

源代码1 项目: lams   文件: DefaultCompressionCodecResolver.java
public CompressionCodec resolveCompressionCodec(Header header) {
    String cmpAlg = getAlgorithmFromHeader(header);

    final boolean hasCompressionAlgorithm = Strings.hasText(cmpAlg);

    if (!hasCompressionAlgorithm) {
        return null;
    if (CompressionCodecs.DEFLATE.getAlgorithmName().equalsIgnoreCase(cmpAlg)) {
        return CompressionCodecs.DEFLATE;
    if (CompressionCodecs.GZIP.getAlgorithmName().equalsIgnoreCase(cmpAlg)) {
        return CompressionCodecs.GZIP;

    throw new CompressionException("Unsupported compression algorithm '" + cmpAlg + "'");
源代码2 项目: jjwt   文件: OrgJsonDeserializer.java
public Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws DeserializationException {

    Assert.notNull(bytes, "JSON byte array cannot be null");

    if (bytes.length == 0) {
        throw new DeserializationException("Invalid JSON: zero length byte array.");

    try {
        String s = new String(bytes, Strings.UTF_8);
        return parse(s);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String msg = "Invalid JSON: " + e.getMessage();
        throw new DeserializationException(msg, e);
源代码3 项目: jjwt   文件: OrgJsonSerializer.java
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") //for testing
protected byte[] toBytes(Object o) {
    String s;
    // https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt/issues/380 for Android compatibility (Android doesn't have org.json.JSONWriter):
    // This instanceof check is a sneaky (hacky?) heuristic: A JwtBuilder only ever provides Map<String,Object>
    // instances to its serializer instances, so by the time this method is invoked, 'o' will always be a
    // JSONObject.
    // This is sufficient for all JJWT-supported scenarios on Android since Android users shouldn't ever use
    // JJWT's internal Serializer implementation for general JSON serialization.  That is, its intended use
    // is within the context of JwtBuilder execution and not for application use outside of that.
    if (o instanceof JSONObject) {
        s = o.toString();
    } else {
        // we still call JSONWriter for all other values 'just in case', and this works for all valid JSON values
        // This would fail on Android unless they include the newer org.json dependency and ignore Android's.
        s = Classes.invokeStatic(JSON_WRITER_CLASS_NAME, "valueToString", VALUE_TO_STRING_ARG_TYPES, o);
    return s.getBytes(Strings.UTF_8);
源代码4 项目: jjwt   文件: EllipticCurveProvider.java
 * Generates a new secure-random key pair of sufficient strength for the specified Elliptic Curve {@link
 * SignatureAlgorithm} (must be one of {@code ES256}, {@code ES384} or {@code ES512}) using the specified {@link
 * SecureRandom} random number generator via the specified JCA provider and algorithm name.
 * @param jcaAlgorithmName the JCA name of the algorithm to use for key pair generation, for example, {@code
 *                         ECDSA}.
 * @param jcaProviderName  the JCA provider name of the algorithm implementation (for example {@code "BC"} for
 *                         BouncyCastle) or {@code null} if the default provider should be used.
 * @param alg              alg the algorithm indicating strength, must be one of {@code ES256}, {@code ES384} or
 *                         {@code ES512}
 * @param random           the SecureRandom generator to use during key generation.
 * @return a new secure-randomly generated key pair of sufficient strength for the specified Elliptic Curve {@link
 * SignatureAlgorithm} (must be one of {@code ES256}, {@code ES384} or {@code ES512}) using the specified {@link
 * SecureRandom} random number generator via the specified JCA provider and algorithm name.
 * @see #generateKeyPair()
 * @see #generateKeyPair(SignatureAlgorithm)
 * @see #generateKeyPair(SignatureAlgorithm, SecureRandom)
public static KeyPair generateKeyPair(String jcaAlgorithmName, String jcaProviderName, SignatureAlgorithm alg,
                                      SecureRandom random) {
    Assert.notNull(alg, "SignatureAlgorithm argument cannot be null.");
    Assert.isTrue(alg.isEllipticCurve(), "SignatureAlgorithm argument must represent an Elliptic Curve algorithm.");
    try {
        KeyPairGenerator g;

        if (Strings.hasText(jcaProviderName)) {
            g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(jcaAlgorithmName, jcaProviderName);
        } else {
            g = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(jcaAlgorithmName);

        String paramSpecCurveName = EC_CURVE_NAMES.get(alg);
        ECGenParameterSpec spec = new ECGenParameterSpec(paramSpecCurveName);
        g.initialize(spec, random);
        return g.generateKeyPair();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to generate Elliptic Curve KeyPair: " + e.getMessage(), e);
源代码5 项目: lams   文件: DefaultHeader.java
public String getCompressionAlgorithm() {
    String alg = getString(COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM);
    if (!Strings.hasText(alg)) {
    return alg;
源代码6 项目: lams   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setIssuer(String iss) {
    if (Strings.hasText(iss)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码7 项目: lams   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setSubject(String sub) {
    if (Strings.hasText(sub)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setAudience(String aud) {
    if (Strings.hasText(aud)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码9 项目: lams   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setId(String jti) {
    if (Strings.hasText(jti)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码10 项目: juiser   文件: JuiserSecurityAutoConfiguration.java
@ConditionalOnMissingBean(name = "juiserJwtDataExtractor")
public Function<Claims, Collection<String>> juiserGrantedAuthoritiesClaimResolver() {

    final SpringSecurityJwtConfig jwt = forwardedHeaderConfig().getJwt();

    String expression = jwt.getGrantedAuthoritiesExpression();

    if (!Strings.hasText(expression)) {
        expression = "['user']['groups']['items'].![get('name')]";

    return new StringCollectionClaimResolver(new ClaimsExpressionEvaluator(expression), false);
源代码11 项目: juiser   文件: StringClaimResolver.java
protected String toTypedValue(Object v, Claims claims) {

    String value = String.valueOf(v);

    if (!Strings.hasText(value) || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {

    return value;
源代码12 项目: juiser   文件: ConfigJwkResolver.java
private Resource getResource(JwkConfig jwk) {
    if (jwk.isEnabled()) {
        final String value = jwk.getResource();
        if (Strings.hasText(value)) {
            try {
                return this.resourceLoader.getResource(value);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String msg = "Unable to load juiser.header.jwt.key.resource [" + value + "].";
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg, e);
    return null;
源代码13 项目: j360-dubbo-app-all   文件: ModelUtil.java
 * 获取多个redis的keys
 * @param format
 * @param ids
 * @return
public static String[] formatStrings(String format, List<Long> ids) {
    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(ids)) {
        return null;
    List<String> formatList = ids.stream().map( s -> {
        return String.format(format, s);
    return Strings.toStringArray(formatList);
源代码14 项目: cassandra-reaper   文件: ShiroJwtVerifyingFilter.java
private static Optional<String> getJwtUser(ServletRequest req) {
  String jwt = WebUtils.toHttp(req).getHeader("Authorization");
  if (null != jwt && jwt.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
    try {
      jwt = jwt.substring(jwt.indexOf(' ') + 1);
      Jws<Claims> claims = Jwts.parser().setSigningKey(ShiroJwtProvider.SIGNING_KEY).parseClaimsJws(jwt);
      String user = claims.getBody().getSubject();
      return Strings.hasText(user) ? Optional.of(user) : Optional.empty();
    } catch (JwtException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
      LOG.error("Failed validating JWT {} from {}", jwt, WebUtils.toHttp(req).getRemoteAddr());
      LOG.debug("exception", e);
  return Optional.empty();
源代码15 项目: jjwt   文件: GsonSerializer.java
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") //for testing
protected byte[] writeValueAsBytes(T t) {
    Object o;
    if (t instanceof byte[]) {
        o = Encoders.BASE64.encode((byte[]) t);
    } else if (t instanceof char[]) {
        o = new String((char[]) t);
    } else {
        o = t;
    return this.gson.toJson(o).getBytes(Strings.UTF_8);
源代码16 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultHeader.java
public String getCompressionAlgorithm() {
    String alg = getString(COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM);
    if (!Strings.hasText(alg)) {
    return alg;
源代码17 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultJwtParser.java
protected Map<String, ?> readValue(String val) {
    try {
        byte[] bytes = val.getBytes(Strings.UTF_8);
        return deserializer.deserialize(bytes);
    } catch (DeserializationException e) {
        throw new MalformedJwtException("Unable to read JSON value: " + val, e);
源代码18 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultCompressionCodecResolver.java
public CompressionCodec resolveCompressionCodec(Header header) {
    String cmpAlg = getAlgorithmFromHeader(header);

    final boolean hasCompressionAlgorithm = Strings.hasText(cmpAlg);

    if (!hasCompressionAlgorithm) {
        return null;
    return byName(cmpAlg);
源代码19 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setIssuer(String iss) {
    if (Strings.hasText(iss)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码20 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setSubject(String sub) {
    if (Strings.hasText(sub)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码21 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setAudience(String aud) {
    if (Strings.hasText(aud)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码22 项目: jjwt   文件: DefaultJwtBuilder.java
public JwtBuilder setId(String jti) {
    if (Strings.hasText(jti)) {
    } else {
        if (this.claims != null) {
    return this;
源代码23 项目: juiser   文件: ForwardedUserFilter.java
public boolean isEnabled(HttpServletRequest request) throws ServletException {
    String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName);
    return Strings.hasText(headerValue);
源代码24 项目: jjwt   文件: GsonDeserializer.java
protected T readValue(byte[] bytes) throws IOException {
    return gson.fromJson(new String(bytes, Strings.UTF_8), returnType);