

源代码1 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件: CodeActionsUtils.java
private static void createCodeActionsForGenerateGetterAndSetter(IVariableNode variableNode, String uri, String fileText, Range codeActionsRange, List<Either<Command, CodeAction>> codeActions)
    WorkspaceEdit getSetEdit = createWorkspaceEditForGenerateGetterAndSetter(
        variableNode, uri, fileText, true, true);
    CodeAction getAndSetCodeAction = new CodeAction();
    getAndSetCodeAction.setTitle("Generate 'get' and 'set' accessors");
    WorkspaceEdit getterEdit = createWorkspaceEditForGenerateGetterAndSetter(
        variableNode, uri, fileText, true, false);
    CodeAction getterCodeAction = new CodeAction();
    getterCodeAction.setTitle("Generate 'get' accessor (make read-only)");

    WorkspaceEdit setterEdit = createWorkspaceEditForGenerateGetterAndSetter(
        variableNode, uri, fileText, false, true);
    CodeAction setterCodeAction = new CodeAction();
    setterCodeAction.setTitle("Generate 'set' accessor (make write-only)");
源代码2 项目: lemminx   文件: CodeActionFactory.java
public static CodeAction replaceAt(String title, String replaceText, TextDocumentItem document,
		Diagnostic diagnostic, Collection<Range> ranges) {
	CodeAction insertContentAction = new CodeAction(title);

	VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier versionedTextDocumentIdentifier = new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(
			document.getUri(), document.getVersion());
	List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<TextEdit>();
	for (Range range : ranges) {
		TextEdit edit = new TextEdit(range, replaceText);
	TextDocumentEdit textDocumentEdit = new TextDocumentEdit(versionedTextDocumentIdentifier, edits);
	WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit(Collections.singletonList(Either.forLeft(textDocumentEdit)));

	return insertContentAction;
源代码3 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件: CodeActionsUtils.java
public static WorkspaceEdit createWorkspaceEditForGenerateLocalVariable(
    IIdentifierNode identifierNode, String uri, String text)
    TextEdit textEdit = createTextEditForGenerateLocalVariable(identifierNode, text);
    if (textEdit == null)
        return null;

    WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
    HashMap<String,List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    changes.put(uri, edits);
    return workspaceEdit;
源代码4 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtilTest.java
public void testConvertSimpleCompositeChange() throws CoreException {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", "", false, null);
	CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange("simple composite change");

	RenameCompilationUnitChange resourceChange = new RenameCompilationUnitChange(cu, "ENew.java");
	CompilationUnitChange textChange = new CompilationUnitChange("insertText", cu);
	textChange.setEdit(new InsertEdit(0, "// some content"));

	WorkspaceEdit edit = ChangeUtil.convertToWorkspaceEdit(change);
	assertEquals(edit.getDocumentChanges().size(), 2);
	assertTrue(edit.getDocumentChanges().get(0).getRight() instanceof RenameFile);
	assertTrue(edit.getDocumentChanges().get(1).getLeft() instanceof TextDocumentEdit);
源代码5 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件: CodeActionsUtils.java
public static WorkspaceEdit createWorkspaceEditForAddImport(IDefinition definition, String fileText, String uri, ImportRange importRange)
    TextEdit textEdit = createTextEditForAddImport(definition.getQualifiedName(), fileText, importRange);
    if (textEdit == null)
        return null;

    WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
    HashMap<String,List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    changes.put(uri, edits);
    return workspaceEdit;
源代码6 项目: n4js   文件: CodeActionAcceptor.java
/** Adds a quick-fix code action with the given title, edit and command */
public void acceptQuickfixCodeAction(QuickfixContext context, String title, WorkspaceEdit edit, Command command) {
	if (edit == null && command == null) {
	CodeAction codeAction = new CodeAction();
	if (context.options != null && context.options.getCodeActionParams() != null) {
		CodeActionContext cac = context.options.getCodeActionParams().getContext();
		if (cac != null && cac.getDiagnostics() != null) {
public void testOrganizeImportsUnused() throws CoreException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment pack1 = fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);

	StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append("package test1;\n");
	buf.append("import java.util.ArrayList;\n");
	buf.append("public class E {\n");

	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", buf.toString(), false, null);

	buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append("package test1;\n");
	buf.append("public class E {\n");

	WorkspaceEdit rootEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
	command.organizeImportsInCompilationUnit(cu, rootEdit);
	assertEquals(buf.toString(), getOrganizeImportResult(cu, rootEdit));
源代码8 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: SourceAssistProcessor.java
private Optional<Either<Command, CodeAction>> convertToWorkspaceEditAction(CodeActionContext context, ICompilationUnit cu, String name, String kind, TextEdit edit) {
	WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = convertToWorkspaceEdit(cu, edit);
	if (!ChangeUtil.hasChanges(workspaceEdit)) {
		return Optional.empty();

	Command command = new Command(name, CodeActionHandler.COMMAND_ID_APPLY_EDIT, Collections.singletonList(workspaceEdit));
	if (preferenceManager.getClientPreferences().isSupportedCodeActionKind(kind)) {
		CodeAction codeAction = new CodeAction(name);
		return Optional.of(Either.forRight(codeAction));
	} else {
		return Optional.of(Either.forLeft(command));
源代码9 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件: CodeActionsUtils.java
public static WorkspaceEdit createWorkspaceEditForRemoveUnusedImport(String fileText, String uri, Range range)
    TextEdit textEdit = createTextEditForRemoveUnusedImport(fileText, range);
    if (textEdit == null)
        return null;

    WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
    HashMap<String,List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    changes.put(uri, edits);
    return workspaceEdit;
public void testGenericOrganizeImportsCall() throws Exception {
	IProject project = WorkspaceHelper.getProject("hello");
	String filename = project.getFile("src/java/Foo4.java").getRawLocationURI().toString();

	OrganizeImportsCommand command = new OrganizeImportsCommand();
	Object result = command.organizeImports(Arrays.asList(filename));
	assertTrue(result instanceof WorkspaceEdit);
	WorkspaceEdit ws = (WorkspaceEdit) result;
	TextEdit edit = ws.getChanges().values().stream().findFirst().get().get(0);
	assertEquals(0, edit.getRange().getStart().getLine());
	assertEquals(4, edit.getRange().getEnd().getLine());
源代码11 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件: CodeActionsUtils.java
public static WorkspaceEdit createWorkspaceEditForGenerateGetterAndSetter(
    IVariableNode variableNode, String uri, String text, boolean generateGetter, boolean generateSetter)
    TextEdit textEdit = createTextEditForGenerateGetterAndSetter(variableNode, text, generateGetter, generateSetter);
    if (textEdit == null)
        return null;

    WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
    HashMap<String,List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    changes.put(uri, edits);
    return workspaceEdit;
源代码12 项目: vscode-as3mxml   文件: CodeActionsUtils.java
public static WorkspaceEdit createWorkspaceEditForAddMXMLNamespace(String nsPrefix, String nsURI, String fileText, String fileURI, int startIndex, int endIndex)
    TextEdit textEdit = createTextEditForAddMXMLNamespace(nsPrefix, nsURI, fileText, startIndex, endIndex);
    if (textEdit == null)
        return null;

    WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
    HashMap<String,List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    changes.put(fileURI, edits);
    return workspaceEdit;
源代码13 项目: lsp4intellij   文件: WorkspaceEditHandler.java
public static void applyEdit(PsiElement elem, String newName, UsageInfo[] infos,
                             RefactoringElementListener listener, List<VirtualFile> openedEditors) {
    Map<String, List<TextEdit>> edits = new HashMap<>();
    if (elem instanceof LSPPsiElement) {
        LSPPsiElement lspElem = (LSPPsiElement) elem;
        if (Stream.of(infos).allMatch(info -> info.getElement() instanceof LSPPsiElement)) {
            Stream.of(infos).forEach(ui -> {
                Editor editor = FileUtils.editorFromVirtualFile(ui.getVirtualFile(), ui.getProject());
                TextRange range = ui.getElement().getTextRange();
                Range lspRange = new Range(DocumentUtils.offsetToLSPPos(editor, range.getStartOffset()),
                        DocumentUtils.offsetToLSPPos(editor, range.getEndOffset()));
                TextEdit edit = new TextEdit(lspRange, newName);
                String uri = null;
                try {
                    uri = FileUtils.sanitizeURI(
                            new URL(ui.getVirtualFile().getUrl().replace(" ", FileUtils.SPACE_ENCODED)).toURI()
                } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException e) {
                if (edits.keySet().contains(uri)) {
                } else {
                    List<TextEdit> textEdits = new ArrayList<>();
                    edits.put(uri, textEdits);
            WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit(edits);
            applyEdit(workspaceEdit, "Rename " + lspElem.getName() + " to " + newName, openedEditors);
public void testOrganizeImportsModuleInfo() throws Exception {


	IPackageFragment pack1 = fSourceFolder.createPackageFragment("", false, null);

	StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append("import foo.bar.MyDriverAction;\n");
	buf.append("import java.sql.DriverAction;\n");
	buf.append("import java.sql.SQLException;\n");
	buf.append("module mymodule.nine {\n");
	buf.append("	requires java.sql;\n");
	buf.append("	exports foo.bar;\n");
	buf.append("	provides DriverAction with MyDriverAction;\n");

	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("module-info.java", buf.toString(), false, null);

	buf = new StringBuilder();
	buf.append("import java.sql.DriverAction;\n");
	buf.append("import foo.bar.MyDriverAction;\n");
	buf.append("module mymodule.nine {\n");
	buf.append("	requires java.sql;\n");
	buf.append("	exports foo.bar;\n");
	buf.append("	provides DriverAction with MyDriverAction;\n");

	WorkspaceEdit rootEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
	command.organizeImportsInCompilationUnit(cu, rootEdit);
	assertEquals(buf.toString(), getOrganizeImportResult(cu, rootEdit));
源代码15 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtil.java
 * Merge the changes of two workspace edits to a new edit.
public static WorkspaceEdit mergeChanges(WorkspaceEdit editA, WorkspaceEdit editB, boolean ignoreResourceChange) {
	if (editA == null && editB == null) {
		return null;

	WorkspaceEdit result = new WorkspaceEdit();
	appendChanges(result, editA, ignoreResourceChange);
	appendChanges(result, editB, ignoreResourceChange);
	return result;
源代码16 项目: lemminx   文件: CodeActionFactory.java
 * Create a CodeAction to insert a new content at the end of the given range.
 * @param title
 * @param range
 * @param insertText
 * @param document
 * @param diagnostic
 * @return the CodeAction to insert a new content at the end of the given range.
public static CodeAction insert(String title, Position position, String insertText, TextDocumentItem document,
		Diagnostic diagnostic) {
	CodeAction insertContentAction = new CodeAction(title);
	TextDocumentEdit textDocumentEdit = insertEdit(insertText, position, document);
	WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit(Collections.singletonList(Either.forLeft(textDocumentEdit)));

	return insertContentAction;
源代码17 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLAssert.java
public static CodeAction ca(Diagnostic d, Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>... ops) {
	CodeAction codeAction = new CodeAction();
	codeAction.setEdit(new WorkspaceEdit(Arrays.asList(ops)));
	return codeAction;
源代码18 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLAssert.java
public static void assertRename(String value, String newText, List<TextEdit> expectedEdits)
		throws BadLocationException {
	int offset = value.indexOf("|");
	value = value.substring(0, offset) + value.substring(offset + 1);

	DOMDocument document = DOMParser.getInstance().parse(value, "test://test/test.html", null);

	Position position = document.positionAt(offset);

	XMLLanguageService languageService = new XMLLanguageService();
	WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = languageService.doRename(document, position, newText);
	List<TextEdit> actualEdits = workspaceEdit.getChanges().get("test://test/test.html");
	assertArrayEquals(expectedEdits.toArray(), actualEdits.toArray());
源代码19 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: RenameHandlerTest.java
public void testRenameTypeParameter() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);

	String[] codes= {
			"package test1;\n",
			"public class A<T|*> {\n",
			"	private T t;\n",
			"	public T get() { return t; }\n",

	StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
	Position pos = mergeCode(builder, codes);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("A.java", builder.toString(), false, null);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = getRenameEdit(cu, pos, "TT");
	assertEquals(edit.getChanges().size(), 1);

	assertEquals(TextEditUtil.apply(builder.toString(), edit.getChanges().get(JDTUtils.toURI(cu))),
			"package test1;\n" +
			"public class A<TT> {\n" +
			"	private TT t;\n" +
			"	public TT get() { return t; }\n" +
源代码20 项目: n4js   文件: StringLSP4J.java
/** @return string for given element */
public String toString(WorkspaceEdit edit) {
	if (edit == null) {
		return "";
	String str = Strings.join(", ",
			Strings.toString(this::toString6, edit.getDocumentChanges()),
			"\n   " + Strings.toString("\n   ", edit.getChanges(), this::relativize,
					(l) -> Strings.toString(this::toString, l)));

	return "(" + str + ")";
源代码21 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: RenameHandlerTest.java
@Test(expected = ResponseErrorException.class)
public void testRenameTypeWithErrors() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);

	String[] codes = { "package test1;\n",
			           "public class Newname {\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "}\n" };
	StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
	mergeCode(builder, codes);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Newname.java", builder.toString(), false, null);

	String[] codes1 = { "package test1;\n",
			           "public class E|* {\n",
			           "   public E() {\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "   public int bar() {\n", "   }\n",
			           "   public int foo() {\n",
			           "		this.bar();\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "}\n" };
	builder = new StringBuilder();
	Position pos = mergeCode(builder, codes1);
	cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", builder.toString(), false, null);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = getRenameEdit(cu, pos, "Newname");
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> resourceChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();

	assertEquals(resourceChanges.size(), 3);
源代码22 项目: n4js   文件: N4JSCommandService.java
 * Fix the issues of the same kind in the entire file.
public Void fixAllInFile(String title, String code, String fixId, CodeActionParams codeActionParams,
		ILanguageServerAccess access, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {

	String uriString = codeActionParams.getTextDocument().getUri();
	URI uri = uriExtensions.toUri(uriString);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = codeActionService.applyToFile(uri, code, fixId, cancelIndicator);
	access.getLanguageClient().applyEdit(new ApplyWorkspaceEditParams(edit, title));
	return null;
源代码23 项目: n4js   文件: N4JSCommandService.java
 * Fix the issues of the same kind in the entire project.
public Void fixAllInProject(String title, String code, String fixId, CodeActionParams codeActionParams,
		ILanguageServerAccess access, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {

	String uriString = codeActionParams.getTextDocument().getUri();
	URI uri = uriExtensions.toUri(uriString);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = codeActionService.applyToProject(uri, code, fixId, cancelIndicator);
	access.getLanguageClient().applyEdit(new ApplyWorkspaceEditParams(edit, title));
	return null;
源代码24 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtil.java
 * Converts Change to WorkspaceEdit for further consumption.
 * @param change
 *            {@link Change} to convert
 * @return {@link WorkspaceEdit} converted from the change
 * @throws CoreException
public static WorkspaceEdit convertToWorkspaceEdit(Change change) throws CoreException {
	WorkspaceEdit edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
	if (change instanceof CompositeChange) {
		convertCompositeChange((CompositeChange) change, edit);
	} else {
		convertSingleChange(change, edit);
	return edit;
源代码25 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ReorgQuickFixTest.java
private void assertRenameFileOperation(Either<Command, CodeAction> codeAction, String newUri) {
	WorkspaceEdit edit = getWorkspaceEdit(codeAction);
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> documentChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(1, documentChanges.size());
	ResourceOperation resourceOperation = documentChanges.get(0).getRight();
	assertTrue(resourceOperation instanceof RenameFile);
	assertEquals(newUri, ((RenameFile) resourceOperation).getNewUri());
源代码26 项目: n4js   文件: CodeActionAcceptor.java
/** Adds a quick-fix code action with the given title and text edits */
public void acceptQuickfixCodeAction(QuickfixContext context, String title, List<TextEdit> textEdits) {
	if (textEdits == null || textEdits.isEmpty()) {

	String uri = context.options.getCodeActionParams().getTextDocument().getUri();
	Map<String, List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
	changes.put(uri, textEdits);
	WorkspaceEdit edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
	acceptQuickfixCodeAction(context, title, edit, null);
源代码27 项目: xtext-core   文件: RenameTest3.java
public void testRenameAutoQuoteRef() {
  try {
    StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder.append("type Foo {");
    _builder.append("type Bar extends Foo {");
    final String model = _builder.toString();
    final String file = this.writeFile("foo/Foo.renametl", model);
    final TextDocumentIdentifier identifier = new TextDocumentIdentifier(file);
    final Position position = new Position(3, 18);
    PrepareRenameParams _prepareRenameParams = new PrepareRenameParams(identifier, position);
    final Range range = this.languageServer.prepareRename(_prepareRenameParams).get().getLeft();
    this.assertEquals("Foo", new Document(Integer.valueOf(0), model).getSubstring(range));
    final RenameParams params = new RenameParams(identifier, position, "type");
    final WorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = this.languageServer.rename(params).get();
    StringConcatenation _builder_1 = new StringConcatenation();
    _builder_1.append("changes :");
    _builder_1.append("documentChanges : ");
    _builder_1.append("    ");
    _builder_1.append("Foo.renametl <1> : ^type [[0, 5] .. [0, 8]]");
    _builder_1.append("    ");
    _builder_1.append("^type [[3, 17] .. [3, 20]]");
    this.assertEquals(_builder_1.toString(), this.toExpectation(workspaceEdit));
  } catch (Throwable _e) {
    throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(_e);
源代码28 项目: netbeans   文件: UtilsTest.java
public void testApplyTextEdit() throws Exception {
    FileObject wd = FileUtil.toFileObject(getWorkDir());
    FileObject sourceFile1 = wd.createData("Test1.txt");
    try (OutputStream out = sourceFile1.getOutputStream()) {
        out.write(("0123456789\n" +
                   "0123456789\n" +
                   "0123456789\n" +
                   "0123456789\n" +
    FileObject sourceFile2 = wd.createData("Test2.txt");
    try (OutputStream out = sourceFile2.getOutputStream()) {
        out.write(("0123456789\n" +
                   "0123456789\n" +
                   "0123456789\n" +
                   "0123456789\n" +
    Map<String, List<TextEdit>> changes = new HashMap<>();
    changes.put(Utils.toURI(sourceFile1), Arrays.asList(new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(2, 3), new Position(2, 6)), "a"),
                                                        new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(1, 2), new Position(1, 6)), "b"),
                                                        new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(3, 1), new Position(4, 4)), "c")));
    changes.put(Utils.toURI(sourceFile2), Arrays.asList(new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(2, 3), new Position(2, 6)), "a"),
                                                        new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(1, 2), new Position(1, 6)), "b"),
                                                        new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(3, 1), new Position(4, 4)), "c")));
    WorkspaceEdit edit = new WorkspaceEdit(changes);
    assertContent("0123456789\n" +
                  "01b6789\n" +
                  "012a6789\n" +
    assertContent("0123456789\n" +
                  "01b6789\n" +
                  "012a6789\n" +
源代码29 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtil.java
private static void convertTextChange(TextChange textChange, WorkspaceEdit rootEdit) {
	Object modifiedElement = textChange.getModifiedElement();
	if (!(modifiedElement instanceof IJavaElement)) {

	TextEdit textEdits = textChange.getEdit();
	if (textEdits == null) {
	ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = (ICompilationUnit) ((IJavaElement) modifiedElement).getAncestor(IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT);
	convertTextEdit(rootEdit, compilationUnit, textEdits);
源代码30 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: OrganizeImportsCommand.java
public Object organizeImports(List<Object> arguments) throws CoreException {
	WorkspaceEdit edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
	if (arguments != null && !arguments.isEmpty() && arguments.get(0) instanceof String) {
		final String fileUri = (String) arguments.get(0);
		final IPath rootPath = ResourceUtils.filePathFromURI(fileUri);
		if (rootPath == null) {
			throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, IConstants.PLUGIN_ID, "URI is not found"));
		final IWorkspaceRoot wsroot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
		IResource resource = wsroot.getFileForLocation(rootPath);
		if (resource == null) {
			resource = wsroot.getContainerForLocation(rootPath);
		if (resource != null) {
			final OrganizeImportsCommand command = new OrganizeImportsCommand();
			int type = resource.getType();
			switch (type) {
				case IResource.PROJECT:
					edit = command.organizeImportsInProject(resource.getAdapter(IProject.class));
				case IResource.FOLDER:
					edit = command.organizeImportsInDirectory(fileUri, resource.getProject());
				case IResource.FILE:
					edit = command.organizeImportsInFile(fileUri);
				default://This can only be IResource.ROOT. Which is not relevant to jdt.ls
					// do nothing allow to return the empty WorkspaceEdit.
	return edit;