

源代码1 项目: ecs-logging-java   文件: EcsLayout.java
private EcsLayout(Configuration config, String serviceName, String eventDataset, boolean includeMarkers, KeyValuePair[] additionalFields, boolean includeOrigin, boolean stackTraceAsArray) {
    super(config, UTF_8, null, null);
    this.serviceName = serviceName;
    this.eventDataset = eventDataset;
    this.includeMarkers = includeMarkers;
    this.includeOrigin = includeOrigin;
    this.stackTraceAsArray = stackTraceAsArray;
    this.additionalFields = additionalFields;
    fieldValuePatternFormatter = new PatternFormatter[additionalFields.length][];
    for (int i = 0; i < additionalFields.length; i++) {
        KeyValuePair additionalField = additionalFields[i];
        if (additionalField.getValue().contains("%")) {
            fieldValuePatternFormatter[i] = PatternLayout.createPatternParser(config)
                    .toArray(new PatternFormatter[0]);
源代码2 项目: curiostack   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
private static ResolvableKeyValuePair[] prepareAdditionalFields(
    final Configuration config, final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
  if (additionalFields == null || additionalFields.length == 0) {
    // No fields set
    return new ResolvableKeyValuePair[0];

  // Convert to specific class which already determines whether values needs lookup during
  // serialization
  final ResolvableKeyValuePair[] resolvableFields =
      new ResolvableKeyValuePair[additionalFields.length];

  for (int i = 0; i < additionalFields.length; i++) {
    final ResolvableKeyValuePair resolvable =
        resolvableFields[i] = new ResolvableKeyValuePair(additionalFields[i]);

    // Validate
    if (config == null && resolvable.valueNeedsLookup) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "configuration needs to be set when there are additional fields with variables");

  return resolvableFields;
源代码3 项目: curiostack   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
protected AbstractJacksonLayout(
    final Configuration config,
    final ObjectWriter objectWriter,
    final Charset charset,
    final boolean compact,
    final boolean complete,
    final boolean eventEol,
    final Serializer headerSerializer,
    final Serializer footerSerializer,
    final boolean includeNullDelimiter,
    final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
  super(config, charset, headerSerializer, footerSerializer);
  this.objectWriter = objectWriter;
  this.compact = compact;
  this.complete = complete;
  this.eol = compact && !eventEol ? COMPACT_EOL : DEFAULT_EOL;
  this.includeNullDelimiter = includeNullDelimiter;
  this.additionalFields = prepareAdditionalFields(config, additionalFields);
源代码4 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: YamlLayoutTest.java
public void testAdditionalFields() throws Exception {
    final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = YamlLayout.newBuilder()
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[] {
                new KeyValuePair("KEY1", "VALUE1"),
                new KeyValuePair("KEY2", "${java:runtime}"), })
    final String str = layout.toSerializable(LogEventFixtures.createLogEvent());
    assertThat(str, containsString("KEY1: \"VALUE1\""));
    assertThat(str, containsString("KEY2: \"" + new JavaLookup().getRuntime() + "\""));
源代码5 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: YamlLayoutTest.java
public void testMutableLogEvent() throws Exception {
    final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = YamlLayout.newBuilder()
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[] {
                    new KeyValuePair("KEY1", "VALUE1"),
                    new KeyValuePair("KEY2", "${java:runtime}"), })
    Log4jLogEvent logEvent = LogEventFixtures.createLogEvent();
    final MutableLogEvent mutableEvent = new MutableLogEvent();
    final String strLogEvent = layout.toSerializable(logEvent);
    final String strMutableEvent = layout.toSerializable(mutableEvent);
    assertEquals(strMutableEvent, strLogEvent, strMutableEvent);
源代码6 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
private static ResolvableKeyValuePair[] prepareAdditionalFields(final Configuration config,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
    if (additionalFields == null || additionalFields.length == 0) {
        // No fields set
        return new ResolvableKeyValuePair[0];

    // Convert to specific class which already determines whether values needs lookup during serialization
    final ResolvableKeyValuePair[] resolvableFields = new ResolvableKeyValuePair[additionalFields.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < additionalFields.length; i++) {
        final ResolvableKeyValuePair resolvable = resolvableFields[i] = new ResolvableKeyValuePair(additionalFields[i]);

        // Validate
        if (config == null && resolvable.valueNeedsLookup) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "configuration needs to be set when there are additional fields with variables");

    return resolvableFields;
源代码7 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
private static ResolvableKeyValuePair[] prepareAdditionalFields(final Configuration config,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
    if (additionalFields == null || additionalFields.length == 0) {
        // No fields set
        return new ResolvableKeyValuePair[0];

    // Convert to specific class which already determines whether values needs lookup during serialization
    final ResolvableKeyValuePair[] resolvableFields = new ResolvableKeyValuePair[additionalFields.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < additionalFields.length; i++) {
        final ResolvableKeyValuePair resolvable = resolvableFields[i] = new ResolvableKeyValuePair(additionalFields[i]);

        // Validate
        if (config == null && resolvable.valueNeedsLookup) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "configuration needs to be set when there are additional fields with variables");

    return resolvableFields;
源代码8 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: DynamicThresholdFilter.java
 * Creates a DynamicThresholdFilter.
 * @param key The name of the key to compare.
 * @param pairs An array of value and Level pairs.
 * @param defaultThreshold The default Level.
 * @param onMatch The action to perform if a match occurs.
 * @param onMismatch The action to perform if no match occurs.
 * @return The DynamicThresholdFilter.
// TODO Consider refactoring to use AbstractFilter.AbstractFilterBuilder
public static DynamicThresholdFilter createFilter(
        @PluginAttribute final String key,
        @PluginElement final KeyValuePair[] pairs,
        @PluginAttribute final Level defaultThreshold,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMatch,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMismatch) {
    final Map<String, Level> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (final KeyValuePair pair : pairs) {
        map.put(pair.getKey(), Level.toLevel(pair.getValue()));
    final Level level = defaultThreshold == null ? Level.ERROR : defaultThreshold;
    return new DynamicThresholdFilter(key, map, level, onMatch, onMismatch);
源代码9 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: GelfLayout.java
private GelfLayout(final Configuration config, final String host, final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields,
        final CompressionType compressionType, final int compressionThreshold, final boolean includeStacktrace,
        final boolean includeThreadContext, final boolean includeNullDelimiter, final ListChecker listChecker,
        final PatternLayout patternLayout) {
    super(config, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, null, null);
    this.host = host != null ? host : NetUtils.getLocalHostname();
    this.additionalFields = additionalFields != null ? additionalFields : new KeyValuePair[0];
    if (config == null) {
        for (final KeyValuePair additionalField : this.additionalFields) {
            if (valueNeedsLookup(additionalField.getValue())) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("configuration needs to be set when there are additional fields with variables");
    this.compressionType = compressionType;
    this.compressionThreshold = compressionThreshold;
    this.includeStacktrace = includeStacktrace;
    this.includeThreadContext = includeThreadContext;
    this.includeNullDelimiter = includeNullDelimiter;
    if (includeNullDelimiter && compressionType != CompressionType.OFF) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("null delimiter cannot be used with compression");
    this.fieldWriter = new FieldWriter(listChecker);
    this.layout = patternLayout;
public void testFilter() {
    ThreadContext.put("userid", "testuser");
    ThreadContext.put("organization", "apache");
    final KeyValuePair[] pairs = new KeyValuePair[] {
            new KeyValuePair("testuser", "DEBUG"),
            new KeyValuePair("JohnDoe", "warn") };
    final DynamicThresholdFilter filter = DynamicThresholdFilter.createFilter("userid", pairs, Level.ERROR, null,
    assertSame(Filter.Result.NEUTRAL, filter.filter(null, Level.DEBUG, null, (Object) null, (Throwable) null));
    assertSame(Filter.Result.NEUTRAL, filter.filter(null, Level.ERROR, null, (Object) null, (Throwable) null));
    ThreadContext.put("userid", "JohnDoe");
    ThreadContext.put("organization", "apache");
    LogEvent event = Log4jLogEvent.newBuilder().setLevel(Level.DEBUG).setMessage(new SimpleMessage("Test")).build();
    assertSame(Filter.Result.DENY, filter.filter(event));
    event = Log4jLogEvent.newBuilder().setLevel(Level.ERROR).setMessage(new SimpleMessage("Test")).build();
    assertSame(Filter.Result.NEUTRAL, filter.filter(event));
源代码11 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: MapFilterTest.java
public void testFilter() {
    final KeyValuePair[] pairs = new KeyValuePair[] { new KeyValuePair("FromAccount", "211000"),
                                                new KeyValuePair("ToAccount", "123456")};
    MapFilter filter = MapFilter.createFilter(pairs, "and", null, null);
    StringMapMessage msg = new StringMapMessage();
    msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
    msg.put("FromAccount", "211000");
    msg.put("Amount", "1000.00");
    assertSame(Filter.Result.NEUTRAL, filter.filter(null, Level.DEBUG, null, msg, null));
    msg.put("ToAccount", "111111");
    assertSame(Filter.Result.DENY, filter.filter(null, Level.ERROR, null, msg, null));
    filter = MapFilter.createFilter(pairs, "or", null, null);
    msg = new StringMapMessage();
    msg.put("ToAccount", "123456");
    msg.put("FromAccount", "211000");
    msg.put("Amount", "1000.00");
    assertSame(Filter.Result.NEUTRAL, filter.filter(null, Level.DEBUG, null, msg, null));
    msg.put("ToAccount", "111111");
    assertSame(Filter.Result.NEUTRAL, filter.filter(null, Level.ERROR, null, msg, null));
源代码12 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: JsonLayoutTest.java
public void testAdditionalFields() throws Exception {
    final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = JsonLayout.newBuilder()
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[] {
                new KeyValuePair("KEY1", "VALUE1"),
                new KeyValuePair("KEY2", "${java:runtime}"), })
    final String str = layout.toSerializable(LogEventFixtures.createLogEvent());
    assertTrue(str, str.contains("\"KEY1\":\"VALUE1\""));
    assertTrue(str, str.contains("\"KEY2\":\"" + new JavaLookup().getRuntime() + "\""));
源代码13 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: JsonLayoutTest.java
public void testMutableLogEvent() throws Exception {
    final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = JsonLayout.newBuilder()
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[] {
                    new KeyValuePair("KEY1", "VALUE1"),
                    new KeyValuePair("KEY2", "${java:runtime}"), })
    Log4jLogEvent logEvent = LogEventFixtures.createLogEvent();
    final MutableLogEvent mutableEvent = new MutableLogEvent();
    final String strLogEvent = layout.toSerializable(logEvent);
    final String strMutableEvent = layout.toSerializable(mutableEvent);
    assertEquals(strMutableEvent, strLogEvent, strMutableEvent);
源代码14 项目: ecs-logging-java   文件: EcsLayout.java
private void serializeAdditionalFieldsAndMDC(LogEvent event, StringBuilder builder) {
    final int length = additionalFields.length;
    if (!event.getContextData().isEmpty() || length > 0) {
        if (length > 0) {
            final StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor = getConfiguration().getStrSubstitutor();
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                KeyValuePair additionalField = additionalFields[i];
                PatternFormatter[] formatters = fieldValuePatternFormatter[i];
                CharSequence value = null;
                if (formatters != null) {
                    StringBuilder buffer = EcsJsonSerializer.getMessageStringBuilder();
                    formatPattern(event, formatters, buffer);
                    if (buffer.length() > 0) {
                        value = buffer;
                } else if (valueNeedsLookup(additionalField.getValue())) {
                    StringBuilder lookupValue = EcsJsonSerializer.getMessageStringBuilder();
                    if (strSubstitutor.replaceIn(event, lookupValue)) {
                        value = lookupValue;
                } else {
                    value = additionalField.getValue();

                if (value != null) {
                    JsonUtils.quoteAsString(additionalField.getKey(), builder);
                    JsonUtils.quoteAsString(EcsJsonSerializer.toNullSafeString(value), builder);
        event.getContextData().forEach(WRITE_MDC, builder);
源代码15 项目: ecs-logging-java   文件: Log4j2EcsLayoutTest.java
void setUp() {
    ctx = new LoggerContext("Test");
    ctx.getConfiguration().getProperties().put("node.id", "foo");

    root = ctx.getRootLogger();

    for (final Appender appender : root.getAppenders().values()) {
    EcsLayout ecsLayout = EcsLayout.newBuilder()
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[]{
                    new KeyValuePair("cluster.uuid", "9fe9134b-20b0-465e-acf9-8cc09ac9053b"),
                    new KeyValuePair("node.id", "${node.id}"),
                    new KeyValuePair("empty", "${empty}"),
                    new KeyValuePair("clazz", "%C"),
                    new KeyValuePair("custom", "%custom"),
                    new KeyValuePair("emptyPattern", "%notEmpty{%invalidPattern}"),

    listAppender = new ListAppender("ecs", null, ecsLayout, false, false);
源代码16 项目: log4j2-gelf   文件: GelfAppender.java
protected GelfAppender(final String name,
                       final Layout<? extends Serializable> layout,
                       final Filter filter,
                       final boolean ignoreExceptions,
                       final GelfConfiguration gelfConfiguration,
                       final String hostName,
                       final boolean includeSource,
                       final boolean includeThreadContext,
                       final boolean includeStackTrace,
                       final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields,
                       final boolean includeExceptionCause) {
    super(name, filter, layout, ignoreExceptions);
    this.gelfConfiguration = gelfConfiguration;
    this.hostName = hostName;
    this.includeSource = includeSource;
    this.includeThreadContext = includeThreadContext;
    this.includeStackTrace = includeStackTrace;
    this.includeExceptionCause = includeExceptionCause;

    if (null != additionalFields) {
        this.additionalFields = new HashMap<>();
        for (KeyValuePair pair : additionalFields) {
            this.additionalFields.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
    } else {
        this.additionalFields = Collections.emptyMap();
private static JsonLayout createCustomJsonLayout() {
    return JsonLayout
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[]{
                    new KeyValuePair("@version", "\"1\"")
源代码18 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: YamlLayout.java
private YamlLayout(final Configuration config, final boolean locationInfo, final boolean properties,
        final boolean complete, final boolean compact, final boolean eventEol, final String headerPattern,
        final String footerPattern, final Charset charset, final boolean includeStacktrace,
        final boolean stacktraceAsString, final boolean includeNullDelimiter, final boolean includeTimeMillis,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
            new YamlJacksonFactory(includeStacktrace, stacktraceAsString).newWriter(locationInfo, properties,
                    compact, includeTimeMillis),
            charset, compact, complete, eventEol,
            includeNullDelimiter, additionalFields);
源代码19 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset,
        final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, final Serializer headerSerializer,
        final Serializer footerSerializer, final boolean includeNullDelimiter,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
    this(config, objectWriter, charset, compact, complete, eventEol, null, headerSerializer, footerSerializer,
            includeNullDelimiter, additionalFields);
源代码20 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset,
        final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, final String endOfLine,
        final Serializer headerSerializer, final Serializer footerSerializer, final boolean includeNullDelimiter,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
    super(config, charset, headerSerializer, footerSerializer);
    this.objectWriter = objectWriter;
    this.compact = compact;
    this.complete = complete;
    this.eol = endOfLine != null ? endOfLine : compact && !eventEol ? COMPACT_EOL : DEFAULT_EOL;
    this.includeNullDelimiter = includeNullDelimiter;
    this.additionalFields = prepareAdditionalFields(config, additionalFields);
源代码21 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset,
        final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, final Serializer headerSerializer,
        final Serializer footerSerializer, final boolean includeNullDelimiter,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
    this(config, objectWriter, charset, compact, complete, eventEol, null,
            headerSerializer, footerSerializer, includeNullDelimiter, additionalFields);
源代码22 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: AbstractJacksonLayout.java
protected AbstractJacksonLayout(final Configuration config, final ObjectWriter objectWriter, final Charset charset,
        final boolean compact, final boolean complete, final boolean eventEol, String endOfLine,
        final Serializer headerSerializer, final Serializer footerSerializer, final boolean includeNullDelimiter,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
    super(config, charset, headerSerializer, footerSerializer);
    this.objectWriter = objectWriter;
    this.compact = compact;
    this.complete = complete;
    this.eol = endOfLine != null ? endOfLine : compact && !eventEol ? COMPACT_EOL : DEFAULT_EOL;
    this.includeNullDelimiter = includeNullDelimiter;
    this.additionalFields = prepareAdditionalFields(config, additionalFields);
源代码23 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: XmlLayout.java
private XmlLayout(final Configuration config, final boolean locationInfo, final boolean properties,
        final boolean complete, final boolean compact, final Charset charset, final boolean includeStacktrace,
        final boolean stacktraceAsString, final boolean includeNullDelimiter, final boolean includeTimeMillis,
        final KeyValuePair[] additionalFields) {
            new XmlJacksonFactory(includeStacktrace, stacktraceAsString).newWriter(locationInfo, properties,
                    compact, includeTimeMillis),
            charset, compact, complete, false, null, null, includeNullDelimiter, additionalFields);
源代码24 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: XmlLayoutTest.java
public void testAdditionalFields() throws Exception {
    final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = XmlLayout.newBuilder().setLocationInfo(false).setProperties(false)
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[] { new KeyValuePair("KEY1", "VALUE1"),
                    new KeyValuePair("KEY2", "${java:runtime}"), })
    final String str = layout.toSerializable(LogEventFixtures.createLogEvent());
    assertTrue(str, str.contains("<KEY1>VALUE1</KEY1>"));
    assertTrue(str, str.contains("<KEY2>" + new JavaLookup().getRuntime() + "</KEY2>"));
源代码25 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: XmlLayoutTest.java
public void testMutableLogEvent() throws Exception {
    final AbstractJacksonLayout layout = XmlLayout.newBuilder().setLocationInfo(false).setProperties(false)
            .setAdditionalFields(new KeyValuePair[] { new KeyValuePair("KEY1", "VALUE1"),
                    new KeyValuePair("KEY2", "${java:runtime}"), })
    Log4jLogEvent logEvent = LogEventFixtures.createLogEvent();
    final MutableLogEvent mutableEvent = new MutableLogEvent();
    final String strLogEvent = layout.toSerializable(logEvent);
    final String strMutableEvent = layout.toSerializable(mutableEvent);
    assertEquals(strMutableEvent, strLogEvent, strMutableEvent);
 * Creates a policy to rewrite levels for a given logger name.
 * @param loggerNamePrefix
 *        The logger name prefix for events to rewrite; all event logger names that start with this string will be
 *        rewritten.
 * @param levelPairs
 *        The levels to rewrite, the key is the source level, the value the target level.
 * @return a new LoggerNameLevelRewritePolicy
public static LoggerNameLevelRewritePolicy createPolicy(
        // @formatter:off
        @PluginAttribute("logger") final String loggerNamePrefix,
        @PluginElement("KeyValuePair") final KeyValuePair[] levelPairs) {
        // @formatter:on
    final Map<Level, Level> newMap = new HashMap<>(levelPairs.length);
    for (final KeyValuePair keyValuePair : levelPairs) {
        newMap.put(getLevel(keyValuePair.getKey()), getLevel(keyValuePair.getValue()));
    return new LoggerNameLevelRewritePolicy(loggerNamePrefix, newMap);
源代码27 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: MapRewritePolicy.java
 * The factory method to create the MapRewritePolicy.
 * @param mode The string representation of the Mode.
 * @param pairs key/value pairs for the new Map keys and values.
 * @return The MapRewritePolicy.
public static MapRewritePolicy createPolicy(
        @PluginAttribute final String mode,
        @PluginElement("KeyValuePair") final KeyValuePair[] pairs) {
    Mode op = mode == null ? op = Mode.Add : Mode.valueOf(mode);
    if (pairs == null || pairs.length == 0) {
        LOGGER.error("keys and values must be specified for the MapRewritePolicy");
        return null;
    final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (final KeyValuePair pair : pairs) {
        final String key = pair.getKey();
        if (key == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null key is not valid in MapRewritePolicy");
        final String value = pair.getValue();
        if (value == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null value for key " + key + " is not allowed in MapRewritePolicy");
        map.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
    if (map.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.error("MapRewritePolicy is not configured with any valid key value pairs");
        return null;
    return new MapRewritePolicy(map, op);
源代码28 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: ThreadContextMapFilter.java
public static ThreadContextMapFilter createFilter(
        @PluginElement final KeyValuePair[] pairs,
        @PluginAttribute final String operator,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMatch,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMismatch) {
    if (pairs == null || pairs.length == 0) {
        LOGGER.error("key and value pairs must be specified for the ThreadContextMapFilter");
        return null;
    final Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (final KeyValuePair pair : pairs) {
        final String key = pair.getKey();
        if (key == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null key is not valid in MapFilter");
        final String value = pair.getValue();
        if (value == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null value for key " + key + " is not allowed in MapFilter");
        List<String> list = map.get(pair.getKey());
        if (list != null) {
        } else {
            list = new ArrayList<>();
            map.put(pair.getKey(), list);
    if (map.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.error("ThreadContextMapFilter is not configured with any valid key value pairs");
        return null;
    final boolean isAnd = operator == null || !operator.equalsIgnoreCase("or");
    return new ThreadContextMapFilter(map, isAnd, onMatch, onMismatch);
源代码29 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: MapFilter.java
public static MapFilter createFilter(
        @PluginElement final KeyValuePair[] pairs,
        @PluginAttribute final String operator,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMatch,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMismatch) {
    if (pairs == null || pairs.length == 0) {
        LOGGER.error("keys and values must be specified for the MapFilter");
        return null;
    final Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (final KeyValuePair pair : pairs) {
        final String key = pair.getKey();
        if (key == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null key is not valid in MapFilter");
        final String value = pair.getValue();
        if (value == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null value for key " + key + " is not allowed in MapFilter");
        List<String> list = map.get(pair.getKey());
        if (list != null) {
        } else {
            list = new ArrayList<>();
            map.put(pair.getKey(), list);
    if (map.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.error("MapFilter is not configured with any valid key value pairs");
        return null;
    final boolean isAnd = operator == null || !operator.equalsIgnoreCase("or");
    return new MapFilter(map, isAnd, onMatch, onMismatch);
源代码30 项目: logging-log4j2   文件: StructuredDataFilter.java
 * Creates the StructuredDataFilter.
 * @param pairs Key and value pairs.
 * @param operator The operator to perform. If not "or" the operation will be an "and".
 * @param onMatch The action to perform on a match.
 * @param onMismatch The action to perform on a mismatch.
 * @return The StructuredDataFilter.
// TODO Consider refactoring to use AbstractFilter.AbstractFilterBuilder
public static StructuredDataFilter createFilter(
        @PluginElement final KeyValuePair[] pairs,
        @PluginAttribute final String operator,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMatch,
        @PluginAttribute final Result onMismatch) {
    if (pairs == null || pairs.length == 0) {
        LOGGER.error("keys and values must be specified for the StructuredDataFilter");
        return null;
    final Map<String, List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();
    for (final KeyValuePair pair : pairs) {
        final String key = pair.getKey();
        if (key == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null key is not valid in MapFilter");
        final String value = pair.getValue();
        if (value == null) {
            LOGGER.error("A null value for key " + key + " is not allowed in MapFilter");
        List<String> list = map.get(pair.getKey());
        if (list != null) {
        } else {
            list = new ArrayList<>();
            map.put(pair.getKey(), list);
    if (map.isEmpty()) {
        LOGGER.error("StructuredDataFilter is not configured with any valid key value pairs");
        return null;
    final boolean isAnd = operator == null || !operator.equalsIgnoreCase("or");
    return new StructuredDataFilter(map, isAnd, onMatch, onMismatch);