

源代码1 项目: FimiX8-RE   文件: GglMapLocationManager.java
public void moveCameraByDevice() {
    LatLng latLng = getDevLocation();
    if (latLng != null) {
        float zoom = this.mGoogleMap.getCameraPosition().zoom;
        VisibleRegion visibleRegion = this.mGoogleMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion();
        LatLng farLeft = visibleRegion.farLeft;
        LatLng nearRight = visibleRegion.nearRight;
        Point point = this.mGoogleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(latLng);
        Point topLeft = this.mGoogleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(farLeft);
        Point bottomRight = this.mGoogleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(nearRight);
        boolean b = topLeft.x <= point.x && point.x <= bottomRight.x && topLeft.y <= point.y && point.y <= bottomRight.y;
        if (!b) {
            this.mGoogleMap.moveCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(latLng, zoom));
源代码2 项目: mil-sym-android   文件: MyView.java
protected void setExtents() {
    if (map != null) {
        VisibleRegion region = map.getProjection().getVisibleRegion();
        double ullon = region.farLeft.longitude;
        double ullat = region.farLeft.latitude;
        double lrlon = region.nearRight.longitude;
        double lrlat = region.nearRight.latitude;
        //set the geo extents
        utility.SetExtents(ullon, lrlon, ullat, lrlat);
        //set the pixels extents
        android.graphics.Point ul = map.getProjection().toScreenLocation(region.farLeft);
        android.graphics.Point lr = map.getProjection().toScreenLocation(region.nearRight);
        double width = lr.x - ul.x;
        double height = lr.y - ul.y;
源代码3 项目: FimiX8-RE   文件: GglMapAiSurroundManager.java
public void addPolylinescircle(boolean cw, double lat, double lng, double lat1, double lng2, int radius, int maxRadius) {
    if (this.line != null) {
        this.line = null;
    FLatLng centerpoint = GpsCorrect.Earth_To_Mars(lat, lng);
    FLatLng point = GpsCorrect.Earth_To_Mars(lat1, lng2);
    float angle = this.mapCalcAngle.getAngle2(new LatLng(centerpoint.latitude, centerpoint.longitude), new LatLng(point.latitude, point.longitude));
    PolylineOptions options = new PolylineOptions();
    int time = (int) Math.round((((double) (radius * 2)) * 3.141592653589793d) / 10.0d);
    if (time < 50) {
        time = 50;
    } else if (time > 180) {
        time = 180;
    double temp = (double) ((((float) ((maxRadius + 10) - radius)) * 1.0f) / ((float) time));
    VisibleRegion visibleRegion = this.googleMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion();
    LatLng farLeft = visibleRegion.farLeft;
    LatLng nearRight = visibleRegion.nearRight;
    float scale = GeoTools.getScale(farLeft, nearRight, this.googleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(nearRight).x - this.googleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(farLeft).x);
    for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) {
        float startAngle;
        float t = (float) (((double) scale) * (((double) radius) + (((double) (((float) i) / (360.0f / ((float) time)))) * temp)));
        if (cw) {
            startAngle = ((float) i) + angle;
        } else {
            float cc = angle - ((float) i);
            if (cc < 0.0f) {
                startAngle = 360.0f + cc;
            } else {
                startAngle = cc;
        Point p1 = this.googleMap.getProjection().toScreenLocation(new LatLng(centerpoint.latitude, centerpoint.longitude));
        options.add(this.googleMap.getProjection().fromScreenLocation(new Point((int) (((double) p1.x) + (((double) t) * Math.cos((((double) startAngle) * 3.141592653589793d) / 180.0d))), (int) (((double) p1.y) + (((double) t) * Math.sin((((double) startAngle) * 3.141592653589793d) / 180.0d))))));
    this.line = this.googleMap.addPolyline(options.width(3.0f));
源代码4 项目: clusterkraf   文件: ClustersBuilder.java
ClustersBuilder(Projection projection, Options options, ArrayList<ClusterPoint> initialClusteredPoints) {
	this.options = options;

	this.projectionRef = new WeakReference<Projection>(projection);
	this.visibleRegionRef = new WeakReference<VisibleRegion>(projection.getVisibleRegion());

	if (initialClusteredPoints != null) {
源代码5 项目: clusterkraf   文件: ClustersBuilder.java
void addAll(ArrayList<InputPoint> points) {
	if (points != null) {
		Projection projection = getProjection();
		VisibleRegion visibleRegion = getVisibleRegion();
		if (projection != null && visibleRegion != null) {
			LatLngBounds bounds = getExpandedBounds(visibleRegion.latLngBounds);
			for (InputPoint point : points) {
				addIfNecessary(point, projection, bounds);
public VisibleRegion getVisibleRegion() throws RemoteException {
    viewport.getMapExtents(extents, 0);
    // TODO: Support non-flat map extents
    return new VisibleRegion(GmsMapsTypeHelper.toLatLngBounds(viewport.getBBox(null, 0)));
源代码7 项目: clusterkraf   文件: ClustersBuilder.java
private VisibleRegion getVisibleRegion() {
	return visibleRegionRef.get();