

源代码1 项目: carpet-extra   文件: CarpetDispenserBehaviours.java
protected ItemStack dispenseSilently(BlockPointer source, ItemStack stack) {
    if(!CarpetExtraSettings.dispensersToggleThings) {
        return super.dispenseSilently(source, stack);

    World world = source.getWorld();
    Direction direction = (Direction) source.getBlockState().get(DispenserBlock.FACING);
    BlockPos pos = source.getBlockPos().offset(direction);
    BlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);  
    if(toggleable.contains(state.getBlock())) {
        ActionResult result = state.onUse(
            new BlockHitResult(
                new Vec3d(new Vec3i(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), pos.getZ())), 
        if(result.isAccepted()) return stack; // success or consume
    return super.dispenseSilently(source, stack);
public BakedModel bakeModel(JsonUnbakedModel model, Function<SpriteIdentifier, Sprite> textureGetter, ModelBakeSettings settings, Identifier id, boolean hasDepth) {
    Sprite sprite = textureGetter.apply(model.resolveSprite("particle"));
    if (model.getRootModel() == ModelLoader.BLOCK_ENTITY_MARKER) {
        return new BuiltinBakedModel(model.getTransformations(), ModelOverrideList.EMPTY, sprite, model.getGuiLight().isSide());
    } else {
        BasicBakedModel.Builder builder = (new BasicBakedModel.Builder(model, ModelOverrideList.EMPTY, hasDepth)).setParticle(sprite);

        for (ModelElement modelElement : model.getElements()) {
            for (Direction direction : modelElement.faces.keySet()) {
                ModelElementFace modelElementFace = modelElement.faces.get(direction);
                Sprite sprite2 = textureGetter.apply(model.resolveSprite(modelElementFace.textureId));
                if (modelElementFace.cullFace == null) {
                    builder.addQuad(createQuad(modelElement, modelElementFace, sprite2, direction, settings, id));
                } else {
                    builder.addQuad(Direction.transform(settings.getRotation().getMatrix(), modelElementFace.cullFace), createQuad(modelElement, modelElementFace, sprite2, direction, settings, id));

        return builder.build();
源代码3 项目: Galacticraft-Rewoven   文件: AluminumWireBlock.java
private BooleanProperty getPropForDirection(Direction dir) {
    switch (dir) {
        case SOUTH:
            return ATTACHED_SOUTH;
        case EAST:
            return ATTACHED_EAST;
        case WEST:
            return ATTACHED_WEST;
        case NORTH:
            return ATTACHED_NORTH;
        case UP:
            return ATTACHED_UP;
        case DOWN:
            return ATTACHED_DOWN;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot be null");
 * Handles blocks besides the slimeblock that are sticky. Currently only supports blocks that are sticky on one side.
 * Currently the only additional sticky block is the double chest, which sticks to its other chest half.
 * @param blockPos_1 location of a block that moves and needs to stick other blocks to it
 * @author 2No2Name
private boolean stickToStickySide(BlockPos blockPos_1){
        return true;

    BlockState blockState_1 = this.world.getBlockState(blockPos_1);
    Block block = blockState_1.getBlock();
    Direction stickyDirection  = null;
    if(block == Blocks.CHEST || block == Blocks.TRAPPED_CHEST) {
        stickyDirection = getDirectionToOtherChestHalf(blockState_1);

    //example how you could make sticky pistons have a sticky side:
    //else if(block == Blocks.STICKY_PISTON){
    //    stickyDirection = blockState_1.get(FacingBlock.FACING);

    return stickyDirection == null || this.tryMove(blockPos_1.offset(stickyDirection), stickyDirection);
源代码5 项目: Galacticraft-Rewoven   文件: Walkway.java
protected int getShapeIndex(BlockState state) {
    return this.SHAPE_INDEX_CACHE.computeIntIfAbsent(state, (blockState) -> {
        int i = 0;
        if (blockState.get(NORTH)) {
            i |= getDirectionMask(Direction.NORTH);

        if (blockState.get(EAST)) {
            i |= getDirectionMask(Direction.EAST);

        if (blockState.get(SOUTH)) {
            i |= getDirectionMask(Direction.SOUTH);

        if (blockState.get(WEST)) {
            i |= getDirectionMask(Direction.WEST);

        return i;
源代码6 项目: MineLittlePony   文件: PonySkullRenderer.java
static void handleRotation(MatrixStack stack, @Nullable Direction direction) {
    if (direction == null) {
        stack.translate(0.5, 0, 0.5);

    switch (direction) {
        case NORTH:
            stack.translate(0.5, 0.25, 0.74);
        case SOUTH:
            stack.translate(0.5, 0.25, 0.26);
        case WEST:
            stack.translate(0.74, 0.25, 0.5);
        case EAST:
            stack.translate(0.26, 0.25, 0.5);
源代码7 项目: multiconnect   文件: MixinBlockItem.java
@Inject(method = "canPlace", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void onCanPlace(ItemPlacementContext context, BlockState state, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> ci) {
    if (ConnectionInfo.protocolVersion <= Protocols.V1_12_2) {
        Block block = state.getBlock();
        if (block == Blocks.CHEST || block == Blocks.TRAPPED_CHEST) {
            World world = context.getWorld();
            BlockPos pos = context.getBlockPos();
            boolean foundAdjChest = false;
            for (Direction dir : Direction.Type.HORIZONTAL) {
                BlockState otherState = world.getBlockState(pos.offset(dir));
                if (otherState.getBlock() == block) {
                    if (foundAdjChest) {
                    foundAdjChest = true;
                    if (otherState.get(ChestBlock.CHEST_TYPE) != ChestType.SINGLE) {
源代码8 项目: fabric-carpet   文件: BlockValue.java
public Direction[] getPlacementDirections() {
    switch(this.facing) {
        case DOWN:
            return new Direction[]{Direction.DOWN, Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST, Direction.UP};
        case UP:
            return new Direction[]{Direction.DOWN, Direction.UP, Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.WEST};
        case NORTH:
            return new Direction[]{Direction.DOWN, Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST, Direction.UP, Direction.SOUTH};
        case SOUTH:
            return new Direction[]{Direction.DOWN, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.EAST, Direction.WEST, Direction.UP, Direction.NORTH};
        case WEST:
            return new Direction[]{Direction.DOWN, Direction.WEST, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.UP, Direction.NORTH, Direction.EAST};
        case EAST:
            return new Direction[]{Direction.DOWN, Direction.EAST, Direction.SOUTH, Direction.UP, Direction.NORTH, Direction.WEST};
源代码9 项目: carpet-extra   文件: CarpetDispenserBehaviours.java
protected ItemStack dispenseSilently(BlockPointer source, ItemStack stack)
    if (!CarpetExtraSettings.dispensersPlayRecords)
        return super.dispenseSilently(source, stack);
    Direction direction = source.getBlockState().get(DispenserBlock.FACING);
    BlockPos pos = source.getBlockPos().offset(direction);
    World world = source.getWorld();
    BlockState state = world.getBlockState(pos);
    if (state.getBlock() == Blocks.JUKEBOX)
        JukeboxBlockEntity jukebox = (JukeboxBlockEntity) world.getBlockEntity(pos);
        if (jukebox != null)
            ItemStack itemStack = jukebox.getRecord();
            ((JukeboxBlock) state.getBlock()).setRecord(world, pos, state, stack);
            world.playLevelEvent(null, 1010, pos, Item.getRawId(stack.getItem()));
            return itemStack;
    return super.dispenseSilently(source, stack);
public SpriteIdentifier getDefaultSpriteId(@Nonnull BasicSolarPanelBlockEntity entity, @Nonnull Direction direction) {
    switch (direction) {
        case NORTH:
            return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/basic_solar_panel"));
        case SOUTH:
            new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine_side"));
        case EAST:
            new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine_side"));
        case WEST:
            new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine_side"));
        case UP:
            new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/solar_panel"));
        case DOWN:
            new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine"));
    return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine"));
public SpriteIdentifier getDefaultSpriteId(@Nonnull RefineryBlockEntity entity, @Nonnull Direction direction) {
    switch (direction) {
        case NORTH:
            return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/refinery_front"));
        case SOUTH:
            return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/refinery_side"));
        case EAST:
        case WEST:
            return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine_side"));
        case UP:
        case DOWN:
            return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine"));
    return new SpriteIdentifier(PlayerScreenHandler.BLOCK_ATLAS_TEXTURE, new Identifier(Constants.MOD_ID, "block/machine"));
源代码12 项目: patchwork-api   文件: IForgeBlock.java
 * Re-colors this block in the world.
 * @param state   The current state
 * @param world   The world
 * @param pos     Block position
 * @param facing  ??? (this method has no usages)
 * @param color   Color to recolor to.
 * @return if the block was affected
default boolean recolorBlock(BlockState state, IWorld world, BlockPos pos, Direction facing, DyeColor color) {
	for (Property<?> prop : state.getProperties()) {
		if (prop.getName().equals("color") && prop.getType() == DyeColor.class) {
			DyeColor current = (DyeColor) state.get(prop);

			if (current != color && prop.getValues().contains(color)) {
				world.setBlockState(pos, state.with(((Property<DyeColor>) prop), color), 3);
				return true;

	return false;
源代码13 项目: the-hallow   文件: LargeSkeletalTreeFeature.java
protected boolean generateBranch(Set<BlockPos> set, ModifiableTestableWorld world, Random random, BlockPos pos, BlockBox mibb, int maxBranchouts, Direction lastDir) {
	int baseHeight = random.nextInt(4) + 2;
	for (int int_4 = 0; int_4 < baseHeight; ++int_4) {
		BlockPos blockPos = pos.up(int_4 + 1);
		if (!isSurroundedByAir(world, blockPos, null)) {
			return true;
		addLog(set, world, blockPos, Direction.Axis.Y, mibb);
	int int_5 = random.nextInt(4) + 1;
	int int_1 = 8;
	if (maxBranchouts > 0)
		for (int int_6 = 0; int_6 < int_5; ++int_6) {
			Direction direction_1 = Direction.Type.HORIZONTAL.random(random);
			if (direction_1 == lastDir) continue;
			BlockPos blockPos_4 = pos.up(baseHeight).offset(direction_1);
			if (Math.abs(blockPos_4.getX() - pos.getX()) < int_1 && Math.abs(blockPos_4.getZ() - pos.getZ()) < int_1 && isAir(world, blockPos_4) && isAir(world, blockPos_4.down()) && isSurroundedByAir(world, blockPos_4, direction_1.getOpposite())) {
				addLog(set, world, blockPos_4, direction_1.getAxis(), mibb);
				generateBranch(set, world, random, blockPos_4, mibb, maxBranchouts - 1, direction_1.getOpposite());
	return true;
源代码14 项目: carpet-extra   文件: CarpetDispenserBehaviours.java
private ItemStack defaultBehaviour(BlockPointer source, ItemStack stack)
    if (this.minecartType == AbstractMinecartEntity.Type.TNT)
        World world = source.getWorld();
        BlockPos pos = source.getBlockPos().offset((Direction) source.getBlockState().get(DispenserBlock.FACING));
        TntEntity tntEntity = new TntEntity(world, (double)pos.getX() + 0.5D, (double)pos.getY(), (double)pos.getZ() + 0.5D, (LivingEntity)null);
        world.playSound((PlayerEntity)null, tntEntity.getX(), tntEntity.getY(), tntEntity.getZ(), SoundEvents.ENTITY_TNT_PRIMED, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 1.0F, 1.0F);
        return stack;
        return super.dispenseSilently(source, stack);
protected int[] getAvailableSlots(Direction side) {
    int[] ints = new int[getInventorySize()];

    for (int i = 0; i < getInventorySize(); i++) {
        ints[i] = i;

    return ints;
源代码16 项目: fabric-carpet   文件: EntityPlayerActionPack.java
void inactiveTick(ServerPlayerEntity player, Action action)
    EntityPlayerActionPack ap = ((ServerPlayerEntityInterface) player).getActionPack();
    if (ap.currentBlock == null) return;
    player.world.setBlockBreakingInfo(-1, ap.currentBlock, -1);
    player.interactionManager.processBlockBreakingAction(ap.currentBlock, PlayerActionC2SPacket.Action.ABORT_DESTROY_BLOCK, Direction.DOWN, player.server.getWorldHeight());
    ap.currentBlock = null;
public Set<ComponentType<?>> getComponentTypes(BlockView blockView, BlockPos pos, @Nullable Direction side) {
    Set<ComponentType<?>> set = new HashSet<>();
    BlockState state = blockView.getBlockState(pos);
    SideOption option = ((ConfigurableElectricMachineBlock) state.getBlock()).getOption(state, ConfigurableElectricMachineBlock.BlockFace.toFace(state.get(ConfigurableElectricMachineBlock.FACING), side));
    if (option == SideOption.POWER_OUTPUT || option == SideOption.POWER_INPUT) {
    return set;
public WireConnectionType canWireConnect(WorldAccess world, Direction opposite, BlockPos connectionSourcePos, BlockPos connectionTargetPos) {
    BlockState state = world.getBlockState(connectionTargetPos);

    SideOption option = getOption(state, BlockFace.toFace(state.get(FACING), opposite));

    if (option == SideOption.POWER_INPUT) {
        return WireConnectionType.ENERGY_INPUT;
    } else if (option == SideOption.POWER_OUTPUT) {
        return WireConnectionType.ENERGY_OUTPUT;

    return WireConnectionType.NONE;
源代码19 项目: Wurst7   文件: BonemealAuraHack.java
private boolean rightClickBlockLegit(BlockPos pos)
	Vec3d eyesPos = RotationUtils.getEyesPos();
	Vec3d posVec = Vec3d.ofCenter(pos);
	double distanceSqPosVec = eyesPos.squaredDistanceTo(posVec);
	for(Direction side : Direction.values())
		Vec3d hitVec = posVec.add(Vec3d.of(side.getVector()).multiply(0.5));
		double distanceSqHitVec = eyesPos.squaredDistanceTo(hitVec);
		// check if hitVec is within range (4.25 blocks)
		if(distanceSqHitVec > 18.0625)
		// check if side is facing towards player
		if(distanceSqHitVec >= distanceSqPosVec)
		// check line of sight
			.rayTrace(new RayTraceContext(eyesPos, hitVec,
				RayTraceContext.FluidHandling.NONE, MC.player))
			.getType() != HitResult.Type.MISS)
		// face block
		// place block
		IMC.getInteractionManager().rightClickBlock(pos, side, hitVec);
		return true;
	return false;
源代码20 项目: bleachhack-1.14   文件: MixinBlock.java
@Inject(method = "shouldDrawSide", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private static void shouldDrawSide(BlockState blockState_1, BlockView blockView_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, Direction direction_1, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> callback) {
    try {
        Xray xray = (Xray) ModuleManager.getModule(Xray.class);
        if (xray.isToggled()) {
    } catch (Exception ignored) {}
源代码21 项目: fabric-carpet   文件: ShapeDispatcher.java
protected void init(Map<String, Value> options)
    center = vecFromValue(options.get("center"));
    radius = NumericValue.asNumber(options.get("radius")).getFloat();
    level = NumericValue.asNumber(options.getOrDefault("level", optional.get("level"))).getInt();
    subdivisions = level;
    if (subdivisions <= 0)
        subdivisions = Math.max(10, (int)(10*Math.sqrt(radius)));
    height = NumericValue.asNumber(options.getOrDefault("height", optional.get("height"))).getFloat();
    axis = Direction.Axis.fromName(options.getOrDefault("axis", optional.get("axis")).getString());
源代码22 项目: patchwork-api   文件: IForgeBlock.java
 * Currently only called by fire when it is on top of this block.
 * Returning true will prevent the fire from naturally dying during updating.
 * Also prevents firing from dying from rain.
 * @param state The current state
 * @param world The current world
 * @param pos   Block position in world
 * @param side  The face that the fire is coming from
 * @return True if this block sustains fire, meaning it will never go out.
default boolean isFireSource(BlockState state, BlockView world, BlockPos pos, Direction side) {
	if (side != Direction.UP) {
		return false;

	if (getBlock() == Blocks.NETHERRACK || getBlock() == Blocks.MAGMA_BLOCK) {
		return true;

	return world instanceof CollisionView && ((CollisionView) world).getDimension() instanceof TheEndDimension && getBlock() == Blocks.BEDROCK;
源代码23 项目: Galacticraft-Rewoven   文件: FluidPipeBlock.java
public BlockState getPlacementState(ItemPlacementContext context) {
    BlockState state = this.getDefaultState();
    for (Direction direction : Direction.values()) {
        Block block = context.getWorld().getBlockState(context.getBlockPos().offset(direction)).getBlock();
        if (block instanceof FluidPipeBlock)
            state = state.with(propFromDirection(direction), true);
    return state;
源代码24 项目: fabric-carpet   文件: PistonBlock_movableTEMixin.java
@Inject(method = "isMovable", at = @At(value = "RETURN", ordinal = 3, shift = At.Shift.BEFORE))
private static void movableCMD(BlockState blockState_1, World world_1, BlockPos blockPos_1,
        Direction direction_1, boolean boolean_1, Direction direction_2, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir)
    Block block_1 = blockState_1.getBlock();
    //Make CommandBlocks movable, either use instanceof CommandBlock or the 3 cmd block objects,
    if (CarpetSettings.movableBlockEntities && block_1 instanceof CommandBlock)
源代码25 项目: Wurst7   文件: FluidRendererMixin.java
@Inject(at = {@At("HEAD")},
	method = {
	cancellable = true)
private static void onIsSideCovered(BlockView blockView_1,
	BlockPos blockPos_1, Direction direction_1, float float_1,
	CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir)
	BlockState state = blockView_1.getBlockState(blockPos_1);
	ShouldDrawSideEvent event = new ShouldDrawSideEvent(state);
	if(event.isRendered() != null)
源代码26 项目: Galacticraft-Rewoven   文件: Walkway.java
private BooleanProperty getPropForDir(Direction direction) {
    switch (direction) {
        case NORTH:
            return NORTH;
        case WEST:
            return WEST;
        case EAST:
            return EAST;
        case SOUTH:
            return SOUTH;
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();
源代码27 项目: bleachhack-1.14   文件: OffhandCrash.java
public void onTick(EventTick event) {
	for (int i = 0; i < getSettings().get(0).toSlider().getValue(); i++) {
		mc.player.networkHandler.sendPacket(new PlayerActionC2SPacket(Action.SWAP_ITEM_WITH_OFFHAND, BlockPos.ORIGIN, Direction.UP));
		if (getSettings().get(1).toToggle().state) mc.player.networkHandler.sendPacket(new PlayerMoveC2SPacket(true));
源代码28 项目: Sandbox   文件: BlockWrapper.java
public BlockState getStateForNeighborUpdate(BlockState blockState_1, Direction direction_1, BlockState blockState_2, IWorld iWorld_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, BlockPos blockPos_2) {
    return WrappingUtil.convert(block.updateOnNeighborChanged(
            (org.sandboxpowered.sandbox.api.state.BlockState) blockState_1,
            (org.sandboxpowered.sandbox.api.state.BlockState) blockState_2,
            (org.sandboxpowered.sandbox.api.world.World) iWorld_1.getWorld(), (Position) blockPos_1,
            (Position) blockPos_2
源代码29 项目: patchwork-api   文件: MixinSugarCaneBlock.java
@Inject(method = "canPlaceAt", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void onCanPlaceAt(BlockState state, CollisionView world, BlockPos pos, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir) {
	BlockState soil = world.getBlockState(pos.down());

	if (((IForgeBlockState) soil).canSustainPlant(world, pos.down(), Direction.UP, this)) {
源代码30 项目: patchwork-api   文件: MixinFarmlandBlock.java
@Inject(method = "hasCrop", cancellable = true, at = @At("HEAD"))
private static void onHasCrop(BlockView world, BlockPos pos, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir) {
	final BlockState ourState = world.getBlockState(pos);
	final BlockState cropState = world.getBlockState(pos.up());

	if (cropState.getBlock() instanceof IPlantable && ((IForgeBlockState) ourState).canSustainPlant(world, pos, Direction.UP, (IPlantable) cropState.getBlock())) {