

源代码1 项目: graphical-lsp   文件: DefaultGLSPServerLauncher.java
private void createClientConnection(AsynchronousSocketChannel socketChannel) {
	Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(getGLSPModule());
	GsonConfigurator gsonConf = injector.getInstance(GsonConfigurator.class);

	InputStream in = Channels.newInputStream(socketChannel);
	OutputStream out = Channels.newOutputStream(socketChannel);

	Consumer<GsonBuilder> configureGson = (GsonBuilder builder) -> gsonConf.configureGsonBuilder(builder);
	Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper = Function.identity();
	GLSPServer languageServer = injector.getInstance(GLSPServer.class);

	Launcher<GLSPClient> launcher = Launcher.createIoLauncher(languageServer, GLSPClient.class, in, out, threadPool,
			wrapper, configureGson);

	try {
		SocketAddress remoteAddress = socketChannel.getRemoteAddress();
		log.info("Started language server for client " + remoteAddress);
	} catch (IOException ex) {
		log.error("Failed to get the remoteAddress for the new client connection: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
源代码2 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLServerSocketLauncher.java
 * Launches {@link XMLLanguageServer} using asynchronous server-socket channel and makes it accessible through the JSON
 * RPC protocol defined by the LSP.
 * @param args standard launch arguments. may contain <code>--port</code> argument to change the default port 5008
public void launch(String[] args) throws Exception {
	AsynchronousServerSocketChannel _open = AsynchronousServerSocketChannel.open();
	int _port = getPort(args);
	InetSocketAddress _inetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress("", _port);
	final AsynchronousServerSocketChannel serverSocket = _open.bind(_inetSocketAddress);
	while (true) {
		final AsynchronousSocketChannel socketChannel = serverSocket.accept().get();
		final InputStream in = Channels.newInputStream(socketChannel);
		final OutputStream out = Channels.newOutputStream(socketChannel);
		final ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
		XMLLanguageServer languageServer = new XMLLanguageServer();
		final Launcher<LanguageClient> launcher = Launcher.createIoLauncher(languageServer, LanguageClient.class,
				in, out, executorService, (MessageConsumer it) -> {
					return it;
源代码3 项目: n4js   文件: PatchedRemoteEndpoint.java
 * @param out
 *            a consumer that transmits messages to the remote service
 * @param localEndpoint
 *            the local service implementation
 * @param exceptionHandler
 *            an exception handler that should never return null.
public PatchedRemoteEndpoint(MessageConsumer out, Endpoint localEndpoint,
		Function<Throwable, ResponseError> exceptionHandler) {
	super(out, localEndpoint, exceptionHandler);
	this.localEndpoint = localEndpoint;
	this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler;
	this.out = out;
	Field field;
	try {
		field = RemoteEndpoint.class.getDeclaredField("receivedRequestMap");
		receivedRequestMap = (Map<String, CompletableFuture<?>>) field.get(this);
	} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
		throw new RuntimeException(e);
源代码4 项目: lsp4j   文件: RemoteEndpointTest.java
public void testExceptionInOutputStream() throws Exception {
	LogMessageAccumulator logMessages = new LogMessageAccumulator();
	try {
		TestEndpoint endp = new TestEndpoint();
		MessageConsumer consumer = new MessageConsumer() {
			public void consume(Message message) throws JsonRpcException {
				throw new JsonRpcException(new SocketException("Permission denied: connect"));
		RemoteEndpoint endpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(consumer, endp);
		endpoint.notify("foo", null);
		logMessages.await(Level.WARNING, "Failed to send notification message.");
	} finally {
源代码5 项目: lsp4j   文件: RemoteEndpointTest.java
public void testOutputStreamClosed() throws Exception {
	LogMessageAccumulator logMessages = new LogMessageAccumulator();
	try {
		TestEndpoint endp = new TestEndpoint();
		MessageConsumer consumer = new MessageConsumer() {
			public void consume(Message message) throws JsonRpcException {
				throw new JsonRpcException(new SocketException("Socket closed"));
		RemoteEndpoint endpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(consumer, endp);
		endpoint.notify("foo", null);
		logMessages.await(Level.INFO, "Failed to send notification message.");
	} finally {
源代码6 项目: lsp4intellij   文件: MessageHandler.java
public MessageConsumer apply(MessageConsumer messageConsumer) {
    return message -> {
        if(isRunning.getAsBoolean()) {

源代码7 项目: lemminx   文件: ParentProcessWatcher.java
public MessageConsumer apply(final MessageConsumer consumer) {
	//inject our own consumer to refresh the timestamp
	return message -> {
源代码8 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLServerLauncher.java
 * Launches {@link XMLLanguageServer} and makes it accessible through the JSON
 * RPC protocol defined by the LSP.
 * @param launcherFuture The future returned by
 *                       {@link org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.Launcher#startListening()}.
 *                       (I'm not 100% sure how it meant to be used though, as
 *                       it's undocumented...)
public static Future<?> launch(InputStream in, OutputStream out) {
	XMLLanguageServer server = new XMLLanguageServer();
	Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper;
	if ("false".equals(System.getProperty("watchParentProcess"))) {
		wrapper = it -> it;
	} else {
		wrapper = new ParentProcessWatcher(server);
	Launcher<LanguageClient> launcher = createServerLauncher(server, in, out, Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), wrapper);
	return launcher.startListening();
源代码9 项目: n4js   文件: PatchedLauncherBuilder.java
protected RemoteEndpoint createRemoteEndpoint(MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler) {
	MessageConsumer outgoingMessageStream = new StreamMessageConsumer(output, jsonHandler);
	outgoingMessageStream = wrapMessageConsumer(outgoingMessageStream);
	Endpoint localEndpoint = ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(localServices);
	RemoteEndpoint remoteEndpoint;
	if (exceptionHandler == null)
		remoteEndpoint = new PatchedRemoteEndpoint(outgoingMessageStream, localEndpoint);
		remoteEndpoint = new PatchedRemoteEndpoint(outgoingMessageStream, localEndpoint, exceptionHandler);
	return remoteEndpoint;
源代码10 项目: xtext-languageserver-example   文件: RunServer.java
static <T> Launcher<T> createSocketLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, SocketAddress socketAddress, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) throws IOException {
    AsynchronousServerSocketChannel serverSocket = AsynchronousServerSocketChannel.open().bind(socketAddress);
    AsynchronousSocketChannel socketChannel;
    try {
        socketChannel = serverSocket.accept().get();
        return Launcher.createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, Channels.newInputStream(socketChannel), Channels.newOutputStream(socketChannel), executorService, wrapper);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
    return null;
static <T> Launcher<T> createSocketLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface,
		SocketAddress socketAddress, ExecutorService executorService,
		Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper, InputStream inputStream, OutputStream outputStream)
		throws IOException {
	return Launcher.createIoLauncher(localService, remoteInterface, inputStream, outputStream, executorService,
源代码12 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: ParentProcessWatcher.java
public MessageConsumer apply(final MessageConsumer consumer) {
	//inject our own consumer to refresh the timestamp
	return message -> {
源代码13 项目: lsp4j   文件: WebSocketLauncherBuilder.java
protected RemoteEndpoint createRemoteEndpoint(MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler) {
	MessageConsumer outgoingMessageStream = new WebSocketMessageConsumer(session, jsonHandler);
	outgoingMessageStream = wrapMessageConsumer(outgoingMessageStream);
	Endpoint localEndpoint = ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(localServices);
	RemoteEndpoint remoteEndpoint;
	if (exceptionHandler == null)
		remoteEndpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(outgoingMessageStream, localEndpoint);
		remoteEndpoint = new RemoteEndpoint(outgoingMessageStream, localEndpoint, exceptionHandler);
	return remoteEndpoint;
源代码14 项目: lsp4j   文件: LSPLauncher.java
 * Create a new Launcher for a language server and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and outgoing message streams so additional
 * message handling such as validation and tracing can be included.
 * @param server - the server that receives method calls from the remote client
 * @param in - input stream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out - output stream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
public static Launcher<LanguageClient> createServerLauncher(LanguageServer server, InputStream in, OutputStream out,
		ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
	return new Builder<LanguageClient>()
源代码15 项目: lsp4j   文件: LSPLauncher.java
 * Create a new Launcher for a language client and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and outgoing message streams so additional
 * message handling such as validation and tracing can be included.
 * @param client - the client that receives method calls from the remote server
 * @param in - input stream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out - output stream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
public static Launcher<LanguageServer> createClientLauncher(LanguageClient client, InputStream in, OutputStream out,
		ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
	return new Builder<LanguageServer>()
源代码16 项目: lsp4j   文件: NullResponseTest.java
public void testNullResponse() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
	LogMessageAccumulator logMessages = new LogMessageAccumulator();
	try {
		Endpoint endpoint = ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(this);
		Map<String, JsonRpcMethod> methods = ServiceEndpoints.getSupportedMethods(LanguageServer.class);
		MessageJsonHandler handler = new MessageJsonHandler(methods);
		List<Message> msgs = new ArrayList<>();
		MessageConsumer consumer = (message) -> {
		RemoteEndpoint re = new RemoteEndpoint(consumer, endpoint);
		RequestMessage request = new RequestMessage();
		Assert.assertEquals("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"1\",\"result\":null}", handler.serialize(msgs.get(0)));
		shutdownReturn = new Object();
		Assert.assertEquals("{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"1\",\"result\":{}}", handler.serialize(msgs.get(0)));
	} finally {
源代码17 项目: lsp4j   文件: DebugLauncher.java
protected RemoteEndpoint createRemoteEndpoint(MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler) {
	MessageConsumer outgoingMessageStream = new StreamMessageConsumer(output, jsonHandler);
	outgoingMessageStream = wrapMessageConsumer(outgoingMessageStream);
	Endpoint localEndpoint = ServiceEndpoints.toEndpoint(localServices);
	RemoteEndpoint remoteEndpoint;
	if (exceptionHandler == null)
		remoteEndpoint = new DebugRemoteEndpoint(outgoingMessageStream, localEndpoint);
		remoteEndpoint = new DebugRemoteEndpoint(outgoingMessageStream, localEndpoint, exceptionHandler);
	return remoteEndpoint;
static <T> Builder<T> createBuilder(MessageContextStore<T> store) {
	return new Builder<T>() {
		protected ConcurrentMessageProcessor createMessageProcessor(MessageProducer reader, 
				MessageConsumer messageConsumer, T remoteProxy) {
			return new CustomConcurrentMessageProcessor<T>(reader, messageConsumer, remoteProxy, store);
源代码19 项目: lsp4j   文件: WebSocketMessageHandler.java
public WebSocketMessageHandler(MessageConsumer callback, MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler, MessageIssueHandler issueHandler) {
	this.callback = callback;
	this.jsonHandler = jsonHandler;
	this.issueHandler = issueHandler;
源代码20 项目: lsp4j   文件: WebSocketLauncherBuilder.java
protected void addMessageHandlers(MessageJsonHandler jsonHandler, RemoteEndpoint remoteEndpoint) {
	MessageConsumer messageConsumer = wrapMessageConsumer(remoteEndpoint);
	session.addMessageHandler(new WebSocketMessageHandler(messageConsumer, jsonHandler, remoteEndpoint));
源代码21 项目: lsp4j   文件: DebugRemoteEndpoint.java
public DebugRemoteEndpoint(MessageConsumer out, Endpoint localEndpoint) {
	super(out, localEndpoint);
源代码22 项目: lsp4j   文件: DebugRemoteEndpoint.java
public DebugRemoteEndpoint(MessageConsumer out, Endpoint localEndpoint,
		Function<Throwable, ResponseError> exceptionHandler) {
	super(out, localEndpoint, exceptionHandler);
源代码23 项目: lsp4j   文件: ReflectiveMessageValidator.java
 * Forward messages to the given consumer unless an issue is found.
public ReflectiveMessageValidator(MessageConsumer delegate) {
	this.delegate = delegate;
源代码24 项目: lsp4j   文件: ConcurrentMessageProcessor.java
public ConcurrentMessageProcessor(MessageProducer messageProducer, MessageConsumer messageConsumer) {
	this.messageProducer = messageProducer;
	this.messageConsumer = messageConsumer;
源代码25 项目: lsp4j   文件: StreamMessageProducer.java
public void listen(MessageConsumer callback) {
	if (keepRunning) {
		throw new IllegalStateException("This StreamMessageProducer is already running.");
	this.keepRunning = true;
	this.callback = callback;
	try {
		StringBuilder headerBuilder = null;
		StringBuilder debugBuilder = null;
		boolean newLine = false;
		Headers headers = new Headers();
		while (keepRunning) {
			int c = input.read();
			if (c == -1) {
				// End of input stream has been reached
				keepRunning = false;
			} else {
				if (debugBuilder == null)
					debugBuilder = new StringBuilder();
				debugBuilder.append((char) c);
				if (c == '\n') {
					if (newLine) {
						// Two consecutive newlines have been read, which signals the start of the message content
						if (headers.contentLength < 0) {
							fireError(new IllegalStateException("Missing header " + CONTENT_LENGTH_HEADER
									+ " in input \"" + debugBuilder + "\""));
						} else {
							boolean result = handleMessage(input, headers);
							if (!result)
								keepRunning = false;
							newLine = false;
						headers = new Headers();
						debugBuilder = null;
					} else if (headerBuilder != null) {
						// A single newline ends a header line
						parseHeader(headerBuilder.toString(), headers);
						headerBuilder = null;
					newLine = true;
				} else if (c != '\r') {
					// Add the input to the current header line
					if (headerBuilder == null)
						headerBuilder = new StringBuilder();
					headerBuilder.append((char) c);
					newLine = false;
		} // while (keepRunning)
	} catch (IOException exception) {
		if (JsonRpcException.indicatesStreamClosed(exception)) {
			// Only log the error if we had intended to keep running
			if (keepRunning)
		} else
			throw new JsonRpcException(exception);
	} finally {
		this.callback = null;
		this.keepRunning = false;
public CustomConcurrentMessageProcessor(MessageProducer reader, MessageConsumer messageConsumer,
		T remoteProxy, MessageContextStore<T> threadMap) {
	super(reader, messageConsumer);
	this.remoteProxy = remoteProxy;
	this.threadMap = threadMap;
源代码27 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLServerLauncher.java
 * Create a new Launcher for a language server and an input and output stream.
 * Threads are started with the given executor service. The wrapper function is
 * applied to the incoming and outgoing message streams so additional message
 * handling such as validation and tracing can be included.
 * @param server          - the server that receives method calls from the
 *                        remote client
 * @param in              - input stream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out             - output stream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper         - a function for plugging in additional message
 *                        consumers
private static Launcher<LanguageClient> createServerLauncher(LanguageServer server, InputStream in, OutputStream out,
		ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
	return new Builder<LanguageClient>().
			.setRemoteInterface(XMLLanguageClientAPI.class) // Set client as XML language client
源代码28 项目: lsp4j   文件: DebugLauncher.java
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote
 * interface and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation
 * and tracing can be included.
 * @param localService
 *            - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface
 *            - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in
 *            - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out
 *            - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService
 *            - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper
 *            - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
public static <T> Launcher<T> createIoLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in,
		OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper) {
	return new Builder<T>()
源代码29 项目: lsp4j   文件: DebugLauncher.java
 * Create a new Launcher for a given local service object, a given remote
 * interface and an input and output stream. Threads are started with the given
 * executor service. The wrapper function is applied to the incoming and
 * outgoing message streams so additional message handling such as validation
 * and tracing can be included. The {@code configureGson} function can be used
 * to register additional type adapters in the {@link GsonBuilder} in order to
 * support protocol classes that cannot be handled by Gson's reflective
 * capabilities.
 * @param localService
 *            - an object on which classes RPC methods are looked up
 * @param remoteInterface
 *            - an interface on which RPC methods are looked up
 * @param in
 *            - inputstream to listen for incoming messages
 * @param out
 *            - outputstream to send outgoing messages
 * @param executorService
 *            - the executor service used to start threads
 * @param wrapper
 *            - a function for plugging in additional message consumers
 * @param configureGson
 *            - a function for Gson configuration
public static <T> Launcher<T> createIoLauncher(Object localService, Class<T> remoteInterface, InputStream in,
		OutputStream out, ExecutorService executorService, Function<MessageConsumer, MessageConsumer> wrapper,
		Consumer<GsonBuilder> configureGson) {
	return new Builder<T>()
源代码30 项目: lsp4j   文件: ConcurrentMessageProcessor.java
 * Start a thread that listens for messages in the message producer and forwards them to the message consumer.
 * @param messageProducer - produces messages, e.g. by reading from an input channel
 * @param messageConsumer - processes messages and potentially forwards them to other consumers
 * @param executorService - the thread is started using this service
 * @return a future that is resolved when the started thread is terminated, e.g. by closing a stream
 * @deprecated Please use the non-static ConcurrentMessageProcessor.beginProcessing() instead.
public static Future<Void> startProcessing(MessageProducer messageProducer, MessageConsumer messageConsumer,
		ExecutorService executorService) {
	ConcurrentMessageProcessor reader = new ConcurrentMessageProcessor(messageProducer, messageConsumer);
	final Future<?> result = executorService.submit(reader);
	return wrapFuture(result, messageProducer);