

public HbaseTable getTable(SchemaTableName stName)
    try {
        if (curator.checkExists().forPath(getTablePath(stName)) != null) {
            return toHbaseTable(curator.getData().forPath(getTablePath(stName)));

        return null;
    catch (Exception e) {
        // Capture race condition between checkExists and getData
        if (e instanceof KeeperException && ((KeeperException) e).code() == NONODE) {
            return null;

        throw new PrestoException(ZOOKEEPER_ERROR, "Error fetching table", e);
private LeaderElection buildUpdateElection(final String key, final String value, final ContentionCallback contentionCallback) {
    return new LeaderElection() {
        public void action() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
            getProvider().update(getProvider().getRealPath(key), value);
        public void callback() {
            if (null != contentionCallback) {
源代码3 项目: hbase   文件: ZKReplicationPeerStorage.java
private SyncReplicationState getSyncReplicationState(String peerId, String path)
    throws ReplicationException {
  try {
    byte[] data = ZKUtil.getData(zookeeper, path);
    if (data == null || data.length == 0) {
      if (ZKUtil.checkExists(zookeeper, getPeerNode(peerId)) != -1) {
        // should be a peer from previous version, set the sync replication state for it.
        ZKUtil.createSetData(zookeeper, path, NONE_STATE_ZNODE_BYTES);
        return SyncReplicationState.NONE;
      } else {
        throw new ReplicationException(
          "Replication peer sync state shouldn't be empty, peerId=" + peerId);
    return SyncReplicationState.parseFrom(data);
  } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException | IOException e) {
    throw new ReplicationException(
      "Error getting sync replication state of path " + path + " for peer with id=" + peerId, e);
源代码4 项目: distributedlog   文件: LedgerAllocatorPool.java
private void initializePool() throws IOException {
    try {
        List<String> allocators;
        try {
            allocators = zkc.get().getChildren(poolPath, false);
        } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
            logger.info("Allocator Pool {} doesn't exist. Creating it.", poolPath);
            ZkUtils.createFullPathOptimistic(zkc.get(), poolPath, new byte[0], zkc.getDefaultACL(),
            allocators = zkc.get().getChildren(poolPath, false);
        if (null == allocators) {
            allocators = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (allocators.size() < corePoolSize) {
            createAllocators(corePoolSize - allocators.size());
            allocators = zkc.get().getChildren(poolPath, false);
    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
        throw new DLInterruptedException("Interrupted when ensuring " + poolPath + " created : ", ie);
    } catch (KeeperException ke) {
        throw new IOException("Encountered zookeeper exception when initializing pool " + poolPath + " : ", ke);
源代码5 项目: hadoop   文件: MaxTxId.java
synchronized long get() throws IOException {
  try {
    currentStat = zkc.exists(path, false);
    if (currentStat == null) {
      return 0;
    } else {

      byte[] bytes = zkc.getData(path, false, currentStat);

      MaxTxIdProto.Builder builder = MaxTxIdProto.newBuilder();
      TextFormat.merge(new String(bytes, UTF_8), builder);
      if (!builder.isInitialized()) {
        throw new IOException("Invalid/Incomplete data in znode");

      return builder.build().getTxId();
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
    throw new IOException("Error reading the max tx id from zk", e);
  } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    throw new IOException("Interrupted while reading thr max tx id", ie);
源代码6 项目: distributedlog   文件: SimpleLedgerAllocator.java
public void onAbort(Throwable t) {
    OpListener<LedgerHandle> listenerToNotify;
    synchronized (this) {
        listenerToNotify = tryObtainListener;
        if (t instanceof KeeperException &&
                ((KeeperException) t).code() == KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION) {
            LOG.info("Set ledger allocator {} to ERROR state after hit bad version : version = {}",
                    allocatePath, getVersion());
        } else {
            if (Phase.HANDING_OVER == phase) {
                tryObtainTxn = null;
                tryObtainListener = null;
    if (null != listenerToNotify) {
源代码7 项目: incubator-retired-blur   文件: SafeMode.java
private void waitForClusterToSettle() throws InterruptedException, KeeperException {
  long startingWaitTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
  List<String> prev = null;
  while (true) {
    synchronized (_lock) {
      List<String> children = new ArrayList<String>(_zooKeeper.getChildren(_nodePath, _watcher));
      if (children.equals(prev) && children.size() >= _minimumNumberOfNodes) {
        LOG.info("Cluster has settled.");
      } else {
        prev = children;
            "Waiting for cluster to settle, current size [{0}] min [{1}] total time waited so far [{2} ms] waiting another [{3} ms].",
            children.size(), _minimumNumberOfNodes, (System.currentTimeMillis() - startingWaitTime), _waitTime);
源代码8 项目: lucene-solr   文件: ZkStateReader.java
 * Get current {@link AutoScalingConfig}.
 * @param watcher optional {@link Watcher} to set on a znode to watch for config changes.
 * @return current configuration from <code>autoscaling.json</code>. NOTE:
 * this data is retrieved from ZK on each call.
public AutoScalingConfig getAutoScalingConfig(Watcher watcher) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
  Stat stat = new Stat();

  Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
  try {
    byte[] bytes = zkClient.getData(SOLR_AUTOSCALING_CONF_PATH, watcher, stat, true);
    if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0) {
      map = (Map<String, Object>) fromJSON(bytes);
  } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
    // ignore
  map.put(AutoScalingParams.ZK_VERSION, stat.getVersion());
  return new AutoScalingConfig(map);
public void initialize(RegionServerServices rss) throws KeeperException {
  this.rss = rss;
  if (!BackupManager.isBackupEnabled(rss.getConfiguration())) {
    LOG.warn("Backup is not enabled. Check your " + BackupRestoreConstants.BACKUP_ENABLE_KEY
        + " setting");
  ProcedureCoordinationManager coordManager = new ZKProcedureCoordinationManager(rss);
  this.memberRpcs = coordManager

  // read in the backup handler configuration properties
  Configuration conf = rss.getConfiguration();
  // create the actual cohort member
  ThreadPoolExecutor pool =
      ProcedureMember.defaultPool(rss.getServerName().toString(), opThreads, keepAlive);
  this.member = new ProcedureMember(memberRpcs, pool, new BackupSubprocedureBuilder());
源代码10 项目: big-c   文件: ActiveStandbyElector.java
 * Write the "ActiveBreadCrumb" node, indicating that this node may need
 * to be fenced on failover.
 * @param oldBreadcrumbStat 
private void writeBreadCrumbNode(Stat oldBreadcrumbStat)
    throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
  Preconditions.checkState(appData != null, "no appdata");
  LOG.info("Writing znode " + zkBreadCrumbPath +
      " to indicate that the local node is the most recent active...");
  if (oldBreadcrumbStat == null) {
    // No previous active, just create the node
    createWithRetries(zkBreadCrumbPath, appData, zkAcl,
  } else {
    // There was a previous active, update the node
    setDataWithRetries(zkBreadCrumbPath, appData, oldBreadcrumbStat.getVersion());
源代码11 项目: ZKRecipesByExample   文件: TreeCacheExample.java
private static void remove(CuratorFramework client, String command, String[] args) throws Exception {
	if (args.length != 1) {
		System.err.println("syntax error (expected remove <path>): " + command);
	String name = args[0];
	if (name.contains("/")) {
		System.err.println("Invalid node name" + name);
	String path = ZKPaths.makePath(PATH, name);
	try {
	} catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
		// ignore
源代码12 项目: curator   文件: TestEnabledSessionExpiredState.java
public void testReconnectWithoutExpiration() throws Exception
    Assert.assertEquals(states.poll(timing.milliseconds(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), ConnectionState.CONNECTED);
        client.checkExists().forPath("/");  // any API call that will invoke the retry policy, etc.
    catch ( KeeperException.ConnectionLossException ignore )
    Assert.assertEquals(states.poll(timing.milliseconds(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), ConnectionState.SUSPENDED);
    Assert.assertEquals(states.poll(timing.milliseconds(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), ConnectionState.RECONNECTED);
源代码13 项目: springboot-learn   文件: ServiceDiscovery.java
private void watchNode(final ZooKeeper zk) {
    try {
        List<String> nodeList = zk.getChildren(Constant.ZK_REGISTRY_PATH, new Watcher() {
            public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
                if (event.getType() == Event.EventType.NodeChildrenChanged) {
        List<String> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String node : nodeList) {
            byte[] bytes = zk.getData(Constant.ZK_REGISTRY_PATH + "/" + node, false, null);
            dataList.add(new String(bytes));
        logger.debug("node data: {}", dataList);
        this.dataList = dataList;

        logger.debug("Service discovery triggered updating connected server node.");
    } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
        logger.error("", e);
源代码14 项目: distributedlog   文件: Utils.java
 * A specific version of {@link FutureUtils#result(CompletableFuture)} to handle known exception issues.
public static <T> T ioResult(CompletableFuture<T> result) throws IOException {
    return FutureUtils.result(
        (cause) -> {
            if (cause instanceof IOException) {
                return (IOException) cause;
            } else if (cause instanceof KeeperException) {
                return new ZKException("Encountered zookeeper exception on waiting result",
                    (KeeperException) cause);
            } else if (cause instanceof BKException) {
                return new BKTransmitException("Encountered bookkeeper exception on waiting result",
                    ((BKException) cause).getCode());
            } else if (cause instanceof InterruptedException) {
                return new DLInterruptedException("Interrupted on waiting result", cause);
            } else {
                return new IOException("Encountered exception on waiting result", cause);
源代码15 项目: lucene-solr   文件: BackupManager.java
public void uploadCollectionProperties(URI backupLoc, String backupId, String collectionName) throws IOException {
  URI sourceDir = repository.resolve(backupLoc, backupId, ZK_STATE_DIR);
  URI source = repository.resolve(sourceDir, ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROPS_ZKNODE);
  if (!repository.exists(source)) {
    // No collection properties to restore
  String zkPath = ZkStateReader.COLLECTIONS_ZKNODE + '/' + collectionName + '/' + ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROPS_ZKNODE;

  try (IndexInput is = repository.openInput(sourceDir, ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROPS_ZKNODE, IOContext.DEFAULT)) {
    byte[] arr = new byte[(int) is.length()];
    is.readBytes(arr, 0, (int) is.length());
    zkStateReader.getZkClient().create(zkPath, arr, CreateMode.PERSISTENT, true);
  } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) {
    throw new IOException("Error uploading file to zookeeper path " + source.toString() + " to " + zkPath,
源代码16 项目: spliceengine   文件: ReplicationUtils.java
public static void addPeer(Connection connection,
                           String peerClusterKey,
                           String peerId,
                           boolean enabled) throws SQLException, IOException, KeeperException, InterruptedException {
    String sql = String.format("call syscs_util.add_peer(%s, '%s', '%s')", peerId, peerClusterKey,
            enabled ? "true" : "false");
    System.out.println("Run " + sql);
    ResultSet rs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(sql);
    try {
        int index = rs.findColumn("Success");
        String msg = rs.getString(index);
        SpliceLogUtils.info(LOG, msg);
    catch (SQLException e) {
        String message = String.format("Failed to add a peer: %s : ", peerClusterKey, rs.getString(1));
        SpliceLogUtils.error(LOG, message);
        throw e;
源代码17 项目: hbase   文件: ZKProcedureUtil.java
 * Top-level watcher/controller for procedures across the cluster.
 * <p>
 * On instantiation, this ensures the procedure znodes exist.  This however requires the passed in
 *  watcher has been started.
 * @param watcher watcher for the cluster ZK. Owned by <tt>this</tt> and closed via
 *          {@link #close()}
 * @param procDescription name of the znode describing the procedure to run
 * @throws KeeperException when the procedure znodes cannot be created
public ZKProcedureUtil(ZKWatcher watcher, String procDescription)
    throws KeeperException {
  // make sure we are listening for events
  // setup paths for the zknodes used in procedures
  this.baseZNode = ZNodePaths.joinZNode(watcher.getZNodePaths().baseZNode, procDescription);
  acquiredZnode = ZNodePaths.joinZNode(baseZNode, ACQUIRED_BARRIER_ZNODE_DEFAULT);
  reachedZnode = ZNodePaths.joinZNode(baseZNode, REACHED_BARRIER_ZNODE_DEFAULT);
  abortZnode = ZNodePaths.joinZNode(baseZNode, ABORT_ZNODE_DEFAULT);

  // first make sure all the ZK nodes exist
  // make sure all the parents exist (sometimes not the case in tests)
  ZKUtil.createWithParents(watcher, acquiredZnode);
  // regular create because all the parents exist
  ZKUtil.createAndFailSilent(watcher, reachedZnode);
  ZKUtil.createAndFailSilent(watcher, abortZnode);
源代码18 项目: pravega   文件: ZKHostIndex.java
private CompletableFuture<Void> createNode(CreateMode createMode, boolean createParents, String path, byte[] data) {
    CompletableFuture<Void> result = new CompletableFuture<>();
    try {
        BackgroundCallback callback = (cli, event) -> {
            if (event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.OK.intValue() ||
                    event.getResultCode() == KeeperException.Code.NODEEXISTS.intValue()) {
            } else {
                result.completeExceptionally(translateErrorCode(path, event));
        if (createParents) {
            client.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().withMode(createMode).inBackground(callback, executor)
                    .forPath(path, data);
        } else {
            client.create().withMode(createMode).inBackground(callback, executor).forPath(path, data);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        result.completeExceptionally(StoreException.create(StoreException.Type.UNKNOWN, e));
    return result;
源代码19 项目: spliceengine   文件: ReplicationUtils.java
public static void disableMaster(String masterClusterKey) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException, IOException {

        // Delete all peers from master cluster
        Configuration conf = ReplicationUtils.createConfiguration(masterClusterKey);
        ZKWatcher masterZkw = new ZKWatcher(conf, "replication monitor", null, false);
        RecoverableZooKeeper masterRzk = masterZkw.getRecoverableZooKeeper();
        String[] s = masterClusterKey.split(":");
        String hbaseRootDir = s[2];
        String peerPath = hbaseRootDir+"/replication/peers";
        List<String> peers = masterRzk.getChildren(peerPath, false);
        for (String peer : peers) {
            String p = peerPath + "/" + peer;
            List<String> children = masterRzk.getChildren(p, false);
            String peerStatePath = p + "/" + children.get(0);
            masterRzk.setData(peerStatePath, toByteArray(ReplicationProtos.ReplicationState.State.DISABLED), -1);
            System.out.println("Disabled peer " + peer);
源代码20 项目: hbase   文件: MasterRpcServices.java
public SetNormalizerRunningResponse setNormalizerRunning(RpcController controller,
    SetNormalizerRunningRequest request) throws ServiceException {

  // Sets normalizer on/off flag in ZK.
  boolean prevValue = master.getRegionNormalizerTracker().isNormalizerOn();
  boolean newValue = request.getOn();
  try {
  } catch (KeeperException ke) {
    LOG.warn("Error flipping normalizer switch", ke);
  LOG.info("{} set normalizerSwitch={}", master.getClientIdAuditPrefix(), newValue);
  return SetNormalizerRunningResponse.newBuilder().setPrevNormalizerValue(prevValue).build();
源代码21 项目: xian   文件: PathCacheExample.java
private static void setValue(CuratorFramework client, String command, String[] args) throws Exception
    if ( args.length != 2 )
        System.err.println("syntax error (expected set <path> <value>): " + command);

    String      name = args[0];
    if ( name.contains("/") )
        System.err.println("Invalid node name" + name);
    String      path = ZKPaths.makePath(PATH, name);

    byte[]      bytes = args[1].getBytes();
        client.setData().forPath(path, bytes);
    catch ( KeeperException.NoNodeException e )
        client.create().creatingParentContainersIfNeeded().forPath(path, bytes);
源代码22 项目: big-c   文件: MaxTxId.java
synchronized long get() throws IOException {
  try {
    currentStat = zkc.exists(path, false);
    if (currentStat == null) {
      return 0;
    } else {

      byte[] bytes = zkc.getData(path, false, currentStat);

      MaxTxIdProto.Builder builder = MaxTxIdProto.newBuilder();
      TextFormat.merge(new String(bytes, UTF_8), builder);
      if (!builder.isInitialized()) {
        throw new IOException("Invalid/Incomplete data in znode");

      return builder.build().getTxId();
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
    throw new IOException("Error reading the max tx id from zk", e);
  } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
    throw new IOException("Interrupted while reading thr max tx id", ie);
源代码23 项目: twill   文件: ZKOperations.java
private static <T> void watchChanges(final Operation<T> operation, final String path,
                                     final Callback<T> callback, final AtomicBoolean cancelled) {
  Futures.addCallback(operation.exec(path, new Watcher() {
    public void process(WatchedEvent event) {
      if (!cancelled.get()) {
        watchChanges(operation, path, callback, cancelled);
  }), new FutureCallback<T>() {
    public void onSuccess(T result) {
      if (!cancelled.get()) {

    public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
      if (t instanceof KeeperException && ((KeeperException) t).code() == KeeperException.Code.NONODE) {
        final SettableFuture<String> existCompletion = SettableFuture.create();
        existCompletion.addListener(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            try {
              if (!cancelled.get()) {
                watchChanges(operation, existCompletion.get(), callback, cancelled);
            } catch (Exception e) {
              LOG.error("Failed to watch children for path " + path, e);
        }, Threads.SAME_THREAD_EXECUTOR);
        watchExists(operation.getZKClient(), path, existCompletion);
      LOG.error("Failed to watch data for path " + path + " " + t, t);
源代码24 项目: hasting   文件: ZkRpcServer.java
	 * 获取限流列表
	private void fetchLimit(){
		try {
			List<LimitDefine> limits = ZKUtils.getLimits(this.getApplication(), zkclient);
			logger.info("[ZK] limit has fetched data is:"+JSONUtils.toJSON(limits));
		} catch (Exception e) {
			if(e instanceof KeeperException.NoNodeException){
				logger.info("[ZK] limit node not exist");
//				limitCache.addOrUpdate(new ArrayList<LimitDefine>());
				logger.error("fetch application request limit config failed",e);
public void delete(String path) throws Exception {
	try {
	catch (KeeperException e) {
		if (e.code() != KeeperException.Code.NONODE) {
			throw e;
源代码26 项目: hbase   文件: ZKReplicationQueueStorage.java
public List<String> getAllPeersFromHFileRefsQueue() throws ReplicationException {
  try {
    return getAllPeersFromHFileRefsQueue0();
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
    throw new ReplicationException("Failed to get list of all peers in hfile references node.",
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testStoreMaxTxnIdBadVersion() throws Exception {
    Transaction<Object> updateTxn = lsmStore.transaction();
    Versioned<Long> value = new Versioned<Long>(999L, new ZkVersion(10));
    final Promise<Version> result = new Promise<Version>();
    lsmStore.storeMaxTxnId(updateTxn, rootZkPath, value,
            new Transaction.OpListener<Version>() {
                public void onCommit(Version r) {

                public void onAbort(Throwable t) {
    try {
        fail("Should fail on storing log record transaction id if providing bad version");
    } catch (ZKException zke) {
        assertEquals(KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION, zke.getKeeperExceptionCode());
    try {
        fail("Should fail on storing log record transaction id if providing bad version");
    } catch (KeeperException ke) {
        assertEquals(KeeperException.Code.BADVERSION, ke.code());
    Stat stat = new Stat();
    byte[] data = zkc.get().getData(rootZkPath, false, stat);
    assertEquals(0, stat.getVersion());
    assertEquals(0, data.length);
源代码28 项目: helios   文件: ZooKeeperMasterModel.java
private void assertJobExists(final ZooKeeperClient client, final JobId id)
    throws JobDoesNotExistException {
  try {
    final String path = Paths.configJob(id);
    if (client.stat(path) == null) {
      throw new JobDoesNotExistException(id);
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
    throw new HeliosRuntimeException("checking job existence failed", e);
源代码29 项目: hbase   文件: ZKReplicationQueueStorage.java
public long getLastSequenceId(String encodedRegionName, String peerId)
    throws ReplicationException {
  try {
    return getLastSequenceIdWithVersion(encodedRegionName, peerId).getFirst();
  } catch (KeeperException e) {
    throw new ReplicationException("Failed to get last pushed sequence id (encodedRegionName="
        + encodedRegionName + ", peerId=" + peerId + ")", e);
private byte[] getData(String path) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {
  Stat stat = _zk.exists(path, false);
  if (stat == null) {
    LOG.debug("Tried to fetch path [{0}] and path is missing", path);
    return null;
  byte[] data = _zk.getData(path, false, stat);
  if (data == null) {
    LOG.debug("Fetched path [{0}] and data is null", path);
    return null;
  return data;