

源代码1 项目: lemminx   文件: CodeActionFactory.java
 * Makes a CodeAction to create a file and add content to the file.
 * @param title      The displayed name of the CodeAction
 * @param docURI     The file to create
 * @param content    The text to put into the newly created document.
 * @param diagnostic The diagnostic that this CodeAction will fix
public static CodeAction createFile(String title, String docURI, String content, Diagnostic diagnostic) {

	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> actionsToTake = new ArrayList<>(2);

	// 1. create an empty file
	actionsToTake.add(Either.forRight(new CreateFile(docURI, new CreateFileOptions(false, true))));

	// 2. update the created file with the given content
	VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier identifier = new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(docURI, 0);
	TextEdit te = new TextEdit(new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0)), content);
	actionsToTake.add(Either.forLeft(new TextDocumentEdit(identifier, Collections.singletonList(te))));

	WorkspaceEdit createAndAddContentEdit = new WorkspaceEdit(actionsToTake);

	CodeAction codeAction = new CodeAction(title);

	return codeAction;
源代码2 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtil.java
 * Converts changes to resource operations if resource operations are supported
 * by the client otherwise converts to TextEdit changes.
 * @param resourceChange
 *            resource changes after Refactoring operation
 * @param edit
 *            instance of workspace edit changes
 * @throws CoreException
private static void convertResourceChange(ResourceChange resourceChange, WorkspaceEdit edit) throws CoreException {
	if (!JavaLanguageServerPlugin.getPreferencesManager().getClientPreferences().isResourceOperationSupported()) {

	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = edit.getDocumentChanges();
	if (changes == null) {
		changes = new ArrayList<>();

	// Resource change is needed and supported by client
	if (resourceChange instanceof RenameCompilationUnitChange) {
		convertCUResourceChange(edit, (RenameCompilationUnitChange) resourceChange);
	} else if (resourceChange instanceof RenamePackageChange) {
		convertRenamePackcageChange(edit, (RenamePackageChange) resourceChange);
	} else if (resourceChange instanceof MoveCompilationUnitChange) {
		convertMoveCompilationUnitChange(edit, (MoveCompilationUnitChange) resourceChange);
	} else if (resourceChange instanceof CreateFileChange) {
		convertCreateFileChange(edit, (CreateFileChange) resourceChange);
	} else if (resourceChange instanceof CreateCompilationUnitChange) {
		convertCreateCompilationUnitChange(edit, (CreateCompilationUnitChange) resourceChange);
源代码3 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtilTest.java
public void testConvertRenameCompilationUnitChange() throws CoreException {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", "", false, null);
	String newName = "ENew.java";
	RenameCompilationUnitChange change = new RenameCompilationUnitChange(cu, newName);
	String oldUri = JDTUtils.toURI(cu);
	String newUri = ResourceUtils.fixURI(URI.create(oldUri).resolve(newName));

	WorkspaceEdit edit = ChangeUtil.convertToWorkspaceEdit(change);

	assertEquals(edit.getDocumentChanges().size(), 1);

	ResourceOperation resourceOperation = edit.getDocumentChanges().get(0).getRight();
	assertTrue(resourceOperation instanceof RenameFile);

	assertEquals(((RenameFile) resourceOperation).getOldUri(), oldUri);
	assertEquals(((RenameFile) resourceOperation).getNewUri(), newUri);
源代码4 项目: lsp4j   文件: ResourceOperationTypeAdapter.java
public ResourceOperation read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
	JsonObject objectJson = new JsonParser().parse(in).getAsJsonObject();
	JsonElement value = objectJson.get("kind");
	if (value != null && value.isJsonPrimitive()) {
		String kindValue = value.getAsString();

		if (ResourceOperationKind.Create.equals(kindValue)) {
			return createFileAdapter.fromJsonTree(objectJson);
		} else if (ResourceOperationKind.Delete.equals(kindValue)) {
			return deleteFileAdapter.fromJsonTree(objectJson);
		} else if (ResourceOperationKind.Rename.equals(kindValue)) {
			return renameFileAdapter.fromJsonTree(objectJson);

	throw new JsonParseException(
			"The ResourceOperation object either has null \"kind\" value or the \"kind\" value is not valid.");
源代码5 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLAssert.java
public static CodeAction ca(Diagnostic d, Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>... ops) {
	CodeAction codeAction = new CodeAction();
	codeAction.setEdit(new WorkspaceEdit(Arrays.asList(ops)));
	return codeAction;
源代码6 项目: n4js   文件: StringLSP4J.java
/** @return string for given element */
public String toString6(Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation> documentChanges) {
	if (documentChanges == null) {
		return "";
	if (documentChanges.isLeft()) {
		return toString(documentChanges.getLeft());
	} else {
		return toString(documentChanges.getRight());
源代码7 项目: n4js   文件: StringLSP4J.java
/** @return string for given element */
public String toString(ResourceOperation operation) {
	if (operation == null) {
		return "";

	return operation.getKind();
源代码8 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: RenameHandlerTest.java
@Test(expected = ResponseErrorException.class)
public void testRenameTypeWithErrors() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);

	String[] codes = { "package test1;\n",
			           "public class Newname {\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "}\n" };
	StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
	mergeCode(builder, codes);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Newname.java", builder.toString(), false, null);

	String[] codes1 = { "package test1;\n",
			           "public class E|* {\n",
			           "   public E() {\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "   public int bar() {\n", "   }\n",
			           "   public int foo() {\n",
			           "		this.bar();\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "}\n" };
	builder = new StringBuilder();
	Position pos = mergeCode(builder, codes1);
	cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", builder.toString(), false, null);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = getRenameEdit(cu, pos, "Newname");
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> resourceChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();

	assertEquals(resourceChanges.size(), 3);
源代码9 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ReorgQuickFixTest.java
private void assertRenameFileOperation(Either<Command, CodeAction> codeAction, String newUri) {
	WorkspaceEdit edit = getWorkspaceEdit(codeAction);
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> documentChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(1, documentChanges.size());
	ResourceOperation resourceOperation = documentChanges.get(0).getRight();
	assertTrue(resourceOperation instanceof RenameFile);
	assertEquals(newUri, ((RenameFile) resourceOperation).getNewUri());
源代码10 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: AbstractQuickFixTest.java
private String evaluateChanges(List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> documentChanges) throws BadLocationException, JavaModelException {
	List<TextDocumentEdit> changes = documentChanges.stream().filter(e -> e.isLeft()).map(e -> e.getLeft()).collect(Collectors.toList());
	assertFalse("No edits generated", changes.isEmpty());
	Set<String> uris = changes.stream().map(tde -> tde.getTextDocument().getUri()).distinct().collect(Collectors.toSet());
	assertEquals("Only one resource should be modified", 1, uris.size());
	String uri = uris.iterator().next();
	List<TextEdit> edits = changes.stream().flatMap(e -> e.getEdits().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList());
	return evaluateChanges(uri, edits);
源代码11 项目: xtext-core   文件: AbstractLanguageServerTest.java
protected String _toExpectation(final ResourceOperation it) {
  StringConcatenation _builder = new StringConcatenation();
  _builder.append("kind : ");
  String _kind = it.getKind();
  return _builder.toString();
源代码12 项目: lsp4j   文件: DocumentChangeListAdapter.java
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {
	Predicate<JsonElement> leftChecker = new PropertyChecker("textDocument").and(new PropertyChecker("edits"));
	Predicate<JsonElement> rightChecker = new PropertyChecker("kind");
	TypeAdapter<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> elementTypeAdapter = new EitherTypeAdapter<>(gson,
			ELEMENT_TYPE, leftChecker, rightChecker);
	return (TypeAdapter<T>) new CollectionTypeAdapter<>(gson, ELEMENT_TYPE.getType(), elementTypeAdapter, ArrayList::new);
源代码13 项目: lsp4j   文件: ResourceOperationTypeAdapter.java
public <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {

	if (!ResourceOperation.class.isAssignableFrom(type.getRawType())) {
		return null;

	return (TypeAdapter<T>) new InnerResourceOperationTypeAdapter(this, gson).nullSafe();
源代码14 项目: lsp4j   文件: ResourceOperationTypeAdapter.java
public void write(JsonWriter out, ResourceOperation value) throws IOException {
	if (value.getClass().isAssignableFrom(CreateFile.class)) {
		createFileAdapter.write(out, (CreateFile) value);
	} else if (value.getClass().isAssignableFrom(DeleteFile.class)) {
		deleteFileAdapter.write(out, (DeleteFile) value);
	} else if (value.getClass().isAssignableFrom(RenameFile.class)) {
		renameFileAdapter.write(out, (RenameFile) value);
源代码15 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLAssert.java
public static Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation> createFile(String uri, boolean overwrite) {
	CreateFileOptions options = new CreateFileOptions();
	return Either.forRight(new CreateFile(uri, options));
源代码16 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLAssert.java
public static Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation> teOp(String uri, int startLine, int startChar,
		int endLine, int endChar, String newText) {
	return Either.forLeft(new TextDocumentEdit(new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(uri, 0),
			Collections.singletonList(te(startLine, startChar, endLine, endChar, newText))));
源代码17 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ChangeUtilTest.java
public void testMergeChanges() {
	WorkspaceEdit editA = new WorkspaceEdit();
	String uriA = "uriA";
	TextEdit textEdit = new TextEdit(
		new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0)),
		"package test;");
	editA.getChanges().put(uriA, Arrays.asList(textEdit));

	WorkspaceEdit root = ChangeUtil.mergeChanges(null, editA);
	assertEquals(1, root.getChanges().size());
	assertEquals(1, root.getChanges().get(uriA).size());

	WorkspaceEdit editB = new WorkspaceEdit();
	editB.getChanges().put(uriA, Arrays.asList(textEdit));
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> documentChanges = new ArrayList<>();
	TextDocumentEdit textDocumentEdit = new TextDocumentEdit(
		new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier(uriA, 1), Arrays.asList(textEdit));
	ResourceOperation resourceOperation = new RenameFile("uriA", "uriB");

	root = ChangeUtil.mergeChanges(editA, editB);
	assertEquals(1, root.getChanges().size());
	assertEquals(2, root.getChanges().get(uriA).size());
	assertEquals(2, root.getDocumentChanges().size());
	assertEquals(textDocumentEdit, root.getDocumentChanges().get(0).getLeft());
	assertEquals(resourceOperation, root.getDocumentChanges().get(1).getRight());

	root = ChangeUtil.mergeChanges(editA, editB, true);
	assertEquals(1, root.getChanges().size());
	assertEquals(2, root.getChanges().get(uriA).size());
	assertEquals(1, root.getDocumentChanges().size());
	assertEquals(textDocumentEdit, root.getDocumentChanges().get(0).getLeft());
源代码18 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FileEventHandlerTest.java
public void testRenamePackage() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("parent.pack1", false, null);
	IPackageFragment pack2 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("parent.pack2", false, null);

	StringBuilder codeA = new StringBuilder();
	codeA.append("package parent.pack1;\n");
	codeA.append("import parent.pack2.B;\n");
	codeA.append("public class A {\n");
	codeA.append("	public void foo() {\n");
	codeA.append("		B b = new B();\n");
	codeA.append("		b.foo();\n");
	codeA.append("	}\n");

	StringBuilder codeB = new StringBuilder();
	codeB.append("package parent.pack2;\n");
	codeB.append("public class B {\n");
	codeB.append("	public B() {}\n");
	codeB.append("	public void foo() {}\n");

	ICompilationUnit cuA = pack1.createCompilationUnit("A.java", codeA.toString(), false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cuB = pack2.createCompilationUnit("B.java", codeB.toString(), false, null);

	String pack2Uri = JDTUtils.getFileURI(pack2.getResource());
	String newPack2Uri = pack2Uri.replace("pack2", "newpack2");
	WorkspaceEdit edit = FileEventHandler.handleWillRenameFiles(new FileRenameParams(Arrays.asList(new FileRenameEvent(pack2Uri, newPack2Uri))), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> documentChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(2, documentChanges.size());

	assertEquals(documentChanges.get(0).getLeft().getTextDocument().getUri(), JDTUtils.toURI(cuA));
	assertEquals(TextEditUtil.apply(codeA.toString(), documentChanges.get(0).getLeft().getEdits()),
			"package parent.pack1;\n" +
			"import parent.newpack2.B;\n" +
			"public class A {\n" +
			"	public void foo() {\n" +
			"		B b = new B();\n" +
			"		b.foo();\n" +
			"	}\n" +

	assertEquals(documentChanges.get(1).getLeft().getTextDocument().getUri(), JDTUtils.toURI(cuB));
	assertEquals(TextEditUtil.apply(codeB.toString(), documentChanges.get(1).getLeft().getEdits()),
			"package parent.newpack2;\n" +
			"public class B {\n" +
			"	public B() {}\n" +
			"	public void foo() {}\n" +
源代码19 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FileEventHandlerTest.java
public void testRenameSubPackage() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment parentPack = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("parent", false, null);
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("parent.pack1", false, null);
	IPackageFragment pack2 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("parent.pack2", false, null);

	StringBuilder codeA = new StringBuilder();
	codeA.append("package parent.pack1;\n");
	codeA.append("import parent.pack2.B;\n");
	codeA.append("public class A {\n");
	codeA.append("	public void foo() {\n");
	codeA.append("		B b = new B();\n");
	codeA.append("		b.foo();\n");
	codeA.append("	}\n");

	StringBuilder codeB = new StringBuilder();
	codeB.append("package parent.pack2;\n");
	codeB.append("public class B {\n");
	codeB.append("	public B() {}\n");
	codeB.append("	public void foo() {}\n");

	ICompilationUnit cuA = pack1.createCompilationUnit("A.java", codeA.toString(), false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cuB = pack2.createCompilationUnit("B.java", codeB.toString(), false, null);

	String parentPackUri = JDTUtils.getFileURI(parentPack.getResource());
	String newParentPackUri = parentPackUri.replace("parent", "newparent");
	WorkspaceEdit edit = FileEventHandler.handleWillRenameFiles(new FileRenameParams(Arrays.asList(new FileRenameEvent(parentPackUri, newParentPackUri))), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> documentChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(3, documentChanges.size());

	assertEquals(documentChanges.get(0).getLeft().getTextDocument().getUri(), JDTUtils.toURI(cuA));
	assertEquals(documentChanges.get(1).getLeft().getTextDocument().getUri(), JDTUtils.toURI(cuA));
	List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
	assertEquals(TextEditUtil.apply(codeA.toString(), edits),
			"package newparent.pack1;\n" +
			"import newparent.pack2.B;\n" +
			"public class A {\n" +
			"	public void foo() {\n" +
			"		B b = new B();\n" +
			"		b.foo();\n" +
			"	}\n" +

	assertEquals(documentChanges.get(2).getLeft().getTextDocument().getUri(), JDTUtils.toURI(cuB));
	assertEquals(TextEditUtil.apply(codeB.toString(), documentChanges.get(2).getLeft().getEdits()),
			"package newparent.pack2;\n" +
			"public class B {\n" +
			"	public B() {}\n" +
			"	public void foo() {}\n" +
源代码20 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: RenameHandlerTest.java
public void testRenameTypeWithResourceChanges() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);

	String[] codes = { "package test1;\n",
			           "public class E|* {\n",
			           "   public E() {\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "   public int bar() {\n", "   }\n",
			           "   public int foo() {\n",
			           "		this.bar();\n",
			           "   }\n",
			           "}\n" };
	StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
	Position pos = mergeCode(builder, codes);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", builder.toString(), false, null);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = getRenameEdit(cu, pos, "Newname");
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> resourceChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();

	assertEquals(resourceChanges.size(), 2);

	Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation> change = resourceChanges.get(1);
	RenameFile resourceChange = (RenameFile) change.getRight();
	assertEquals(JDTUtils.toURI(cu), resourceChange.getOldUri());
	assertEquals(JDTUtils.toURI(cu).replaceFirst("(?s)E(?!.*?E)", "Newname"), resourceChange.getNewUri());

	List<TextEdit> testChanges = new LinkedList<>();

	String expected = "package test1;\n" +
					  "public class Newname {\n" +
					  "   public Newname() {\n" +
					  "   }\n" +
					  "   public int bar() {\n" +
					  "   }\n" +
					  "   public int foo() {\n" +
					  "		this.bar();\n" +
					  "   }\n" +

	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(builder.toString(), testChanges));
源代码21 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: RenameHandlerTest.java
public void testRenamePackage() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {

	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	IPackageFragment pack2 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("parent.test2", false, null);

	String[] codes1= {
			"package test1;\n",
			"import parent.test2.B;\n",
			"public class A {\n",
			"   public void foo(){\n",
			"		B b = new B();\n",
			"		b.foo();\n",
			"	}\n",

	String[] codes2 = {
			"package parent.test2|*;\n",
			"public class B {\n",
			"	public B() {}\n",
			"   public void foo() {}\n",
	StringBuilder builderA = new StringBuilder();
	mergeCode(builderA, codes1);
	ICompilationUnit cuA = pack1.createCompilationUnit("A.java", builderA.toString(), false, null);

	StringBuilder builderB = new StringBuilder();
	Position pos = mergeCode(builderB, codes2);
	ICompilationUnit cuB = pack2.createCompilationUnit("B.java", builderB.toString(), false, null);

	WorkspaceEdit edit = getRenameEdit(cuB, pos, "parent.newpackage");

	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> resourceChanges = edit.getDocumentChanges();

	assertEquals(5, resourceChanges.size());

	List<TextEdit> testChangesA = new LinkedList<>();

	List<TextEdit> testChangesB = new LinkedList<>();

	String expectedA =
			"package test1;\n" +
			"import parent.newpackage.B;\n" +
			"public class A {\n" +
			"   public void foo(){\n" +
			"		B b = new B();\n" +
			"		b.foo();\n" +
			"	}\n" +

	String expectedB =
			"package parent.newpackage;\n" +
			"public class B {\n" +
			"	public B() {}\n" +
			"   public void foo() {}\n" +
	assertEquals(expectedA, TextEditUtil.apply(builderA.toString(), testChangesA));
	assertEquals(expectedB, TextEditUtil.apply(builderB.toString(), testChangesB));

	//moved package
	CreateFile resourceChange = (CreateFile) resourceChanges.get(2).getRight();
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(pack2.getResource().getRawLocationURI()).replaceFirst("test2[/]?", "newpackage/.temp"), resourceChange.getUri());

	//moved class B
	RenameFile resourceChange2 = (RenameFile) resourceChanges.get(3).getRight();
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(cuB.getResource().getRawLocationURI()), resourceChange2.getOldUri());
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(cuB.getResource().getRawLocationURI()).replace("test2", "newpackage"), resourceChange2.getNewUri());
源代码22 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveFile() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("jdtls.test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit unitA = pack1.createCompilationUnit("A.java", "package jdtls.test1;\r\n" +
			"import jdtls.test2.B;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class A {\r\n" +
			"	private B b = new B();\r\n" +
			"}", true, null);

	IPackageFragment pack2 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("jdtls.test2", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit unitB = pack2.createCompilationUnit("B.java", "package jdtls.test2;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class B {\r\n" +
			"}", true, null);

	IPackageFragment pack3 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("jdtls.test3", false, null);
	String packageUri = JDTUtils.getFileURI(pack3.getResource());
	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveResource", new String[] { JDTUtils.toURI(unitB) }, packageUri, true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(4, changes.size());

	String expected = "package jdtls.test1;\r\n" +
			"import jdtls.test3.B;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class A {\r\n" +
			"	private B b = new B();\r\n" +
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitA.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));

	expected = "package jdtls.test3;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class B {\r\n" +
	textEdit = changes.get(1).getLeft();
	List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>(textEdit.getEdits());
	textEdit = changes.get(2).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitB.getSource(), edits));

	RenameFile renameFile = (RenameFile) changes.get(3).getRight();
	assertEquals(JDTUtils.toURI(unitB), renameFile.getOldUri());
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(unitB.getResource().getRawLocationURI()).replace("test2", "test3"), renameFile.getNewUri());
源代码23 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveMultiFiles() throws JavaModelException, BadLocationException {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("jdtls.test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit unitA = pack1.createCompilationUnit("A.java", "package jdtls.test1;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class A {\r\n" +
			"	private B b = new B();\r\n" +
			"}", true, null);

	ICompilationUnit unitB = pack1.createCompilationUnit("B.java", "package jdtls.test1;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class B {\r\n" +
			"}", true, null);

	IPackageFragment pack2 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("jdtls.test2", false, null);
	String packageUri = JDTUtils.getFileURI(pack2.getResource());
	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveResource", new String[] { JDTUtils.toURI(unitA), JDTUtils.toURI(unitB) }, packageUri, true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(6, changes.size());

	String expected = "package jdtls.test2;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class A {\r\n" +
			"	private B b = new B();\r\n" +
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>(textEdit.getEdits());
	textEdit = changes.get(4).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitA.getSource(), edits));

	expected = "package jdtls.test2;\r\n" +
			"\r\n" +
			"public class B {\r\n" +
	textEdit = changes.get(1).getLeft();
	edits = new ArrayList<>(textEdit.getEdits());
	textEdit = changes.get(2).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitB.getSource(), edits));

	RenameFile renameFileB = (RenameFile) changes.get(3).getRight();
	assertEquals(JDTUtils.toURI(unitB), renameFileB.getOldUri());
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(unitB.getResource().getRawLocationURI()).replace("test1", "test2"), renameFileB.getNewUri());

	RenameFile renameFileA = (RenameFile) changes.get(5).getRight();
	assertEquals(JDTUtils.toURI(unitA), renameFileA.getOldUri());
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(unitA.getResource().getRawLocationURI()).replace("test1", "test2"), renameFileA.getNewUri());
源代码24 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveInstanceMethod() throws Exception {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cuSecond = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Second.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Second {\n"
			+ "    public void foo() {\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}",
			false, null);

	pack1.createCompilationUnit("Third.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Third {\n"
			+ "    public void bar() {\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}",
			false, null);

	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class E {\n"
			+ "    Second s;\n"
			+ "    String name;\n"
			+ "    int id;\n"
			+ "    public void print(Third t) {\n"
			+ "        System.out.println(name);\n"
			+ "        s.foo();\n"
			+ "        t.bar();\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "    public void log(Third t) {\n"
			+ "        print(t);\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}",
			false, null);

	CodeActionParams params = CodeActionUtil.constructCodeActionParams(cu, "s.foo");
	MoveParams moveParams = new MoveParams("moveInstanceMethod", new String[] { JDTUtils.toURI(cu) }, params);
	MoveDestinationsResponse response = MoveHandler.getMoveDestinations(moveParams);
	assertEquals(2, response.destinations.length);

	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveInstanceMethod", params, response.destinations[1], true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(2, changes.size());

	String expected = "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class E {\n"
			+ "    Second s;\n"
			+ "    String name;\n"
			+ "    int id;\n"
			+ "    public void log(Third t) {\n"
			+ "        s.print(this, t);\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}";
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(cu.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));

	expected = "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Second {\n"
			+ "    public void foo() {\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "	public void print(E e, Third t) {\n"
			+ "	    System.out.println(e.name);\n"
			+ "	    foo();\n"
			+ "	    t.bar();\n"
			+ "	}\n"
			+ "}";
	textEdit = changes.get(1).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(cuSecond.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));
源代码25 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveStaticMethod() throws Exception {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class E {\n"
			+ "    public static void foo() {\n"
			+ "        /*[*//*]*/\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "    public void bar() {\n"
			+ "        foo();\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}",
			false, null);

	ICompilationUnit unitFoo = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Foo.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Foo {\n"
			+ "}", false, null);

	CodeActionParams params = CodeActionUtil.constructCodeActionParams(cu, "/*[*//*]*/");
	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveStaticMember", params, "Foo", true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(2, changes.size());

	String expected = "package test1;\n"
					+ "\n"
					+ "public class E {\n"
					+ "    public void bar() {\n"
					+ "        Foo.foo();\n"
					+ "    }\n"
					+ "}";
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(cu.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));

	expected = "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Foo {\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "	public static void foo() {\n"
			+ "	    /*[*//*]*/\n"
			+ "	}\n"
			+ "}";
	textEdit = changes.get(1).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitFoo.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));
源代码26 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveStaticField() throws Exception {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	pack1.createCompilationUnit("Foo.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Foo {\n"
			+ "    public void foo() {\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}", false, null);

	ICompilationUnit unitUtility = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Utility.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Utility {\n"
			+ "}", false, null);

	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class E {\n"
			+ "    static Foo foo = new Foo();\n"
			+ "    public void print() {\n"
			+ "        foo.foo();\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}",
			false, null);

	CodeActionParams params = CodeActionUtil.constructCodeActionParams(cu, "new Foo()");
	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveStaticMember", params, "Utility", true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(2, changes.size());

	String expected = "package test1;\n"
					+ "\n"
					+ "public class E {\n"
					+ "    public void print() {\n"
					+ "        Utility.foo.foo();\n"
					+ "    }\n"
					+ "}";
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(cu.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));

	expected = "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Utility {\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "	static Foo foo = new Foo();\n"
			+ "}";
	textEdit = changes.get(1).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitUtility.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));
源代码27 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveStaticInnerType() throws Exception {
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit unitFoo = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Foo.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Foo {\n"
			+ "}", false, null);

	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("E.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class E {\n"
			+ "    public void print() {\n"
			+ "        new Inner().run();\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "    static class Inner {\n"
			+ "        void run() {\n"
			+ "        }\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}", false, null);

	CodeActionParams params = CodeActionUtil.constructCodeActionParams(cu, "class Inner");
	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveTypeToClass", params, "Foo", true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(2, changes.size());

	String expected = "package test1;\n"
					+ "\n"
					+ "public class E {\n"
					+ "    public void print() {\n"
					+ "        new Foo.Inner().run();\n"
					+ "    }\n"
					+ "}";
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(cu.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));

	expected = "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Foo {\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "	static class Inner {\n"
			+ "	    void run() {\n"
			+ "	    }\n"
			+ "	}\n"
			+ "}";
	textEdit = changes.get(1).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(unitFoo.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));
源代码28 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: MoveHandlerTest.java
public void testMoveInnerTypeToFile() throws Exception {
	System.setProperty("line.separator", "\n");
	IPackageFragment pack1 = sourceFolder.createPackageFragment("test1", false, null);
	ICompilationUnit cu = pack1.createCompilationUnit("Top.java", "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Top {\n"
			+ "    String name;\n\n"
			+ "    public class Inner {\n"
			+ "        public void print() {\n"
			+ "            System.out.println(Top.this.name);\n"
			+ "        }\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}", false, null);

	CodeActionParams params = CodeActionUtil.constructCodeActionParams(cu, "class Inner");
	RefactorWorkspaceEdit refactorEdit = MoveHandler.move(new MoveParams("moveTypeToNewFile", params, "Foo", true), new NullProgressMonitor());
	List<Either<TextDocumentEdit, ResourceOperation>> changes = refactorEdit.edit.getDocumentChanges();
	assertEquals(3, changes.size());

	String expected = "package test1;\n"
					+ "\n"
					+ "public class Top {\n"
					+ "    String name;\n"
					+ "}";
	TextDocumentEdit textEdit = changes.get(0).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(cu.getSource(), textEdit.getEdits()));

	ResourceOperation resourceOperation = changes.get(1).getRight();
	assertTrue(resourceOperation instanceof CreateFile);
	assertEquals(ResourceUtils.fixURI(cu.getResource().getRawLocationURI()).replace("Top", "Inner"), ((CreateFile) resourceOperation).getUri());

	expected = "package test1;\n"
			+ "\n"
			+ "public class Inner {\n"
			+ "    /**\n"
			+ "	 *\n"
			+ "	 */\n"
			+ "	private final Top top;\n\n"
			+ "	/**\n"
			+ "	 * @param top\n"
			+ "	 */\n"
			+ "	Inner(Top top) {\n"
			+ "		this.top = top;\n"
			+ "	}\n\n"
			+ "	public void print() {\n"
			+ "        System.out.println(this.top.name);\n"
			+ "    }\n"
			+ "}";
	textEdit = changes.get(2).getLeft();
	assertEquals(expected, TextEditUtil.apply(pack1.getCompilationUnit("Inner.java").getWorkingCopy(null), textEdit.getEdits()));
源代码29 项目: xtext-core   文件: CompletionTest.java
protected String toExpectation(final Object it) {
  if (it instanceof Integer) {
    return _toExpectation((Integer)it);
  } else if (it instanceof List) {
    return _toExpectation((List<?>)it);
  } else if (it instanceof DocumentHighlightKind) {
    return _toExpectation((DocumentHighlightKind)it);
  } else if (it instanceof String) {
    return _toExpectation((String)it);
  } else if (it instanceof VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier) {
    return _toExpectation((VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Pair) {
    return _toExpectation((Pair<SemanticHighlightingInformation, List<List<String>>>)it);
  } else if (it == null) {
    return _toExpectation((Void)null);
  } else if (it instanceof Map) {
    return _toExpectation((Map<Object, Object>)it);
  } else if (it instanceof CodeAction) {
    return _toExpectation((CodeAction)it);
  } else if (it instanceof CodeLens) {
    return _toExpectation((CodeLens)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Command) {
    return _toExpectation((Command)it);
  } else if (it instanceof CompletionItem) {
    return _toExpectation((CompletionItem)it);
  } else if (it instanceof DocumentHighlight) {
    return _toExpectation((DocumentHighlight)it);
  } else if (it instanceof DocumentSymbol) {
    return _toExpectation((DocumentSymbol)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Hover) {
    return _toExpectation((Hover)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Location) {
    return _toExpectation((Location)it);
  } else if (it instanceof MarkupContent) {
    return _toExpectation((MarkupContent)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Position) {
    return _toExpectation((Position)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Range) {
    return _toExpectation((Range)it);
  } else if (it instanceof ResourceOperation) {
    return _toExpectation((ResourceOperation)it);
  } else if (it instanceof SignatureHelp) {
    return _toExpectation((SignatureHelp)it);
  } else if (it instanceof SymbolInformation) {
    return _toExpectation((SymbolInformation)it);
  } else if (it instanceof TextDocumentEdit) {
    return _toExpectation((TextDocumentEdit)it);
  } else if (it instanceof TextEdit) {
    return _toExpectation((TextEdit)it);
  } else if (it instanceof WorkspaceEdit) {
    return _toExpectation((WorkspaceEdit)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Either) {
    return _toExpectation((Either<?, ?>)it);
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " +
源代码30 项目: xtext-core   文件: AbstractLanguageServerTest.java
protected String toExpectation(final Object it) {
  if (it instanceof Integer) {
    return _toExpectation((Integer)it);
  } else if (it instanceof List) {
    return _toExpectation((List<?>)it);
  } else if (it instanceof DocumentHighlightKind) {
    return _toExpectation((DocumentHighlightKind)it);
  } else if (it instanceof String) {
    return _toExpectation((String)it);
  } else if (it instanceof VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier) {
    return _toExpectation((VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Pair) {
    return _toExpectation((Pair<SemanticHighlightingInformation, List<List<String>>>)it);
  } else if (it == null) {
    return _toExpectation((Void)null);
  } else if (it instanceof Map) {
    return _toExpectation((Map<Object, Object>)it);
  } else if (it instanceof CodeAction) {
    return _toExpectation((CodeAction)it);
  } else if (it instanceof CodeLens) {
    return _toExpectation((CodeLens)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Command) {
    return _toExpectation((Command)it);
  } else if (it instanceof CompletionItem) {
    return _toExpectation((CompletionItem)it);
  } else if (it instanceof DocumentHighlight) {
    return _toExpectation((DocumentHighlight)it);
  } else if (it instanceof DocumentSymbol) {
    return _toExpectation((DocumentSymbol)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Hover) {
    return _toExpectation((Hover)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Location) {
    return _toExpectation((Location)it);
  } else if (it instanceof MarkupContent) {
    return _toExpectation((MarkupContent)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Position) {
    return _toExpectation((Position)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Range) {
    return _toExpectation((Range)it);
  } else if (it instanceof ResourceOperation) {
    return _toExpectation((ResourceOperation)it);
  } else if (it instanceof SignatureHelp) {
    return _toExpectation((SignatureHelp)it);
  } else if (it instanceof SymbolInformation) {
    return _toExpectation((SymbolInformation)it);
  } else if (it instanceof TextDocumentEdit) {
    return _toExpectation((TextDocumentEdit)it);
  } else if (it instanceof TextEdit) {
    return _toExpectation((TextEdit)it);
  } else if (it instanceof WorkspaceEdit) {
    return _toExpectation((WorkspaceEdit)it);
  } else if (it instanceof Either) {
    return _toExpectation((Either<?, ?>)it);
  } else {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled parameter types: " +