

源代码1 项目: litematica   文件: PositionUtils.java
public static Set<ChunkPos> getTouchedChunksForBoxes(Collection<? extends Box> boxes)
    Set<ChunkPos> set = new HashSet<>();

    for (Box box : boxes)
        final int boxXMin = Math.min(box.getPos1().getX(), box.getPos2().getX()) >> 4;
        final int boxZMin = Math.min(box.getPos1().getZ(), box.getPos2().getZ()) >> 4;
        final int boxXMax = Math.max(box.getPos1().getX(), box.getPos2().getX()) >> 4;
        final int boxZMax = Math.max(box.getPos1().getZ(), box.getPos2().getZ()) >> 4;

        for (int cz = boxZMin; cz <= boxZMax; ++cz)
            for (int cx = boxXMin; cx <= boxXMax; ++cx)
                set.add(new ChunkPos(cx, cz));

    return set;
protected void addPlacement(SchematicPlacement placement, LayerRange range)
    Set<ChunkPos> touchedChunks = placement.getTouchedChunks();

    for (ChunkPos pos : touchedChunks)
        int count = 0;

        for (IntBoundingBox box : placement.getBoxesWithinChunk(pos.x, pos.z).values())
            box = range.getClampedBox(box);

            if (box != null)
                this.boxesInChunks.put(pos, box);

        if (count > 0)
            this.onChunkAddedForHandling(pos, placement);
源代码3 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplShipChunkClaims.java
private void injectChunkIntoWorld(int x, int z, Chunk chunk) {
    ChunkProviderServer provider = (ChunkProviderServer) this.getWorldObj().getChunkProvider();
    chunk.dirty = true;
    // claimedChunks[x - getgetOwnedChunks().getMinX()][z - getgetOwnedChunks().getMinZ()] = chunk;
    loadedChunksMap.put(ChunkPos.asLong(x, z), chunk);

    provider.loadedChunks.put(ChunkPos.asLong(x, z), chunk);


    PlayerChunkMap map = ((WorldServer) this.getWorldObj()).getPlayerChunkMap();

    PlayerChunkMapEntry entry = new PlayerChunkMapEntry(map, x, z);

    long i = PlayerChunkMap.getIndex(x, z);
    // TODO: In future we need to do better to account for concurrency.
    map.entryMap.put(i, entry);

    entry.sentToPlayers = true;
    // TODO: In future we need to do better to account for concurrency.
    entry.players = Collections.unmodifiableList(shipHolder.getWatchingPlayers());
源代码4 项目: enderutilities   文件: ChunkLoading.java
public void ticketsLoaded(List<Ticket> tickets, World world)
    for (Ticket ticket : tickets)
        //System.out.println("void ticketsLoaded(): looping tickets");
        if (ticket != null)
            for (ChunkPos chunk : ticket.getChunkList())
                //System.out.println("void ticketsLoaded(): forcing chunk: " + chunk + " in dimension: " + ticket.world.provider.getDimensionId());
                ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(ticket, chunk);
源代码5 项目: enderutilities   文件: ChunkLoading.java
public boolean loadChunkForcedWithTicket(Ticket ticket, int dimension, int chunkX, int chunkZ, int unloadDelay)
    if (ticket == null)
        EnderUtilities.logger.warn("loadChunkForcedWithTicket(): ticket == null");
        return false;

    ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(ticket, new ChunkPos(chunkX, chunkZ));
    if (unloadDelay > 0)
        //System.out.println("loadChunkForcedWithTicket() adding timeout: " + unloadDelay);
        this.addChunkTimeout(ticket, dimension, chunkX, chunkZ, unloadDelay);

    return this.loadChunkWithoutForce(dimension, chunkX, chunkZ);
源代码6 项目: litematica   文件: SchematicPlacementManager.java
void addTouchedChunksFor(SchematicPlacement placement, boolean updateOverlay)
    if (placement.matchesRequirement(RequiredEnabled.PLACEMENT_ENABLED))
        Set<ChunkPos> chunks = placement.getTouchedChunks();

        for (ChunkPos pos : chunks)
            if (this.schematicsTouchingChunk.containsEntry(pos, placement) == false)
                this.schematicsTouchingChunk.put(pos, placement);



        if (updateOverlay)
源代码7 项目: litematica   文件: TaskCountBlocksBase.java
protected void countBlocksInChunk(ChunkPos pos)
    BlockPos.MutableBlockPos posMutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos();

    for (IntBoundingBox bb : this.getBoxesInChunk(pos))
        final int startX = bb.minX;
        final int startY = bb.minY;
        final int startZ = bb.minZ;
        final int endX = bb.maxX;
        final int endY = bb.maxY;
        final int endZ = bb.maxZ;

        for (int y = startY; y <= endY; ++y)
            for (int z = startZ; z <= endZ; ++z)
                for (int x = startX; x <= endX; ++x)
                    posMutable.setPos(x, y, z);
源代码8 项目: YouTubeModdingTutorial   文件: WorldMana.java
public float getManaInfluence(World world, BlockPos pos) {
    ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(pos);
    float mana = 0.0f;
    for (int dx = -4 ; dx <= 4 ; dx++) {
        for (int dz = -4 ; dz <= 4 ; dz++) {
            ChunkPos cp = new ChunkPos(chunkPos.x + dx, chunkPos.z + dz);
            ManaSphere sphere = getOrCreateSphereAt(world, cp);
            if (sphere.getRadius() > 0) {
                double distanceSq = pos.distanceSq(sphere.getCenter());
                if (distanceSq < sphere.getRadius() * sphere.getRadius()) {
                    double distance = Math.sqrt(distanceSq);
                    mana += (sphere.getRadius() - distance) / sphere.getRadius();
    return mana;
源代码9 项目: YouTubeModdingTutorial   文件: WorldMana.java
public float getManaStrength(World world, BlockPos pos) {
    ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(pos);
    float mana = 0.0f;
    for (int dx = -4 ; dx <= 4 ; dx++) {
        for (int dz = -4 ; dz <= 4 ; dz++) {
            ChunkPos cp = new ChunkPos(chunkPos.x + dx, chunkPos.z + dz);
            ManaSphere sphere = getOrCreateSphereAt(world, cp);
            if (sphere.getRadius() > 0) {
                double distanceSq = pos.distanceSq(sphere.getCenter());
                if (distanceSq < sphere.getRadius() * sphere.getRadius()) {
                    double distance = Math.sqrt(distanceSq);
                    double influence = (sphere.getRadius() - distance) / sphere.getRadius();
                    mana += influence * sphere.getCurrentMana();
    return mana;
源代码10 项目: YouTubeModdingTutorial   文件: WorldMana.java
private void growMana(World world) {
    for (Map.Entry<ChunkPos, ManaSphere> entry : spheres.entrySet()) {
        ManaSphere sphere = entry.getValue();
        if (sphere.getRadius() > 0) {
            if (world.isBlockLoaded(sphere.getCenter())) {
                float currentMana = sphere.getCurrentMana();
                currentMana += .01f;
                if (currentMana >= 5) {
                    currentMana = 5;
源代码11 项目: YouTubeModdingTutorial   文件: WorldMana.java
public NBTTagCompound writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) {
    NBTTagList list = new NBTTagList();
    for (Map.Entry<ChunkPos, ManaSphere> entry : spheres.entrySet()) {
        NBTTagCompound sphereNBT = new NBTTagCompound();
        ChunkPos pos = entry.getKey();
        ManaSphere sphere = entry.getValue();
        sphereNBT.setInteger("cx", pos.x);
        sphereNBT.setInteger("cz", pos.z);
        sphereNBT.setInteger("posx", sphere.getCenter().getX());
        sphereNBT.setInteger("posy", sphere.getCenter().getY());
        sphereNBT.setInteger("posz", sphere.getCenter().getZ());
        sphereNBT.setFloat("radius", sphere.getRadius());
        sphereNBT.setFloat("mana", sphere.getCurrentMana());
    compound.setTag("spheres", list);

    return compound;
public static void markSchematicChunksForRenderUpdate(ChunkPos chunkPos)
    World world = SchematicWorldHandler.getSchematicWorld();

    if (world != null)
        Long2ObjectMap<Chunk> schematicChunks = ((IMixinChunkProviderClient) (Object) world.getChunkProvider()).getLoadedChunks();
        Long2ObjectMap<Chunk> clientChunks = ((IMixinChunkProviderClient) (Object) Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getChunkProvider()).getLoadedChunks();
        long key = ChunkPos.asLong(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z);

        if (schematicChunks.containsKey(key) && clientChunks.containsKey(key))
            RenderGlobal rg = LitematicaRenderer.getInstance().getWorldRenderer();
            rg.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate((chunkPos.x << 4) - 1,   0, (chunkPos.z << 4) - 1,
                                             (chunkPos.x << 4) + 1, 255, (chunkPos.z << 4) + 1);
public static void markSchematicChunkForRenderUpdate(BlockPos pos)
    World world = SchematicWorldHandler.getSchematicWorld();

    if (world != null)
        Long2ObjectMap<Chunk> schematicChunks = ((IMixinChunkProviderClient) (Object) world.getChunkProvider()).getLoadedChunks();
        Long2ObjectMap<Chunk> clientChunks = ((IMixinChunkProviderClient) (Object) Minecraft.getMinecraft().world.getChunkProvider()).getLoadedChunks();
        long key = ChunkPos.asLong(pos.getX() >> 4, pos.getZ() >> 4);

        if (schematicChunks.containsKey(key) && clientChunks.containsKey(key))
            RenderGlobal rg = LitematicaRenderer.getInstance().getWorldRenderer();
            rg.markBlockRangeForRenderUpdate(pos.getX() - 1, pos.getY() - 1, pos.getZ() - 1,pos.getX() + 1, pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ() + 1);
源代码14 项目: the-hallow   文件: HallowedChunkGenerator.java
public void populateEntities(ChunkRegion region) {
	int centreX = region.getCenterChunkX();
	int centreZ = region.getCenterChunkZ();
	Biome biome = region.getBiome((new ChunkPos(centreX, centreZ)).getCenterBlockPos());
	ChunkRandom chunkRandom = new ChunkRandom();
	chunkRandom.setSeed(region.getSeed(), centreX << 4, centreZ << 4);
	SpawnHelper.populateEntities(region, biome, centreX, centreZ, chunkRandom);
源代码15 项目: Wurst7   文件: SearchHack.java
public void onUpdate()
	Block currentBlock = block.getBlock();
	BlockPos eyesPos = new BlockPos(RotationUtils.getEyesPos());
	ChunkPos center = getPlayerChunkPos(eyesPos);
	int range = area.getSelected().chunkRange;
	// 20w21a: Assuming class_5321 is the new Dimension and using its
	// toString() as an ID. Not sure why it has two Identifiers, but the
	// combination should be unique for every dimension.
	int dimensionId = MC.world.getRegistryKey().toString().hashCode();
	addSearchersInRange(center, range, currentBlock, dimensionId);
	removeSearchersOutOfRange(center, range);
	replaceSearchersWithDifferences(currentBlock, dimensionId);
	replaceSearchersWithChunkUpdate(currentBlock, dimensionId);
	if(getMatchingBlocksTask == null)
	if(compileVerticesTask == null)
protected void onChunkAddedForHandling(ChunkPos pos, SchematicPlacement placement)
    super.onChunkAddedForHandling(pos, placement);

    this.placementsPerChunk.put(pos, placement);
源代码17 项目: ForgeHax   文件: ChunkLogger.java
ChunkData(SPacketChunkData packet) {
  pos = new ChunkPos(packet.getChunkX(), packet.getChunkZ());
  bbox =
      new AxisAlignedBB(pos.getXStart(), 0, pos.getZStart(), pos.getXEnd(), 255, pos.getZEnd());
  isFullChunk = packet.isFullChunk();
源代码18 项目: Wurst7   文件: SearchHack.java
private void removeSearchersOutOfRange(ChunkPos center, int chunkRange)
	for(ChunkSearcher searcher : new ArrayList<>(searchers.values()))
		if(Math.abs(searcher.chunk.getPos().x - center.x) <= chunkRange
			&& Math.abs(searcher.chunk.getPos().z - center.z) <= chunkRange)
源代码19 项目: Signals   文件: ChunkLoadManager.java
public boolean update(){
    if(ticket.getEntity() == null || ticket.getEntity().isDead) {
        Log.warning("No or dead cart for chunkloading ticket found! Disposing...");
        return true;

    ChunkPos newPos = new ChunkPos(ticket.getEntity().chunkCoordX, ticket.getEntity().chunkCoordZ);
    if(!newPos.equals(curPos)) { // When the cart changed from chunk

        //Select a 3x3 area centered around the cart.
        Set<ChunkPos> newForced = new HashSet<>();
        for(int x = newPos.x - 1; x <= newPos.x + 1; x++) {
            for(int z = newPos.z - 1; z <= newPos.z + 1; z++) {
                newForced.add(new ChunkPos(x, z));

        //Unforce chunks we don't need anymore
        curForced.stream().filter(pos -> !newForced.contains(pos)).forEach(pos -> {
            ForgeChunkManager.unforceChunk(ticket, pos);

        //Force new chunks
        newForced.stream().filter(pos -> !curForced.contains(pos)).forEach(pos -> {
            ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk(ticket, pos);

        curForced = newForced;
    return false;
源代码20 项目: Wurst7   文件: CaveFinderHack.java
private void removeSearchersOutOfRange(ChunkPos center, int chunkRange)
	for(ChunkSearcher searcher : new ArrayList<>(searchers.values()))
		if(Math.abs(searcher.chunk.getPos().x - center.x) <= chunkRange
			&& Math.abs(searcher.chunk.getPos().z - center.z) <= chunkRange)
源代码21 项目: Wurst7   文件: CaveFinderHack.java
private void searchNow()
	if(status == Status.IDLE || status == Status.DONE
		|| !matchingBlocks.isEmpty())
		throw new IllegalStateException();
	ChunkPos chunkPos = chunk.getPos();
	int minX = chunkPos.getStartX();
	int minY = 0;
	int minZ = chunkPos.getStartZ();
	int maxX = chunkPos.getEndX();
	int maxY = 255;
	int maxZ = chunkPos.getEndZ();
	for(int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++)
		for(int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++)
			for(int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++)
				if(status == Status.INTERRUPTED || Thread.interrupted())
				BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
				Block block = BlockUtils.getBlock(pos);
	status = Status.DONE;
源代码22 项目: multiconnect   文件: PendingLightData.java
public static void setInstance(int chunkX, int chunkZ, PendingLightData instance) {
    synchronized (instances) {
        if (instance == null)
            instances.remove(new ChunkPos(chunkX, chunkZ));
            instances.put(new ChunkPos(chunkX, chunkZ), instance);
public void injectChunkIntoWorld(Chunk chunk, int x, int z, boolean putInId2ChunkMap) {
    VSChunkClaim chunkClaim = parent.getOwnedChunks();

    // Make sure this chunk knows we own it.
    ((IPhysicsChunk) chunk).setParentPhysicsObject(Optional.of(this.parent));

    ChunkProviderServer provider = (ChunkProviderServer) world.getChunkProvider();
    chunk.dirty = true;
    claimedChunks[x - chunkClaim.minX()][z - chunkClaim.minZ()] = chunk;

    if (putInId2ChunkMap) {
        provider.loadedChunks.put(ChunkPos.asLong(x, z), chunk);

    // We need to set these otherwise certain events like Sponge's PhaseTracker will refuse to work properly with ships!
    // Inject the entry into the player chunk map.
    // Sanity check first
    if (!((WorldServer) world).isCallingFromMinecraftThread()) {
        throw new IllegalThreadStateException("We cannot call this crap from another thread!");
    PlayerChunkMap map = ((WorldServer) world).getPlayerChunkMap();
    PlayerChunkMapEntry entry = map.getOrCreateEntry(x, z);
    entry.sentToPlayers = true;
    entry.players = parent.getWatchingPlayers();
源代码24 项目: simpleretrogen   文件: WorldRetrogen.java
private void queueRetrogen(String retro, World world, ChunkPos chunkCoords)
    if (world instanceof WorldServer)
        ListMultimap<ChunkPos, String> currentWork = pendingWork.get(world);
        if (currentWork == null)
            currentWork = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            pendingWork.put(world, currentWork);

        currentWork.put(chunkCoords, retro);
源代码25 项目: patchwork-api   文件: ChunkSerializerMixin.java
@Inject(method = "serialize", slice = @Slice(from = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/entity/Entity;saveToTag(Lnet/minecraft/nbt/CompoundTag;)Z"), to = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/chunk/ProtoChunk;getEntities()Ljava/util/List;")), at = @At(value = "JUMP", opcode = Opcodes.GOTO, ordinal = 2), locals = LocalCapture.CAPTURE_FAILHARD)
private static void serializeCapabilities(ServerWorld serverWorld, Chunk chunk, CallbackInfoReturnable<CompoundTag> callbackInfoReturnable, ChunkPos chunkPos, CompoundTag compoundTag, CompoundTag level) {
	CompoundTag tag = ((CapabilityProviderHolder) chunk).serializeCaps();

	if (tag != null) {
		level.put("ForgeCaps", tag);
源代码26 项目: GriefPrevention   文件: BlockUtils.java
public static Set<Claim> getNearbyClaims(Location<World> location, int blockDistance) {
    Set<Claim> claims = new HashSet<>();
    GPClaimManager claimWorldManager = GriefPreventionPlugin.instance.dataStore.getClaimWorldManager(location.getExtent().getProperties());
    if (claimWorldManager == null) {
        return claims;

    org.spongepowered.api.world.Chunk lesserChunk = location.getExtent().getChunkAtBlock(location.sub(blockDistance, 0, blockDistance).getBlockPosition()).orElse(null);
    org.spongepowered.api.world.Chunk greaterChunk = location.getExtent().getChunkAtBlock(location.add(blockDistance, 0, blockDistance).getBlockPosition()).orElse(null);

    if (lesserChunk != null && greaterChunk != null) {
        for (int chunkX = lesserChunk.getPosition().getX(); chunkX <= greaterChunk.getPosition().getX(); chunkX++) {
            for (int chunkZ = lesserChunk.getPosition().getZ(); chunkZ <= greaterChunk.getPosition().getZ(); chunkZ++) {
                org.spongepowered.api.world.Chunk chunk = location.getExtent().getChunk(chunkX, 0, chunkZ).orElse(null);
                if (chunk != null) {
                    Set<Claim> claimsInChunk = claimWorldManager.getInternalChunksToClaimsMap().get(ChunkPos.asLong(chunkX, chunkZ));
                    if (claimsInChunk != null) {
                        for (Claim claim : claimsInChunk) {
                            final GPClaim gpClaim = (GPClaim) claim;
                            if (gpClaim.parent == null && !claims.contains(claim)) {

    return claims;
@Inject(method = "sendWatchPackets", at = @At("HEAD"))
private void fireWatchEvents(ServerPlayerEntity player, ChunkPos pos, Packet<?>[] packets, boolean withinMaxWatchDistance, boolean withinViewDistance, CallbackInfo callback) {
	if (withinViewDistance && !withinMaxWatchDistance) {
		ChunkWatchEvent.Watch event = new ChunkWatchEvent.Watch(player, pos, world);

源代码28 项目: EmergingTechnology   文件: WorldTickHandler.java
public void tickEnd(TickEvent.WorldTickEvent event) {
    if (event.side != Side.SERVER) {

    if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.END) {

        World world = event.world;
        int dim = world.provider.getDimension();

        ArrayDeque<ChunkPos> chunks = chunksToGen.get(dim);

        if (chunks != null && !chunks.isEmpty()) {
            ChunkPos c = chunks.pollFirst();
            long worldSeed = world.getSeed();
            Random rand = new Random(worldSeed);
            long xSeed = rand.nextLong() >> 2 + 1L;
            long zSeed = rand.nextLong() >> 2 + 1L;
            rand.setSeed(xSeed * c.x + zSeed * c.z ^ worldSeed);
            OreGenerator.instance.generateWorld(rand, c.x, c.z, world, false);
            chunksToGen.put(dim, chunks);
        } else if (chunks != null) {
源代码29 项目: fabric-carpet   文件: CarpetEventServer.java
public void onChunkGenerated(ServerWorld world, Chunk chunk)
    handler.call( () ->
                ChunkPos pos = chunk.getPos();
                return Arrays.asList(
                        ((c, t) -> new NumericValue(pos.x << 4)),
                        ((c, t) -> new NumericValue(pos.z << 4))
            }, () -> CarpetServer.minecraft_server.getCommandSource().withWorld(world)
源代码30 项目: fabric-carpet   文件: CarpetSettings.java
public static void changeSpawnSize(int size)
    ServerWorld overworld = CarpetServer.minecraft_server.getWorld(DimensionType.OVERWORLD);
    if (overworld != null) {
        ChunkPos centerChunk = new ChunkPos(new BlockPos(
        SpawnChunks.changeSpawnChunks(overworld.getChunkManager(), centerChunk, size);