

源代码1 项目: httpclientAuthHelper   文件: CredentialsUtils.java
public static void setNTLMCredentials(HttpClient httpClient, UsernamePasswordCredentials credentials,
                                      String domain) {

    String localHostName;
    try {
        localHostName = Inet4Address.getLocalHost().getHostName();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        localHostName = "";

    AuthScope authscope = new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT);
            new NTCredentials(
                    localHostName, domain));
源代码2 项目: knopflerfish.org   文件: NTLMScheme.java
 * Create a NTLM authorization string for the given
 * challenge and NT credentials.
 * @param challenge The challenge.
 * @param credentials {@link NTCredentials}
 * @return a ntlm authorization string
 * @throws AuthenticationException is thrown if authentication fails
 * @deprecated Use non-static {@link #authenticate(Credentials, HttpMethod)}
public static String authenticate(
 final NTCredentials credentials, final String challenge) 
  throws AuthenticationException {

    LOG.trace("enter NTLMScheme.authenticate(NTCredentials, String)");

    if (credentials == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Credentials may not be null");
    NTLM ntlm = new NTLM();
    String s = ntlm.getResponseFor(challenge,
    credentials.getUserName(), credentials.getPassword(),
    credentials.getHost(), credentials.getDomain());
    return "NTLM " + s;
源代码3 项目: knopflerfish.org   文件: NTLMScheme.java
 * Create a NTLM authorization string for the given
 * challenge and NT credentials.
 * @param challenge The challenge.
 * @param credentials {@link NTCredentials}
 * @param charset The charset to use for encoding the credentials
 * @return a ntlm authorization string
 * @throws AuthenticationException is thrown if authentication fails
 * @deprecated Use non-static {@link #authenticate(Credentials, HttpMethod)}
 * @since 3.0
public static String authenticate(
    final NTCredentials credentials, 
    final String challenge,
    String charset
) throws AuthenticationException {

    LOG.trace("enter NTLMScheme.authenticate(NTCredentials, String)");

    if (credentials == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Credentials may not be null");
    NTLM ntlm = new NTLM();
    String s = ntlm.getResponseFor(
    return "NTLM " + s;
源代码4 项目: jframe   文件: TlsTunnelBuilder.java
private Socket AuthenticateProxy(ConnectMethod method, ProxyClient client, 
        String proxyHost, int proxyPort, 
        String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword) throws IOException {   
    if(method.getProxyAuthState().getAuthScheme().getSchemeName().equalsIgnoreCase("ntlm")) {
        // If Auth scheme is NTLM, set NT credentials with blank host and domain name
        client.getState().setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(proxyHost, proxyPort), 
                        new NTCredentials(proxyUsername, proxyPassword,"",""));
    } else {
        // If Auth scheme is Basic/Digest, set regular Credentials
        client.getState().setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(proxyHost, proxyPort), 
                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(proxyUsername, proxyPassword));
    ProxyClient.ConnectResponse response = client.connect();
    Socket socket = response.getSocket();
    if (socket == null) {
        method = response.getConnectMethod();
        throw new ProtocolException("Proxy Authentication failed. Socket not created: " 
                + method.getStatusLine());
    return socket;
源代码5 项目: zap-extensions   文件: Manager.java
private void setpUpHttpClient() {
    if (httpclient != null) {
        // add the proxy setting is required
        if (this.isUseProxy()) {
                    .setProxy(this.getProxyHost(), this.getProxyPort());
            if (this.isUseProxyAuth()) {
                                new UsernamePasswordCredentials(
                                        this.getProxyUsername(), this.getProxyPassword()));

                .setConnectionTimeout(Config.connectionTimeout * 1000);
        httpclient.getParams().setParameter("http.useragent", Config.userAgent);

         * Code to deal with http auth

        if (useHTTPauth) {
            // Credentials creds = new Credentials();
            // creds.
            NTCredentials ntCreds =
                    new NTCredentials(this.userName, this.password, "", this.realmDomain);
            httpclient.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, ntCreds);

         * Custom code to add ntlm auth

        // NTCredentials ntCreds = new NTCredentials("username", "password", "", "");
        // httpclient.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, ntCreds);
源代码6 项目: anthelion   文件: Http.java
 * Configures the HTTP client
private void configureClient() {

  // Set up an HTTPS socket factory that accepts self-signed certs.
  Protocol https = new Protocol("https",
      new DummySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443);
  Protocol.registerProtocol("https", https);

  HttpConnectionManagerParams params = connectionManager.getParams();

  // executeMethod(HttpMethod) seems to ignore the connection timeout on the connection manager.
  // set it explicitly on the HttpClient.

  HostConfiguration hostConf = client.getHostConfiguration();
  ArrayList headers = new ArrayList();
  // Set the User Agent in the header
  headers.add(new Header("User-Agent", userAgent));
  // prefer English
  headers.add(new Header("Accept-Language", acceptLanguage));
  // prefer UTF-8
  headers.add(new Header("Accept-Charset", "utf-8,ISO-8859-1;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"));
  // prefer understandable formats
  headers.add(new Header("Accept",
  // accept gzipped content
  headers.add(new Header("Accept-Encoding", "x-gzip, gzip, deflate"));
  hostConf.getParams().setParameter("http.default-headers", headers);

  // HTTP proxy server details
  if (useProxy) {
    hostConf.setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort);

    if (proxyUsername.length() > 0) {

      AuthScope proxyAuthScope = getAuthScope(
          this.proxyHost, this.proxyPort, this.proxyRealm);

      NTCredentials proxyCredentials = new NTCredentials(
          this.proxyUsername, this.proxyPassword,
          this.agentHost, this.proxyRealm);

          proxyAuthScope, proxyCredentials);

源代码7 项目: anthelion   文件: Http.java
 * If credentials for the authentication scope determined from the
 * specified <code>url</code> is not already set in the HTTP client,
 * then this method sets the default credentials to fetch the
 * specified <code>url</code>. If credentials are found for the
 * authentication scope, the method returns without altering the
 * client.
 * @param url URL to be fetched
private void resolveCredentials(URL url) {

  if (defaultUsername != null && defaultUsername.length() > 0) {

    int port = url.getPort();
    if (port == -1) {
      if ("https".equals(url.getProtocol()))
        port = 443;
        port = 80;

    AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(url.getHost(), port);

    if (client.getState().getCredentials(scope) != null) {
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        LOG.trace("Pre-configured credentials with scope - host: "
            + url.getHost() + "; port: " + port
            + "; found for url: " + url);

      // Credentials are already configured, so do nothing and return

    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        LOG.trace("Pre-configured credentials with scope -  host: "
            + url.getHost() + "; port: " + port
            + "; not found for url: " + url);

    AuthScope serverAuthScope = getAuthScope(
        url.getHost(), port, defaultRealm, defaultScheme);

    NTCredentials serverCredentials = new NTCredentials(
        defaultUsername, defaultPassword,
        agentHost, defaultRealm);

        serverAuthScope, serverCredentials);
源代码8 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件: Http.java
 * Configures the HTTP client
private void configureClient() {

  // Set up an HTTPS socket factory that accepts self-signed certs.
  ProtocolSocketFactory factory = new SSLProtocolSocketFactory();
  Protocol https = new Protocol("https", factory, 443);
  Protocol.registerProtocol("https", https);

  HttpConnectionManagerParams params = connectionManager.getParams();

  // executeMethod(HttpMethod) seems to ignore the connection timeout on the connection manager.
  // set it explicitly on the HttpClient.

  HostConfiguration hostConf = client.getHostConfiguration();
  ArrayList<Header> headers = new ArrayList<Header>();
  // Set the User Agent in the header
  headers.add(new Header("User-Agent", userAgent));
  // prefer English
  headers.add(new Header("Accept-Language", acceptLanguage));
  // prefer UTF-8
  headers.add(new Header("Accept-Charset", "utf-8,ISO-8859-1;q=0.7,*;q=0.7"));
  // prefer understandable formats
  headers.add(new Header("Accept",
  // accept gzipped content
  headers.add(new Header("Accept-Encoding", "x-gzip, gzip, deflate"));
  hostConf.getParams().setParameter("http.default-headers", headers);

  // HTTP proxy server details
  if (useProxy) {
    hostConf.setProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort);

    if (proxyUsername.length() > 0) {

      AuthScope proxyAuthScope = getAuthScope(
          this.proxyHost, this.proxyPort, this.proxyRealm);

      NTCredentials proxyCredentials = new NTCredentials(
          this.proxyUsername, this.proxyPassword,
          Http.agentHost, this.proxyRealm);

          proxyAuthScope, proxyCredentials);

源代码9 项目: nutch-htmlunit   文件: Http.java
 * If credentials for the authentication scope determined from the
 * specified <code>url</code> is not already set in the HTTP client,
 * then this method sets the default credentials to fetch the
 * specified <code>url</code>. If credentials are found for the
 * authentication scope, the method returns without altering the
 * client.
 * @param url URL to be fetched
private void resolveCredentials(URL url) {

  if (defaultUsername != null && defaultUsername.length() > 0) {

    int port = url.getPort();
    if (port == -1) {
      if ("https".equals(url.getProtocol()))
        port = 443;
        port = 80;

    AuthScope scope = new AuthScope(url.getHost(), port);

    if (client.getState().getCredentials(scope) != null) {
      if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        LOG.trace("Pre-configured credentials with scope - host: "
            + url.getHost() + "; port: " + port
            + "; found for url: " + url);

      // Credentials are already configured, so do nothing and return

    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
        LOG.trace("Pre-configured credentials with scope -  host: "
            + url.getHost() + "; port: " + port
            + "; not found for url: " + url);

    AuthScope serverAuthScope = getAuthScope(
        url.getHost(), port, defaultRealm, defaultScheme);

    NTCredentials serverCredentials = new NTCredentials(
        defaultUsername, defaultPassword,
        agentHost, defaultRealm);

        serverAuthScope, serverCredentials);