

源代码1 项目: cantor   文件: HBaseStorage.java
 * @return the value before increment
public Optional<Long> incrementAndGet(long category, long ts, long range) {
    String tbl = String.format(TABLE_FMT, category % TABLE_COUNT);
    Table table = tableConnections.get(tbl);

    try {
        Increment increment = new Increment(Bytes.toBytes(String.format(ROW_KEY_FMT, ts)));
        byte[] col = Bytes.toBytes(String.valueOf(category));
        increment.addColumn(SERVICE_FAMILY, col, range);
        Result result = table.increment(increment);
        Long afterInc = Bytes.toLong(result.getValue(SERVICE_FAMILY, col));

        return Optional.of(afterInc);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (log.isErrorEnabled())
                    "increment range value failed for [ category: {} ] [ timestamp {} ] [ range {} ]",
                    category, ts, range, e);
        return Optional.empty();
源代码2 项目: phoenix   文件: Sequence.java
public Increment newIncrement(long timestamp, Sequence.ValueOp action) {
    Increment inc = new Increment(key.getKey());
    // It doesn't matter what we set the amount too - we always use the values we get
    // from the Get we do to prevent any race conditions. All columns that get added
    // are returned with their current value
    try {
        inc.setTimeRange(MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e); // Impossible
    for (KeyValue kv : SEQUENCE_KV_COLUMNS) {
        // We don't care about the amount, as we'll add what gets looked up on the server-side
        inc.addColumn(kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier(), action.ordinal());
    return inc;
源代码3 项目: hbase   文件: ThriftUtilities.java
public static Increment incrementFromThrift(TIncrement in) throws IOException {
  Increment out = new Increment(in.getRow());
  for (TColumnIncrement column : in.getColumns()) {
    out.addColumn(column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), column.getAmount());

  if (in.isSetAttributes()) {

  if (in.isSetDurability()) {

  if(in.getCellVisibility() != null) {
    out.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(in.getCellVisibility().getExpression()));

  if (in.isSetReturnResults()) {

  return out;
源代码4 项目: hbase   文件: ThriftHBaseServiceHandler.java
public void increment(TIncrement tincrement) throws IOError, TException {

  if (tincrement.getRow().length == 0 || tincrement.getTable().length == 0) {
    throw new TException("Must supply a table and a row key; can't increment");

  if (conf.getBoolean(COALESCE_INC_KEY, false)) {

  Table table = null;
  try {
    table = getTable(tincrement.getTable());
    Increment inc = ThriftUtilities.incrementFromThrift(tincrement);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e);
    throw getIOError(e);
  } finally{
源代码5 项目: kite   文件: BaseEntityMapper.java
public Increment mapToIncrement(PartitionKey key, String fieldName,
    long amount) {
  FieldMapping fieldMapping = entitySchema.getColumnMappingDescriptor()
  if (fieldMapping == null) {
    throw new DatasetException("Unknown field in the schema: "
        + fieldName);
  if (fieldMapping.getMappingType() != MappingType.COUNTER) {
    throw new DatasetException("Field is not a counter type: "
        + fieldName);

  byte[] keyBytes;
  if (keySerDe == null) {
    keyBytes = new byte[] { (byte) 0 };
  } else {
    keyBytes = keySerDe.serialize(key);
  Increment increment = new Increment(keyBytes);
  increment.addColumn(fieldMapping.getFamily(), fieldMapping.getQualifier(),
  return increment;
源代码6 项目: hbase   文件: RSRpcServices.java
private static Get toGet(final Mutation mutation) throws IOException {
  if(!(mutation instanceof Increment) && !(mutation instanceof Append)) {
    throw new AssertionError("mutation must be a instance of Increment or Append");
  Get get = new Get(mutation.getRow());
  CellScanner cellScanner = mutation.cellScanner();
  while (!cellScanner.advance()) {
    Cell cell = cellScanner.current();
    get.addColumn(CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell), CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell));
  if (mutation instanceof Increment) {
    // Increment
    Increment increment = (Increment) mutation;
    get.setTimeRange(increment.getTimeRange().getMin(), increment.getTimeRange().getMax());
  } else {
    // Append
    Append append = (Append) mutation;
    get.setTimeRange(append.getTimeRange().getMin(), append.getTimeRange().getMax());
  for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry : mutation.getAttributesMap().entrySet()) {
    get.setAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
  return get;
源代码7 项目: hbase   文件: RegionCoprocessorHost.java
 * Supports Coprocessor 'bypass'.
 * @param increment increment object
 * @return result to return to client if default operation should be bypassed, null otherwise
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred on the coprocessor
public Result preIncrement(final Increment increment) throws IOException {
  boolean bypassable = true;
  Result defaultResult = null;
  if (coprocEnvironments.isEmpty()) {
    return defaultResult;
  return execOperationWithResult(
      new ObserverOperationWithResult<RegionObserver, Result>(regionObserverGetter, defaultResult,
          bypassable) {
        public Result call(RegionObserver observer) throws IOException {
          return observer.preIncrement(this, increment);
源代码8 项目: hbase   文件: RegionCoprocessorHost.java
 * Supports Coprocessor 'bypass'.
 * @param increment increment object
 * @return result to return to client if default operation should be bypassed, null otherwise
 * @throws IOException if an error occurred on the coprocessor
public Result preIncrementAfterRowLock(final Increment increment) throws IOException {
  boolean bypassable = true;
  Result defaultResult = null;
  if (coprocEnvironments.isEmpty()) {
    return defaultResult;
  return execOperationWithResult(
      new ObserverOperationWithResult<RegionObserver, Result>(regionObserverGetter, defaultResult,
          bypassable) {
        public Result call(RegionObserver observer) throws IOException {
          return observer.preIncrementAfterRowLock(this, increment);
源代码9 项目: hbase   文件: TestVisibilityLabels.java
public void testLabelsWithIncrement() throws Throwable {
  TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(TEST_NAME.getMethodName());
  try (Table table = TEST_UTIL.createTable(tableName, fam)) {
    byte[] row1 = Bytes.toBytes("row1");
    byte[] val = Bytes.toBytes(1L);
    Put put = new Put(row1);
    put.addColumn(fam, qual, HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP, val);
    put.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(SECRET + " & " + CONFIDENTIAL));
    Get get = new Get(row1);
    get.setAuthorizations(new Authorizations(SECRET));
    Result result = table.get(get);
    table.incrementColumnValue(row1, fam, qual, 2L);
    result = table.get(get);
    Increment increment = new Increment(row1);
    increment.addColumn(fam, qual, 2L);
    increment.setCellVisibility(new CellVisibility(SECRET));
    result = table.get(get);
源代码10 项目: hbase   文件: TestCellACLWithMultipleVersions.java
private void verifyUserDeniedForIncrementMultipleVersions(final User user, final byte[] row,
    final byte[] q1) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  user.runAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() {
    public Void run() throws Exception {
      try (Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf)) {
        try (Table t = connection.getTable(testTable.getTableName())) {
          Increment inc = new Increment(row);
          inc.setTimeRange(0, 127);
          inc.addColumn(TEST_FAMILY1, q1, 2L);
          fail(user.getShortName() + " cannot do the increment.");
        } catch (Exception e) {

      return null;
源代码11 项目: pinpoint   文件: RowKeyMerge.java
public Map<TableName, List<Increment>> createBulkIncrement(Map<RowInfo, Long> data, RowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix rowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix) {
    if (data.isEmpty()) {
        return Collections.emptyMap();

    final Map<TableName, List<Increment>> tableIncrementMap = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<TableName, Map<RowKey, List<ColumnName>>> tableRowKeyMap = mergeRowKeys(data);

    for (Map.Entry<TableName, Map<RowKey, List<ColumnName>>> tableRowKeys : tableRowKeyMap.entrySet()) {
        final TableName tableName = tableRowKeys.getKey();
        final List<Increment> incrementList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Map.Entry<RowKey, List<ColumnName>> rowKeyEntry : tableRowKeys.getValue().entrySet()) {
            Increment increment = createIncrement(rowKeyEntry, rowKeyDistributorByHashPrefix);
        tableIncrementMap.put(tableName, incrementList);
    return tableIncrementMap;
public void testChangeCellWithDifferntColumnFamily() throws Exception {
  TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf(name.getMethodName());

  try (Table table = connection.getTable(tableName)) {
    Increment increment = new Increment(ROW).addColumn(CF1_BYTES, CQ1, 1);
    Get get = new Get(ROW).addColumn(CF2_BYTES, CQ1);
    Result result = table.get(get);
    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    assertEquals(1, Bytes.toLong(result.getValue(CF2_BYTES, CQ1)));

    Append append = new Append(ROW).addColumn(CF1_BYTES, CQ2, VALUE);
    get = new Get(ROW).addColumn(CF2_BYTES, CQ2);
    result = table.get(get);
    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    assertTrue(Bytes.equals(VALUE, result.getValue(CF2_BYTES, CQ2)));
源代码13 项目: phoenix   文件: Sequence.java
public Increment newIncrement(long timestamp) {
    Increment inc = new Increment(SchemaUtil.getSequenceKey(key.getTenantId(), key.getSchemaName(), key.getSequenceName()));
    // It doesn't matter what we set the amount too - we always use the values we get
    // from the Get we do to prevent any race conditions. All columns that get added
    // are returned with their current value
    try {
        inc.setTimeRange(MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, timestamp);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e); // Impossible
    for (KeyValue kv : SEQUENCE_KV_COLUMNS) {
        // We don't care about the amount, as we'll add what gets looked up on the server-side
        inc.addColumn(kv.getFamily(), kv.getQualifier(), AMOUNT);
    return inc;
源代码14 项目: hbase   文件: MultiThreadedUpdaterWithACL.java
public Object run() throws Exception {
  try {
    if (table == null) {
      table = connection.getTable(tableName);
    if (m instanceof Increment) {
      table.increment((Increment) m);
    } else if (m instanceof Append) {
      table.append((Append) m);
    } else if (m instanceof Put) {
      table.checkAndMutate(row, cf).qualifier(q).ifEquals(v).thenPut((Put) m);
    } else if (m instanceof Delete) {
      table.checkAndMutate(row, cf).qualifier(q).ifEquals(v).thenDelete((Delete) m);
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported mutation "
          + m.getClass().getSimpleName());
    totalOpTimeMs.addAndGet(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    recordFailure(m, keyBase, start, e);
  return null;
public void run() {
  try {
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      byte[] row = Bytes.toBytes("incrementRow" + i);
      Increment inc = new Increment(row);
      inc.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes("cf"), Bytes.toBytes(0), 1);
      // inc.setDurability(Durability.ASYNC_WAL);

  } catch (Throwable t) {
    LOG.warn("Error happend when Put: ", t);
源代码16 项目: pinpoint   文件: BulkIncrementerTest.java
public Map<TableName, List<Increment>> call() {
    Map<TableName, List<Increment>> resultMap = new HashMap<>();
    try {
        do {
        } while (!awaitLatch.await(10L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return Collections.emptyMap();
    } finally {
    return resultMap;
源代码17 项目: hbase   文件: WriteHeavyIncrementObserver.java
public Result preIncrement(ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> c, Increment increment)
    throws IOException {
  byte[] row = increment.getRow();
  Put put = new Put(row);
  long ts = getUniqueTimestamp(row);
  for (Map.Entry<byte[], List<Cell>> entry : increment.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
    for (Cell cell : entry.getValue()) {
          .setFamily(cell.getFamilyArray(), cell.getFamilyOffset(), cell.getFamilyLength())
          .setQualifier(cell.getQualifierArray(), cell.getQualifierOffset(),
          .setValue(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength())
  return Result.EMPTY_RESULT;
源代码18 项目: hadoop-arch-book   文件: BasicFraudHBaseService.java
public void updateProfileCountsForSaleInHBase(Long buyerId, Long sellerId, ItemSaleEvent event) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
  HTableInterface profileTable = hTablePool.getTable(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_TABLE);
  ArrayList<Row> actions = new ArrayList<Row>();
  Increment buyerValueIncrement = new Increment(generateProfileRowKey(buyerId));
  buyerValueIncrement.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.CURRENT_LOG_IN_PURCHASES_VALUE_COL, event.getItemValue());
  buyerValueIncrement.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.TOTAL_VALUE_OF_PAST_SELLS_COL, event.getItemValue());
  Increment sellerValueIncrement = new Increment(generateProfileRowKey(sellerId));
  sellerValueIncrement.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.CURRENT_LOG_IN_SELLS_VALUE_COL, event.getItemValue());
  sellerValueIncrement.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.TOTAL_VALUE_OF_PAST_SELLS_COL, event.getItemValue());
源代码19 项目: hadoop-arch-book   文件: BasicFraudHBaseService.java
public void logInProfileInHBase(long userId, String ipAddress) throws IOException, Exception {
  HTableInterface profileTable = hTablePool.getTable(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_TABLE);
  ArrayList<Row> actions = new ArrayList<Row>();
  byte[] profileRowKey = generateProfileRowKey(userId);

  Delete delete = new Delete(profileRowKey);
  delete.deleteColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.CURRENT_LOG_IN_PURCHASES_VALUE_COL);
  delete.deleteColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.CURRENT_LOG_IN_SELLS_VALUE_COL);
  Increment increment = new Increment(profileRowKey);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.LOG_IN_COUNT_COL, 1);
  Put put = new Put(profileRowKey);
  put.add(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.LAST_LOG_IN_COL, Bytes.toBytes(System.currentTimeMillis()));
  put.add(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.LOG_IN_IP_ADDERSSES, Bytes.toBytes(ipAddress));
源代码20 项目: hadoop-arch-book   文件: BasicFraudHBaseService.java
public void createProfile(long userId, ProfilePojo pojo, String ipAddress) throws Exception {
  HTableInterface profileTable = hTablePool.getTable(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_TABLE);
  ArrayList<Row> actions = new ArrayList<Row>();
  byte[] rowKey = generateProfileRowKey(userId);
  Put put = new Put(rowKey);
  put.add(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.FIXED_INFO_COL, Bytes.toBytes(pojo.getUsername() + "|" + pojo.getAge() + "|" + System.currentTimeMillis()));
  put.add(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.LOG_IN_IP_ADDERSSES, Bytes.toBytes(ipAddress));
  put.add(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.LAST_LOG_IN_COL, Bytes.toBytes(System.currentTimeMillis()));
  Increment increment = new Increment(rowKey);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.LOG_IN_COUNT_COL, 1);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.TOTAL_SELLS_COL, 0);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.TOTAL_PURCHASES_COL, 0);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.TOTAL_VALUE_OF_PAST_PURCHASES_COL, 0);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.TOTAL_VALUE_OF_PAST_SELLS_COL, 0);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.CURRENT_LOG_IN_SELLS_VALUE_COL, 0);
  increment.addColumn(DataModelConsts.PROFILE_COLUMN_FAMILY, DataModelConsts.CURRENT_LOG_IN_PURCHASES_VALUE_COL, 0);
源代码21 项目: DDMQ   文件: HBaseAction.java
public Status act(UpstreamJob job, byte[] bytes) {
    HBaseConnection connection = connectionMap.get(job.getTopic());
    if (connection == null) {
        LogUtils.logErrorInfo("HBASE_error", "no hbase connection for topic=" + job.getTopic());
        return FAIL;

    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(job.getHbaseCommands())) {
        try {
            for (HbaseCommand hbaseCommand : job.getHbaseCommands()) {
                HTableInterface table = connection.getTable(hbaseCommand.getTableName());
                Mutation mutation = hbaseCommand.getMutation();

                if (mutation instanceof Put) {
                    table.put((Put) mutation);
                } else if (mutation instanceof Delete) {
                    table.delete((Delete) mutation);
                } else if (mutation instanceof Append) {
                    table.append((Append) mutation);
                } else if (mutation instanceof Increment) {
                    table.increment((Increment) mutation);
            MetricUtils.qpsAndFilterMetric(job, MetricUtils.ConsumeResult.SUCCESS);
            return FINISH;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LogUtils.logErrorInfo("HBASE_error", "job=" + job, e);
            return FAIL;
    } else {
        LogUtils.logErrorInfo("HBASE_error", "no hbase command found, group:{}, topic:{}", group, job.getTopic());
        return FAIL;
源代码22 项目: DDMQ   文件: HBaseAction.java
public Status act(UpstreamJob job, byte[] bytes) {
    HBaseConnection connection = connectionMap.get(job.getTopic());
    if (connection == null) {
        LogUtils.logErrorInfo("HBASE_error", "no hbase connection for topic=" + job.getTopic());
        return FAIL;

    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(job.getHbaseCommands())) {
        try {
            for (HbaseCommand hbaseCommand : job.getHbaseCommands()) {
                HTableInterface table = connection.getTable(hbaseCommand.getTableName());
                Mutation mutation = hbaseCommand.getMutation();

                if (mutation instanceof Put) {
                    table.put((Put) mutation);
                } else if (mutation instanceof Delete) {
                    table.delete((Delete) mutation);
                } else if (mutation instanceof Append) {
                    table.append((Append) mutation);
                } else if (mutation instanceof Increment) {
                    table.increment((Increment) mutation);
            MetricUtils.qpsAndFilterMetric(job, MetricUtils.ConsumeResult.SUCCESS);
            return FINISH;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LogUtils.logErrorInfo("HBASE_error", "job=" + job, e);
            return FAIL;
    } else {
        LogUtils.logErrorInfo("HBASE_error", "no hbase command found, group:{}, topic:{}", group, job.getTopic());
        return FAIL;
源代码23 项目: hgraphdb   文件: PropertyIncrementer.java
public Iterator<Mutation> constructMutations() {
    Increment incr = new Increment(ValueUtils.serializeWithSalt(element.id()));
    incr.addColumn(Constants.DEFAULT_FAMILY_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(key), value);
    Put put = new Put(ValueUtils.serializeWithSalt(element.id()));
    put.addColumn(Constants.DEFAULT_FAMILY_BYTES, Constants.UPDATED_AT_BYTES,
            ValueUtils.serialize(((HBaseElement) element).updatedAt()));
    return IteratorUtils.of(incr, put);
源代码24 项目: mt-flume   文件: SimpleHbaseEventSerializer.java
public List<Increment> getIncrements(){
  List<Increment> incs = new LinkedList<Increment>();
  if(incCol != null) {
    Increment inc = new Increment(incrementRow);
    inc.addColumn(cf, incCol, 1);
  return incs;
public Increment call(String v) throws Exception {
  String[] cells = v.split(",");
  Increment increment = new Increment(Bytes.toBytes(cells[0]));

  increment.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(cells[1]), Bytes.toBytes(cells[2]),
  return increment;
源代码26 项目: hbase   文件: ThriftUtilities.java
public static TIncrement incrementFromHBase(Increment in) throws IOException {
  TIncrement out = new TIncrement();

  if (in.getDurability() != Durability.USE_DEFAULT) {
  for (Map.Entry<byte [], List<Cell>> entry : in.getFamilyCellMap().entrySet()) {
    byte[] family = entry.getKey();
    for (Cell cell : entry.getValue()) {
      TColumnIncrement columnValue = new TColumnIncrement();
          Bytes.toLong(cell.getValueArray(), cell.getValueOffset(), cell.getValueLength()));
  for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attribute : in.getAttributesMap().entrySet()) {
  try {
    CellVisibility cellVisibility = in.getCellVisibility();
    if (cellVisibility != null) {
      TCellVisibility tCellVisibility = new TCellVisibility();
  } catch (DeserializationException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  return out;
源代码27 项目: hbase   文件: ThriftUtilities.java
 * From a {@link TIncrement} create an {@link Increment}.
 * @param tincrement the Thrift version of an increment
 * @return an increment that the {@link TIncrement} represented.
public static Increment incrementFromThrift(TIncrement tincrement) {
  Increment inc = new Increment(tincrement.getRow());
  byte[][] famAndQf = CellUtil.parseColumn(tincrement.getColumn());

  if (famAndQf.length != 2) {
    return null;

  inc.addColumn(famAndQf[0], famAndQf[1], tincrement.getAmmount());
  return inc;
源代码28 项目: hbase   文件: VisibilityController.java
public Result preIncrement(ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> e, Increment increment)
    throws IOException {
  // If authorization is not enabled, we don't care about reserved tags
  if (!authorizationEnabled) {
    return null;
  for (CellScanner cellScanner = increment.cellScanner(); cellScanner.advance();) {
    if (!checkForReservedVisibilityTagPresence(cellScanner.current())) {
      throw new FailedSanityCheckException("Increment contains cell with reserved type tag");
  return null;
源代码29 项目: hbase   文件: AccessController.java
public Result preIncrement(final ObserverContext<RegionCoprocessorEnvironment> c,
    final Increment increment)
    throws IOException {
  User user = getActiveUser(c);
  checkForReservedTagPresence(user, increment);

  // Require WRITE permission to the table, CF, and the KV to be replaced by
  // the incremented value
  RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env = c.getEnvironment();
  Map<byte[],? extends Collection<Cell>> families = increment.getFamilyCellMap();
  AuthResult authResult = permissionGranted(OpType.INCREMENT,
      user, env, families, Action.WRITE);
  if (!authResult.isAllowed()) {
    if (cellFeaturesEnabled && !compatibleEarlyTermination) {
      increment.setAttribute(CHECK_COVERING_PERM, TRUE);
    } else if (authorizationEnabled) {
      throw new AccessDeniedException("Insufficient permissions " +

  byte[] bytes = increment.getAttribute(AccessControlConstants.OP_ATTRIBUTE_ACL);
  if (bytes != null) {
    if (cellFeaturesEnabled) {
      addCellPermissions(bytes, increment.getFamilyCellMap());
    } else {
      throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cell ACLs cannot be persisted");

  return null;
public void check(Mutation m) throws SpaceLimitingException {
  // Disallow all "new" data flowing into HBase, but allow Deletes (even though we know they will
  // temporarily increase utilization).
  if (m instanceof Append  || m instanceof Increment || m instanceof Put) {
    throw new SpaceLimitingException(getPolicyName(),
        m.getClass().getSimpleName() + "s are disallowed due to a space quota.");