

源代码1 项目: lsp4intellij   文件: EditorEventManager.java
 * Reformat the whole document
public void reformat() {
    pool(() -> {
        if (editor.isDisposed()) {
        DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams();
        FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions();

        CompletableFuture<List<? extends TextEdit>> request = requestManager.formatting(params);
        if (request == null) {
        request.thenAccept(formatting -> {
            if (formatting != null) {
                invokeLater(() -> applyEdit((List<TextEdit>) formatting, "Reformat document", false));
源代码2 项目: lemminx   文件: SettingsTest.java
public void formatSettings() {
	// formatting options coming from request
	FormattingOptions formattingOptions = new FormattingOptions();

	XMLFormattingOptions xmlFormattingOptions = new XMLFormattingOptions(formattingOptions, false);

	assertEquals(5, xmlFormattingOptions.getTabSize()); // value coming from the request formattingOptions
	assertFalse(xmlFormattingOptions.isInsertSpaces()); // formattingOptions doesn't defines insert spaces
	assertFalse(xmlFormattingOptions.isJoinCommentLines());// Since default for JoinCommentLines is False

	XMLFormattingOptions sharedXMLFormattingOptions = new XMLFormattingOptions(true);

	// merge with shared sharedXMLFormattingOptions (formatting settings created in
	// the InitializeParams
	assertEquals(10, xmlFormattingOptions.getTabSize());
源代码3 项目: netbeans   文件: Formatter.java
private void rangeFormat(FileObject fo, LSPBindings bindings) throws BadLocationException {
    DocumentRangeFormattingParams drfp = new DocumentRangeFormattingParams();
    drfp.setTextDocument(new TextDocumentIdentifier(Utils.toURI(fo)));
    drfp.setOptions(new FormattingOptions(
    drfp.setRange(new Range(
        Utils.createPosition(ctx.document(), ctx.startOffset()),
        Utils.createPosition(ctx.document(), ctx.endOffset())));
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        edits = new ArrayList<>(bindings.getTextDocumentService().rangeFormatting(drfp).get());
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
            String.format("LSP document rangeFormat failed for {0}", fo),

源代码4 项目: netbeans   文件: Formatter.java
private void documentFormat(FileObject fo, LSPBindings bindings) throws BadLocationException {
    DocumentFormattingParams dfp = new DocumentFormattingParams();
    dfp.setTextDocument(new TextDocumentIdentifier(Utils.toURI(fo)));
    dfp.setOptions(new FormattingOptions(
    List<TextEdit> edits = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) {
            String.format("LSP document format failed for {0}", fo),

源代码5 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandler.java
private List<org.eclipse.lsp4j.TextEdit> format(String uri, FormattingOptions options, Range range, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
	if (!preferenceManager.getPreferences().isJavaFormatEnabled()) {
		return Collections.emptyList();
	ICompilationUnit cu = JDTUtils.resolveCompilationUnit(uri);
	if (cu == null) {
		return Collections.emptyList();
	IRegion region = null;
	IDocument document = null;
	try {
		document = JsonRpcHelpers.toDocument(cu.getBuffer());
		if (document != null) {
			region = (range == null ? new Region(0, document.getLength()) : getRegion(range, document));
	} catch (JavaModelException e) {
		JavaLanguageServerPlugin.logException(e.getMessage(), e);
	if (region == null) {
		return Collections.emptyList();

	return format(cu, document, region, options, preferenceManager.getPreferences().isJavaFormatComments(), monitor);
源代码6 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandler.java
public static Map<String, String> getOptions(FormattingOptions options, ICompilationUnit cu) {
	Map<String, String> eclipseOptions = cu.getJavaProject().getOptions(true);

	Map<String, String> customOptions = options.entrySet().stream().filter(map -> chekIfValueIsNotNull(map.getValue())).collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> getOptionValue(e.getValue())));


	Integer tabSize = options.getTabSize();
	if (tabSize != null) {
		int tSize = tabSize.intValue();
		if (tSize > 0) {
			eclipseOptions.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_SIZE, Integer.toString(tSize));
	boolean insertSpaces = options.isInsertSpaces();
	eclipseOptions.put(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, insertSpaces ? JavaCore.SPACE : JavaCore.TAB);
	return eclipseOptions;
源代码7 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandler.java
private List<? extends org.eclipse.lsp4j.TextEdit> format(String uri, FormattingOptions options, Position position, String triggerChar, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
	if (!preferenceManager.getPreferences().isJavaFormatOnTypeEnabled()) {
		return Collections.emptyList();

	ICompilationUnit cu = JDTUtils.resolveCompilationUnit(uri);
	if (cu == null) {
		return Collections.emptyList();
	IRegion region = null;
	IDocument document = null;
	try {
		document = JsonRpcHelpers.toDocument(cu.getBuffer());
		if (document != null && position != null) {
			region = getRegion(cu, document, position, triggerChar);
	} catch (JavaModelException e) {
		JavaLanguageServerPlugin.logException(e.getMessage(), e);
	if (region == null) {
		return Collections.emptyList();
	return format(cu, document, region, options, false, monitor);
源代码8 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testJavaFormatEnable() throws Exception {
	String text =
			"package org.sample   ;\n\n" +
			"      public class Baz {  String name;}\n";
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java", text);
	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces
	DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();
	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(text, newText);
源代码9 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testDisableFormattingOnType() throws Exception {
	String text =  "package org.sample;\n"
				+ "\n"
				+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"
				+ "String          name       ;\n"
				+ "}\n";
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java", text);

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(3, 28), "\n");
	//Check it's disabled by default
	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(text, newText);
源代码10 项目: xtext-core   文件: FormattingService.java
 * @since 2.14
public List<TextEdit> format(XtextResource resource, Document document, int offset, int length,
		FormattingOptions options) {
	String indent = indentationInformation.getIndentString();
	if (options != null) {
		if (options.isInsertSpaces()) {
			indent = Strings.padEnd("", options.getTabSize(), ' ');
	List<TextEdit> result = new ArrayList<>();
	if (this.formatter2Provider != null) {
		MapBasedPreferenceValues preferences = new MapBasedPreferenceValues();
		preferences.put("indentation", indent);
		List<ITextReplacement> replacements = format2(resource, new TextRegion(offset, length), preferences);
		for (ITextReplacement r : replacements) {
			result.add(toTextEdit(document, r.getReplacementText(), r.getOffset(), r.getLength()));
	return result;
源代码11 项目: lsp4intellij   文件: EditorEventManager.java
 * Reformat the text currently selected in the editor
public void reformatSelection() {
    pool(() -> {
        if (editor.isDisposed()) {
        DocumentRangeFormattingParams params = new DocumentRangeFormattingParams();
        SelectionModel selectionModel = editor.getSelectionModel();
        int start = computableReadAction(selectionModel::getSelectionStart);
        int end = computableReadAction(selectionModel::getSelectionEnd);
        Position startingPos = DocumentUtils.offsetToLSPPos(editor, start);
        Position endPos = DocumentUtils.offsetToLSPPos(editor, end);
        params.setRange(new Range(startingPos, endPos));
        // Todo - Make Formatting Options configurable
        FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions();

        CompletableFuture<List<? extends TextEdit>> request = requestManager.rangeFormatting(params);
        if (request == null) {
        request.thenAccept(formatting -> {
            if (formatting == null) {
            invokeLater(() -> {
                if (!editor.isDisposed()) {
                    applyEdit((List<TextEdit>) formatting, "Reformat selection", false);
源代码12 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testDocumentFormatting() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		"package org.sample   ;\n\n" +
		"      public class Baz {  String name;}\n"

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces
	DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		"package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {\n"
		+ "    String name;\n"
		+ "}\n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码13 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testDocumentFormattingWithTabs() throws Exception {
	javaProject.setOption(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, JavaCore.SPACE);

	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		"package org.sample;\n\n" +
		"public class Baz {\n"+
		"    void foo(){\n"+

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(2, false);// ident == tab
	DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		"package org.sample;\n"+
		"public class Baz {\n"+
		"\tvoid foo() {\n"+
	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码14 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testFormatting_onOffTags() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		"package org.sample;\n\n" +
		"      public class Baz {\n"+
		"// @formatter:off\n"+
		"\tvoid foo(){\n"+
		"    }\n"+
		"// @formatter:on\n"+

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, false);// ident == tab
	DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		"package org.sample;\n\n" +
		"public class Baz {\n"+
		"// @formatter:off\n"+
		"\tvoid foo(){\n"+
		"    }\n"+
		"// @formatter:on\n"+

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);

源代码15 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testRangeFormatting() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		"package org.sample;\n" +
		"      public class Baz {\n"+
		"\tvoid foo(){\n" +
		"    }\n"+
		"	}\n"

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);

	Range range = new Range(new Position(2, 0), new Position(3, 5));// range around foo()
	DocumentRangeFormattingParams params = new DocumentRangeFormattingParams(range);
	params.setOptions(new FormattingOptions(3, true));// ident == 3 spaces

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.rangeFormatting(params).get();
	String expectedText =
		"package org.sample;\n" +
		"      public class Baz {\n"+
		"         void foo() {\n" +
		"         }\n"+
		"	}\n";
	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码16 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testDocumentFormattingWithCustomOption() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		"@Deprecated package org.sample;\n\n" +
			"public class Baz {\n"+
			"    /**Java doc @param a some parameter*/\n"+
			"\tvoid foo(int a){;;\n"+

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(2, true);
	options.putNumber("org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.blank_lines_before_package", Integer.valueOf(2));
	options.putString("org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_new_line_after_annotation_on_package", "do not insert");
	options.putBoolean("org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.put_empty_statement_on_new_line", Boolean.TRUE);
	DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
			"@Deprecated package org.sample;\n"+
			"public class Baz {\n"+
			"  /**Java doc @param a some parameter*/\n"+
			"  void foo(int a) {\n"+
			"    ;\n"+
			"    ;\n"+
			"  }\n"+
	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码17 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testGoogleFormatter() throws Exception {
	try {
		String text =
				"package org.sample;\n\n" +
				"public class Baz {\n" +
				"  String name;\n" +
		ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java", text);
		String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
		TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
		FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(2, true);// ident == 2 spaces
		DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
		Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(JavaLanguageServerTestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
		URL googleFormatter = bundle.getEntry("/formatter resources/eclipse-java-google-style.xml");
		URL url = FileLocator.resolve(googleFormatter);
		FormatterManager.configureFormatter(preferenceManager, projectsManager);
		List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();
		String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
		assertEquals(text, newText);
	} finally {
		FormatterManager.configureFormatter(preferenceManager, projectsManager);
源代码18 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
public void testGoogleFormatterFilePath() throws Exception {
	try {
		String text =
				"package org.sample;\n\n" +
				"public class Baz {\n" +
				"  String name;\n" +
		ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java", text);
		String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
		TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
		FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(2, true);// ident == 2 spaces
		DocumentFormattingParams params = new DocumentFormattingParams(textDocument, options);
		Bundle bundle = Platform.getBundle(JavaLanguageServerTestPlugin.PLUGIN_ID);
		URL googleFormatter = bundle.getEntry("/formatter resources/eclipse-java-google-style.xml");
		URL url = FileLocator.resolve(googleFormatter);
		File file = ResourceUtils.toFile(URIUtil.toURI(url));
		FormatterManager.configureFormatter(preferenceManager, projectsManager);
		List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.formatting(params).get();
		String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
		assertEquals(text, newText);
	} finally {
		FormatterManager.configureFormatter(preferenceManager, projectsManager);
源代码19 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing ; should format the current line
public void testFormattingOnTypeSemiColumn() throws Exception {
	javaProject.setOption(DefaultCodeFormatterConstants.FORMATTER_TAB_CHAR, JavaCore.SPACE);

	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n\n"
		+ "public class Baz {  \n"
		+ "String          name       ;\n"//typed ; here
		+ "}\n"

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, false);// ident == tab

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(3, 27), ";");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {  \n"
		+ "\tString name;\n"
		+ "}\n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码20 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing new_line should format the current line if previous character doesn't close a block
public void testFormattingOnTypeNewLine() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"
		+ "String          name       ;\n"//typed \n here
		+ "}\n"

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(3, 28), "\n");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"//this part won't be formatted
		+ "        String name;\n"
		+ "}\n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码21 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing } should format the previous block
public void testFormattingOnTypeCloseBlock() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"
		+ "String          name       ;\n"
		+ "}  "//typed } here

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(4, 0), "}");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {\n"
		+ "    String name;\n"
		+ "}";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码22 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing new_line after opening a block should only format the current line
public void testFormattingOnTypeReturnAfterOpeningBlock() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"//typed \n here
		+ "String          name       ;\n"
		+ "}  \n"

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(2, 33), "\n");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {\n"
		+ "String          name       ;\n"
		+ "}  \n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码23 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing new_line after closing a block should format the that block
public void testFormattingOnTypeReturnAfterClosedBlock() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"
		+ "String          name       ;\n"
		+ "}  \n"//typed \n here

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(4, 3), "\n");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {\n"
		+ "    String name;\n"
		+ "}\n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码24 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing new_line after inserting a new line should format the previous block if previous non-whitespace char is }
public void testFormattingOnTypeReturnAfterEmptyLine() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {  \n"
		+ "String          name       ;\n"
		+ "}  \n"
		+ "   \n"//typed \n here

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(5, 3), "\n");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {\n"
		+ "    String name;\n"
		+ "}\n"
		+ "   \n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码25 项目: eclipse.jdt.ls   文件: FormatterHandlerTest.java
@Test // typing new_line after an empty block on a single line should format that block
public void testFormattingOnTypeReturnAfterEmptyBlock() throws Exception {
	ICompilationUnit unit = getWorkingCopy("src/org/sample/Baz.java",
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "    public      class     Baz {}  \n"//typed \n here

	String uri = JDTUtils.toURI(unit);
	TextDocumentIdentifier textDocument = new TextDocumentIdentifier(uri);
	FormattingOptions options = new FormattingOptions(4, true);// ident == 4 spaces

	DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams params = new DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams(new Position(2, 34), "\n");

	List<? extends TextEdit> edits = server.onTypeFormatting(params).get();

	String expectedText =
		  "package org.sample;\n"
		+ "\n"
		+ "public class Baz {\n"
		+ "}\n";

	String newText = TextEditUtil.apply(unit, edits);
	assertEquals(expectedText, newText);
源代码26 项目: lemminx   文件: CompositeSettings.java
public CompositeSettings(SharedSettings settings, FormattingOptions formatting) {
源代码27 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLFormattingOptions.java
public XMLFormattingOptions(FormattingOptions options, boolean initializeDefaultSettings) {
	if (initializeDefaultSettings) {
源代码28 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLFormattingOptions.java
public XMLFormattingOptions(FormattingOptions options) {
	this(options, true);
源代码29 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLFormattingOptions.java
public XMLFormattingOptions merge(FormattingOptions formattingOptions) {
	formattingOptions.entrySet().stream().forEach(entry -> {
		this.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
	return this;
源代码30 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLFormattingOptions.java
public static XMLFormattingOptions create(FormattingOptions options, FormattingOptions sharedFormattingOptions) {
	return new XMLFormattingOptions(options).merge(sharedFormattingOptions);