

源代码1 项目: hgraphdb   文件: VertexIndexModel.java
private Scan getVertexIndexScanWithLimit(String label, boolean isUnique, String key, Object from, int limit, boolean reversed) {
    byte[] prefix = serializeForRead(label, isUnique, key, null);
    byte[] startRow = from != null
            ? serializeForRead(label, isUnique, key, from)
            : prefix;
    byte[] stopRow = HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW;
    if (graph.configuration().getInstanceType() == HBaseGraphConfiguration.InstanceType.BIGTABLE) {
        if (reversed) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Reverse scans not supported by Bigtable");
        } else {
            // PrefixFilter in Bigtable does not automatically stop
            // See https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/cloud-bigtable-client/issues/1087
            stopRow = HBaseGraphUtils.incrementBytes(prefix);
    if (reversed) startRow = HBaseGraphUtils.incrementBytes(startRow);
    Scan scan = new Scan(startRow, stopRow);
    FilterList filterList = new FilterList();
    filterList.addFilter(new PrefixFilter(prefix));
    filterList.addFilter(new PageFilter(limit));
    return scan;
源代码2 项目: geowave   文件: HBaseReader.java
private static <T> void setLimit(
    final RangeReaderParams<T> readerParams,
    final FilterList filterList) {
  if ((readerParams.getLimit() != null) && (readerParams.getLimit() > 0)) {
    // @formatter:off
    // TODO in hbase 1.4.x there is a scan.getLimit() and
    // scan.setLimit() which is perfectly suited for this
    //			if (readerParams.getLimit() < scanner.getLimit() || scanner.getLimit() <= 0) {
    // also in hbase 1.4.x readType.PREAD would make sense for
    // limits
    // 				scanner.setReadType(ReadType.PREAD);
    //				scanner.setLimit(
    //						readerParams.getLimit());
    //			}
    // @formatter:on
    // however, to be compatible with earlier versions of hbase, for now
    // we are using a page filter
    filterList.addFilter(new PageFilter(readerParams.getLimit()));
源代码3 项目: tephra   文件: HbaseQuery.java
 * 获取过滤器。
 * @return 过滤器。
public synchronized Filter getFilter() {
    if (pageSize > 0) {
        addFilter(new PageFilter(pageSize));
        pageSize = 0L;

    return filters;
源代码4 项目: hgraphdb   文件: EdgeModel.java
public Iterator<Edge> edges(Object fromId, int limit) {
    final EdgeReader parser = new EdgeReader(graph);

    Scan scan = fromId != null ? new Scan(ValueUtils.serializeWithSalt(fromId)) : new Scan();
    scan.setFilter(new PageFilter(limit));
    ResultScanner scanner = null;
    try {
        scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
        return CloseableIteratorUtils.limit(HBaseGraphUtils.mapWithCloseAtEnd(scanner, parser::parse), limit);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new HBaseGraphException(e);
源代码5 项目: hgraphdb   文件: VertexModel.java
public Iterator<Vertex> vertices(Object fromId, int limit) {
    final VertexReader parser = new VertexReader(graph);

    Scan scan = fromId != null ? new Scan(ValueUtils.serializeWithSalt(fromId)) : new Scan();
    scan.setFilter(new PageFilter(limit));
    ResultScanner scanner = null;
    try {
        scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
        return CloseableIteratorUtils.limit(HBaseGraphUtils.mapWithCloseAtEnd(scanner, parser::parse), limit);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new HBaseGraphException(e);
源代码6 项目: hbase   文件: PerformanceEvaluation.java
boolean testRow(final int i) throws IOException {
  Scan scan = new Scan().withStartRow(getRandomRow(this.rand, opts.totalRows))
  FilterList list = new FilterList();
  for (int family = 0; family < opts.families; family++) {
    byte[] familyName = Bytes.toBytes(FAMILY_NAME_BASE + family);
    if (opts.addColumns) {
      for (int column = 0; column < opts.columns; column++) {
        byte [] qualifier = column == 0? COLUMN_ZERO: Bytes.toBytes("" + column);
        scan.addColumn(familyName, qualifier);
    } else {
  if (opts.filterAll) {
    list.addFilter(new FilterAllFilter());
  list.addFilter(new WhileMatchFilter(new PageFilter(120)));
  ResultScanner s = this.table.getScanner(scan);
  try {
    for (Result rr; (rr = s.next()) != null;) {
  } finally {
  return true;
源代码7 项目: hbase   文件: PerformanceEvaluation.java
void testRow(final int i) throws IOException {
  Scan scan = new Scan().withStartRow(getRandomRow(this.rand, this.totalRows));
  scan.setFilter(new WhileMatchFilter(new PageFilter(120)));
  ResultScanner s = this.table.getScanner(scan);
源代码8 项目: phoenix   文件: BaseResultIterators.java
 * Return row count limit of PageFilter if exists and there is no where
 * clause filter.
 * @return
private static Long getUnfilteredPageLimit(Scan scan) {
    Long pageLimit = null;
    Iterator<Filter> filters = ScanUtil.getFilterIterator(scan);
    while (filters.hasNext()) {
        Filter filter = filters.next();
        if (filter instanceof BooleanExpressionFilter) {
            return null;
        if (filter instanceof PageFilter) {
            pageLimit = ((PageFilter)filter).getPageSize();
    return pageLimit;
源代码9 项目: phoenix   文件: ParallelIterators.java
public ParallelIterators(StatementContext context, TableRef tableRef, FilterableStatement statement, RowProjector projector, GroupBy groupBy, Integer limit, ParallelIteratorFactory iteratorFactory) throws SQLException {
    super(context, tableRef, groupBy);
    this.splits = getSplits(context, tableRef, statement.getHint());
    this.iteratorFactory = iteratorFactory;
    Scan scan = context.getScan();
    PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
    if (projector.isProjectEmptyKeyValue()) {
        Map<byte [], NavigableSet<byte []>> familyMap = scan.getFamilyMap();
        // If nothing projected into scan and we only have one column family, just allow everything
        // to be projected and use a FirstKeyOnlyFilter to skip from row to row. This turns out to
        // be quite a bit faster.
        if (familyMap.isEmpty() && table.getColumnFamilies().size() == 1) {
            // Project the one column family. We must project a column family since it's possible
            // that there are other non declared column families that we need to ignore.
            ScanUtil.andFilterAtBeginning(scan, new FirstKeyOnlyFilter());
        } else {
            byte[] ecf = SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table.getColumnFamilies());
            // Project empty key value unless the column family containing it has
            // been projected in its entirety.
            if (!familyMap.containsKey(ecf) || familyMap.get(ecf) != null) {
                scan.addColumn(ecf, QueryConstants.EMPTY_COLUMN_BYTES);
    if (limit != null) {
        ScanUtil.andFilterAtEnd(scan, new PageFilter(limit));
源代码10 项目: atlas   文件: HBaseBasedAuditRepository.java
 * List events for the given entity id in decreasing order of timestamp, from the given startKey. Returns n results
 * @param entityId entity id
 * @param startKey key for the first event to be returned, used for pagination
 * @param n number of events to be returned
 * @return list of events
 * @throws AtlasException
public List<EntityAuditEvent> listEventsV1(String entityId, String startKey, short n)
        throws AtlasException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Listing events for entity id {}, starting timestamp {}, #records {}", entityId, startKey, n);

    Table table = null;
    ResultScanner scanner = null;
    try {
        table = connection.getTable(tableName);

         * Scan Details:
         * In hbase, the events are stored in increasing order of timestamp. So, doing reverse scan to get the latest event first
         * Page filter is set to limit the number of results returned.
         * Stop row is set to the entity id to avoid going past the current entity while scanning
         * small is set to true to optimise RPC calls as the scanner is created per request
        Scan scan = new Scan().setReversed(true).setFilter(new PageFilter(n))
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startKey)) {
            //Set start row to entity id + max long value
            byte[] entityBytes = getKey(entityId, Long.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
            scan = scan.setStartRow(entityBytes);
        } else {
            scan = scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes(startKey));
        scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
        Result result;
        List<EntityAuditEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();

        //PageFilter doesn't ensure n results are returned. The filter is per region server.
        //So, adding extra check on n here
        while ((result = scanner.next()) != null && events.size() < n) {
            EntityAuditEvent event = fromKey(result.getRow());

            //In case the user sets random start key, guarding against random events
            if (!event.getEntityId().equals(entityId)) {
            event.setUser(getResultString(result, COLUMN_USER));
            event.setAction(EntityAuditEvent.EntityAuditAction.fromString(getResultString(result, COLUMN_ACTION)));
            event.setDetails(getResultString(result, COLUMN_DETAIL));
            if (persistEntityDefinition) {
                String colDef = getResultString(result, COLUMN_DEFINITION);
                if (colDef != null) {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Got events for entity id {}, starting timestamp {}, #records {}", entityId, startKey, events.size());

        return events;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new AtlasException(e);
    } finally {
 * List events for the given entity id in decreasing order of timestamp, from the given startKey. Returns n results
 * @param entityId entity id
 * @param startKey key for the first event to be returned, used for pagination
 * @param n number of events to be returned
 * @return list of events
 * @throws AtlasException
public List<EntityAuditEvent> listEvents(String entityId, String startKey, short n)
        throws AtlasException {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Listing events for entity id {}, starting timestamp {}, #records {}", entityId, startKey, n);

    Table table = null;
    ResultScanner scanner = null;
    try {
        table = connection.getTable(tableName);

         * Scan Details:
         * In hbase, the events are stored in increasing order of timestamp. So, doing reverse scan to get the latest event first
         * Page filter is set to limit the number of results returned.
         * Stop row is set to the entity id to avoid going past the current entity while scanning
         * small is set to true to optimise RPC calls as the scanner is created per request
        Scan scan = new Scan().setReversed(true).setFilter(new PageFilter(n))
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(startKey)) {
            //Set start row to entity id + max long value
            byte[] entityBytes = getKey(entityId, Long.MAX_VALUE);
            scan = scan.setStartRow(entityBytes);
        } else {
            scan = scan.setStartRow(Bytes.toBytes(startKey));
        scanner = table.getScanner(scan);
        Result result;
        List<EntityAuditEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();

        //PageFilter doesn't ensure n results are returned. The filter is per region server.
        //So, adding extra check on n here
        while ((result = scanner.next()) != null && events.size() < n) {
            EntityAuditEvent event = fromKey(result.getRow());

            //In case the user sets random start key, guarding against random events
            if (!event.getEntityId().equals(entityId)) {
            event.setUser(getResultString(result, COLUMN_USER));
            event.setAction(EntityAuditEvent.EntityAuditAction.valueOf(getResultString(result, COLUMN_ACTION)));
            event.setDetails(getResultString(result, COLUMN_DETAIL));
            if (persistEntityDefinition) {
                String colDef = getResultString(result, COLUMN_DEFINITION);
                if (colDef != null) {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Got events for entity id {}, starting timestamp {}, #records {}", entityId, startKey, events.size());

        return events;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new AtlasException(e);
    } finally {
源代码12 项目: streamline   文件: HBaseScanConfig.java
public void setNumRows(int n) {
    this.filterList.addFilter(new PageFilter(n == 0 ? DEFAULT_NUM_ROWS : n));
源代码13 项目: streamline   文件: HBaseScanConfigBuilderTest.java
public void testGetScanConfig() throws Exception {
    final List<Criteria.Field> fr = new ArrayList<>();
    fr.add(new CriteriaImpl.FieldImpl("notifierName", "test_notifier"));
    fr.add(new CriteriaImpl.FieldImpl("status", "NEW"));

    final List<byte[]> nnList = Arrays.asList("s".getBytes(CHARSET),
    new Expectations() {
            times = 1;
            result = Notification.class;
            times = 1;
            result = fr;
            mockIndexMapper.getIndexedFieldNames(); times = 1;
            result = Arrays.asList("notifierName");
            mockNotificationCriteria.numRows(); times = 1;
            result = 5;
            mockIndexMapper.mapMemberValue("status", "NEW"); times = 1;
            result = nnList;

    hBaseScanConfigBuilder = new HBaseScanConfigBuilder();
    hBaseScanConfigBuilder.addMappers(Notification.class, Arrays.asList(mockIndexMapper));

    Criteria<Notification> eventCriteria = new CriteriaImpl<>(Notification.class);

    HBaseScanConfig<Notification> notificationScanConfig = hBaseScanConfigBuilder.getScanConfig(mockNotificationCriteria);

    assertEquals(mockIndexMapper, notificationScanConfig.getMapper());
    assertArrayEquals("test_notifier|0".getBytes(CHARSET), notificationScanConfig.getStartRow());
    assertArrayEquals(("test_notifier|"+Long.MAX_VALUE).getBytes(CHARSET), notificationScanConfig.getStopRow());
    assertEquals(2, notificationScanConfig.filterList().getFilters().size());
    // column filter should be first
    Filter firstFilter = notificationScanConfig.filterList().getFilters().get(0);
    assertEquals(SingleColumnValueFilter.class, firstFilter.getClass());
    // page filter should be last
    Filter secondFilter = notificationScanConfig.filterList().getFilters().get(1);
    assertEquals(PageFilter.class, secondFilter.getClass());
源代码14 项目: streamline   文件: HBaseScanConfigBuilderTest.java
public void testGetScanConfigWithTs() throws Exception {
    final List<Criteria.Field> fr = new ArrayList<>();
    fr.add(new CriteriaImpl.FieldImpl("notifierName", "test_notifier"));
    fr.add(new CriteriaImpl.FieldImpl("status", "NEW"));

    final long ts = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final long endts = ts + 100;

    final List<byte[]> nnList = Arrays.asList("s".getBytes(CHARSET),
    new Expectations() {
            times = 1;
            result = Notification.class;
            times = 1;
            result = fr;
            mockIndexMapper.getIndexedFieldNames(); times = 1;
            result = Arrays.asList("notifierName");
            mockNotificationCriteria.numRows(); times = 1;
            result = 5;
            mockIndexMapper.mapMemberValue("status", "NEW"); times = 1;
            result = nnList;
            result = ts;
            result = endts;

    hBaseScanConfigBuilder = new HBaseScanConfigBuilder();
    hBaseScanConfigBuilder.addMappers(Notification.class, Arrays.asList(mockIndexMapper));

    Criteria<Notification> eventCriteria = new CriteriaImpl<>(Notification.class);

    HBaseScanConfig<Notification> notificationScanConfig = hBaseScanConfigBuilder.getScanConfig(mockNotificationCriteria);

    assertEquals(mockIndexMapper, notificationScanConfig.getMapper());
    assertArrayEquals(("test_notifier|"+ts).getBytes(CHARSET), notificationScanConfig.getStartRow());
    assertArrayEquals(("test_notifier|"+endts).getBytes(CHARSET), notificationScanConfig.getStopRow());
    assertEquals(2, notificationScanConfig.filterList().getFilters().size());
    // column filter should be first
    Filter firstFilter = notificationScanConfig.filterList().getFilters().get(0);
    assertEquals(SingleColumnValueFilter.class, firstFilter.getClass());
    // page filter should be last
    Filter secondFilter = notificationScanConfig.filterList().getFilters().get(1);
    assertEquals(PageFilter.class, secondFilter.getClass());
源代码15 项目: phoenix   文件: ExplainTable.java
private PageFilter getPageFilter(List<Filter> filterList) {
    for (Filter filter : filterList) {
        if (filter instanceof PageFilter) return (PageFilter)filter;
    return null;
源代码16 项目: phoenix   文件: BaseResultIterators.java
public BaseResultIterators(QueryPlan plan, Integer perScanLimit) throws SQLException {
    super(plan.getContext(), plan.getTableRef(), plan.getGroupBy(), plan.getOrderBy(), plan.getStatement().getHint());
    this.plan = plan;
    StatementContext context = plan.getContext();
    TableRef tableRef = plan.getTableRef();
    PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
    FilterableStatement statement = plan.getStatement();
    RowProjector projector = plan.getProjector();
    physicalTableName = table.getPhysicalName().getBytes();
    tableStats = useStats() ? new MetaDataClient(context.getConnection()).getTableStats(table) : PTableStats.EMPTY_STATS;
    Scan scan = context.getScan();
    // Used to tie all the scans together during logging
    scanId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    Map<byte [], NavigableSet<byte []>> familyMap = scan.getFamilyMap();
    boolean keyOnlyFilter = familyMap.isEmpty() && context.getWhereCoditionColumns().isEmpty();
    if (projector.isProjectEmptyKeyValue()) {
        // If nothing projected into scan and we only have one column family, just allow everything
        // to be projected and use a FirstKeyOnlyFilter to skip from row to row. This turns out to
        // be quite a bit faster.
        // Where condition columns also will get added into familyMap
        // When where conditions are present, we can not add FirstKeyOnlyFilter at beginning.
        if (familyMap.isEmpty() && context.getWhereCoditionColumns().isEmpty()
                && table.getColumnFamilies().size() == 1) {
            // Project the one column family. We must project a column family since it's possible
            // that there are other non declared column families that we need to ignore.
        } else {
            byte[] ecf = SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(table);
            // Project empty key value unless the column family containing it has
            // been projected in its entirety.
            if (!familyMap.containsKey(ecf) || familyMap.get(ecf) != null) {
                scan.addColumn(ecf, QueryConstants.EMPTY_COLUMN_BYTES);
    } else if (table.getViewType() == ViewType.MAPPED) {
        // Since we don't have the empty key value in MAPPED tables, we must select all CFs in HRS. But only the
        // selected column values are returned back to client
        for (PColumnFamily family : table.getColumnFamilies()) {
    // Add FirstKeyOnlyFilter if there are no references to key value columns
    if (keyOnlyFilter) {
        ScanUtil.andFilterAtBeginning(scan, new FirstKeyOnlyFilter());
    // TODO adding all CFs here is not correct. It should be done only after ColumnProjectionOptimization.
    if (perScanLimit != null) {
        ScanUtil.andFilterAtEnd(scan, new PageFilter(perScanLimit));

    doColumnProjectionOptimization(context, scan, table, statement);
    this.scans = getParallelScans();
    List<KeyRange> splitRanges = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(scans.size() * ESTIMATED_GUIDEPOSTS_PER_REGION);
    for (List<Scan> scanList : scans) {
        for (Scan aScan : scanList) {
            splitRanges.add(KeyRange.getKeyRange(aScan.getStartRow(), aScan.getStopRow()));
    this.splits = ImmutableList.copyOf(splitRanges);
    // If split detected, this will be more than one, but that's unlikely
    this.allFutures = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(1);
 * This method will produce an Apache Arrow Schema for the given TableName and HBase connection
 * by scanning up to the requested number of rows and using basic schema inference to determine
 * data types.
 * @param client The HBase connection to use for the scan operation.
 * @param tableName The HBase TableName for which to produce an Apache Arrow Schema.
 * @param numToScan The number of records to scan as part of producing the Schema.
 * @return An Apache Arrow Schema representing the schema of the HBase table.
public static Schema inferSchema(HBaseConnection client, TableName tableName, int numToScan)
    Scan scan = new Scan().setMaxResultSize(numToScan).setFilter(new PageFilter(numToScan));
    org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName hbaseTableName = org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName.valueOf(getQualifiedTableName(tableName));
    return client.scanTable(hbaseTableName, scan, (ResultScanner scanner) -> scanAndInferSchema(scanner));