

源代码1 项目: saros   文件: LocationAnnotationManager.java
 * Sets annotations related to selections made by remote users.
 * @param newAnnotation {@link SarosAnnotation} that is set during this call.
 * @param position {@link Position} at which the annotation is replaced, removed, or updated.
 * @param model {@link IAnnotationModel} that maintains the annotations for the opened document.
private void setAnnotationForSelection(
    final SarosAnnotation newAnnotation, Position position, IAnnotationModel model) {

  if (newAnnotation == null || position == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both newAnnotation and position must not be null");

  Predicate<Annotation> predicate =
      new Predicate<Annotation>() {
        public boolean evaluate(Annotation annotation) {
          return annotation.getType().equals(newAnnotation.getType())
              && ((SarosAnnotation) annotation).getSource().equals(newAnnotation.getSource());

  Map<Annotation, Position> replacement =
      Collections.singletonMap((Annotation) newAnnotation, position);

  annotationModelHelper.replaceAnnotationsInModel(model, predicate, replacement);
 * updateAnnotations
 * @param selection
protected void updateAnnotations(ISelection selection) {
	if (findOccurrencesJob != null) {

	if (selection instanceof ITextSelection) {
		ITextSelection textSelection = (ITextSelection) selection;
		IDocument document = getDocument();
		IAnnotationModel annotationModel = getAnnotationModel();

		if (document != null && annotationModel != null) {
			findOccurrencesJob = new FindOccurrencesJob(document, textSelection, annotationModel);
源代码3 项目: eclipse-cs   文件: AbstractASTResolution.java
private MarkerAnnotation getMarkerAnnotation(IAnnotationModel annotationModel, IMarker marker) {

    Iterator<Annotation> it = annotationModel.getAnnotationIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Annotation tmp = it.next();

      if (tmp instanceof MarkerAnnotation) {

        IMarker theMarker = ((MarkerAnnotation) tmp).getMarker();

        if (theMarker.equals(marker)) {
          return (MarkerAnnotation) tmp;
    return null;
源代码4 项目: n4js   文件: N4JSMarkerResolutionGenerator.java
 * Same as {@link #isMarkerStillValid(IMarker, IAnnotationModel)}, but obtains the annotation model from the
 * marker's editor.
private boolean isMarkerStillValid(IMarker marker) {
	if (marker == null)
		return false;
	if (marker.getResource() instanceof IProject) {
		// This happens with IssueCodes.NODE_MODULES_OUT_OF_SYNC
		return true;

	final XtextEditor editor = getEditor(marker.getResource());
	if (editor == null)
		return false;
	final IAnnotationModel annotationModel = editor.getDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(
	if (annotationModel == null)
		return false;
	return isMarkerStillValid(marker, annotationModel);
源代码5 项目: goclipse   文件: ExternalBreakpointWatcher.java
public ExternalBreakpointWatcher(IEditorInput input, IDocument document, IAnnotationModel annotationModel) {
	this.location = EditorUtils.getLocationOrNull(input);
	this.document = assertNotNull(document);
	this.annotationModel = assertNotNull(annotationModel);
	if(annotationModel instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) {
		this.annotationModelExt = (IAnnotationModelExtension) annotationModel;
	} else {
		this.annotationModelExt = null;
	if(location != null) {
		ResourceUtils.connectResourceListener(resourceListener, this::initializeFromResources, 
			getWorkspaceRoot(), owned);
源代码6 项目: goclipse   文件: TextEditorExt.java
protected void doSetInput(IEditorInput input) throws CoreException {
	breakpointWatcher = null;
	if(input == null) {
	IAnnotationModel annotationModel = getDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(input);
	IFile file = EditorUtils.getAssociatedFile(input);
	if(file != null || annotationModel == null) {
		return; // No need for external breakpoint watching
	breakpointWatcher = new ExternalBreakpointWatcher(input, getDocument(),  annotationModel);
源代码7 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: XtextEditor.java
private Annotation getAnnotation(final int offset, final int length) {
	final IAnnotationModel model = getDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(getEditorInput());
	if (model == null || length < 0)
		return null;

	Iterator iterator;
	if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension2) {
		iterator = ((IAnnotationModelExtension2) model).getAnnotationIterator(offset, length, true, true);
	} else {
		iterator = model.getAnnotationIterator();

	while (iterator.hasNext()) {
		final Annotation a = (Annotation) iterator.next();
		final Position p = model.getPosition(a);
		if (p != null && p.overlapsWith(offset, length))
			return a;
	return null;
 * Creates an annotation model derived from the given class file editor input.
 * @param classFileEditorInput the editor input from which to query the annotations
 * @return the created annotation model
 * @exception CoreException if the editor input could not be accessed
protected IAnnotationModel createClassFileAnnotationModel(IClassFileEditorInput classFileEditorInput) throws CoreException {
	IResource resource= null;
	IClassFile classFile= classFileEditorInput.getClassFile();

	IResourceLocator locator= (IResourceLocator) classFile.getAdapter(IResourceLocator.class);
	if (locator != null)
		resource= locator.getContainingResource(classFile);

	if (resource != null) {
		ClassFileMarkerAnnotationModel model= new ClassFileMarkerAnnotationModel(resource);
		return model;

	return null;
private int getErrorTicksFromAnnotationModel(IAnnotationModel model, ISourceReference sourceElement) throws CoreException {
	int info= 0;
	Iterator<Annotation> iter= model.getAnnotationIterator();
	while ((info != ERRORTICK_ERROR) && iter.hasNext()) {
		Annotation annot= iter.next();
		IMarker marker= isAnnotationInRange(model, annot, sourceElement);
		if (marker != null) {
			int priority= marker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, -1);
			if (priority == IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING) {
			} else if (priority == IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) {
	return info;
 * Returns the annotation overlapping with the given range or <code>null</code>.
 * @param offset the region offset
 * @param length the region length
 * @return the found annotation or <code>null</code>
 * @since 3.0
private Annotation getAnnotation(int offset, int length) {
	IAnnotationModel model= getDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(getEditorInput());
	if (model == null)
		return null;

	Iterator<Annotation> parent;
	if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension2)
		parent= ((IAnnotationModelExtension2)model).getAnnotationIterator(offset, length, true, true);
		parent= model.getAnnotationIterator();

	Iterator<Annotation> e= new JavaAnnotationIterator(parent, false);
	while (e.hasNext()) {
		Annotation a= e.next();
		Position p= model.getPosition(a);
		if (p != null && p.overlapsWith(offset, length))
			return a;
	return null;
private static IProblemLocation findProblemLocation(IEditorInput input, IMarker marker) {
	IAnnotationModel model= JavaPlugin.getDefault().getCompilationUnitDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(input);
	if (model != null) { // open in editor
		Iterator<Annotation> iter= model.getAnnotationIterator();
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
			Annotation curr= iter.next();
			if (curr instanceof JavaMarkerAnnotation) {
				JavaMarkerAnnotation annot= (JavaMarkerAnnotation) curr;
				if (marker.equals(annot.getMarker())) {
					Position pos= model.getPosition(annot);
					if (pos != null) {
						return new ProblemLocation(pos.getOffset(), pos.getLength(), annot);
	} else { // not open in editor
		ICompilationUnit cu= getCompilationUnit(marker);
		return createFromMarker(marker, cu);
	return null;
源代码12 项目: birt   文件: ScriptValidator.java
 * Clears all annotations.
private void clearAnnotations( )
	IAnnotationModel annotationModel = scriptViewer.getAnnotationModel( );

	if ( annotationModel != null )
		for ( Iterator iterator = annotationModel.getAnnotationIterator( ); iterator.hasNext( ); )
			Annotation annotation = (Annotation) iterator.next( );

			if ( annotation != null &&
					IReportGraphicConstants.ANNOTATION_ERROR.equals( annotation.getType( ) ) )
				annotationModel.removeAnnotation( annotation );
源代码13 项目: saros   文件: ContributionAnnotationManager.java
 * Creates contribution annotations with length 1 for each char contained in the range defined by
 * {@code offset} and {@code length}.
 * @param model the model that is assigned to the created contribution annotations.
 * @param offset start of the annotation range.
 * @param length length of the annotation range.
 * @param source of the annotation.
 * @return a map containing the annotations and their positions
private Map<ContributionAnnotation, Position> createAnnotationsForContributionRange(
    final IAnnotationModel model, final int offset, final int length, final User source) {

  final Map<ContributionAnnotation, Position> annotationsToAdd = new HashMap<>();

  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    final Pair<ContributionAnnotation, Position> positionedAnnotation =
        createPositionedAnnotation(model, offset + i, source);
    if (positionedAnnotation == null) continue;

    annotationsToAdd.put(positionedAnnotation.getKey(), positionedAnnotation.getValue());

  return annotationsToAdd;
public IMarker[] findOtherMarkers(final IMarker[] markers) {
  final List<IMarker> result = Lists.newArrayList();
  for (final IMarker marker : markers) {
    if (!resolutionMarker.equals(marker) && markerCode.equals(getIssueUtil().getCode(marker))) {
      XtextEditor editor = null;
      if (Display.getCurrent() != null) {
        editor = findEditor(marker.getResource());
      if (editor != null) {
        // if the resource is in an open editor compare the annotation with the marker
        final IAnnotationModel annotationModel = editor.getDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(editor.getEditorInput());
        if (annotationModel != null && isMarkerStillValid(marker, annotationModel)) {
      } else {
  return result.toArray(new IMarker[result.size()]);
源代码15 项目: typescript.java   文件: TypeScriptSourceViewer.java
public void setDocument(IDocument document, IAnnotationModel annotationModel, int modelRangeOffset,
		int modelRangeLength) {
	// partial fix for:
	// https://w3.opensource.ibm.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1970
	// when our document is set, especially to null during close,
	// immediately uninstall the reconciler.
	// this is to avoid an unnecessary final "reconcile"
	// that blocks display thread
	if (document == null) {
		if (fReconciler != null) {
	super.setDocument(document, annotationModel, modelRangeOffset, modelRangeLength);
protected List<IMarker> getMarkersFor(ISourceViewer sourceViewer, int lineOffset, int lineLength) {
    List<IMarker> result = new ArrayList<>();
    IAnnotationModel annotationModel = sourceViewer.getAnnotationModel();
    Iterator<?> annotationIter = annotationModel.getAnnotationIterator();

    while (annotationIter.hasNext()) {
        Object annotation = annotationIter.next();

        if (annotation instanceof MarkerAnnotation) {
            MarkerAnnotation markerAnnotation = (MarkerAnnotation) annotation;
            IMarker marker = markerAnnotation.getMarker();
            Position markerPosition = annotationModel.getPosition(markerAnnotation);
            if (markerPosition != null && markerPosition.overlapsWith(lineOffset, lineLength)) {
    return result;
源代码17 项目: saros   文件: AnnotationModelHelper.java
 * Removes annotations and replaces them in one step.
 * @param model The {@link IAnnotationModel} that should be cleaned.
 * @param annotationsToRemove The annotations to remove.
 * @param annotationsToAdd The annotations to add.
public void replaceAnnotationsInModel(
    IAnnotationModel model,
    Collection<? extends Annotation> annotationsToRemove,
    Map<? extends Annotation, Position> annotationsToAdd) {

  if (model instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) {
    IAnnotationModelExtension extension = (IAnnotationModelExtension) model;
        annotationsToRemove.toArray(new Annotation[annotationsToRemove.size()]),
  } else {
    if (log.isTraceEnabled())
      log.trace("AnnotationModel " + model + " does not support IAnnotationModelExtension");

    for (Annotation annotation : annotationsToRemove) {

    for (Entry<? extends Annotation, Position> entry : annotationsToAdd.entrySet()) {
      model.addAnnotation(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
public RevisionInformation getRevisionInformation(IResource resource, ITextViewer viewer, ITextEditor textEditor) {
	for (IRevisionInformationProvider provider : providers) {
		if (provider.canApply(resource)) {
			RevisionInformation info = provider.getRevisionInformation(resource);
			if (info != null) {
				ILineDiffer differ = provider.getDocumentLineDiffer(viewer, textEditor);
				// Connect line differ
				IAnnotationModelExtension ext = (IAnnotationModelExtension) ((ISourceViewer) viewer).getAnnotationModel();
				ext.addAnnotationModel(RevisionInformationSupport.MY_QUICK_DIFF_MODEL_ID, (IAnnotationModel) differ);
				return info;
	return null;
public void annotationDefaultSelected(VerticalRulerEvent event) {
	Annotation annotation= event.getSelectedAnnotation();
	IAnnotationModel model= getAnnotationModel();

	if (isOverrideIndicator(annotation)) {

	if (isBreakpoint(annotation))
		triggerAction(ITextEditorActionConstants.RULER_DOUBLE_CLICK, event.getEvent());

	Position position= model.getPosition(annotation);
	if (position == null)

	if (isQuickFixTarget(annotation)) {
		ITextOperationTarget operation= (ITextOperationTarget) getTextEditor().getAdapter(ITextOperationTarget.class);
		final int opCode= ISourceViewer.QUICK_ASSIST;
		if (operation != null && operation.canDoOperation(opCode)) {
			getTextEditor().selectAndReveal(position.getOffset(), position.getLength());

	// default:
private void uninstallSelectionListener() {
	if (fListener != null) {
		SelectionListenerWithASTManager.getDefault().removeListener(fEditor, fListener);
		fListener= null;
	IAnnotationModel model= getAnnotationModel();
	if (model != null) {
源代码21 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: MarkOccurrencesTest.java
@Test public void testMarkOccurrences() throws Exception {
	String model = "Foo { Bar(Foo) {} Baz(Foo Bar) {} }";
	IFile modelFile = IResourcesSetupUtil.createFile("MarkOccurrencesTest/src/Test.outlinetestlanguage", model);
	XtextEditor editor = openEditor(modelFile);
	ISelectionProvider selectionProvider = editor.getSelectionProvider();
	selectionProvider.setSelection(new TextSelection(0, 1));
	IAnnotationModel annotationModel = editor.getDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(editor.getEditorInput());
	ExpectationBuilder listener = new ExpectationBuilder(editor, annotationModel).added(DECLARATION_ANNOTATION_TYPE, 0, 3)
			.added(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.indexOf("Foo", 3), 3)
			.added(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.lastIndexOf("Foo"), 3);

	listener.removed(DECLARATION_ANNOTATION_TYPE, 0, 3)
			.removed(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.indexOf("Foo", 3), 3)
			.removed(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.lastIndexOf("Foo"), 3)
			.added(DECLARATION_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.indexOf("Bar"), 3)
			.added(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.lastIndexOf("Bar"), 3);
	selectionProvider.setSelection(new TextSelection(model.lastIndexOf("Bar"), 1));

	listener.removed(DECLARATION_ANNOTATION_TYPE, model.indexOf("Bar"), 3).removed(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION_TYPE,
			model.lastIndexOf("Bar"), 3);
源代码22 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: MarkerIssueProcessor.java
 * @since 2.14
public MarkerIssueProcessor(IResource resource, IAnnotationModel annotationModel, MarkerCreator markerCreator,
		MarkerTypeProvider markerTypeProvider) {
	this.resource = resource;
	this.annotationModel = annotationModel;
	this.markerCreator = markerCreator;
	this.markerTypeProvider = markerTypeProvider;
源代码23 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: AddMarkersOperation.java
 * @since 2.14
public AddMarkersOperation(IResource resource, List<Issue> issues, Set<String> markerIds, boolean deleteMarkers,
		IAnnotationModel annotationModel, MarkerCreator markerCreator, MarkerTypeProvider markerTypeProvider) {
	this.issues = issues;
	this.annotationModel = annotationModel;
	this.markerTypeProvider = markerTypeProvider;
	this.markerIds = ImmutableList.copyOf(markerIds);
	this.resource = resource;
	this.deleteMarkers = deleteMarkers;
	this.markerCreator = markerCreator;
public OverrideIndicatorManager(IAnnotationModel annotationModel, ITypeRoot javaElement, CompilationUnit ast) {

	fJavaElement= javaElement;
	fAnnotationModelLockObject= getLockObject(fAnnotationModel);

	updateAnnotations(ast, new NullProgressMonitor());
源代码25 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: OccurrenceMarker.java
protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
	final XtextEditor editor = initialEditor;
	final boolean isMarkOccurrences = initialIsMarkOccurrences;
	final ITextSelection selection = initialSelection;
	final SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2);
	if (!progress.isCanceled()) {
		final Map<Annotation, Position> annotations = (isMarkOccurrences) ? occurrenceComputer.createAnnotationMap(editor, selection,
				progress.newChild(1)) : Collections.<Annotation, Position>emptyMap();
		if (!progress.isCanceled()) {
			Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
				public void run() {
					if (!progress.isCanceled()) {
						final IAnnotationModel annotationModel = getAnnotationModel(editor);
						if (annotationModel instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension)
							((IAnnotationModelExtension) annotationModel).replaceAnnotations(
									getExistingOccurrenceAnnotations(annotationModel), annotations);
						else if(annotationModel != null)
							throw new IllegalStateException(
									"AnnotationModel does not implement IAnnotationModelExtension");  //$NON-NLS-1$
			return Status.OK_STATUS;
	return Status.CANCEL_STATUS;
源代码26 项目: Pydev   文件: AbstractBreakpointRulerAction.java
private IAnnotationModel getAnnotationModel() {
    if (fTextEditor == null) {
        return null;
    final IDocumentProvider documentProvider = fTextEditor.getDocumentProvider();
    if (documentProvider == null) {
        return null;
    return documentProvider.getAnnotationModel(fTextEditor.getEditorInput());
源代码27 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: OccurrenceMarker.java
protected Annotation[] getExistingOccurrenceAnnotations(IAnnotationModel annotationModel) {
	Set<Annotation> removeSet = newHashSet();
	for (Iterator<Annotation> annotationIter = annotationModel.getAnnotationIterator(); annotationIter
			.hasNext();) {
		Annotation annotation = annotationIter.next();
		if (occurrenceComputer.hasAnnotationType(annotation.getType())) {
	return toArray(removeSet, Annotation.class);
源代码28 项目: xtext-eclipse   文件: XtextDocumentProvider.java
protected IAnnotationModel createAnnotationModel(Object element) throws CoreException {
	if (element instanceof IFileEditorInput) {
		IFileEditorInput input = (IFileEditorInput) element;
		return new XtextResourceMarkerAnnotationModel(input.getFile(), issueResolutionProvider, issueUtil);
	} else if (element instanceof IURIEditorInput) {
		return new AnnotationModel();
	return super.createAnnotationModel(element);
protected Severity getSeverity(XtextEditor xtextEditor) {
	if (xtextEditor == null || xtextEditor.getInternalSourceViewer() == null)
		return null;
	IAnnotationModel model = xtextEditor.getInternalSourceViewer().getAnnotationModel();
	if (model != null) {
		Iterator<Annotation> iterator = model.getAnnotationIterator();
		boolean hasWarnings = false;
		boolean hasInfos = false;
		while (iterator.hasNext()) {
			Annotation annotation = iterator.next();
			if (!annotation.isMarkedDeleted()) {
				Issue issue = issueUtil.getIssueFromAnnotation(annotation);
				if (issue != null) {
					if (issue.getSeverity() == Severity.ERROR) {
						return Severity.ERROR;
					} else if (issue.getSeverity() == Severity.WARNING) {
						hasWarnings = true;
					} else if (issue.getSeverity() == Severity.INFO) {
						hasInfos = true;
		if (hasWarnings)
			return Severity.WARNING;
		if (hasInfos)
			return Severity.INFO;
	return null;
private IAnnotationModel isInJavaAnnotationModel(ICompilationUnit original) {
	if (original.isWorkingCopy()) {
		FileEditorInput editorInput= new FileEditorInput((IFile) original.getResource());
		return JavaPlugin.getDefault().getCompilationUnitDocumentProvider().getAnnotationModel(editorInput);
	return null;