

源代码1 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLSymbolsProvider.java
private void findSymbolInformations(DOMNode node, String container, List<SymbolInformation> symbols,
		boolean ignoreNode, AtomicLong limit, CancelChecker cancelChecker) throws BadLocationException {
	if (!isNodeSymbol(node)) {
	String name = "";
	if (!ignoreNode) {
		name = nodeToName(node);
		DOMDocument xmlDocument = node.getOwnerDocument();
		Range range = getSymbolRange(node);
		Location location = new Location(xmlDocument.getDocumentURI(), range);
		SymbolInformation symbol = new SymbolInformation(name, getSymbolKind(node), location, container);

	final String containerName = name;
	node.getChildren().forEach(child -> {
		try {
			findSymbolInformations(child, containerName, symbols, false, limit, cancelChecker);
		} catch (BadLocationException e) {
			LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "XMLSymbolsProvider was given a BadLocation by the provided 'node' variable",
源代码2 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLHighlighting.java
public List<DocumentHighlight> findDocumentHighlights(DOMDocument xmlDocument, Position position,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	int offset = -1;
	try {
		offset = xmlDocument.offsetAt(position);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "In XMLHighlighting the client provided Position is at a BadLocation", e);
		return Collections.emptyList();
	DOMNode node = xmlDocument.findNodeAt(offset);
	if (node == null) {
		return Collections.emptyList();
	List<DocumentHighlight> highlights = new ArrayList<>();
	fillWithDefaultHighlights(node, position, offset, highlights, cancelChecker);
	fillWithCustomHighlights(node, position, offset, highlights, cancelChecker);
	return highlights;
源代码3 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLDiagnostics.java
public List<Diagnostic> doDiagnostics(DOMDocument xmlDocument, CancelChecker monitor, XMLValidationSettings validationSettings) {

		List<Diagnostic> diagnostics = new ArrayList<Diagnostic>();
		if(validationSettings == null || validationSettings.isEnabled()) {
			try {
				//Doesn't do anything ATM
				doBasicDiagnostics(xmlDocument, diagnostics, monitor);
			} catch (BadLocationException e) {
				LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "BadLocationException thrown doing doBasicDiagnostics() in XMLDiagnostics.", e);;
			doExtensionsDiagnostics(xmlDocument, diagnostics, monitor);
		return diagnostics;
源代码4 项目: lemminx   文件: AbstractReferenceParticipant.java
public void findReference(DOMDocument document, Position position, ReferenceContext context,
		List<Location> locations, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	if (!match(document)) {
	try {
		int offset = document.offsetAt(position);
		DOMNode node = document.findNodeAt(offset);
		if (node != null) {
			findReferences(node, position, offset, context, locations, cancelChecker);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {

源代码5 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLDefinition.java
public List<? extends LocationLink> findDefinition(DOMDocument document, Position position,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	IDefinitionRequest request = null;
	try {
		request = new DefinitionRequest(document, position, extensionsRegistry);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed creating TypeDefinitionRequest", e);
		return Collections.emptyList();
	// Custom definition
	List<LocationLink> locations = new ArrayList<>();
	for (IDefinitionParticipant participant : extensionsRegistry.getDefinitionParticipants()) {
		participant.findDefinition(request, locations, cancelChecker);
	// Start end tag definition
	findStartEndTagDefinition(request, locations);
	return locations;
源代码6 项目: lemminx   文件: DTDDefinitionParticipant.java
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	int offset = request.getOffset();
	// DTD definition is applicable only for <!ELEMENT and <!ATTLIST
	if (!(node.isDTDElementDecl() || node.isDTDAttListDecl())) {
	// Get the parameter which defines the name which references an <!ELEMENT
	// - <!ATTLIST elt -> we search the 'elt' in <!ELEMENT elt
	// - <!ELEMENT elt (child1 -> we search the 'child1' in <!ELEMENT child1
	DTDDeclParameter originName = ((DTDDeclNode) node).getReferencedElementNameAt(offset);
	if (originName != null) {
		DTDUtils.searchDTDTargetElementDecl(originName, true, targetElementName -> {
			LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink((DOMRange) originName,
					(DOMRange) targetElementName);
源代码7 项目: lemminx   文件: DTDValidator.java
public static void doDiagnostics(DOMDocument document, XMLEntityResolver entityResolver,
		List<Diagnostic> diagnostics, CancelChecker monitor) {
	try {
		XMLDTDLoader loader = new XMLDTDLoader();
				new LSPErrorReporterForXML(document, diagnostics));

		if (entityResolver != null) {

		String content = document.getText();
		String uri = document.getDocumentURI();
		InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
		XMLInputSource source = new XMLInputSource(null, uri, uri, inputStream, null);
	} catch (Exception e) {

源代码8 项目: lemminx   文件: EntitiesDefinitionParticipant.java
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (!node.isText()) {
	// Definition is done in a text node, check if it's a entity reference
	DOMDocument document = request.getXMLDocument();
	int offset = request.getOffset();
	EntityReferenceRange entityRange = XMLPositionUtility.selectEntityReference(offset, document);
	if (entityRange != null) {
		String entityName = entityRange.getName();
		Range range = entityRange.getRange();
		searchInLocalEntities(entityName, range, document, locations, cancelChecker);
		searchInExternalEntities(entityName, range, document, locations, request, cancelChecker);
源代码9 项目: lemminx   文件: EntitiesDefinitionParticipant.java
 * Search the given entity name in the local entities.
 * @param document      the DOM document.
 * @param entityName    the entity name.
 * @param entityRange   the entity range.
 * @param locations     the location links
 * @param cancelChecker the cancel checker.
private static void searchInLocalEntities(String entityName, Range entityRange, DOMDocument document,
		List<LocationLink> locations, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMDocumentType docType = document.getDoctype();
	if (docType == null) {
	// Loop for entities declared in the DOCTYPE of the document
	NamedNodeMap entities = docType.getEntities();
	for (int i = 0; i < entities.getLength(); i++) {
		DTDEntityDecl entity = (DTDEntityDecl) entities.item(i);
		fillEntityLocation(entity, entityName, entityRange, locations);
源代码10 项目: lemminx   文件: XSDDefinitionParticipant.java
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {

	// - xs:element/@type -> xs:complexType/@name
	// - xs:extension/@base -> xs:complexType/@name
	// - xs:element/@ref -> xs:complexType/@name
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (!node.isAttribute()) {
	DOMAttr attr = (DOMAttr) node;
	BindingType bindingType = XSDUtils.getBindingType(attr);
	if (bindingType != BindingType.NONE) {
		XSDUtils.searchXSTargetAttributes(attr, bindingType, true, true, (targetNamespacePrefix, targetAttr) -> {
			LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink(attr.getNodeAttrValue(),
protected void doFindTypeDefinition(ITypeDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	ContentModelManager contentModelManager = request.getComponent(ContentModelManager.class);
	DOMNode node = request.getNode();
	if (node == null) {
	DOMElement element = null;
	if (node.isElement()) {
		element = (DOMElement) node;
	} else if (node.isAttribute()) {
		element = ((DOMAttr) node).getOwnerElement();
	if (element != null) {
		Collection<CMDocument> cmDocuments = contentModelManager.findCMDocument(element);
		for (CMDocument cmDocument : cmDocuments) {
			LocationLink location = cmDocument.findTypeLocation(node);
			if (location != null) {
源代码12 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLTextDocumentService.java
private void validate(DOMDocument xmlDocument) throws CancellationException {
	CancelChecker cancelChecker = xmlDocument.getCancelChecker();
			params -> xmlLanguageServer.getLanguageClient().publishDiagnostics(params),
			(doc) -> triggerValidationFor(doc), sharedSettings.getValidationSettings(), cancelChecker);
源代码13 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLTextDocumentService.java
private static <R, M> CompletableFuture<R> computeModelAsync(CompletableFuture<M> loadModel,
		BiFunction<CancelChecker, M, R> code) {
	CompletableFuture<CancelChecker> start = new CompletableFuture<>();
	CompletableFuture<R> result = start.thenCombineAsync(loadModel, code);
	CancelChecker cancelIndicator = () -> {
		if (result.isCancelled())
			throw new CancellationException();
	return result;
源代码14 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLHighlighting.java
private void fillWithCustomHighlights(DOMNode node, Position position, int offset,
		List<DocumentHighlight> highlights, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	// Consume highlighting participant
	for (IHighlightingParticipant highlightingParticipant : extensionsRegistry.getHighlightingParticipants()) {
		highlightingParticipant.findDocumentHighlights(node, position, offset,highlights, cancelChecker);
源代码15 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLCodeLens.java
public List<? extends CodeLens> getCodelens(DOMDocument xmlDocument, XMLCodeLensSettings settings, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	ICodeLensRequest request = new CodeLensRequest(xmlDocument, settings);
	List<CodeLens> lenses = new ArrayList<>();
	for (ICodeLensParticipant participant : extensionsRegistry.getCodeLensParticipants()) {
		participant.doCodeLens(request, lenses, cancelChecker);
	return lenses;
源代码16 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLDiagnostics.java
 * Do basic validation to check the no XML valid.
 * @param xmlDocument
 * @param diagnostics
 * @param monitor
 * @throws BadLocationException
private void doBasicDiagnostics(DOMDocument xmlDocument, List<Diagnostic> diagnostics, CancelChecker monitor)
		throws BadLocationException {
	 * Scanner scanner = XMLScanner.createScanner(document.getText()); TokenType
	 * token = scanner.scan(); while (token != TokenType.EOS) {
	 * monitor.checkCanceled(); // TODO check tokens... token = scanner.scan(); }
源代码17 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLReference.java
public List<? extends Location> findReferences(DOMDocument document, Position position, ReferenceContext context,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	List<Location> locations = new ArrayList<>();
	for (IReferenceParticipant participant : extensionsRegistry.getReferenceParticipants()) {
		participant.findReference(document, position, context, locations, cancelChecker);
	return locations;
源代码18 项目: lemminx   文件: AbstractDefinitionParticipant.java
public final void findDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMDocument document = request.getXMLDocument();
	if (!match(document)) {
	doFindDefinition(request, locations, cancelChecker);
public final void findTypeDefinition(ITypeDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMDocument document = request.getXMLDocument();
	if (!match(document)) {
	doFindTypeDefinition(request, locations, cancelChecker);
源代码20 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLLanguageService.java
public AutoCloseTagResponse doAutoClose(DOMDocument xmlDocument, Position position, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	try {
		int offset = xmlDocument.offsetAt(position);
		String text = xmlDocument.getText();
		if (offset > 0) {
			char c = text.charAt(offset - 1);
			if (c == '>' || c == '/') {
				return doTagComplete(xmlDocument, position, cancelChecker);
		return null;
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		return null;
源代码21 项目: lemminx   文件: XMLTypeDefinition.java
public List<? extends LocationLink> findTypeDefinition(DOMDocument document, Position position,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	ITypeDefinitionRequest request = null;
	try {
		request = new TypeDefinitionRequest(document, position, extensionsRegistry);
	} catch (BadLocationException e) {
		LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed creating TypeDefinitionRequest", e);
		return Collections.emptyList();
	List<LocationLink> locations = new ArrayList<>();
	for (ITypeDefinitionParticipant participant : extensionsRegistry.getTypeDefinitionParticipants()) {
		participant.findTypeDefinition(request, locations, cancelChecker);
	return locations;
源代码22 项目: lemminx   文件: DTDReferenceParticipant.java
protected void findReferences(DOMNode node, Position position, int offset, ReferenceContext context,
		List<Location> locations, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	// DTD reference works only when references is done on an <!ELEMENT name
	if (!node.isDTDElementDecl()) {
	DTDElementDecl elementDecl = (DTDElementDecl) node;
	if (!elementDecl.isInNameParameter(offset)) {
			(origin, target) -> locations.add(XMLPositionUtility.createLocation(origin)), cancelChecker);
源代码23 项目: lemminx   文件: DTDDiagnosticsParticipant.java
public void doDiagnostics(DOMDocument xmlDocument, List<Diagnostic> diagnostics, CancelChecker monitor) {
	if (!xmlDocument.isDTD()) {
		// Don't use the DTD validator, if it's a DTD
	// Get entity resolver (XML catalog resolver, XML schema from the file
	// associations settings., ...)
	XMLEntityResolver entityResolver = xmlDocument.getResolverExtensionManager();
	// Process validation
	DTDValidator.doDiagnostics(xmlDocument, entityResolver, diagnostics, monitor);
源代码24 项目: lemminx   文件: EntitiesDefinitionParticipant.java
 * Search the given entity name in the external entities.
 * @param document      the DOM document.
 * @param entityName    the entity name.
 * @param entityRange   the entity range.
 * @param locations     the location links
 * @param request       the definition request.
 * @param cancelChecker the cancel checker.
private static void searchInExternalEntities(String entityName, Range entityRange, DOMDocument document,
		List<LocationLink> locations, IDefinitionRequest request, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	ContentModelManager contentModelManager = request.getComponent(ContentModelManager.class);
	Collection<CMDocument> cmDocuments = contentModelManager.findCMDocument(document, null, false);
	for (CMDocument cmDocument : cmDocuments) {
		List<Entity> entities = cmDocument.getEntities();
		for (Entity entity : entities) {
			fillEntityLocation((DTDEntityDecl) entity, entityName, entityRange, locations);
源代码25 项目: lemminx   文件: XSDUtils.java
 * Search origin attributes from the given target node..
 * @param targetNode the referenced node
 * @param collector  the collector to collect reference between an origin and
 *                   target attribute.
public static void searchXSOriginAttributes(DOMNode targetNode, BiConsumer<DOMAttr, DOMAttr> collector,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	// get referenced attribute nodes from the given referenced node
	List<DOMAttr> targetAttrs = getTargetAttrs(targetNode);
	if (targetAttrs.isEmpty()) {
		// None referenced nodes, stop the search of references

	// Here referencedNodes is filled with a list of attributes
	// xs:complexType/@name,
	// xs:simpleType/@name, xs:element/@name, xs:group/@name

	DOMDocument document = targetNode.getOwnerDocument();
	DOMElement documentElement = document.getDocumentElement();

	// <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
	// xmlns:tns="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring"
	// targetNamespace="http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring" version="1.0">
	String targetNamespace = documentElement.getAttribute("targetNamespace"); // ->
																				// http://camel.apache.org/schema/spring
	String targetNamespacePrefix = documentElement.getPrefix(targetNamespace); // -> tns

	// Collect references for each references nodes

	NodeList nodes = documentElement.getChildNodes();
	searchXSOriginAttributes(nodes, targetAttrs, targetNamespacePrefix, collector, cancelChecker);
源代码26 项目: lemminx   文件: XSDUtils.java
private static void searchXSOriginAttributes(NodeList nodes, List<DOMAttr> targetAttrs,
		String targetNamespacePrefix, BiConsumer<DOMAttr, DOMAttr> collector, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
		if (cancelChecker != null) {
		Node node = nodes.item(i);
		if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
			DOMElement originElement = (DOMElement) node;
			NamedNodeMap originAttributes = originElement.getAttributes();
			if (originAttributes != null) {
				for (int j = 0; j < originAttributes.getLength(); j++) {
					DOMAttr originAttr = (DOMAttr) originAttributes.item(j);
					BindingType originBnding = XSDUtils.getBindingType(originAttr);
					if (originBnding != BindingType.NONE) {
						String originName = getOriginName(originAttr.getValue(), targetNamespacePrefix);
						for (DOMAttr targetAttr : targetAttrs) {
							Element targetElement = targetAttr.getOwnerElement();
							if (isBounded(originAttr.getOwnerElement(), originBnding, targetElement)) {
								// node is a xs:complexType, xs:simpleType element, xsl:element, xs:group which
								// matches the binding type of the originAttr
								if (targetAttr != null && (Objects.equal(originName, targetAttr.getValue()))) {
									collector.accept(originAttr, targetAttr);
		if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
			searchXSOriginAttributes(node.getChildNodes(), targetAttrs, targetNamespacePrefix, collector,

源代码27 项目: lemminx   文件: XSDReferenceParticipant.java
protected void findReferences(DOMNode node, Position position, int offset, ReferenceContext context,
		List<Location> locations, CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMAttr attr = node.findAttrAt(offset);
	if (attr != null) {
		node = attr;
			(origin, target) -> locations.add(XMLPositionUtility.createLocation(origin.getNodeAttrValue())),
源代码28 项目: lemminx   文件: XSDDiagnosticsParticipant.java
public void doDiagnostics(DOMDocument xmlDocument, List<Diagnostic> diagnostics, CancelChecker monitor) {
	if (!DOMUtils.isXSD(xmlDocument)) {
		// Don't use the XSD validator, if the XML document is not a XML Schema.
	// Get entity resolver (XML catalog resolver, XML schema from the file
	// associations settings., ...)
	XMLEntityResolver entityResolver = xmlDocument.getResolverExtensionManager();
	// Process validation
	XSDValidator.doDiagnostics(xmlDocument, entityResolver, diagnostics, monitor);
protected void doFindDefinition(IDefinitionRequest request, List<LocationLink> locations,
		CancelChecker cancelChecker) {
	DOMNode origin = request.getNode();
	XMLReferencesManager.getInstance().collect(origin, target -> {
		LocationLink location = XMLPositionUtility.createLocationLink(origin, target);
public void doDiagnostics(DOMDocument xmlDocument, List<Diagnostic> diagnostics, CancelChecker monitor) {
	if (xmlDocument.isDTD() || DOMUtils.isXSD(xmlDocument)) {
		// Don't validate DTD / XML Schema with XML validator
	// Get entity resolver (XML catalog resolver, XML schema from the file
	// associations settings., ...)
	XMLEntityResolver entityResolver = xmlDocument.getResolverExtensionManager();
	// Process validation
	XMLValidator.doDiagnostics(xmlDocument, entityResolver, diagnostics,
			contentModelPlugin.getContentModelManager().getGrammarPool(), monitor);