类 io.netty.handler.codec.DateFormatter 源码实例Demo

下面列出了怎么用 io.netty.handler.codec.DateFormatter 的API类实例代码及写法,或者点击链接到github查看源代码。

public void testEncodingSingleCookieV0() throws ParseException {

    int maxAge = 50;

    String result =
            "myCookie=myValue; Max-Age=50; Expires=(.+?); Path=/apathsomewhere; Domain=.adomainsomewhere; Secure";
    Cookie cookie = new DefaultCookie("myCookie", "myValue");

    String encodedCookie = ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode(cookie);

    Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(result).matcher(encodedCookie);
    Date expiresDate = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(matcher.group(1));
    long diff = (expiresDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000;
    // 2 secs should be fine
    assertTrue(Math.abs(diff - maxAge) <= 2);

public void testDecodingSingleCookieV0() {
    String cookieString = "myCookie=myValue;expires="
            + DateFormatter.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 50000))
            + ";path=/apathsomewhere;domain=.adomainsomewhere;secure;";

    Cookie cookie = ClientCookieDecoder.STRICT.decode(cookieString);
    assertEquals("myValue", cookie.value());
    assertEquals(".adomainsomewhere", cookie.domain());
    assertNotEquals("maxAge should be defined when parsing cookie " + cookieString,
            Long.MIN_VALUE, cookie.maxAge());
    assertTrue("maxAge should be about 50ms when parsing cookie " + cookieString,
            cookie.maxAge() >= 40 && cookie.maxAge() <= 60);
    assertEquals("/apathsomewhere", cookie.path());
源代码3 项目: armeria   文件: StringMultimap.java

private static Long toTimeMillis(@Nullable String v) {
    if (v == null) {
        return null;

    try {
        final Date date = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(v);
        return date != null ? date.getTime() : null;
    } catch (Exception ignore) {
        // `parseHttpDate()` can raise an exception rather than returning `null`
        // when the given value has more than 64 characters.
        return null;
源代码4 项目: armeria   文件: StringValueConverter.java

public long convertToTimeMillis(String value) {
    Date date = null;
    try {
        date = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(value);
    } catch (Exception ignored) {
        // `parseHttpDate()` can raise an exception rather than returning `null`
        // when the given value has more than 64 characters.

    if (date == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a date: " + value);
    return date.getTime();
源代码5 项目: armeria   文件: ServerCookieEncoderTest.java

public void testEncodingSingleCookieV0() throws ParseException {

    final int maxAge = 50;

    final String result = "myCookie=myValue; Max-Age=50; Expires=(.+?); Path=/apathsomewhere; " +
                          "Domain=.adomainsomewhere; Secure; SameSite=Strict";
    final Cookie cookie = Cookie.builder("myCookie", "myValue")

    final String encodedCookie = cookie.toSetCookieHeader();

    final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(result).matcher(encodedCookie);
    final Date expiresDate = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(matcher.group(1));
    final long diff = (expiresDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis()) / 1000;
    // 2 secs should be fine
    assertThat(Math.abs(diff - maxAge)).isLessThanOrEqualTo(2);
源代码6 项目: armeria   文件: ClientCookieDecoderTest.java

void testDecodingSingleCookieV0() {
    final String cookieString = "myCookie=myValue;expires=" +
                                DateFormatter.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 50000)) +

    final Cookie cookie = Cookie.fromSetCookieHeader(cookieString);
    assertThat(cookie.maxAge()).withFailMessage("maxAge should be defined when parsing cookie: " +
    assertThat(cookie.maxAge()).withFailMessage("maxAge should be about 50ms when parsing cookie: " +

private long mergeMaxAgeAndExpires() {
    // max age has precedence over expires
    if (maxAge != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        return maxAge;
    } else if (isValueDefined(expiresStart, expiresEnd)) {
        Date expiresDate = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(header, expiresStart, expiresEnd);
        if (expiresDate != null) {
            long maxAgeMillis = expiresDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
            return maxAgeMillis / 1000 + (maxAgeMillis % 1000 != 0 ? 1 : 0);
    return Long.MIN_VALUE;
源代码8 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: HttpHeaders.java

 * @deprecated Use {@link #getTimeMillis(CharSequence)} instead.
 * Returns the date header value with the specified header name.  If
 * there are more than one header value for the specified header name, the
 * first value is returned.
 * @return the header value
 * @throws ParseException
 *         if there is no such header or the header value is not a formatted date
public static Date getDateHeader(HttpMessage message, CharSequence name) throws ParseException {
    String value = message.headers().get(name);
    if (value == null) {
        throw new ParseException("header not found: " + name, 0);
    Date date = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(value);
    if (date == null) {
        throw new ParseException("header can't be parsed into a Date: " + value, 0);
    return date;
源代码9 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: HttpHeaders.java

 * @deprecated Use {@link #set(CharSequence, Object)} instead.
 * Sets a new date header with the specified name and value.  If there
 * is an existing header with the same name, the existing header is removed.
 * The specified value is formatted as defined in
 * <a href="http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.3.1">RFC2616</a>
public static void setDateHeader(HttpMessage message, CharSequence name, Date value) {
    if (value != null) {
        message.headers().set(name, DateFormatter.format(value));
    } else {
        message.headers().set(name, null);
源代码10 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: DefaultHttpHeaders.java

public CharSequence convertObject(Object value) {
    if (value instanceof CharSequence) {
        return (CharSequence) value;
    if (value instanceof Date) {
        return DateFormatter.format((Date) value);
    if (value instanceof Calendar) {
        return DateFormatter.format(((Calendar) value).getTime());
    return value.toString();
源代码11 项目: styx   文件: ClientCookieDecoder.java

private long mergeMaxAgeAndExpires() {
    // max age has precedence over expires
    if (maxAge != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        return maxAge;
    } else if (isValueDefined(expiresStart, expiresEnd)) {
        Date expiresDate = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(header, expiresStart, expiresEnd);
        if (expiresDate != null) {
            long maxAgeMillis = expiresDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
            return maxAgeMillis / 1000 + (maxAgeMillis % 1000 != 0 ? 1 : 0);
    return Long.MIN_VALUE;
源代码12 项目: armeria   文件: HttpFileAttributes.java

public String toString() {
    return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
                      .add("length", length)
                      .add("lastModified", DateFormatter.format(new Date(lastModifiedMillis)))
源代码13 项目: armeria   文件: HttpDataFile.java

public String toString() {
    return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues()
                      .add("content", content())
                      .add("contentType", contentType())
                      .add("lastModified", DateFormatter.format(new Date(attrs.lastModifiedMillis())))
                      .add("dateEnabled", isDateEnabled())
                      .add("lastModifiedEnabled", isLastModifiedEnabled())
                      .add("headers", headers())
源代码14 项目: armeria   文件: ClientCookieDecoder.java

private static void mergeMaxAgeAndExpires(CookieBuilder builder, String header) {
    // max age has precedence over expires
    if (builder.maxAge != Cookie.UNDEFINED_MAX_AGE) {

    if (isValueDefined(builder.expiresStart, builder.expiresEnd)) {
        final Date expiresDate =
                DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(header, builder.expiresStart, builder.expiresEnd);
        if (expiresDate != null) {
            final long maxAgeMillis = expiresDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
            builder.maxAge(maxAgeMillis / 1000 + (maxAgeMillis % 1000 != 0 ? 1 : 0));
源代码15 项目: armeria   文件: StringValueConverter.java

public String convertObject(@Nullable Object value) {
    if (value == null) {
        return null;

    // Try the types that appears more often first.
    if (value instanceof CharSequence ||
        value instanceof Number ||
        value instanceof MediaType) {
        return value.toString();

    if (value instanceof Instant) {
        return DateFormatter.format(new Date(((Instant) value).toEpochMilli()));

    if (value instanceof TemporalAccessor) {
        return DateFormatter.format(new Date(Instant.from((TemporalAccessor) value).toEpochMilli()));

    if (value instanceof CacheControl) {
        return ((CacheControl) value).asHeaderValue();

    // Obsolete types.
    if (value instanceof Date) {
        return DateFormatter.format((Date) value);

    if (value instanceof Calendar) {
        return DateFormatter.format(((Calendar) value).getTime());

    return value.toString();
源代码16 项目: armeria   文件: FileServiceTest.java

private static void assert200Ok(CloseableHttpResponse res,
                                @Nullable String expectedContentType,
                                Consumer<String> contentAssertions) throws Exception {

    assertStatusLine(res, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK");

    // Ensure that the 'Date' header exists and is well-formed.
    final String date = headerOrNull(res, HttpHeaders.DATE);

    // Ensure that the 'Last-Modified' header exists and is well-formed.
    final String lastModified = headerOrNull(res, HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED);

    // Ensure that the 'ETag' header exists and is well-formed.
    final String entityTag = headerOrNull(res, HttpHeaders.ETAG);

    // Ensure the content type is correct.
    if (expectedContentType != null) {
        assertThat(headerOrNull(res, HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE)).startsWith(expectedContentType);
    } else {

    // Ensure the content satisfies the condition.
源代码17 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: ServerCookieEncoder.java

 * Encodes the specified cookie into a Set-Cookie header value.将指定的cookie编码为Set-Cookie标头值。
 * @param cookie the cookie
 * @return a single Set-Cookie header value
public String encode(Cookie cookie) {
    final String name = checkNotNull(cookie, "cookie").name();
    final String value = cookie.value() != null ? cookie.value() : "";

    validateCookie(name, value);

    StringBuilder buf = stringBuilder();

    if (cookie.wrap()) {
        addQuoted(buf, name, value);
    } else {
        add(buf, name, value);

    if (cookie.maxAge() != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.MAX_AGE, cookie.maxAge());
        Date expires = new Date(cookie.maxAge() * 1000 + System.currentTimeMillis());
        buf.append((char) HttpConstants.EQUALS);
        DateFormatter.append(expires, buf);
        buf.append((char) HttpConstants.SEMICOLON);
        buf.append((char) HttpConstants.SP);

    if (cookie.path() != null) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.PATH, cookie.path());

    if (cookie.domain() != null) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.DOMAIN, cookie.domain());
    if (cookie.isSecure()) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.SECURE);
    if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.HTTPONLY);

    return stripTrailingSeparator(buf);
源代码18 项目: armeria   文件: StringValueConverter.java

public String convertTimeMillis(long value) {
    return DateFormatter.format(new Date(value));
源代码19 项目: armeria   文件: ServerCookieEncoder.java

 * Encodes the specified {@link Cookie} into a {@code "Set-Cookie"} header value.
 * @param strict whether to validate that name and value chars are in the valid scope defined in RFC 6265.
 * @param cookie the {@link Cookie} to encode.
 * @return a single {@code "Set-Cookie"} header value.
static String encode(boolean strict, Cookie cookie) {
    final String name = requireNonNull(cookie, "cookie").name();
    final String value = firstNonNull(cookie.value(), "");

    validateCookie(strict, name, value);

    final StringBuilder buf = stringBuilder();

    if (cookie.isValueQuoted()) {
        addQuoted(buf, name, value);
    } else {
        add(buf, name, value);

    if (cookie.maxAge() != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.MAX_AGE, cookie.maxAge());
        final Date expires = new Date(cookie.maxAge() * 1000 + System.currentTimeMillis());
        DateFormatter.append(expires, buf);

    final String path = cookie.path();
    if (path != null) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.PATH, path);

    final String domain = cookie.domain();
    if (domain != null) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.DOMAIN, domain);
    if (cookie.isSecure()) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.SECURE);
    if (cookie.isHttpOnly()) {
        add(buf, CookieHeaderNames.HTTPONLY);
    final String sameSite = cookie.sameSite();
    if (sameSite != null) {
        add(buf, "SameSite", sameSite);

    return stripTrailingSeparator(buf);
源代码20 项目: netty-4.1.22   文件: HttpHeaders.java

 * @deprecated Use {@link #getTimeMillis(CharSequence, long)} instead.
 * Returns the date header value with the specified header name.  If
 * there are more than one header value for the specified header name, the
 * first value is returned.
 * @return the header value or the {@code defaultValue} if there is no such
 *         header or the header value is not a formatted date
public static Date getDateHeader(HttpMessage message, CharSequence name, Date defaultValue) {
    final String value = getHeader(message, name);
    Date date = DateFormatter.parseHttpDate(value);
    return date != null ? date : defaultValue;