

源代码1 项目: GregTech   文件: TabGroup.java
public boolean mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int button) {
    super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, button);
    Tuple<ITabInfo, int[]> tabOnMouse = getTabOnMouse(mouseX, mouseY);
    if (tabOnMouse != null) {
        ITabInfo tabInfo = tabOnMouse.getFirst();
        int tabIndex = tabInfos.indexOf(tabInfo);
        if (selectedTabIndex != tabIndex) {
            writeClientAction(2, buf -> buf.writeVarInt(tabIndex));
            return true;
    return false;
源代码2 项目: ForgeHax   文件: SchematicHelper.java
private static OptionalInt getColor(BlockPos pos, IBlockState heldBlock) {
  final Optional<Tuple<Schematic, BlockPos>> optSchematic = SchematicaHelper.getOpenSchematic();
  if (optSchematic.isPresent()) {
    final Schematic schematic = optSchematic.get().getFirst();
    final BlockPos schematicOffset = optSchematic.get().getSecond();
    final BlockPos schematicPos = pos.subtract(schematicOffset);
    if (schematic.inSchematic(schematicPos)) {
      final IBlockState schematicBlock = schematic.desiredState(schematicPos);
      return OptionalInt
          .of(schematicBlock.equals(heldBlock) ? Colors.GREEN.toBuffer() : Colors.RED.toBuffer());
    } else {
      return OptionalInt.empty();
  } else {
    return OptionalInt.empty();
public WrappedBlockState deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException
    ResourceLocation block;
    List<Tuple<String, String>> properties = Lists.newArrayList();

    if (json.isJsonObject())
        JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
        block = context.deserialize(jsonObject.get("block"), ResourceLocation.class);

        if (jsonObject.has("properties"))
            properties = deserializeProperties(jsonObject.get("properties"));
    } else
        block = context.deserialize(json, ResourceLocation.class);

    return new WrappedBlockStateImpl(block, properties);
源代码4 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplRotationNodeWorld.java
 * Set the angular velocity for an entire gear train based on the gear ratios.
 * @param start        The node that will get get angular velocity of newOmega.
 * @param newOmega     The new angular velocity of the node start.
 * @param deltaTime    The timestep used in our gear train simulation.
 * @param visitedNodes Nodes that won't have their angular velocity changed.
private void applyNewOmega(IRotationNode start, double newOmega, double deltaTime,
    Set<IRotationNode> visitedNodes) {
    visitedNodes.add(start); // kind of a bad spot to put this

        start.getAngularRotation() + (start.getAngularVelocity() * deltaTime) + (
            (newOmega - start.getAngularVelocity()) * deltaTime / 2D));


    for (Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing> connectedNode : start.connectedTorqueTilesList()) {
        IRotationNode endNode = connectedNode.getFirst();
        EnumFacing exploreDirection = connectedNode.getSecond();
        if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode.getFirst())) {
        double ratioStart = start.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection).get();
        double ratioEnd = endNode.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection.getOpposite())
        double multiplier = -ratioStart / ratioEnd;

        applyNewOmega(endNode, newOmega * multiplier, deltaTime, visitedNodes);
源代码5 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplRotationNodeWorld.java
 * Calculate the rotational total energy stored in a gear train (not including any nodes in
 * visitedNodes).
 * @param start
 * @param visitedNodes Nodes we ignore in our calculations.
 * @return
private double calculateTotalEnergy(IRotationNode start, Set<IRotationNode> visitedNodes) {
    visitedNodes.add(start); // kind of a bad spot to put this
    // actual code start
    double totalEnergy = start.getEnergy();
    for (Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing> connectedNode : start.connectedTorqueTilesList()) {
        IRotationNode endNode = connectedNode.getFirst();
        EnumFacing exploreDirection = connectedNode.getSecond();
        if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode.getFirst())) {
        // double ratioStart = start.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection).get();
        // double ratioEnd = endNode.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection.getOpposite()).get();
        // double multiplier = -ratioStart / ratioEnd;

        totalEnergy += calculateTotalEnergy(endNode, visitedNodes);
    return totalEnergy;
源代码6 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplRotationNodeWorld.java
 * Calculate the rotational inertia of the start node with the gear train (not including any
 * nodes in visitedNodes) attached. Reference: https://www.engineersedge.com/motors/gear_drive_system.htm
 * @param start        The node which we calculate the inertia relative to.
 * @param visitedNodes Nodes we ignore in our calculations.
 * @return
private double calculateApparentInertia(IRotationNode start, Set<IRotationNode> visitedNodes) {
    visitedNodes.add(start); // kind of a bad spot to put this
    // actual code start
    double apparentInertia = start.getRotationalInertia();
    for (Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing> connectedNode : start.connectedTorqueTilesList()) {
        IRotationNode endNode = connectedNode.getFirst();
        EnumFacing exploreDirection = connectedNode.getSecond();
        if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode.getFirst())) {
        double ratioStart = start.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection).get();
        double ratioEnd = endNode.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection.getOpposite())
        double multiplier = -ratioStart / ratioEnd;

        apparentInertia += (multiplier * multiplier * calculateApparentInertia(endNode,
    return apparentInertia;
源代码7 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplRotationNodeWorld.java
 * Calculate the 'apparent' angular velocity of a gear train (not including any nodes in
 * visitedNodes) relative to start. This probably isn't physically correct, but its good enough
 * for our purposes.
 * @param start        The node we calculate the apparent angular velocity relative to.
 * @param visitedNodes Nodes we ignore in our calculations.
 * @return
private double calculateApparentOmega(IRotationNode start, Set<IRotationNode> visitedNodes) {
    visitedNodes.add(start); // kind of a bad spot to put this
    // actual code start
    double apparentOmega = start.getAngularVelocity();
    for (Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing> connectedNode : start.connectedTorqueTilesList()) {
        IRotationNode endNode = connectedNode.getFirst();
        EnumFacing exploreDirection = connectedNode.getSecond();
        if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode.getFirst())) {
        double ratioStart = start.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection).get();
        double ratioEnd = endNode.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection.getOpposite())
        double multiplier = -ratioStart / ratioEnd;
        apparentOmega += (multiplier * calculateApparentOmega(endNode, visitedNodes));
    return apparentOmega;
源代码8 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplRotationNodeWorld.java
 * Calculate the net torque experienced by the gear train (not including any nodes in
 * visitedNodes) relative to start.
 * @param start        The node we calculate the apparent torque relative to.
 * @param visitedNodes Nodes we ignore in our calculations.
 * @return
private double calculateApparentTorque(IRotationNode start, Set<IRotationNode> visitedNodes) {
    visitedNodes.add(start); // kind of a bad spot to put this
    // actual code start
    double apparentTorque = start.calculateInstantaneousTorque(parent);
    for (Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing> connectedNode : start.connectedTorqueTilesList()) {
        IRotationNode endNode = connectedNode.getFirst();
        EnumFacing exploreDirection = connectedNode.getSecond();
        if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode.getFirst())) {
        double ratioStart = start.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection).get();
        double ratioEnd = endNode.getAngularVelocityRatioFor(exploreDirection.getOpposite())
        double multiplier = -ratioStart / ratioEnd;
        apparentTorque += (multiplier * calculateApparentTorque(endNode, visitedNodes));
    return apparentTorque;
源代码9 项目: AgriCraft   文件: AgriMutationEngine.java
public boolean registerStrategy(IAgriCrossStrategy strategy) {
    // Validate
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(strategy, "Cannot register a null strategy to the mutation engine!");

    // Register
    if (strategy.getRollChance() > 1f || strategy.getRollChance() < 0f) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
                "Invalid roll chance of " + strategy.getRollChance() + "!\n"
                + "The roll chance must be in the range 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive)!"
    } else if (strategy.getRollChance() == 0) {
        AgriCore.getLogger("agricraft").debug("Skipping mutation strategy with zero chance!");
        return false;
    } else if (hasStrategy(strategy)) {
        AgriCore.getLogger("agricraft").debug("Skipping duplicate mutation strategy!");
        return false;
    } else {
        this.sigma += strategy.getRollChance();
        this.strategies.add(new Tuple<>(sigma, strategy));
        return true;
源代码10 项目: MiningGadgets   文件: PacketDurabilitySync.java
public static void encode(PacketDurabilitySync msg, PacketBuffer buffer) {
    List<Tuple<BlockPos, Integer>> thisList = msg.updateList;
    CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
    ListNBT nbtList = new ListNBT();
    for (int i = 0; i < thisList.size(); i++) {
        CompoundNBT nbt = new CompoundNBT();
        nbt.put("pos", NBTUtil.writeBlockPos(thisList.get(i).getA()));
        nbt.putInt("dur", thisList.get(i).getB());
        nbtList.add(i, nbt);
    tag.put("list", nbtList);
源代码11 项目: MiningGadgets   文件: PacketDurabilitySync.java
public static PacketDurabilitySync decode(PacketBuffer buffer) {
    CompoundNBT tag = buffer.readCompoundTag();
    ListNBT nbtList = tag.getList("list", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND);
    List<Tuple<BlockPos, Integer>> thisList = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < nbtList.size(); i++) {
        CompoundNBT nbt = nbtList.getCompound(i);
        thisList.add(new Tuple<>(NBTUtil.readBlockPos(nbt.getCompound("pos")), nbt.getInt("dur")));
    return new PacketDurabilitySync(thisList);
源代码12 项目: MiningGadgets   文件: PacketDurabilitySync.java
public static void clientPacketHandler(PacketDurabilitySync msg) {
    List<Tuple<BlockPos, Integer>> thisList = msg.updateList;

    for (int i = 0; i < thisList.size(); i++) {
        BlockPos pos = thisList.get(i).getA();
        int durability = thisList.get(i).getB();
        TileEntity clientTE = Minecraft.getInstance().world.getTileEntity(pos);
        if (!(clientTE instanceof RenderBlockTileEntity)) return;
        ((RenderBlockTileEntity) clientTE).setClientDurability(durability);
源代码13 项目: GregTech   文件: TabGroup.java
public void drawInForeground(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
    super.drawInForeground(mouseX, mouseY);
    Tuple<ITabInfo, int[]> tabOnMouse = getTabOnMouse(mouseX, mouseY);
    if (tabOnMouse != null) {
        int[] tabSizes = tabOnMouse.getSecond();
        ITabInfo tabInfo = tabOnMouse.getFirst();
        boolean isSelected = tabInfos.get(selectedTabIndex) == tabInfo;
        tabInfo.renderHoverText(tabSizes[0], tabSizes[1], tabSizes[2], tabSizes[3], sizes.getWidth(), sizes.getHeight(), isSelected, mouseX, mouseY);
源代码14 项目: GregTech   文件: TabGroup.java
private Tuple<ITabInfo, int[]> getTabOnMouse(int mouseX, int mouseY) {
    for (int tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < tabInfos.size(); tabIndex++) {
        ITabInfo tabInfo = tabInfos.get(tabIndex);
        int[] tabSizes = tabListRenderer.getTabPos(tabIndex, sizes.getWidth(), sizes.getHeight());
        tabSizes[0] += getPosition().x;
        tabSizes[1] += getPosition().y;
        if (isMouseOverTab(mouseX, mouseY, tabSizes)) {
            return new Tuple<>(tabInfo, tabSizes);
    return null;
源代码15 项目: GregTech   文件: BakedModelHandler.java
public void addBuiltInBlock(Block block, String particleTexture) {
    this.builtInBlocks.add(new Tuple<>(block, particleTexture));
    ModelLoader.setCustomStateMapper(block, SIMPLE_STATE_MAPPER);
    Item itemFromBlock = Item.getItemFromBlock(block);
    if (itemFromBlock != Items.AIR) {
        ModelLoader.setCustomMeshDefinition(itemFromBlock, SIMPLE_MESH_DEFINITION);
源代码16 项目: GT-Classic   文件: GTHelperFluid.java
/** Created by e99999, does fluid container handling for GTC tiles **/
public static void doFluidContainerThings(TileEntityMachine tile, IC2Tank tank, int slotInput, int slotOutput) {
	if (!GTHelperStack.isSlotEmpty(tile, slotInput)) {
		// emptying items
		ItemStack emptyStack = FluidUtil.tryEmptyContainer(tile.getStackInSlot(slotInput), tank, tank.getCapacity()
				- tank.getFluidAmount(), null, false).getResult();
		boolean didEmpty = FluidUtil.tryEmptyContainer(tile.getStackInSlot(slotInput), tank, tank.getCapacity()
				- tank.getFluidAmount(), null, false) != FluidActionResult.FAILURE;
		if (!isTankFull(tank) && !GTHelperStack.isSlotFull(tile, slotOutput)
				&& GTHelperStack.canOutputStack(tile, emptyStack, slotOutput) && didEmpty) {
			FluidUtil.tryEmptyContainer(tile.getStackInSlot(slotInput), tank, tank.getCapacity()
					- tank.getFluidAmount(), null, true);
			if (GTHelperStack.isSlotEmpty(tile, slotOutput)) {
				tile.setStackInSlot(slotOutput, emptyStack);
			} else {
		// filling items
		Tuple<ItemStack, FluidStack> filled = FluidHelper.fillContainer(tile.getStackInSlot(slotInput), tank.getFluid(), true, true);
		if (filled != null && GTHelperStack.canOutputStack(tile, filled.getFirst(), slotOutput)) {
			if (GTHelperStack.isSlotEmpty(tile, slotOutput)) {
				tile.setStackInSlot(slotOutput, filled.getFirst());
			} else {
			tank.drainInternal((FluidStack) filled.getSecond(), true);
private List<Tuple<String, String>> deserializeProperties(JsonElement element)
    if (element.isJsonObject())
        return element.getAsJsonObject().entrySet().stream()
                      .map(e -> new Tuple<>(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getAsString()))
    } else
        return Arrays.stream(element.getAsString().split(","))
                     .map(s -> s.split("="))
                     .map(a -> new Tuple<>(a[0], a[1]))
源代码18 项目: customstuff4   文件: WrappedBlockStateImpl.java
public IBlockState createState()
    Block block = getBlock();
    if (block != null)
        IBlockState state = block.getDefaultState();

        for (Tuple<String, String> tuple : properties)
            String name = tuple.getFirst();

            Optional<IProperty> prop = getProperty(state, name);
            if (prop.isPresent())
                IProperty property = prop.get();
                state = state.withProperty(property, (Comparable) property.parseValue(tuple.getSecond()).get());

        return state;
    } else
        return null;
源代码19 项目: customstuff4   文件: BlockStairsTest.java
public void testProperties()
    ContentBlockStairs content = new ContentBlockStairs();
    content.id = "test_getSubtype";
    content.modelState = new WrappedBlockStateImpl(new ResourceLocation("minecraft:log"),
                                                   Collections.singletonList(new Tuple<>("variant", "spruce")));

    Block block = content.createBlock();
    Collection<IProperty<?>> properties = block.getBlockState().getProperties();
    assertEquals(3, properties.size());
源代码20 项目: customstuff4   文件: BlockStairsTest.java
public void test_getSubtype()
    ContentBlockStairs content = new ContentBlockStairs();
    content.id = "test_getSubtype";
    content.modelState = new WrappedBlockStateImpl(new ResourceLocation("minecraft:log"),
                                                   Collections.singletonList(new Tuple<>("variant", "spruce")));

    Block block = content.createBlock();
    CSBlock<ContentBlockStairs> csblock = (CSBlock<ContentBlockStairs>) block;
    for (EnumFacing facing : BlockStairs.FACING.getAllowedValues())
        for (net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs.EnumHalf half : BlockStairs.HALF.getAllowedValues())
            for (net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs.EnumShape shape : BlockStairs.SHAPE.getAllowedValues())
                IBlockState state = block.getDefaultState()
                                         .withProperty(BlockStairs.FACING, facing)
                                         .withProperty(BlockStairs.HALF, half)
                                         .withProperty(BlockStairs.SHAPE, shape);

                assertEquals(0, csblock.getSubtype(state));
源代码21 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: ImplRotationNodeWorld.java
 * @param start        The node where we start our traversal of the gear train graph to reset
 *                     the train.
 * @param visitedNodes Nodes that have already been reset.
private void resetGearTrain(IRotationNode start, Set<IRotationNode> visitedNodes) {
    visitedNodes.add(start); // kind of a bad spot to put this

    for (Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing> connectedNode : start.connectedTorqueTilesList()) {
        IRotationNode endNode = connectedNode.getFirst();
        if (visitedNodes.contains(connectedNode.getFirst())) {
        resetGearTrain(endNode, visitedNodes);
源代码22 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: IRotationNode.java
default List<Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing>> connectedTorqueTilesList() {
    List<Tuple<IRotationNode, EnumFacing>> connectedTiles = new ArrayList<>();
    for (EnumFacing facing : EnumFacing.values()) {
        if (isConnectedToSide(facing)) {
            Optional<IRotationNode> tileOnSide = getTileOnSide(facing);
            if (!tileOnSide.isPresent()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("I thought this was impossible!");
            connectedTiles.add(new Tuple<>(tileOnSide.get(), facing));
    return connectedTiles;
源代码23 项目: Valkyrien-Skies   文件: TileEntityRotationAxle.java
public void setAxleAxis(EnumFacing.Axis axleAxis) {
    this.rotationNode.queueTask(() -> {
        for (EnumFacing facing : EnumFacing.values()) {
            rotationNode.setAngularVelocityRatio(facing, Optional.empty());
        Tuple<EnumFacing, EnumFacing> enumFacingFromAxis = AXIS_TO_FACING_MAP.get(axleAxis);
        rotationNode.setAngularVelocityRatio(enumFacingFromAxis.getFirst(), Optional.of(1D));
        rotationNode.setAngularVelocityRatio(enumFacingFromAxis.getSecond(), Optional.of(-1D));
源代码24 项目: Et-Futurum   文件: Sponge.java
private boolean absorb(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
	LinkedList<Tuple> linkedlist = Lists.newLinkedList();
	ArrayList<WorldCoord> arraylist = Lists.newArrayList();
	linkedlist.add(new Tuple(new WorldCoord(x, y, z), 0));
	int i = 0;
	WorldCoord blockpos1;

	while (!linkedlist.isEmpty()) {
		Tuple tuple = linkedlist.poll();
		blockpos1 = (WorldCoord) tuple.getFirst();
		int j = (Integer) tuple.getSecond();

		for (ForgeDirection dir : ForgeDirection.VALID_DIRECTIONS) {
			WorldCoord blockpos2 = blockpos1.add(dir);

			if (world.getBlock(blockpos2.x, blockpos2.y, blockpos2.z).getMaterial() == Material.water) {
				world.setBlockToAir(blockpos2.x, blockpos2.y, blockpos2.z);
				if (j < 6)
					linkedlist.add(new Tuple(blockpos2, j + 1));

		if (i > 64)

	Iterator<WorldCoord> iterator = arraylist.iterator();

	while (iterator.hasNext()) {
		blockpos1 = iterator.next();
		world.notifyBlockOfNeighborChange(blockpos1.x, blockpos1.y, blockpos1.z, Blocks.air);

	return i > 0;
源代码25 项目: AgriCraft   文件: BaublesPlugin.java
public void registerItems(RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) {
        final ItemAgriBauble agriBauble = new ItemAgriBauble();
        if (FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide() == Side.CLIENT) {
            for (Tuple<Integer, ModelResourceLocation> entry : agriBauble.getModelDefinitions()) {
                ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(agriBauble, entry.getFirst(), entry.getSecond());
源代码26 项目: AgriCraft   文件: ItemTrowel.java
public List<Tuple<Integer, ModelResourceLocation>> getModelDefinitions() {
    return ImmutableList.of(
            new Tuple<>(0, new ModelResourceLocation(this.getRegistryName() + "")),
            new Tuple<>(1, new ModelResourceLocation(this.getRegistryName() + "_full"))
源代码27 项目: MiningGadgets   文件: PacketDurabilitySync.java
public PacketDurabilitySync(List<Tuple<BlockPos, Integer>> updateList) {
    this.updateList = updateList;
源代码28 项目: MiningGadgets   文件: ServerTickHandler.java
public static void addToList(BlockPos pos, int durability, World world) {
    updateList.add(new Tuple<>(pos, durability));
    serverWorld = world;
源代码29 项目: customstuff4   文件: WrappedBlockStateImpl.java
public WrappedBlockStateImpl(ResourceLocation block, List<Tuple<String, String>> properties)
    this.block = block;
    this.properties = properties;
源代码30 项目: BetterChests   文件: ItemFilter.java
public List<Tuple<ItemStack, String>> getModels() {
	ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(this);
	return Collections.singletonList(new Tuple<>(stack, super.getUnlocalizedName(stack).substring(5)));