

源代码1 项目: the-hallow   文件: TinyPumpkinBlockEntity.java
public ActionResult use(PlayerEntity player, Hand hand, BlockHitResult hit) {
	Direction facing = getCachedState().get(HorizontalFacingBlock.FACING);
	Direction hitSide = hit.getSide();
	if (hitSide != facing.rotateYClockwise() && hitSide != facing.rotateYCounterclockwise()) {
		return ActionResult.PASS;
	if (!world.isClient) {
		ItemStack handStack = player.getStackInHand(hand);
		boolean isLeft = hitSide == facing.rotateYCounterclockwise();
		ItemStack heldItem = isLeft ? leftItem : rightItem;
		if (!heldItem.isEmpty()) {
			ItemScatterer.spawn(world, pos, DefaultedList.copyOf(ItemStack.EMPTY, heldItem));
			if (isLeft) {
				leftItem = ItemStack.EMPTY;
			} else {
				rightItem = ItemStack.EMPTY;
		} else if (!handStack.isEmpty()) {
			if (isLeft) {
				leftItem = handStack.copy();
			} else {
				rightItem = handStack.copy();
	return ActionResult.SUCCESS;
源代码2 项目: the-hallow   文件: TinyPumpkinBlockEntity.java
public DefaultedList<ItemStack> getAllItems() {
	return DefaultedList.copyOf(ItemStack.EMPTY, leftItem, rightItem);
public DefaultedList<ItemStack> getInventory()
    return inventory;
源代码4 项目: carpet-extra   文件: DropperBlock_craftingMixin.java
@Inject(method = "dispense", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void tryCraft(World world_1, BlockPos blockPos_1, CallbackInfo ci)
    if (!CarpetExtraSettings.autoCraftingDropper) return;
    BlockPos front = blockPos_1.offset(world_1.getBlockState(blockPos_1).get(DispenserBlock.FACING));
    if (world_1.getBlockState(front).getBlock() != Blocks.CRAFTING_TABLE) return;
    DispenserBlockEntity dispenserBlockEntity_1 = (DispenserBlockEntity) world_1.getBlockEntity(blockPos_1);
    if (dispenserBlockEntity_1 == null) return;
    CraftingInventory craftingInventory = new CraftingInventory(new VoidContainer(), 3, 3);
    for (int i=0; i < 9; i++) craftingInventory.setInvStack(i, dispenserBlockEntity_1.getInvStack(i));
    CraftingRecipe recipe = world_1.getRecipeManager().getFirstMatch(RecipeType.CRAFTING, craftingInventory, world_1).orElse(null);
    if (recipe == null) return;
    // crafting it
    Vec3d target = new Vec3d(front).add(0.5, 0.2, 0.5);
    ItemStack result = recipe.craft(craftingInventory);
    spawn(world_1, target.x, target.y, target.z, result);

    // copied from CraftingResultSlot.onTakeItem()
    DefaultedList<ItemStack> defaultedList_1 = world_1.getRecipeManager().getRemainingStacks(RecipeType.CRAFTING, craftingInventory, world_1);
    for(int int_1 = 0; int_1 < defaultedList_1.size(); ++int_1) {
        ItemStack itemStack_2 = dispenserBlockEntity_1.getInvStack(int_1);
        ItemStack itemStack_3 = defaultedList_1.get(int_1);
        if (!itemStack_2.isEmpty()) {
            dispenserBlockEntity_1.takeInvStack(int_1, 1);
            itemStack_2 = dispenserBlockEntity_1.getInvStack(int_1);

        if (!itemStack_3.isEmpty()) {
            if (itemStack_2.isEmpty()) {
                dispenserBlockEntity_1.setInvStack(int_1, itemStack_3);
            } else if (ItemStack.areItemsEqualIgnoreDamage(itemStack_2, itemStack_3) && ItemStack.areTagsEqual(itemStack_2, itemStack_3)) {
                dispenserBlockEntity_1.setInvStack(int_1, itemStack_3);
            } else {
                spawn(world_1, target.x, target.y, target.z, itemStack_3);
    Vec3d vec = new Vec3d(blockPos_1).add(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
    ServerWorld world = (ServerWorld) world_1;
    world.playSound(null, blockPos_1, SoundEvents.ENTITY_VILLAGER_WORK_MASON, SoundCategory.BLOCKS, 0.2f, 2.0f);
源代码5 项目: patchwork-api   文件: IShearable.java
 * Performs the shear function on this object.
 * <p>This is called on both the client and the server.
 * The object should perform all actions related to being sheared,
 * except for dropping of the items, and removal of the block.
 * Those functions are handled by {@link net.minecraft.item.ShearsItem} itself.</p>
 * <p>For entities, they should trust their internal location information
 * over the values passed into this function.</p>
 * @param item    The {@link ItemStack} that is being used, may be empty.
 * @param world   The current world.
 * @param pos     If this is a block, the block's position in world.
 * @param fortune The fortune level of the shears being used.
 * @return a list of items to be dropped as a result of the shearing process.
default List<ItemStack> onSheared(ItemStack item, IWorld world, BlockPos pos, int fortune) {
	return DefaultedList.of();
public DefaultedList<ItemStack> getInventory(); 