of interruption
        PhabricatorCauseOfInterruption causeOfInterruption =
                new PhabricatorCauseOfInterruption(build.getUrl());
        Run upstreamRun = getUpstreamRun(build);

        // Get the running builds that were scheduled before the current one
        RunList<AbstractBuild> runningBuilds = (RunList<AbstractBuild>) build.getProject().getBuilds();
        for (AbstractBuild runningBuild : runningBuilds) {
            Executor executor = runningBuild.getExecutor();
            Run runningBuildUpstreamRun = getUpstreamRun(runningBuild);

            // Ignore builds that were triggered by the same upstream build
            // Find builds triggered with the same ABORT_ON_REVISION_ID_FIELD
            if (runningBuild.isBuilding()
                    && runningBuild.number < build.number
                    && abortOnRevisionId.equals(getAbortOnRevisionId(runningBuild))
                    && (upstreamRun == null
                    || runningBuildUpstreamRun == null
                    || !upstreamRun.equals(runningBuildUpstreamRun))
                    && executor != null) {
                // Abort the builds
                executor.interrupt(Result.ABORTED, causeOfInterruption);
源代码12 项目: kubernetes-plugin   文件: KubernetesComputer.java
public void taskCompleted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS) {
    Queue.Executable exec = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, " Computer {0} completed task {1}", new Object[] {this, exec});

    // May take the agent offline and remove it, in which case getNode()
    // above would return null and we'd not find our DockerSlave anymore.
    super.taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS);
源代码13 项目: yet-another-docker-plugin   文件: DockerComputer.java
public void taskCompleted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS) {
    LOG.debug("Computer {} taskCompleted", this);

    // May take the slave offline and remove it, in which case getNode()
    // above would return null and we'd not find our DockerSlave anymore.
    super.taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS);
源代码14 项目: amazon-ecs-plugin   文件: ECSComputer.java
public void taskAccepted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task) {
    super.taskAccepted(executor, task);
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "[{0}]: JobName: {1}", new Object[] {this.getName(), task.getDisplayName()});
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "[{0}]: JobUrl: {1}", new Object[] {this.getName(), task.getUrl()});
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "[{0}]: taskAccepted", this);
private void done(Executor executor) {
    final DockerComputer c = (DockerComputer) executor.getOwner();
    Queue.Executable exec = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
    if (exec instanceof ContinuableExecutable && ((ContinuableExecutable) exec).willContinue()) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "not terminating {0} because {1} says it will be continued", new Object[]{c.getName(), exec});
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "terminating {0} since {1} seems to be finished", new Object[]{c.getName(), exec});
源代码16 项目: DotCi   文件: DbBackedBuild.java
public Executor getOneOffExecutor() {
    for (final Computer c : Jenkins.getInstance().getComputers()) {
        for (final Executor e : c.getOneOffExecutors()) {
            if (isCurrent(e))
                return e;
    return null;
private void interruptTermKill(WorkflowRun b) throws Exception {
  if (b != null) {
    Executor ex = b.getExecutor();
    j.assertBuildStatus(Result.ABORTED, b);
public void taskAccepted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task) {
public void taskCompleted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS) {
    this.isTaskCompleted = true;
    getLogger(executor).println("Task completed: " + task.getFullDisplayName());
private PrintStream getLogger(Executor executor) {
    final DockerSwarmComputer c = (DockerSwarmComputer) executor.getOwner();
    return c.getListener().getLogger();
public void taskCompletedWithProblems(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS, Throwable problems) {
    taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS);
源代码22 项目: jenkins-nomad   文件: NomadComputer.java
public void taskAccepted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task) {
    super.taskAccepted(executor, task);
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, " Computer " + this + ": task accepted");
源代码23 项目: jenkins-nomad   文件: NomadComputer.java
public void taskCompleted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS) {
    super.taskCompleted(executor, task, durationMS);
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, " Computer " + this + ": task completed");
源代码24 项目: jenkins-nomad   文件: NomadComputer.java
public void taskCompletedWithProblems(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS, Throwable problems) {
    super.taskCompletedWithProblems(executor, task, durationMS, problems);
    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, " Computer " + this + " task completed with problems");
源代码25 项目: blueocean-plugin   文件: Computers.java
private ExecutorInfo(Resource parent, Executor executor) {
    this.parent = parent;
    this.executor = executor;
 * {@link ComputerLauncher#afterDisconnect(SlaveComputer, TaskListener)}
 * <p>
 * EC2 Fleet plugin overrides this method to detect jobs which were failed because of
 * EC2 instance was terminated/stopped. It could be manual stop or because of Spot marked.
 * In all cases as soon as job aborted because of broken connection and slave is offline
 * it will try to resubmit aborted job back to the queue, so user doesn't need to do that manually
 * and another slave could take it.
 * <p>
 * Implementation details
 * <p>
 * There is no official recommendation about way how to resubmit job according to
 * https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-49707 moreover some of Jenkins code says it impossible.
 * <p>
 * method checks {@link SlaveComputer#getOfflineCause()} for disconnect because of EC2 instance termination
 * it returns
 * <code>
 * result = {[email protected]} "Connection was broken: java.io.IOException:
 * Unexpected termination of the channel\n\tat hudson.remoting.SynchronousCommandTransport$ReaderThread...
 * cause = {[email protected]} "java.io.IOException: Unexpected termination of the channel"
 * timestamp = 1561067177837
 * </code>
 * @param computer computer
 * @param listener listener
public void afterDisconnect(final SlaveComputer computer, final TaskListener listener) {
    // according to jenkins docs could be null in edge cases, check ComputerLauncher.afterDisconnect
    if (computer == null) return;

    // in some multi-thread edge cases cloud could be null for some time, just be ok with that
    final EC2FleetCloud cloud = ((EC2FleetNodeComputer) computer).getCloud();
    if (cloud == null) {
        LOGGER.warning("Edge case cloud is null for computer " + computer.getDisplayName()
                + " should be autofixed in a few minutes, if no please create issue for plugin");

    final boolean unexpectedDisconnect = computer.isOffline() && computer.getOfflineCause() instanceof OfflineCause.ChannelTermination;
    if (!cloud.isDisableTaskResubmit() && unexpectedDisconnect) {
        final List<Executor> executors = computer.getExecutors();
        LOGGER.log(LOG_LEVEL, "Unexpected " + computer.getDisplayName()
                + " termination,  resubmit");

        for (Executor executor : executors) {
            if (executor.getCurrentExecutable() != null) {
                executor.interrupt(Result.ABORTED, new EC2TerminationCause(computer.getDisplayName()));

                final Queue.Executable executable = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
                // if executor is not idle
                if (executable != null) {
                    final SubTask subTask = executable.getParent();
                    final Queue.Task task = subTask.getOwnerTask();

                    List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>();
                    if (executable instanceof Actionable) {
                        actions = ((Actionable) executable).getActions();

                    Queue.getInstance().schedule2(task, RESCHEDULE_QUIET_PERIOD_SEC, actions);
                    LOGGER.log(LOG_LEVEL, "Unexpected " + computer.getDisplayName()
                            + " termination, resubmit " + task + " with actions " + actions);
        LOGGER.log(LOG_LEVEL, "Unexpected " + computer.getDisplayName()
                + " termination, resubmit finished");
    } else {
        LOGGER.log(LOG_LEVEL, "Unexpected " + computer.getDisplayName()
                + " termination but resubmit disabled, no actions, disableTaskResubmit: "
                + cloud.isDisableTaskResubmit() + ", offline: " + computer.isOffline()
                + ", offlineCause: " + (computer.getOfflineCause() != null ? computer.getOfflineCause().getClass() : "null"));

    // call parent
    super.afterDisconnect(computer, listener);
源代码27 项目: kubernetes-plugin   文件: KubernetesComputer.java
public void taskAccepted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task) {
    super.taskAccepted(executor, task);
    Queue.Executable exec = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, " Computer {0} accepted task {1}", new Object[] {this, exec});
源代码28 项目: kubernetes-plugin   文件: KubernetesComputer.java
public void taskCompletedWithProblems(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS, Throwable problems) {
    super.taskCompletedWithProblems(executor, task, durationMS, problems);
    Queue.Executable exec = executor.getCurrentExecutable();
    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, " Computer {0} completed task {1} with problems", new Object[] {this, exec});
源代码29 项目: yet-another-docker-plugin   文件: DockerComputer.java
public void taskAccepted(Executor executor, Queue.Task task) {
    super.taskAccepted(executor, task);
    LOG.debug("Computer {} taskAccepted", this);
源代码30 项目: yet-another-docker-plugin   文件: DockerComputer.java
public void taskCompletedWithProblems(Executor executor, Queue.Task task, long durationMS, Throwable problems) {
    LOG.debug("Computer {} taskCompletedWithProblems", this);
    super.taskCompletedWithProblems(executor, task, durationMS, problems);