

源代码1 项目: hmdm-server   文件: ApplicationMapper.java
@Select({"SELECT configurationApplications.id       AS id, " +
        "       configurations.id                  AS configurationId, " +
        "       configurations.name                AS configurationName, " +
        "       configurations.customerId          AS customerId, " +
        "       applications.id                    AS applicationId, " +
        "       applications.name                  AS applicationName, " +
        "       COALESCE(configurationApplications.showIcon, applications.showIcon) AS showIcon, " +
        "       applications.id                    AS applicationVersionId, " +
        "       applications.id                    AS versionText, " +
        "       configurationApplications.remove   AS remove, " +
        "       configurationApplications.action   AS action " +
        "FROM configurations " +
        "INNER JOIN applicationVersions ON applicationVersions.id = #{id} " +
        "INNER JOIN applications ON applications.id = applicationVersions.applicationId " +
        "LEFT JOIN configurationApplications ON configurations.id = configurationApplications.configurationId AND configurationApplications.applicationVersionId = applicationVersions.id " +
        "WHERE configurations.customerId = #{customerId} " +
        "ORDER BY LOWER(configurations.name)"})
List<ApplicationVersionConfigurationLink> getApplicationVersionConfigurationsWithCandidates(
        @Param("customerId") Integer customerId, @Param("id") Integer applicationVersionId
源代码2 项目: sds   文件: PointReturnValueDao.java
 * 通过降级点来查询
 * @param point
 * @return
@Select("select * from point_return_value where app_group_name = #{appGroupName} and app_name = #{appName}  " +
        "and point = #{point}")
        @Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
        @Result(property = "appGroupName", column = "app_group_name"),
        @Result(property = "appName", column = "app_name"),
        @Result(property = "point", column = "point"),
        @Result(property = "returnValueStr", column = "return_value_str"),
        @Result(property = "operatorName", column = "operator_name"),
        @Result(property = "operatorEmail", column = "operator_email"),
        @Result(property = "creatorName", column = "creator_name"),
        @Result(property = "creatorEmail", column = "creator_email"),
        @Result(property = "modifiedTime", column = "modify_time"),
        @Result(property = "createTime", column = "create_time")
PointReturnValueDO queryByPoint(@Param("appGroupName") String appGroupName, @Param("appName") String appName,
                                @Param("point") String point);
源代码3 项目: sds   文件: SdsSchemeDao.java
 * 通过应用组名称来查询
 * @param appGroupName
 * @param appName
 * @param sdsSchemeName
 * @return
@Select("select * from sds_scheme where app_group_name = #{appGroupName} " +
        " and app_name = #{appName} " +
        " and sds_scheme_name = #{sdsSchemeName} " +
        " order by modify_time desc ")
        @Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
        @Result(property = "appGroupName", column = "app_group_name"),
        @Result(property = "appName", column = "app_name"),
        @Result(property = "sdsSchemeName", column = "sds_scheme_name"),
        @Result(property = "operatorName", column = "operator_name"),
        @Result(property = "operatorEmail", column = "operator_email"),
        @Result(property = "modifiedTime", column = "modify_time"),
        @Result(property = "createTime", column = "create_time")
SdsSchemeDO queryByGroupName(@Param("appGroupName") String appGroupName, @Param("appName") String appName,
                                 @Param("sdsSchemeName") String sdsSchemeName);
源代码4 项目: hmdm-server   文件: ConfigurationFileMapper.java
@Select("SELECT c.name " +
        "FROM configurationFiles cf " +
        "INNER JOIN configurations c ON c.id = cf.configurationId " +
        "INNER JOIN uploadedFiles uf ON uf.id = cf.fileId " +
        "WHERE c.customerId = #{customerId} " +
        "AND uf.filePath = #{fileName}")
List<String> getUsingConfigurations(@Param("customerId") int customerId, @Param("fileName") String fileName);
源代码5 项目: sds   文件: HeartbeatDao.java
 * 按条件查询心跳数据
 * @param appGroupName
 * @param appName
 * @param point
 * @param startTime
 * @param endTime
 * @return
@Select("select * from heartbeat where app_group_name = #{appGroupName} " +
        " and app_name = #{appName} " +
        " and point = #{point} " +
        " and statistics_cycle_time >= #{startTime}" +
        " and statistics_cycle_time <= #{endTime}")
        @Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
        @Result(property = "appGroupName", column = "app_group_name"),
        @Result(property = "appName", column = "app_name"),
        @Result(property = "point", column = "point"),
        @Result(property = "downgradeNum", column = "downgrade_num"),
        @Result(property = "visitNum", column = "visit_num"),
        @Result(property = "exceptionNum", column = "exception_num"),
        @Result(property = "timeoutNum", column = "timeout_num"),
        @Result(property = "maxConcurrentNum", column = "max_concurrent_num"),
        @Result(property = "appIp", column = "app_ip"),
        @Result(property = "statisticsCycleTime", column = "statistics_cycle_time")
List<HeartbeatDO> queryHeartbeatList(@Param("appGroupName") String appGroupName, @Param("appName") String appName,
                                     @Param("point") String point, @Param("startTime") Date startTime, @Param(
                                             "endTime") Date endTime);
源代码6 项目: hmdm-server   文件: ApplicationMapper.java
@Select({"SELECT configurationApplications.id       AS id, " +
        "       configurations.id                  AS configurationId, " +
        "       configurations.name                AS configurationName, " +
        "       configurations.customerId          AS customerId, " +
        "       applications.id                    AS applicationId, " +
        "       applications.name                  AS applicationName, " +
        "       COALESCE(configurationApplications.showIcon, applications.showIcon) AS showIcon, " +
        "       configurationApplications.remove   AS remove, " +
        "       latestAppVersion.version   AS latestVersionText, " +
        "       currentAppVersion.version   AS currentVersionText, " +
        "       (configurationApplications.configurationId IS NOT NULL AND applications.latestVersion <> configurationApplications.applicationVersionId) AS outdated, " +
        "       configurationApplications.action AS action " +
        "FROM configurations " +
        "         LEFT JOIN applications ON applications.id = #{id} " +
        "         INNER JOIN applicationVersions AS latestAppVersion ON latestAppVersion.applicationId = applications.id AND latestAppVersion.id=applications.latestversion " +
        "         LEFT JOIN configurationApplications ON configurations.id = configurationApplications.configurationId AND " +
        "                                                applications.id = configurationApplications.applicationId " +
        "         LEFT JOIN applicationVersions AS currentAppVersion ON currentAppVersion.applicationId = applications.id AND currentAppVersion.id=configurationApplications.applicationVersionId " +
        "WHERE configurations.customerId = #{customerId} " +
        "ORDER BY LOWER(configurations.name)"})
List<ApplicationConfigurationLink> getApplicationConfigurations(@Param("customerId") Integer customerId,
                                                                @Param("id") Integer applicationId);
源代码7 项目: software-demo   文件: MaterialsSellMapper.java
 * 根据年份和物料id获取进出仓记录
@Select("SELECT materialsSell.id as id,materials.materialsName as materialsName,materialsSellDetail.total as total,materialsSell.type as type,DATE(materialsSell.date) as date,user.username as username "
		+ "FROM materialsSell,materialsSellDetail,user,materials "
		+ "WHERE "
		+ "materialsSell.id = materialsSellDetail.materialsSellId "
		+ "AND materialsSell.userId = user.id "
		+ "AND materials.id = materialsSellDetail.materialsId "
		+ "AND YEAR(materialsSell.date) = #{year} "
		+ "AND materials.id = #{materialsId}")
public List<InOutDataVo> getBillDateByYearAndMaterial(@Param("materialsId") String materialsId, @Param("year") String year);
源代码8 项目: sds   文件: SdsSchemeDao.java
 * 查询所有降级预案
 * @param appGroupName
 * @param appName
 * @return
@Select("select * from sds_scheme where app_group_name = #{appGroupName} and app_name = #{appName} order by "
        + "modify_time desc ")
        @Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
        @Result(property = "appGroupName", column = "app_group_name"),
        @Result(property = "appName", column = "app_name"),
        @Result(property = "sdsSchemeName", column = "sds_scheme_name"),
        @Result(property = "operatorName", column = "operator_name"),
        @Result(property = "operatorEmail", column = "operator_email"),
        @Result(property = "modifiedTime", column = "modify_time"),
        @Result(property = "createTime", column = "create_time")
List<SdsSchemeDO> queryAllSdsScheme(@Param("appGroupName") String appGroupName,
                                            @Param("appName") String appName);
源代码9 项目: light-reading-cloud   文件: BookChapterMapper.java
 * 查询下一章节ID
 * @param bookId
 * @param currentSortNumber
 * @return
@Select("select id from book_chapter  " +
        " where book_id=#{bookId} " +
        " and sort_number > #{currentSortNumber} " +
        " order by sort_number asc limit 1")
Integer selectNextChapterId(@Param("bookId") Integer bookId,
                            @Param("currentSortNumber") Integer currentSortNumber);
源代码10 项目: hmdm-server   文件: ApplicationMapper.java
@Select({"SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt " +
        "FROM applications " +
        "INNER JOIN customers ON customers.id = applications.customerId " +
        "INNER JOIN applicationVersions ON applicationVersions.id = applications.latestVersion " +
        "WHERE (applications.customerId = #{customerId})" +
        "AND (applicationVersions.url=#{url}) "})
long countAllApplicationsByUrl(@Param("customerId") int customerId, @Param("url") String url);
源代码11 项目: hmdm-server   文件: ApplicationMapper.java
        "WHERE (customerId = #{customerId} OR customers.master = TRUE )" +
        "AND pkg = #{pkg} " +
        "AND applicationVersions.version=#{version}"})
List<Application> findByPackageIdAndVersion(@Param("customerId") int customerId,
                                            @Param("pkg") String pkg,
                                            @Param("version") String version);
源代码12 项目: Spring-Boot-Book   文件: UserMapper.java
@Select("select * from user where id =#{id}")
User findById(@Param("id") String id);
源代码13 项目: ddd-cargo   文件: CargoMapper.java
@Select("SELECT * FROM cargo WHERE id = #{id}")
CargoDO find(@Param("id") String id);
源代码14 项目: hmdm-server   文件: PluginMapper.java
@Select("SELECT customerId, pluginId FROM pluginsDisabled ORDER BY customerId, pluginId")
List<DisabledPlugin> getDisabledPluginsForAllCustomers();
源代码15 项目: supplierShop   文件: StoreCouponMapper.java
@Select("<script>select s.id,c.money,c.name,c.condition,c.use_end_time as useEndTime from store_coupon_list s left join store_coupon c " +
        "on s.cid=c.id where s.uid=#{userId} and s.status=0" +
        " <if test='orderTotalPrice > 0'>and c.condition <![CDATA[<= ]]> #{orderTotalPrice}</if>" +
        " and c.use_start_time <![CDATA[<= ]]> now() and c.use_end_time <![CDATA[>= ]]> now()</script>")
List<CouponDTO> couponList(@Param("userId") int userId,
                           @Param("orderTotalPrice") double orderTotalPrice);
源代码16 项目: supplierShop   文件: StoreSpecGoodsPriceMapper.java
@Select("select GROUP_CONCAT(`key` ORDER BY store_count desc SEPARATOR '_') as keystr" +
        " from store_spec_goods_price where goods_id=#{goodsId}")
String goodsSpecKey(int goodsId);
源代码17 项目: supplierShop   文件: StoreSpecGoodsPriceMapper.java
@Select("<script> SELECT a.name,b.id,b.spec_id as specId,b.item FROM store_spec AS a " +
        "INNER JOIN store_spec_item AS b ON a.id = b.spec_id " +
        "WHERE b.id IN " +
        "<foreach item='item' index='index' collection='list' open='(' separator=',' close=')'> #{item} </foreach>" +
        "ORDER BY b.id </script>")
List<ItemDTO> goodsSpec(List<String> keys);
源代码18 项目: springboot-music   文件: IUserMapper.java
@Select("select user_id from user where user_name=#{user_name} and user_password=#{user_password}")
public String getUserById(@Param("user_name") String user_name, @Param("user_password") String user_password);
源代码19 项目: pre   文件: SysUserRoleMapper.java
@Select("SELECT r.role_name,ur.role_id \n" +
        "FROM (sys_role r LEFT JOIN sys_user_role ur ON r.role_id = ur.role_id ) \n" +
        "LEFT JOIN sys_user u ON u.user_id = ur.user_id WHERE u.user_id = #{userId}")
List<SysUserRole> selectUserRoleListByUserId(Integer userId);
源代码20 项目: java_study   文件: AccountDao.java
@Select("select *from account")
public List<Account> findAll();
源代码21 项目: springboot-music   文件: IUserMapper.java
@Select("select user_name from user where user_name=#{user_name}")
public String rearchUserName(@Param("user_name") String user_name);
源代码22 项目: hmdm-server   文件: CustomerMapper.java
@Select("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM customers WHERE id > 1 LIMIT 1)")
boolean isMultiTenant();
源代码23 项目: yshopmall   文件: MenuMapper.java
@Select("<script>select m.* from menu m LEFT OUTER JOIN roles_menus t on m.id= t.menu_id LEFT OUTER JOIN role r on r.id = t.role_id where m.type!=2 and  r.id in <foreach collection=\"roleIds\" index=\"index\" item=\"item\" open=\"(\" separator=\",\" close=\")\">#{item}</foreach> order by m.sort asc</script>")
List<Menu> selectListByRoles(@Param("roleIds") List<Long> roleIds);
源代码24 项目: springboot-music   文件: IMyMusicMapper.java
@Select("select user_name from user where user_name=#{user_name} and user_password=#{user_password}")
public String login(@Param("user_name") String user_name, @Param("user_password") String user_password);
源代码25 项目: owlaser-paclist   文件: PacDao.java
@Select("SELECT DISTINCT parent_artifactid FROM maven_childNodes WHERE parent_artifactid = #{artifact_id} AND parent_groupid = #{group_id}")
public String getParentArtifactId(@Param("artifact_id")String artifact_id, @Param("group_id")String group_id);
源代码26 项目: sds   文件: PointStrategyDao.java
 * 分页查询降级点策略
 * @param appGroupName
 * @param appName
 * @param point
 * @param sdsSchemeName
 * @param start
 * @param size
 * @return
@Select("<script> select * from point_strategy " +
        "<where> " +
        " <if test='appGroupName != null and appGroupName.length > 0'> and app_group_name = #{appGroupName} </if>" +
        " <if test='appName != null and appName.length > 0'> and app_name = #{appName} </if> " +
        " <if test='sdsSchemeName != null and sdsSchemeName.length > 0'> and sds_scheme_name = "
        + "#{sdsSchemeName} </if>" +
        " <if test='point != null and point.length > 0'> and point like concat('%', #{point}, '%') </if> " +
        "</where>" +
        " order by modify_time desc " +
        " limit #{start}, #{size} </script>")
        @Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
        @Result(property = "appGroupName", column = "app_group_name"),
        @Result(property = "appName", column = "app_name"),
        @Result(property = "point", column = "point"),
        @Result(property = "sdsSchemeName", column = "sds_scheme_name"),
        @Result(property = "visitThreshold", column = "visit_threshold"),
        @Result(property = "concurrentThreshold", column = "concurrent_threshold"),
        @Result(property = "exceptionThreshold", column = "exception_threshold"),
        @Result(property = "exceptionRateThreshold", column = "exception_rate_threshold"),
        @Result(property = "exceptionRateStart", column = "exception_rate_start"),
        @Result(property = "timeoutThreshold", column = "timeout_threshold"),
        @Result(property = "timeoutCountThreshold", column = "timeout_count_threshold"),
        @Result(property = "tokenBucketGeneratedTokensInSecond", column =
        @Result(property = "tokenBucketSize", column = "token_bucket_size"),
        @Result(property = "delayTime", column = "delay_time"),
        @Result(property = "retryInterval", column = "retry_interval"),
        @Result(property = "downgradeRate", column = "downgrade_rate"),
        @Result(property = "pressureTestDowngrade", column = "pressure_test_downgrade"),
        @Result(property = "status", column = "status"),
        @Result(property = "operatorName", column = "operator_name"),
        @Result(property = "operatorEmail", column = "operator_email"),
        @Result(property = "creatorName", column = "creator_name"),
        @Result(property = "creatorEmail", column = "creator_email"),
        @Result(property = "modifiedTime", column = "modify_time"),
        @Result(property = "createTime", column = "create_time")
List<PointStrategyDO> queryPointStrategyByPage(@Param("appGroupName") String appGroupName,
                                               @Param("appName") String appName, @Param("point") String point,
                                               @Param("sdsSchemeName") String sdsSchemeName, @Param(
                                                       "start") Integer start, @Param("size") Integer size);
源代码27 项目: RCT   文件: SlowlogMapper.java
@Select("select id from slowlog where pid = #{pid}")
public Long getSlowlogByPid(Long pid);
源代码28 项目: Moss   文件: AppMapper.java
@Select("SELECT Count(*) FROM t_app a where a.is_deleted=0 and a.framework_verison=#{version}")
int totalUseFrameworkConut(@Param("version") int version);
源代码29 项目: hmdm-server   文件: NotificationMapper.java
@Select("SELECT status FROM pendingPushes WHERE messageId = #{messageId}")
Integer getDeliveryStatus(@Param("messageId") int messageId);
源代码30 项目: spring-boot-demo   文件: RoleMapper.java
@Select("SELECT A.id,A.name FROM role A LEFT JOIN user_role B ON A.id=B.role_id WHERE B.user_id=${userId}")
List<Role> getRolesByUserId(@Param("userId") Long userId);