

源代码1 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: CategoryTest.java
public void testClassName() {
    final Category category = Category.getInstance("TestCategory");
    final Layout<String> layout = PatternLayout.newBuilder().setPattern("%d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n").build();
    final ListAppender appender = new ListAppender("List2", null, layout, false, false);
    ((org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger) category.getLogger()).addAppender(appender);
    category.error("Test Message");
    final List<String> msgs = appender.getMessages();
    assertTrue("Incorrect number of messages. Expected 1 got " + msgs.size(), msgs.size() == 1);
    final String msg = msgs.get(0);
    final String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
    final String expected = "ERROR o.a.l.CategoryTest [" + threadName + "] Test Message" + Strings.LINE_SEPARATOR;
    assertTrue("Incorrect message " + Strings.dquote(msg) + " expected " + Strings.dquote(expected), msg.endsWith(expected));
源代码2 项目: vividus   文件: AllureLogAppender.java
public static AllureLogAppender createAppender(@PluginAttribute("name") final String name,
        @PluginElement("Filter") Filter filter, @PluginElement("Layout") Layout<? extends Serializable> layout)
    if (name == null)
        LOGGER.error("No name provided for AllureLogAppender");
        instance = null;
        instance = new AllureLogAppender(name, filter, layout);

    return instance;
源代码3 项目: patchwork-patcher   文件: UIAppender.java
public static UIAppender createAppender(@PluginAttribute("name") String name, @PluginAttribute("maxLines") int maxLines,
			@PluginAttribute("ignoreExceptions") boolean ignoreExceptions,
			@PluginElement("Layout") Layout<?> layout, @PluginElement("Filters") Filter filter) {
	if (name == null) {
		LOGGER.error("No name provided for UIAppender");
		return null;

	if (layout == null) {
		layout = JsonLayout.createDefaultLayout();

	return new UIAppender(name, layout, filter, maxLines, ignoreExceptions);
源代码4 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: SslSocketManager.java
public static SslSocketManager getSocketManager(final SslConfiguration sslConfig, final String host, int port,
        final int connectTimeoutMillis, int reconnectDelayMillis, final boolean immediateFail,
        final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout, final int bufferSize, final SocketOptions socketOptions) {
    if (Strings.isEmpty(host)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A host name is required");
    if (port <= 0) {
        port = DEFAULT_PORT;
    if (reconnectDelayMillis == 0) {
        reconnectDelayMillis = DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_DELAY_MILLIS;
    final String name = "TLS:" + host + ':' + port;
    return (SslSocketManager) getManager(name, new SslFactoryData(sslConfig, host, port, connectTimeoutMillis,
            reconnectDelayMillis, immediateFail, layout, bufferSize, socketOptions), FACTORY);
源代码5 项目: rocketmq-read   文件: RocketmqLog4j2Appender.java
protected RocketmqLog4j2Appender(String name, Filter filter, Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
    boolean ignoreExceptions, String nameServerAddress, String producerGroup,
    String topic, String tag) {
    super(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions);
    this.producer = producer;
    this.topic = topic;
    this.tag = tag;
    this.nameServerAddress = nameServerAddress;
    this.producerGroup = producerGroup;
    try {
        this.producer = ProducerInstance.getProducerInstance().getInstance(this.nameServerAddress, this.producerGroup);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ErrorHandler handler = this.getHandler();
        if (handler != null) {
            handler.error("Starting RocketmqLog4j2Appender [" + this.getName()
                + "] nameServerAddress:" + nameServerAddress + " group:" + producerGroup + " " + e.getMessage());
源代码6 项目: summerframework   文件: AdvancedKafkaAppender.java
public void append(final LogEvent event) {
    try {
        final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = getLayout();
        byte[] data;
        if (layout != null) {
            if (layout instanceof SerializedLayout) {
                final byte[] header = layout.getHeader();
                final byte[] body = layout.toByteArray(event);
                data = new byte[header.length + body.length];
                System.arraycopy(header, 0, data, 0, header.length);
                System.arraycopy(body, 0, data, header.length, body.length);
            } else {
                data = layout.toByteArray(event);
        } else {
            data = StringEncoder.toBytes(event.getMessage().getFormattedMessage(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        manager.send(topic, data);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("Unable to write to Kafka [{}] for appender [{}].", manager.getName(), getName(), e);
        throw new AppenderLoggingException("Unable to write to Kafka in appender: " + e.getMessage(), e);
private RollingRandomAccessFileAppender(final String name, final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
        final Filter filter, final RollingRandomAccessFileManager manager, final String fileName,
        final String filePattern, final boolean ignoreExceptions,
        final boolean immediateFlush, final int bufferSize, final Advertiser advertiser) {
    super(name, layout, filter, ignoreExceptions, immediateFlush, null, manager);
    if (advertiser != null) {
        final Map<String, String> configuration = new HashMap<>(layout.getContentFormat());
        configuration.put("contentType", layout.getContentType());
        configuration.put("name", name);
        advertisement = advertiser.advertise(configuration);
    } else {
        advertisement = null;
    this.fileName = fileName;
    this.filePattern = filePattern;
    this.advertiser = advertiser;
源代码8 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: Log4j2_2195_Test.java
public void test() {
    logger.info("This is a test.", new Exception("Test exception!"));
    ListAppender listAppender = loggerContextRule.getListAppender("ListAppender");
    List<String> events = listAppender.getMessages();
    Assert.assertEquals(1, events.size());
    String logEvent = events.get(0);
    Assert.assertFalse("\"org.junit\" should not be here", logEvent.contains("org.junit"));
    Assert.assertFalse("\"org.eclipse\" should not be here", logEvent.contains("org.eclipse"));
    Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = listAppender.getLayout();
    PatternLayout pLayout = (PatternLayout) layout;
    Serializer eventSerializer = pLayout.getEventSerializer();
    Assert.assertTrue("Missing \"|\"", logEvent.contains("|"));
源代码9 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: LogstashIT.java
private static SocketAppender createStartedAppender(
        final Layout<?> layout,
        final int port) {
    LOGGER.info("creating the appender");
    final SocketAppender appender = SocketAppender
    return appender;
public void appenderUsesProvidedLayoutWhenMessageOnlyIsSetToFalse() {

    // given
    Layout layout = PowerMockito.mock(Layout.class);

    ElasticsearchAppender.Builder builder = ElasticsearchAppenderTest.createTestElasticsearchAppenderBuilder();

    LogEvent logEvent = mock(LogEvent.class);

    ElasticsearchAppender appender = builder.build();

    // when

    // then
    ArgumentCaptor<LogEvent> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(LogEvent.class);
    verify(layout, times(1)).toSerializable(captor.capture());
    assertEquals(logEvent, captor.getValue());
源代码11 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: TcpSocketManager.java
 * Obtains a TcpSocketManager.
 * @param host
 *            The host to connect to.
 * @param port
 *            The port on the host.
 * @param connectTimeoutMillis
 *            the connect timeout in milliseconds
 * @param reconnectDelayMillis
 *            The interval to pause between retries.
 * @param bufferSize
 *            The buffer size.
 * @return A TcpSocketManager.
public static TcpSocketManager getSocketManager(final String host, int port, final int connectTimeoutMillis,
        int reconnectDelayMillis, final boolean immediateFail, final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
        final int bufferSize, final SocketOptions socketOptions) {
    if (Strings.isEmpty(host)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("A host name is required");
    if (port <= 0) {
        port = DEFAULT_PORT;
    if (reconnectDelayMillis == 0) {
        reconnectDelayMillis = DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_DELAY_MILLIS;
    return (TcpSocketManager) getManager("TCP:" + host + ':' + port, new FactoryData(host, port,
            connectTimeoutMillis, reconnectDelayMillis, immediateFail, layout, bufferSize, socketOptions), FACTORY);
源代码12 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: RollingFileManager.java
  * @since 2.9
 protected RollingFileManager(final LoggerContext loggerContext, final String fileName, final String pattern, final OutputStream os,
         final boolean append, final boolean createOnDemand, final long size, final long initialTime,
         final TriggeringPolicy triggeringPolicy, final RolloverStrategy rolloverStrategy,
         final String advertiseURI, final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
         final String filePermissions, final String fileOwner, final String fileGroup,
         final boolean writeHeader, final ByteBuffer buffer) {
     super(loggerContext, fileName != null ? fileName : pattern, os, append, false, createOnDemand,
advertiseURI, layout, filePermissions, fileOwner, fileGroup, writeHeader, buffer);
     this.size = size;
     this.initialTime = initialTime;
     this.triggeringPolicy = triggeringPolicy;
     this.rolloverStrategy = rolloverStrategy;
     this.patternProcessor = new PatternProcessor(pattern);
     this.fileName = fileName;
     this.directWrite = rolloverStrategy instanceof DirectFileRolloverStrategy;
源代码13 项目: pulsar   文件: PulsarAppender.java
public PulsarAppender build() {
    final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = getLayout();
    if (layout == null) {
        AbstractLifeCycle.LOGGER.error("No layout provided for PulsarAppender");
        return null;
    PulsarManager manager = new PulsarManager(
    return new PulsarAppender(
源代码14 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: TestConfigurator.java
public void testEnvironment() throws Exception {
    ctx = Configurator.initialize("-config", null);
    final Configuration config = ctx.getConfiguration();
    assertNotNull("No configuration", config);
    assertEquals("Incorrect Configuration.", CONFIG_NAME, config.getName());
    final Map<String, Appender> map = config.getAppenders();
    assertNotNull("Appenders map should not be null.", map);
    assertThat(map, hasSize(greaterThan(0)));
    assertThat("No ListAppender named List2", map, hasKey("List2"));
    final Appender app = map.get("List2");
    final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = app.getLayout();
    assertNotNull("Appender List2 does not have a Layout", layout);
    assertThat("Appender List2 is not configured with a PatternLayout", layout, instanceOf(PatternLayout.class));
    final String pattern = ((PatternLayout) layout).getConversionPattern();
    assertNotNull("No conversion pattern for List2 PatternLayout", pattern);
    assertFalse("Environment variable was not substituted", pattern.startsWith("${env:PATH}"));
源代码15 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: MemoryMappedFileManager.java
protected MemoryMappedFileManager(final RandomAccessFile file, final String fileName, final OutputStream os,
        final boolean immediateFlush, final long position, final int regionLength, final String advertiseURI,
        final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout, final boolean writeHeader) throws IOException {
    super(os, fileName, layout, writeHeader, ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[0]));
    this.immediateFlush = immediateFlush;
    this.randomAccessFile = Objects.requireNonNull(file, "RandomAccessFile");
    this.regionLength = regionLength;
    this.advertiseURI = advertiseURI;
    this.mappedBuffer = mmap(randomAccessFile.getChannel(), getFileName(), position, regionLength);
    this.byteBuffer = mappedBuffer;
    this.mappingOffset = position;
源代码16 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: DemoAppender.java
public void append(final LogEvent event) {
    final Layout<?> layout = getLayout();
    if (layout instanceof NoGcLayout) {
        layout.encode(event, this);
    } else {
        final byte[] binary = getLayout().toByteArray(event);
        consume(binary, 0, binary.length);
源代码17 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: ServletAppender.java
private ServletAppender(final String name, final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout, final Filter filter,
        final ServletContext servletContext, final boolean ignoreExceptions, final boolean logThrowables,
        Property[] properties) {
    super(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions, properties);
    this.servletContext = servletContext;
    this.logThrowables = logThrowables;
源代码18 项目: summerframework   文件: Log4j2Configuration.java
public void init() {
    try {
        LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext)LogManager.getContext(false);
        if (loggerContext == null)
        org.apache.logging.log4j.core.Logger logger =
        if (logger != null) {
        Configuration configuration = loggerContext.getConfiguration();
        Map<String, Appender> appenders = configuration.getAppenders();
        for (Appender appender : appenders.values()) {
            Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = appender.getLayout();
            if (layout instanceof PatternLayout) {
                PatternLayout patternLayOut = (PatternLayout)layout;
                Serializer serializer = PatternLayout.createSerializer(configuration, null, getLog4jPattern(),
                    getLog4jPattern(), null, true, true);
                Field field = patternLayOut.getClass().getDeclaredField("eventSerializer");
                Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
                modifiersField.setInt(field, field.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
                if (!field.isAccessible()) {
                field.set(patternLayOut, serializer);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
源代码19 项目: log4j2-gelf   文件: GelfAppender.java
protected GelfAppender(final String name,
                       final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
                       final Filter filter,
                       final boolean ignoreExceptions,
                       final GelfConfiguration gelfConfiguration,
                       final String hostName,
                       final boolean includeSource,
                       final boolean includeThreadContext,
                       final boolean includeStackTrace,
                       final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields,
                       final boolean includeExceptionCause) {
    super(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions);
    this.gelfConfiguration = gelfConfiguration;
    this.hostName = hostName;
    this.includeSource = includeSource;
    this.includeThreadContext = includeThreadContext;
    this.includeStackTrace = includeStackTrace;
    this.includeExceptionCause = includeExceptionCause;

    if (null != additionalFields) {
        this.additionalFields = new HashMap<>();
        for (KeyValuePair pair : additionalFields) {
            this.additionalFields.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
    } else {
        this.additionalFields = Collections.emptyMap();
源代码20 项目: Flashtool   文件: ConsoleAppender.java
 * Factory method. Log4j will parse the configuration and call this factory 
 * method to construct the appender with
 * the configured attributes.
 * @param name   Name of appender
 * @param layout Log layout of appender
 * @param filter Filter for appender
 * @return The TextAreaAppender
public static ConsoleAppender createAppender(
    @PluginAttribute("name") String name,
    @PluginElement("Layout") Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
    @PluginElement("Filter") final Filter filter) {
  if (name == null) {
    LOGGER.error("No name provided for TextAreaAppender2");
    return null;
  if (layout == null) {
    layout = PatternLayout.createDefaultLayout();
  return new ConsoleAppender(name, filter, layout, true);
源代码21 项目: xian   文件: GelfLogAppender.java
 * Create a gelfLogAppender with specified layout.
public GelfLogAppender(String name, Filter filter, Layout layout, MdcGelfMessageAssembler gelfMessageAssembler, boolean ignoreExceptions) {
    super(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions);
    this.gelfMessageAssembler = gelfMessageAssembler;

    if (ignoreExceptions) {
        errorReporter = ERROR_REPORTER;
    } else {
        errorReporter = PROPAGATING_ERROR_REPORTER;
 * Creates a new {@link TerminalConsoleAppender}.
 * @param name The name of the appender
 * @param filter The filter, can be {@code null}
 * @param layout The layout, can be {@code null}
 * @param ignoreExceptions If {@code true} exceptions encountered when
 *     appending events are logged, otherwise they are propagated to the
 *     caller
 * @return The new appender
public static TerminalConsoleAppender createAppender(
        @Required(message = "No name provided for TerminalConsoleAppender") @PluginAttribute("name") String name,
        @PluginElement("Filter") Filter filter,
        @PluginElement("Layout") @Nullable Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
        @PluginAttribute(value = "ignoreExceptions", defaultBoolean = true) boolean ignoreExceptions) {

    if (layout == null) {
        layout = PatternLayout.createDefaultLayout();

    return new TerminalConsoleAppender(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions);
源代码23 项目: collect-earth   文件: JSwingAppender.java
public static JSwingAppender createAppender(@PluginAttribute("name") String name,
		@PluginElement("Layout") Layout<?> layout, @PluginElement("Filters") Filter filter,
		@PluginAttribute("ignoreExceptions") boolean ignoreExceptions) {

	if (name == null) {
		LoggerFactory.getLogger( JSwingAppender.class ).error("No name provided for JTextAreaAppender");
		return null;

	if (layout == null) {
		layout = PatternLayout.createDefaultLayout();
	return new JSwingAppender(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions);
源代码24 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: LogstashIT.java
private static <K> Map<K, Object> appendAndCollect(
        final List<LogEvent> logEvents,
        final Layout<?> layout,
        final int port,
        final Function<Map<String, Object>, K> keyMapper,
        final Set<String> excludedKeys) throws IOException {
    try (final RestHighLevelClient client = createClient()) {
        final Appender appender = createStartedAppender(layout, port);
        try {

            // Append the event.
            LOGGER.info("appending events");
            LOGGER.info("completed appending events");

            // Wait the message to arrive.
                    .until(() -> queryDocumentCount(client) == LOG_EVENT_COUNT);

            // Retrieve the persisted messages.
            return queryDocuments(client)
                            (final Map<String, Object> source) -> {
                                return source;

        } finally {
源代码25 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: RandomAccessFileManager.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param append Append status.
 * @param bufferSize size of the buffer
 * @param configuration The configuration.
public FactoryData(final boolean append, final boolean immediateFlush, final int bufferSize,
        final String advertiseURI, final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout, final Configuration configuration) {
    this.append = append;
    this.immediateFlush = immediateFlush;
    this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
    this.advertiseURI = advertiseURI;
    this.layout = layout;
private Layout<?> testConsole(final String configResource) throws Exception {
    final Configuration configuration = getConfiguration(configResource);
    final String name = "Console";
    final ConsoleAppender appender = configuration.getAppender(name);
    assertNotNull("Missing appender '" + name + "' in configuration " + configResource + " → " + configuration,
    assertEquals(Target.SYSTEM_ERR, appender.getTarget());
    final LoggerConfig loggerConfig = configuration.getLoggerConfig("com.example.foo");
    assertEquals(Level.DEBUG, loggerConfig.getLevel());
    return appender.getLayout();
源代码27 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: JsonTemplateLayoutTest.java
private static void usingSerializedLogEventAccessor(
        final Layout<String> layout,
        final LogEvent logEvent,
        final Consumer<MapAccessor> accessorConsumer) {
    final String serializedLogEventJson = layout.toSerializable(logEvent);
    final Map<String, Object> serializedLogEvent =
            (Map<String, Object>) readJson(serializedLogEventJson);
    final MapAccessor serializedLogEventAccessor = new MapAccessor(serializedLogEvent);
源代码28 项目: support-diagnostics   文件: BaseService.java
protected void createFileAppender(String logDir, String logFile) {

        logPath = logDir + SystemProperties.fileSeparator + logFile;

        Layout layout = PatternLayout.newBuilder()
                .withPattern("%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n")

        FileAppender.Builder builder = FileAppender.newBuilder();
        Appender diagAppender = builder.build();

        Appender oldAppender = logConfig.getAppender("packaged");
        if(oldAppender != null && oldAppender.isStarted()){

        AppenderRef.createAppenderRef("packaged", null, null);
        logConfig.getRootLogger().addAppender(diagAppender, null, null);
        logger.info(Constants.CONSOLE, "Diagnostic logger reconfigured for inclusion into archive");

源代码29 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: KafkaAppender.java
private void tryAppend(final LogEvent event) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
    final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout = getLayout();
    byte[] data;
    Long eventTimestamp;

    data = layout.toByteArray(event);
    eventTimestamp = event.getTimeMillis();
    manager.send(data, eventTimestamp);
源代码30 项目: ModPackDownloader   文件: TextAreaAppender.java
 * Factory method. Log4j will parse the configuration and call this factory
 * method to construct the appender with
 * the configured attributes.
 * @param name   Name of appender
 * @param layout Log layout of appender
 * @param filter Filter for appender
 * @return The TextAreaAppender
public static TextAreaAppender createAppender(
		@PluginAttribute("name") String name,
		@PluginElement("Layout") Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
		@PluginElement("Filter") final Filter filter) {
	if (name == null) {
		LOGGER.error("No name provided for TextAreaAppender");
		return null;
	if (layout == null) {
		layout = PatternLayout.createDefaultLayout();
	return new TextAreaAppender(name, filter, layout, true);