

源代码1 项目: DeskChan   文件: Balloon.java
public static Sprite createDefaultBubble(){
    Main.log("Balloon file not found, using default");

    String BUBBLE_SVG_PATH = "m 134 0 " +
            "c -74.618 0 -135.108 44.166 -135.108 99 " +
            "c 0 54.487 60.491 98.661 135.108 98.661 " +
            "c 25.915 5 120.12 -5.325 120.685 -14.562 " +
            "c 14.659 16.528 38.188 17.669 79.57 1.116 " +
            "c -31.339 -1.873 -34.936 -8.656 -42.138 -26.046 " +
            "c 16.944 -16.484 26.985 -36.969 26.985 -59.167 " +
            "c 0 -54.487 -60.484 -98.654 -135.102 -98.654 z";
    SVGPath[] bubbleShapes = new SVGPath[1];
    bubbleShapes[0] = new SVGPath();

    Insets margin = new Insets(20, 40, 20, 20);
    String textStyle = Sprite.getTextStyle(null);

    return new SVGSprite(bubbleShapes, textStyle, margin, null);
源代码2 项目: FxDock   文件: FxIconBuilder.java
/** add SVG path */
	public SVGPath svgPath(String svg, boolean autoScale)
		SVGPath p = createSVGPath();
//		Label r = new Label();
//		r.setGraphic(p);
		return p;
源代码3 项目: scenic-view   文件: CSSFXTab.java
private Node createTabGraphic() {
    SVGPath p = new SVGPath();
    p.setContent("m 180.75256,334.77228 -0.53721,2.68603 10.93285,0 -0.3412,1.73502 -10.9401,0 -0.52996,2.68603 10.93286,0 -0.6098,3.06352 -4.40654,1.45917 -3.81851,-1.45917 0.26134,-1.32849 -2.68602,0 -0.63884,3.22323 6.31579,2.41742 7.2813,-2.41742 0.96552,-4.84937 0.19601,-0.97277 1.24138,-6.2432 z");
    StackPane sp = new StackPane(p);
    return sp;
源代码4 项目: DeskChan   文件: SVGSprite.java
public static SVGSprite create(File path) throws Exception {

        Document document = getDocument(path.toString());

        Insets margin = getMarginFromFile(document);

        XPathFactory xpf = XPathFactory.newInstance();
        XPath xpath = xpf.newXPath();
        XPathExpression expression = xpath.compile("//path");

        NodeList svgPaths = (NodeList) expression.evaluate(document, XPathConstants.NODESET);
        ArrayList<SVGPath> shapes = new ArrayList<>();
        for(int i=0; i<svgPaths.getLength(); i++) {
            try {
                SVGPath shape = new SVGPath();
                NamedNodeMap map = svgPaths.item(i).getAttributes();
                if(map.getNamedItem("style") != null) {
                } else {
                    shape.setStyle("-fx-fill: white; -fx-stroke-width: 2;");
            } catch (Exception e) {
        SVGPath[] shapesPaths = shapes.toArray(new SVGPath[shapes.size()]);

        String textStyle = getTextStyle(document);

        return new SVGSprite(shapesPaths, textStyle, margin, path);
源代码5 项目: DeskChan   文件: SVGSprite.java
public SVGSprite(SVGPath[] shapes, String contentStyle, Insets margin, File path) {
    super(new Group(shapes), contentStyle, margin);
    svgParts = shapes;
    originWidth = getFitWidth();
    originHeight = getFitHeight();
    this.path = path != null ? path.toString() : null;
源代码6 项目: tilesfx   文件: ClusterMonitorTileSkin.java
@Override protected void initGraphics() {

    updateHandler    = e -> {
        switch(e.getType()) {
            case UPDATE  : updateChart(); break;
            case FINISHED: updateChart(); break;
    paneSizeListener = e -> updateChart();
    dataItemMap      = new HashMap<>();

    chartPane = new VBox();

    Collections.sort(tile.getChartData(), Comparator.comparing(ChartData::getName));
    tile.getChartData().forEach(data -> {
        dataItemMap.put(data, new ChartItem(data, contentBounds, data.getFormatString()));

    titleText = new Text();
    Helper.enableNode(titleText, !tile.getTitle().isEmpty());

    text = new Text(tile.getText());
    Helper.enableNode(text, tile.isTextVisible());

    SVGPath svgPath = tile.getSVGPath();
    if (null != svgPath) {
        svgPathPressedHandler = e -> tile.fireTileEvent(SVG_PRESSED_EVENT);
        graphicRegion = new Region();
        getPane().getChildren().addAll(titleText, text, chartPane, graphicRegion);
    } else {
        getPane().getChildren().addAll(titleText, text, chartPane);
源代码7 项目: gef   文件: NodeUtils.java
 * Returns an {@link IGeometry} that corresponds whose outline represents
 * the geometric outline of the given {@link Node}, excluding its stroke.
 * <p>
 * The {@link IGeometry} is specified within the local coordinate system of
 * the given {@link Node}.
 * <p>
 * The following {@link Node}s are supported:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@link Connection}
 * <li>{@link GeometryNode}
 * <li>{@link Arc}
 * <li>{@link Circle}
 * <li>{@link CubicCurve}
 * <li>{@link Ellipse}
 * <li>{@link Line}
 * <li>{@link Path}
 * <li>{@link Polygon}
 * <li>{@link Polyline}
 * <li>{@link QuadCurve}
 * <li>{@link Rectangle}
 * </ul>
 * @param visual
 *            The {@link Node} of which the geometric outline is returned.
 * @return An {@link IGeometry} that corresponds to the geometric outline of
 *         the given {@link Node}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             if the given {@link Node} is not supported.
public static IGeometry getGeometricOutline(Node visual) {
	if (visual instanceof Connection) {
		Node curveNode = ((Connection) visual).getCurve();
		return localToParent(curveNode, getGeometricOutline(curveNode));
	} else if (visual instanceof GeometryNode) {
		// XXX: The geometry's position is specified relative to the
		// GeometryNode's layout bounds (which are fixed as (0, 0, width,
		// height) and includes the layoutX, layoutY (which we have to
		// compensate here)
		GeometryNode<?> geometryNode = (GeometryNode<?>) visual;
		IGeometry geometry = geometryNode.getGeometry();
		if (geometry != null) {
			if (geometry instanceof ITranslatable) {
				return ((ITranslatable<?>) geometry).getTranslated(
			} else {
				return geometry.getTransformed(new AffineTransform()
		} else {
			// if the geometry node has no geometry (yet), return an empty
			// geometry
			return new Rectangle();
	} else if (visual instanceof Shape && !(visual instanceof Text)
			&& !(visual instanceof SVGPath)) {
		return Shape2Geometry.toGeometry((Shape) visual);
	} else {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
				"Cannot determine geometric outline for the given visual <"
						+ visual + ">.");
源代码8 项目: FxDock   文件: FxIconBuilder.java
protected SVGPath createSVGPath()
	SVGPath p = new SVGPath();
	return p;
源代码9 项目: Enzo   文件: ShapeConverter.java
public static String shapeToSvgString(final Shape SHAPE) {
    final StringBuilder fxPath = new StringBuilder();
    if (Line.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertLine((Line) SHAPE));
    } else if (Arc.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertArc((Arc) SHAPE));
    } else if (QuadCurve.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertQuadCurve((QuadCurve) SHAPE));
    } else if (CubicCurve.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertCubicCurve((CubicCurve) SHAPE));
    } else if (Rectangle.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertRectangle((Rectangle) SHAPE));
    } else if (Circle.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertCircle((Circle) SHAPE));
    } else if (Ellipse.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertEllipse((Ellipse) SHAPE));
    } else if (Text.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        Path path = (Path)(Shape.subtract(SHAPE, new Rectangle(0, 0)));
    } else if (Path.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertPath((Path) SHAPE));
    } else if (Polygon.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertPolygon((Polygon) SHAPE));
    } else if (Polyline.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(convertPolyline((Polyline) SHAPE));
    } else if (SVGPath.class.equals(SHAPE.getClass())) {
        fxPath.append(((SVGPath) SHAPE).getContent());
    return fxPath.toString();
源代码10 项目: Enzo   文件: ShapeConverter.java
public static Path svgPathToPath(final SVGPath SVG_PATH) {
    String data = SVG_PATH.getContent();
    data = data.replaceAll("/(,)/", "/ /");
    data = data.replaceAll("/([A-Za-z])/", "/ $1 /"); // wrap single characters in blanks
    StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(data, " ");
    List<String> pathList = new ArrayList<>();
    while(tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
    PathReader pathReader = new PathReader(pathList);
    return processPath(pathList, pathReader);
源代码11 项目: DashboardFx   文件: AlertCell.java
public AlertCell(SVGPath icon, String title, String time) {
源代码12 项目: DashboardFx   文件: AlertCell.java
public void setIcon(SVGPath icon){
源代码13 项目: marathonv5   文件: RaceTrack.java
public RaceTrack() {
    ImageView carImageView = new ImageView(new Image(
    road = SVGPathBuilder.create()
    SVGPath trackLine = SVGPathBuilder.create()
    Line startLine = LineBuilder.create()
    Text startFinish = TextBuilder.create().text("START/FINISH").fill(Color.WHITE)
    percentage = TextBuilder.create().text("0%")
            .x(390).y(170).font(Font.font("System", 60))
    ImageView raceCarImg = new ImageView(new Image(
    raceCar = new Group(raceCarImg);
    track = new Group(road, trackLine, startLine, startFinish);
    // add children
    getChildren().addAll(track, raceCar, percentage);
    // Create path animation that we will use to drive the car along the track
    race = new PathTransition(Duration.seconds(1), road, raceCar);
    // center our content and set our size
    setPrefSize(road.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(), road.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight());
源代码14 项目: marathonv5   文件: RaceTrack.java
public RaceTrack() {
    ImageView carImageView = new ImageView(new Image(
    road = SVGPathBuilder.create()
    SVGPath trackLine = SVGPathBuilder.create()
    Line startLine = LineBuilder.create()
    Text startFinish = TextBuilder.create().text("START/FINISH").fill(Color.WHITE)
    percentage = TextBuilder.create().text("0%")
            .x(390).y(170).font(Font.font("System", 60))
    ImageView raceCarImg = new ImageView(new Image(
    raceCar = new Group(raceCarImg);
    track = new Group(road, trackLine, startLine, startFinish);
    // add children
    getChildren().addAll(track, raceCar, percentage);
    // Create path animation that we will use to drive the car along the track
    race = new PathTransition(Duration.seconds(1), road, raceCar);
    // center our content and set our size
    setPrefSize(road.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth(), road.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight());
源代码15 项目: DeskChan   文件: SVGSprite.java
public void setFitWidth(double width)  {
    for (SVGPath path : svgParts)
        path.setScaleX(width / originWidth);
源代码16 项目: DeskChan   文件: SVGSprite.java
public void setFitHeight(double height){
    for (SVGPath path : svgParts)
        path.setScaleY(height / originHeight);
源代码17 项目: tilesfx   文件: TileBuilder.java
public final B svgPath(final SVGPath SVG_PATH) {
    properties.put("svgPath", new SimpleObjectProperty(SVG_PATH));
    return (B)this;
源代码18 项目: Medusa   文件: AmpSkin.java
private void initGraphics() {
    // Set initial size
    if (Double.compare(gauge.getPrefWidth(), 0.0) <= 0 || Double.compare(gauge.getPrefHeight(), 0.0) <= 0 ||
        Double.compare(gauge.getWidth(), 0.0) <= 0 || Double.compare(gauge.getHeight(), 0.0) <= 0) {
        if (gauge.getPrefWidth() > 0 && gauge.getPrefHeight() > 0) {
            gauge.setPrefSize(gauge.getPrefWidth(), gauge.getPrefHeight());
        } else {
            gauge.setPrefSize(PREFERRED_WIDTH, PREFERRED_HEIGHT);

    ticksAndSectionsCanvas = new Canvas(PREFERRED_WIDTH, PREFERRED_HEIGHT);
    ticksAndSections       = ticksAndSectionsCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

    ledCanvas = new Canvas();
    led       = ledCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D();

    thresholdTooltip = new Tooltip("Threshold\n(" + String.format(locale, formatString, gauge.getThreshold()) + ")");

    threshold = new Path();
    Helper.enableNode(threshold, gauge.isThresholdVisible());
    Tooltip.install(threshold, thresholdTooltip);

    average = new Path();
    Helper.enableNode(average, gauge.isAverageVisible());

    markerPane = new Pane();

    needleRotate = new Rotate(180 - START_ANGLE);
    needleRotate.setAngle(needleRotate.getAngle() + (gauge.getValue() - oldValue - gauge.getMinValue()) * angleStep);

    needleMoveTo1       = new MoveTo();
    needleCubicCurveTo2 = new CubicCurveTo();
    needleCubicCurveTo3 = new CubicCurveTo();
    needleCubicCurveTo4 = new CubicCurveTo();
    needleLineTo5       = new LineTo();
    needleCubicCurveTo6 = new CubicCurveTo();
    needleClosePath7    = new ClosePath();
    needle              = new Path(needleMoveTo1, needleCubicCurveTo2, needleCubicCurveTo3, needleCubicCurveTo4, needleLineTo5, needleCubicCurveTo6, needleClosePath7);

    dropShadow = new DropShadow();
    dropShadow.setColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.25));
    dropShadow.setRadius(0.015 * PREFERRED_WIDTH);
    dropShadow.setOffsetY(0.015 * PREFERRED_WIDTH);

    shadowGroup = new Group(needle);
    shadowGroup.setEffect(gauge.isShadowsEnabled() ? dropShadow : null);

    titleText = new Text(gauge.getTitle());
    Helper.enableNode(titleText, !gauge.getTitle().isEmpty());

    unitText = new Text(gauge.getUnit());

    lcd = new Rectangle(0.3 * PREFERRED_WIDTH, 0.1 * PREFERRED_HEIGHT);
    lcd.setArcWidth(0.0125 * PREFERRED_HEIGHT);
    lcd.setArcHeight(0.0125 * PREFERRED_HEIGHT);
    lcd.relocate((PREFERRED_WIDTH - lcd.getWidth()) * 0.5, 0.44 * PREFERRED_HEIGHT);
    Helper.enableNode(lcd, gauge.isLcdVisible() && gauge.isValueVisible());

    lcdText = new Label(String.format(locale, "%." + gauge.getDecimals() + "f", gauge.getValue()));

    // Set initial value
    angleStep          = ANGLE_RANGE / gauge.getRange();
    double targetAngle = 180 - START_ANGLE + (gauge.getValue() - gauge.getMinValue()) * angleStep;
    targetAngle        = clamp(180 - START_ANGLE, 180 - START_ANGLE + ANGLE_RANGE, targetAngle);

    lightEffect = new InnerShadow(BlurType.TWO_PASS_BOX, Color.rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.65), 2, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0);

    foreground = new SVGPath();
    foreground.setContent("M 26 26.5 C 26 20.2432 26.2432 20 32.5 20 L 277.5 20 C 283.7568 20 284 20.2432 284 26.5 L 284 143.5 C 284 149.7568 283.7568 150 277.5 150 L 32.5 150 C 26.2432 150 26 149.7568 26 143.5 L 26 26.5 ZM 0 6.7241 L 0 253.2758 C 0 260 0 260 6.75 260 L 303.25 260 C 310 260 310 260 310 253.2758 L 310 6.7241 C 310 0 310 0 303.25 0 L 6.75 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 6.7241 Z");

    // Add all nodes
    pane = new Pane();

源代码19 项目: FxDock   文件: FxIconBuilder.java
/** add autoscaling SVG path */
public SVGPath svgPath(String svg)
	return svgPath(svg, true);
源代码20 项目: Enzo   文件: ShapeConverter.java
public static SVGPath shapeToSvgPath(final Shape SHAPE) {
    SVGPath svgPath = new SVGPath();
    return svgPath;
源代码21 项目: RadialFx   文件: Futurist.java
private void initGraphcis() {
frame = new Circle();

frame1 = new SVGPath();
frame1.setContent("M 102.57456,0.12750195 C 92.195007,0.47620195 81.701727,2.3704919 71.385447,5.9478919 16.045167,25.138379 -13.313925,85.659469 5.8766848,140.99936 25.067297,196.33927 85.611997,225.72136 140.95225,206.53089 196.29252,187.34037 225.65162,126.79611 206.46101,71.456199 A 4.1380938,4.1380658 0 0 0 206.29868,71.061989 4.1380938,4.1380658 0 0 0 206.27549,71.038799 4.1380938,4.1380658 0 0 0 206.15955,70.644589 C 190.29078,26.069899 147.5527,-1.3835381 102.57456,0.12750195 z M 102.8992,8.3827089 C 144.38903,6.9618489 183.71143,32.234259 198.36807,73.404059 A 4.1380938,4.1380658 0 0 0 198.53039,73.798259 4.1380938,4.1380658 0 0 0 198.64633,74.169279 C 216.37166,125.28374 189.35394,180.96785 138.23915,198.69305 87.124367,216.41828 31.416697,189.42392 13.691367,138.30947 L 13.529047,137.7993 C -3.8405782,86.825139 23.153937,31.428699 74.098557,13.762499 83.626797,10.458379 93.324647,8.7105989 102.8992,8.3827089 z");

frame2 = new SVGPath();
frame2.setContent("M 109.29911,0.21781095 C 66.986303,0.31286095 26.161223,27.237885 9.4391593,66.136955 -6.1751007,100.9349 -2.2611587,143.88652 20.019363,174.81853 41.171083,204.99805 77.851403,223.67594 114.86394,221.96676 149.68709,220.80365 183.65372,202.24587 202.75376,173.15889 221.70521,145.17622 227.1362,108.27404 216.15162,76.237325 204.99552,42.510385 177.15296,15.022815 142.9754,4.9964109 132.12479,1.7069709 120.70355,0.05921095 109.29911,0.21781095 z M 110.46519,2.3026409 C 153.15411,1.6443509 194.59807,28.902785 210.8905,68.274765 225.82272,102.74161 221.3504,144.93347 198.91156,175.07754 177.00731,205.37601 138.82712,223.20561 101.34847,219.51244 65.708713,216.46569 32.103923,194.92972 15.322643,163.25769 -0.6613287,133.9406 -2.5230547,97.024405 11.538103,66.550915 25.759863,34.740385 55.915613,10.477533 90.348763,4.2806809 96.981593,2.9973309 103.69646,2.3293409 110.46519,2.3026409 z");

frame3 = new SVGPath();
frame3.setContent("M 43.728895,1.5579801 C 18.215905,18.14542 1.0898547,47.11505 0.08731473,77.69946 -1.0545353,104.00424 9.0533047,130.53073 27.450315,149.27826 27.804405,146.5025 28.850755,143.51989 26.082365,141.7204 6.3370347,118.69909 -1.2779653,85.63743 7.5901147,56.48347 13.607155,35.81642 27.087785,17.30259 45.079735,5.4053202 44.581065,3.6544502 47.731085,-2.2018498 43.728895,1.5579801 z M 163.83471,17.13539 C 162.42188,20.83226 166.7396,22.78085 168.32707,25.65423 189.62009,52.65824 193.86763,92.2359 177.99296,122.91126 170.76452,137.30151 159.84178,149.50068 146.49596,158.47766 145.74228,162.11012 145.43923,165.09421 149.13996,161.49139 171.77142,146.5209 187.40589,121.57721 190.73198,94.56072 194.52885,66.49909 185.3346,36.95536 165.71563,16.53691 163.81743,14.43781 164.18817,14.18894 163.83471,17.13539 z");

frame4 = new SVGPath();
frame4.setContent("M 73.484629,-0.19195695 C 45.237229,9.0941751 20.855609,30.336405 9.0402686,57.821365 -4.1673164,87.255805 -2.7867154,122.76833 12.419369,151.07371 L 13.453799,148.50491 C -0.71201741,120.82052 -2.0566654,86.601395 11.040139,58.217885 22.689779,32.160545 45.509559,11.398285 72.501919,2.2216751 L 73.484629,-0.19195695 z M 199.80455,50.856315 198.85632,53.166515 C 199.97067,55.357945 201.01627,57.593365 201.95959,59.872945 216.25943,92.880155 211.9661,133.27445 190.47754,162.14192 177.97667,179.4334 159.93909,192.47486 139.80818,199.44975 L 138.82549,201.9151 C 161.2219,194.61791 181.24785,179.98866 194.16696,160.31446 212.31581,133.51685 217.51315,98.173115 206.99377,67.493135 205.0897,61.736775 202.66765,56.172255 199.80455,50.856315 z");

frame5 = new SVGPath();
frame5.setContent("M 94.1875,2.53125 95.4375,2.53125 96.8125,2.53125 96.875,2.53125 100.09375,2.6875 100.125,2.6875 100.40625,2.6875 101.65625,2.8125 101.84375,0.28125 100.59375,0.1875 100.28125,0.15625 100.25,0.15625 96.9375,0.03125 96.875,0.03125 95.46875,0 94.1875,0 z M 85.21875,0.4375 81.59375,0.84375 81.53125,0.84375 80.125,1.03125 78.875,1.25 79.28125,3.75 80.53125,3.53125 81.875,3.34375 81.90625,3.34375 85.5,2.9375 86.75,2.8125 86.46875,0.28125 z M 109.0625,3.59375 110.3125,3.8125 113,4.3125 113.03125,4.3125 115.25,4.78125 116.46875,5.03125 117,2.5625 115.78125,2.3125 113.5,1.8125 113.46875,1.8125 110.75,1.34375 109.53125,1.125 z M 70.125,3.03125 69.5625,3.15625 69.53125,3.15625 65.59375,4.28125 65.53125,4.28125 65.15625,4.40625 63.9375,4.78125 64.71875,7.1875 65.9375,6.8125 66.28125,6.6875 66.3125,6.6875 70.15625,5.625 70.21875,5.59375 70.71875,5.46875 71.9375,5.1875 71.34375,2.71875 z M 123.65625,7.03125 124.875,7.40625 125.46875,7.59375 125.5,7.59375 128.5,8.65625 128.53125,8.6875 129.5625,9.0625 130.71875,9.53125 131.65625,7.1875 130.46875,6.71875 129.4375,6.3125 129.375,6.28125 126.3125,5.21875 126.28125,5.1875 125.625,5 124.4375,4.59375 z M 55.53125,7.875 53,9 52.96875,9 50.875,9.96875 49.75,10.53125 50.8125,12.8125 51.96875,12.25 54,11.3125 54.03125,11.28125 56.53125,10.1875 57.6875,9.6875 56.6875,7.375 z M 137.5625,12.5625 138.6875,13.125 140.25,13.9375 140.28125,13.9375 143.09375,15.5 144.21875,16.125 145.4375,13.90625 144.3125,13.28125 141.46875,11.71875 141.4375,11.6875 139.8125,10.875 138.6875,10.3125 z M 41.875,14.875 39.75,16.21875 39.71875,16.25 37.625,17.65625 36.5625,18.375 37.96875,20.46875 39.03125,19.75 41.09375,18.375 41.125,18.34375 43.21875,17.03125 44.3125,16.34375 42.9375,14.21875 z M 29.46875,23.90625 27.96875,25.1875 27.9375,25.21875 25.8125,27.15625 25.78125,27.1875 25.65625,27.3125 24.75,28.1875 26.5,30.03125 27.40625,29.125 27.5,29.03125 27.53125,29 29.625,27.09375 29.65625,27.09375 31.125,25.8125 32.0625,25 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124.9375,195.875 124.21875,193.4375 z M 71.90625,198.0625 73.125,198.34375 73.90625,198.5 73.9375,198.5 76.5,199 76.53125,199 78.15625,199.28125 79.40625,199.5 79.84375,197 78.59375,196.8125 76.96875,196.53125 76.9375,196.53125 74.4375,196.03125 74.40625,196.03125 73.6875,195.875 72.46875,195.59375 z M 108.40625,197.09375 108.125,197.15625 108.09375,197.15625 105.5,197.46875 105.46875,197.46875 103.4375,197.6875 102.1875,197.8125 102.4375,200.34375 103.6875,200.1875 105.75,200 105.78125,200 108.46875,199.65625 108.5,199.65625 108.78125,199.59375 110.03125,199.40625 109.65625,196.90625 z M 87.09375,200.375 88.34375,200.4375 89.65625,200.53125 89.6875,200.53125 92.3125,200.625 92.34375,200.625 93.46875,200.625 94.71875,200.625 94.75,198.09375 93.5,198.09375 92.40625,198.09375 92.375,198.09375 89.8125,198 89.78125,198 88.5,197.90625 87.25,197.84375 z");

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