

protected Point computeSizeConstraints(Control subjectControl, IInformationControl informationControl)
	// at least as big as the proposal table
	Point sizeConstraint = super.computeSizeConstraints(subjectControl, informationControl);
	Point size = subjectControl.getShell().getSize();

	// AbstractInformationControlManager#internalShowInformationControl(Rectangle, Object) adds trims
	// to the computed constraints. Need to remove them here, to make the outer bounds of the additional
	// info shell fit the bounds of the proposal shell:
	if (fInformationControl instanceof IInformationControlExtension3)
		Rectangle shellTrim = ((IInformationControlExtension3) fInformationControl).computeTrim();
		size.x -= shellTrim.width;
		size.y -= shellTrim.height;

	if (sizeConstraint.x < size.x)
		sizeConstraint.x = size.x;
	if (sizeConstraint.y < size.y)
		sizeConstraint.y = size.y;
	sizeConstraint.y = 450;
	return sizeConstraint;