

void jvmOnlyInParentSpi() throws IOException {
    final Predicate<String> parentClasses = name -> true;
    try (final URLClassLoader parent =
            new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
            final ConfigurableClassLoader loader = new ConfigurableClassLoader("test", new URL[0], parent,
                    parentClasses, parentClasses.negate(), new String[0], new String[] {
                            new File(System.getProperty("java.home")).toPath().toAbsolutePath().toString() })) {

        // can be loaded cause in the JVM
        assertTrue(ServiceLoader.load(FileSystemProvider.class, loader).iterator().hasNext());

        // this is in the (test) classloader but not available to the classloader
        final List<TestEngine> junitEngines = StreamSupport
                .stream(ServiceLoader.load(TestEngine.class, loader).spliterator(), false)