

@Test(groups = { "wso2.esb" }, description = "Sending complete URL to API and for dispatching")
public void testCompleteURLWithHTTPMethod() throws Exception {

    DeleteMethod delete = new DeleteMethod(getApiInvocationURL(
            "myApi1/order/21441/item/17440079" + "?message_id=41ec2ec4-e629-4e04-9fdf-c32e97b35bd1"));
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

    try {
        Assert.assertEquals(delete.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), 202, "Response code mismatched");
    } finally {

    Assert.assertTrue(logReader.checkForLog("order API INVOKED", DEFAULT_TIMEOUT),
            "Request Not Dispatched to API when HTTP method having full url");

protected static HttpMethodBase buildHttpClientMethod(String url, String method)
    if ("GET".equals(method))
        return new GetMethod(url);
    if ("POST".equals(method))
        return new PostMethod(url);
    if ("PUT".equals(method))
        return new PutMethod(url);
    if ("DELETE".equals(method))
        return new DeleteMethod(url);
    if (TestingMethod.METHOD_NAME.equals(method))
        return new TestingMethod(url);
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method '"+method+"' not supported");
源代码3 项目: orion.server   文件: UnmapRouteCommand.java
protected ServerStatus _doIt() {
	try {

		/* unmap route from application */
		URI targetURI = URIUtil.toURI(target.getUrl());
		DeleteMethod unmapRouteMethod = new DeleteMethod(targetURI.resolve("/v2/apps/" + app.getGuid() + "/routes/" + route.getGuid()).toString()); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
		ServerStatus confStatus = HttpUtil.configureHttpMethod(unmapRouteMethod, target.getCloud());
		if (!confStatus.isOK())
			return confStatus;
		return HttpUtil.executeMethod(unmapRouteMethod);

	} catch (Exception e) {
		String msg = NLS.bind("An error occured when performing operation {0}", commandName); //$NON-NLS-1$
		logger.error(msg, e);
		return new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e);
源代码4 项目: orion.server   文件: DeleteRouteCommand.java
protected ServerStatus _doIt() {
	try {
		URI targetURI = URIUtil.toURI(target.getUrl());

		/* delete the route */
		URI routeURI = targetURI.resolve("/v2/routes/" + route.getGuid()); //$NON-NLS-1$

		DeleteMethod deleteRouteMethod = new DeleteMethod(routeURI.toString());
		ServerStatus confStatus = HttpUtil.configureHttpMethod(deleteRouteMethod, target.getCloud());
		if (!confStatus.isOK())
			return confStatus;
		deleteRouteMethod.setQueryString("recursive=true"); //$NON-NLS-1$

		ServerStatus status = HttpUtil.executeMethod(deleteRouteMethod);
		return status;

	} catch (Exception e) {
		String msg = NLS.bind("An error occured when performing operation {0}", commandName);
		logger.error(msg, e);
		return new ServerStatus(IStatus.ERROR, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg, e);
源代码5 项目: Knowage-Server   文件: RestUtilities.java
private static HttpMethodBase getMethod(HttpMethod method, String address) {
	String addr = address;
	if (method.equals(HttpMethod.Delete)) {
		return new DeleteMethod(addr);
	if (method.equals(HttpMethod.Post)) {
		return new PostMethod(addr);
	if (method.equals(HttpMethod.Get)) {
		return new GetMethod(addr);
	if (method.equals(HttpMethod.Put)) {
		return new PutMethod(addr);
	Assert.assertUnreachable("method doesn't exist");
	return null;
源代码6 项目: Java-sdk   文件: HttpUtils.java
 * 处理delete请求
 * @param url
 * @param headers
 * @return
public static JSONObject doDelete(String url, Map<String, String> headers){
	HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
	DeleteMethod deleteMethod = new DeleteMethod(url);
	String responseStr = "";
	try {
		responseStr = deleteMethod.getResponseBodyAsString();
	} catch (Exception e) {
	return JSONObject.parseObject(responseStr);
源代码7 项目: zeppelin   文件: ZeppelinRestApiTest.java
public void testDeleteParagraph() throws IOException {
  Note note = null;
  try {
    note = TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).createNote("note1_testDeleteParagraph", anonymous);

    Paragraph p = note.addNewParagraph(AuthenticationInfo.ANONYMOUS);

    TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).saveNote(note, anonymous);

    DeleteMethod delete = httpDelete("/notebook/" + note.getId() + "/paragraph/" + p.getId());
    assertThat("Test delete method: ", delete, isAllowed());

    Note retrNote = TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).getNote(note.getId());
    Paragraph retrParagrah = retrNote.getParagraph(p.getId());
    assertNull("paragraph should be deleted", retrParagrah);
  } finally {
    if (null != note) {
      TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).removeNote(note, anonymous);
源代码8 项目: zeppelin   文件: InterpreterRestApiTest.java
public void testAddDeleteRepository() throws IOException {
  // Call create repository API
  String repoId = "securecentral";
  String jsonRequest = "{\"id\":\"" + repoId +

  PostMethod post = httpPost("/interpreter/repository/", jsonRequest);
  assertThat("Test create method:", post, isAllowed());

  // Call delete repository API
  DeleteMethod delete = httpDelete("/interpreter/repository/" + repoId);
  assertThat("Test delete method:", delete, isAllowed());
源代码9 项目: olat   文件: CourseITCase.java
public void testDeleteCourses() throws IOException {
    final ICourse course = CoursesWebService.createEmptyCourse(admin, "courseToDel", "course to delete", null);

    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete("/repo/courses/" + course.getResourceableId(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, true);
    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(code, 200);

    final List<String> courseType = new ArrayList<String>();
    final Roles roles = new Roles(true, true, true, true, false, true, false);
    final List<RepositoryEntry> repoEntries = RepositoryServiceImpl.getInstance().genericANDQueryWithRolesRestriction("*", "*", "*", courseType, roles, "");

    for (final RepositoryEntry entry : repoEntries) {
        assertNotSame(entry.getOlatResource().getResourceableId(), course.getResourceableId());
源代码10 项目: olat   文件: UserAuthenticationMgmtITCase.java
public void testDeleteAuthentications() throws IOException {
    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");

    // create an authentication token
    final Identity adminIdent = baseSecurity.findIdentityByName("administrator");
    final Authentication authentication = baseSecurity.createAndPersistAuthentication(adminIdent, "REST-A-2", "administrator", "credentials");
    assertTrue(authentication != null && authentication.getKey() != null && authentication.getKey().longValue() > 0);

    // delete an authentication token
    final String request = "/users/administrator/auth/" + authentication.getKey().toString();
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete(request, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, true);
    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(code, 200);

    final Authentication refAuth = baseSecurity.findAuthentication(adminIdent, "REST-A-2");
源代码11 项目: olat   文件: CatalogITCase.java
public void testDeleteCatalogEntry() throws IOException {
    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");

    final URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(getContextURI()).path("catalog").path(entry2.getKey().toString()).build();
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete(uri, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, true);

    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(200, code);

    final List<CatalogEntry> entries = catalogService.getChildrenOf(root1);
    for (final CatalogEntry entry : entries) {
源代码12 项目: olat   文件: CatalogITCase.java
public void testRemoveOwner() throws IOException {
    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");

    final URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(getContextURI()).path("catalog").path(entry1.getKey().toString()).path("owners").path(id1.getUser().getKey().toString())
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete(uri, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, true);

    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(200, code);

    final CatalogEntry entry = catalogService.loadCatalogEntry(entry1.getKey());
    final List<Identity> identities = securityManager.getIdentitiesOfSecurityGroup(entry.getOwnerGroup());
    boolean found = false;
    for (final Identity identity : identities) {
        if (identity.getKey().equals(id1.getKey())) {
            found = true;
源代码13 项目: olat   文件: CourseITCase.java
public void testDeleteCourses() throws IOException {
    final ICourse course = CoursesWebService.createEmptyCourse(admin, "courseToDel", "course to delete", null);

    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete("/repo/courses/" + course.getResourceableId(), MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, true);
    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(code, 200);

    final List<String> courseType = new ArrayList<String>();
    final Roles roles = new Roles(true, true, true, true, false, true, false);
    final List<RepositoryEntry> repoEntries = RepositoryServiceImpl.getInstance().genericANDQueryWithRolesRestriction("*", "*", "*", courseType, roles, "");

    for (final RepositoryEntry entry : repoEntries) {
        assertNotSame(entry.getOlatResource().getResourceableId(), course.getResourceableId());
源代码14 项目: olat   文件: UserAuthenticationMgmtITCase.java
public void testDeleteAuthentications() throws IOException {
    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");

    // create an authentication token
    final Identity adminIdent = baseSecurity.findIdentityByName("administrator");
    final Authentication authentication = baseSecurity.createAndPersistAuthentication(adminIdent, "REST-A-2", "administrator", "credentials");
    assertTrue(authentication != null && authentication.getKey() != null && authentication.getKey().longValue() > 0);

    // delete an authentication token
    final String request = "/users/administrator/auth/" + authentication.getKey().toString();
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete(request, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, true);
    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(code, 200);

    final Authentication refAuth = baseSecurity.findAuthentication(adminIdent, "REST-A-2");
源代码15 项目: olat   文件: CatalogITCase.java
public void testDeleteCatalogEntry() throws IOException {
    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");

    final URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(getContextURI()).path("catalog").path(entry2.getKey().toString()).build();
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete(uri, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, true);

    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(200, code);

    final List<CatalogEntry> entries = catalogService.getChildrenOf(root1);
    for (final CatalogEntry entry : entries) {
源代码16 项目: olat   文件: CatalogITCase.java
public void testRemoveOwner() throws IOException {
    final HttpClient c = loginWithCookie("administrator", "olat");

    final URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(getContextURI()).path("catalog").path(entry1.getKey().toString()).path("owners").path(id1.getUser().getKey().toString())
    final DeleteMethod method = createDelete(uri, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, true);

    final int code = c.executeMethod(method);
    assertEquals(200, code);

    final CatalogEntry entry = catalogService.loadCatalogEntry(entry1.getKey());
    final List<Identity> identities = securityManager.getIdentitiesOfSecurityGroup(entry.getOwnerGroup());
    boolean found = false;
    for (final Identity identity : identities) {
        if (identity.getKey().equals(id1.getKey())) {
            found = true;
源代码17 项目: incubator-pinot   文件: SchemaUtils.java
 * Given host, port and schema name, send a http DELETE request to delete the {@link Schema}.
 * @return <code>true</code> on success.
 * <P><code>false</code> on failure.
public static boolean deleteSchema(@Nonnull String host, int port, @Nonnull String schemaName) {

  try {
    URL url = new URL("http", host, port, "/schemas/" + schemaName);
    DeleteMethod httpDelete = new DeleteMethod(url.toString());
    try {
      int responseCode = HTTP_CLIENT.executeMethod(httpDelete);
      if (responseCode >= 400) {
        String response = httpDelete.getResponseBodyAsString();
        LOGGER.warn("Got error response code: {}, response: {}", responseCode, response);
        return false;
      return true;
    } finally {
  } catch (Exception e) {
    LOGGER.error("Caught exception while getting the schema: {} from host: {}, port: {}", schemaName, host, port, e);
    return false;
源代码18 项目: cloudstack   文件: BigSwitchBcfApi.java
protected HttpMethod createMethod(final String type, final String uri, final int port) throws BigSwitchBcfApiException {
    String url;
    try {
        url = new URL(S_PROTOCOL, host, port, uri).toString();
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        S_LOGGER.error("Unable to build Big Switch API URL", e);
        throw new BigSwitchBcfApiException("Unable to build Big Switch API URL", e);

    if ("post".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
        return new PostMethod(url);
    } else if ("get".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
        return new GetMethod(url);
    } else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
        return new DeleteMethod(url);
    } else if ("put".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
        return new PutMethod(url);
    } else {
        throw new BigSwitchBcfApiException("Requesting unknown method type");
源代码19 项目: submarine   文件: AbstractSubmarineServerTest.java
protected static DeleteMethod httpDelete(String path, String user, String pwd) throws IOException {
  LOG.info("Connecting to {}", URL + path);
  HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  DeleteMethod deleteMethod = new DeleteMethod(URL + path);
  deleteMethod.addRequestHeader("Origin", URL);
  if (userAndPasswordAreNotBlank(user, pwd)) {
    deleteMethod.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + getCookie(user, pwd));
  LOG.info("{} - {}", deleteMethod.getStatusCode(), deleteMethod.getStatusText());
  return deleteMethod;
源代码20 项目: cymbal   文件: GrafanaDashboardServiceImpl.java
 * 删除指定dashboard
 * 目前业务特点无需抛出异常
 * @param dashboardId
 * @throws MonitorException
private void delDashboard(String dashboardId) throws MonitorException {
    // format url
    String url = String
            .format("%s/%s/%s", grafanaApiUrl, GrafanaDashboardServiceImpl.GRAFANA_DEL_DASHBOARD_URI, dashboardId);
    DeleteMethod method = new DeleteMethod(url);
    try {
    } catch (MonitorException e) {
        log.warn(String.format("delete dashboard fail, dashboard id: %s", dashboardId), e);
源代码21 项目: davmail   文件: DavGatewayHttpClientFacade.java
 * Execute a delete method on the given path with httpClient.
 * @param httpClient Http client instance
 * @param path       Path to be deleted
 * @return http status
 * @throws IOException on error
public static int executeDeleteMethod(HttpClient httpClient, String path) throws IOException {
    DeleteMethod deleteMethod = new DeleteMethod(path);

    int status = executeHttpMethod(httpClient, deleteMethod);
    // do not throw error if already deleted
    if (status != HttpStatus.SC_OK && status != HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
        throw DavGatewayHttpClientFacade.buildHttpResponseException(deleteMethod);
    return status;
源代码22 项目: alfresco-remote-api   文件: PublicApiHttpClient.java
public HttpResponse delete(final RequestContext rq, Binding cmisBinding, String version, String cmisOperation) throws IOException
    RestApiEndpoint endpoint = new RestApiEndpoint(rq.getNetworkId(), cmisBinding, version, cmisOperation, null);
    String url = endpoint.getUrl();

    DeleteMethod req = new DeleteMethod(url.toString());
    return submitRequest(req, rq);
源代码23 项目: alfresco-remote-api   文件: PublicApiHttpClient.java
public HttpResponse delete(final Class<?> c, final RequestContext rq, final Object entityId, final Object relationshipEntityId) throws IOException
    RestApiEndpoint endpoint = new RestApiEndpoint(c, rq.getNetworkId(), entityId, relationshipEntityId, null);
    String url = endpoint.getUrl();

    DeleteMethod req = new DeleteMethod(url);
    return submitRequest(req, rq);
源代码24 项目: alfresco-remote-api   文件: PublicApiHttpClient.java
public HttpResponse delete(final RequestContext rq, final String scope, final int version, final String entityCollectionName, final Object entityId,
            final String relationCollectionName, final Object relationshipEntityId, final Map<String, String> params) throws IOException
    RestApiEndpoint endpoint = new RestApiEndpoint(rq.getNetworkId(), scope, version, entityCollectionName, entityId, relationCollectionName,
                relationshipEntityId, params);
    String url = endpoint.getUrl();

    DeleteMethod req = new DeleteMethod(url);
    return submitRequest(req, rq);
源代码25 项目: alfresco-remote-api   文件: PublicApiHttpClient.java
public DeleteMethod getHttpMethod() throws IOException
    RestApiEndpoint endpoint = new RestApiEndpoint(getRequestContext().getNetworkId(),
                getScope(), getApiName(), getVersion(), getEntityCollectionName(),
                getEntityId(), getRelationCollectionName(), getRelationshipEntityId(), getParams());
    String url = endpoint.getUrl();

    DeleteMethod req = new DeleteMethod(url);
    return req;
@Test(groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Sending complete URL to API and for dispatching")
public void testCompleteURLWithHTTPMethod() throws Exception {

    DeleteMethod delete = new DeleteMethod(getApiInvocationURL("myApi1/order/21441/item/17440079" +
    HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
    LogViewerClient logViewerClient = new LogViewerClient(contextUrls.getBackEndUrl(), getSessionCookie());

    try {
        Assert.assertEquals(delete.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), 202, "Response code mismatched");
    } finally {

    LogEvent[] logEvents = logViewerClient.getAllRemoteSystemLogs();
    boolean isLogMessageFound = false;

    for (LogEvent log : logEvents) {
        if (log != null && log.getMessage().contains("order API INVOKED")) {
            isLogMessageFound = true;
    Assert.assertTrue(isLogMessageFound, "Request Not Dispatched to API when HTTP method having full url");

源代码27 项目: development   文件: ResponseHandlerFactory.java
 * Checks the method being received and created a 
 * suitable ResponseHandler for this method.
 * @param method Method to handle
 * @return The handler for this response
 * @throws MethodNotAllowedException If no method could be choose this exception is thrown
public static ResponseHandler createResponseHandler(HttpMethod method) throws MethodNotAllowedException {
    if (!AllowedMethodHandler.methodAllowed(method)) {
        throw new MethodNotAllowedException("The method " + method.getName() + " is not in the AllowedHeaderHandler's list of allowed methods.", AllowedMethodHandler.getAllowHeader());
    ResponseHandler handler = null;
    if (method.getName().equals("OPTIONS")) {
        handler = new OptionsResponseHandler((OptionsMethod) method);
    } else if (method.getName().equals("GET")) {
        handler = new GetResponseHandler((GetMethod) method);
    } else if (method.getName().equals("HEAD")) {
        handler = new HeadResponseHandler((HeadMethod) method);
    } else if (method.getName().equals("POST")) {
        handler = new PostResponseHandler((PostMethod) method);
    } else if (method.getName().equals("PUT")) {
        handler = new PutResponseHandler((PutMethod) method);
    } else if (method.getName().equals("DELETE")) {
        handler = new DeleteResponseHandler((DeleteMethod) method);
    } else if (method.getName().equals("TRACE")) {
        handler = new TraceResponseHandler((TraceMethod) method);
    } else {
        throw new MethodNotAllowedException("The method " + method.getName() + " was allowed by the AllowedMethodHandler, not by the factory.", handledMethods);

    return handler;
源代码28 项目: zeppelin   文件: AbstractTestRestApi.java
protected static DeleteMethod httpDelete(String path, String user, String pwd)
        throws IOException {
  LOG.info("Connecting to {}", URL + path);
  HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
  DeleteMethod deleteMethod = new DeleteMethod(URL + path);
  deleteMethod.addRequestHeader("Origin", URL);
  if (userAndPasswordAreNotBlank(user, pwd)) {
    deleteMethod.setRequestHeader("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + getCookie(user, pwd));
  LOG.info("{} - {}", deleteMethod.getStatusCode(), deleteMethod.getStatusText());
  return deleteMethod;
源代码29 项目: zeppelin   文件: NotebookSecurityRestApiTest.java
private void deleteNoteForUser(String noteId, String user, String pwd) throws IOException {
  DeleteMethod delete = httpDelete(("/notebook/" + noteId), user, pwd);
  assertThat("Test delete method:", delete, isAllowed());
  // make sure note is deleted
  if (!noteId.isEmpty()) {
    Note deletedNote = TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).getNote(noteId);
    assertNull("Deleted note should be null", deletedNote);
源代码30 项目: zeppelin   文件: ZeppelinRestApiTest.java
private void testDeleteNote(String noteId) throws IOException {
  DeleteMethod delete = httpDelete(("/notebook/" + noteId));
  LOG.info("testDeleteNote delete response\n" + delete.getResponseBodyAsString());
  assertThat("Test delete method:", delete, isAllowed());
  // make sure note is deleted
  if (!noteId.isEmpty()) {
    Note deletedNote = TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).getNote(noteId);
    assertNull("Deleted note should be null", deletedNote);