

源代码1 项目: RDFS   文件: TaskTracker.java
 * Check if the given local directories
 * (and parent directories, if necessary) can be created.
 * @param localDirs where the new TaskTracker should keep its local files.
 * @throws DiskErrorException if all local directories are not writable
private static void checkLocalDirs(String[] localDirs)
  throws DiskErrorException {
  boolean writable = false;

  if (localDirs != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < localDirs.length; i++) {
      try {
        DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(localDirs[i]));
        writable = true;
      } catch(DiskErrorException e) {
        LOG.warn("Task Tracker local " + e.getMessage());

  if (!writable)
    throw new DiskErrorException(
                                 "all local directories are not writable");
源代码2 项目: RDFS   文件: AvatarDataNode.java
public static AvatarDataNode makeInstance(String[] dataDirs, Configuration conf)
  throws IOException {
  ArrayList<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>();
  for (int i = 0; i < dataDirs.length; i++) {
    File data = new File(dataDirs[i]);
    try {
    } catch(DiskErrorException e) {
      LOG.warn("Invalid directory in dfs.data.dir: " + e.getMessage());
  if (dirs.size() > 0) {
    String dnThreadName = "AvatarDataNode: [" +
      StringUtils.arrayToString(dataDirs) + "]";
    return new AvatarDataNode(conf, dirs, dnThreadName);
  LOG.error("All directories in dfs.data.dir are invalid.");
  return null;
源代码3 项目: RDFS   文件: DataNode.java
static ArrayList<File> getDataDirsFromURIs(Collection<URI> dataDirs) {
  ArrayList<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>();
  for (URI dirURI : dataDirs) {
    if (!"file".equalsIgnoreCase(dirURI.getScheme())) {
      LOG.warn("Unsupported URI schema in " + dirURI + ". Ignoring ...");
    // drop any (illegal) authority in the URI for backwards compatibility
    File data = new File(dirURI.getPath());
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.warn("Invalid directory in dfs.data.dir: "
               + e.getMessage());
  return dirs;
源代码4 项目: RDFS   文件: DataNode.java
 * Make an instance of DataNode after ensuring that at least one of the
 * given data directories (and their parent directories, if necessary)
 * can be created.
 * @param dataDirs List of directories, where the new DataNode instance should
 * keep its files.
 * @param conf Configuration instance to use.
 * @return DataNode instance for given list of data dirs and conf, or null if
 * no directory from this directory list can be created.
 * @throws IOException
public static DataNode makeInstance(String[] dataDirs, Configuration conf)
  throws IOException {
  ArrayList<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>();
  for (int i = 0; i < dataDirs.length; i++) {
    File data = new File(dataDirs[i]);
    try {
    } catch(DiskErrorException e) {
      LOG.warn("Invalid directory in dfs.data.dir: " + e.getMessage());
  if (dirs.size() > 0)
    return new DataNode(conf, dirs);
  LOG.error("All directories in dfs.data.dir are invalid.");
  return null;
源代码5 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件: TaskTracker.java
 * Check if the given local directories
 * (and parent directories, if necessary) can be created.
 * @param localDirs where the new TaskTracker should keep its local files.
 * @throws DiskErrorException if all local directories are not writable
private static void checkLocalDirs(String[] localDirs) 
  throws DiskErrorException {
  boolean writable = false;
  if (localDirs != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < localDirs.length; i++) {
      try {
        DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(localDirs[i]));
        writable = true;
      } catch(DiskErrorException e) {
        LOG.warn("Task Tracker local " + e.getMessage());

  if (!writable)
    throw new DiskErrorException(
                                 "all local directories are not writable");
源代码6 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件: DataNode.java
 * Make an instance of DataNode after ensuring that at least one of the
 * given data directories (and their parent directories, if necessary)
 * can be created.
 * @param dataDirs List of directories, where the new DataNode instance should
 * keep its files.
 * @param conf Configuration instance to use.
 * @return DataNode instance for given list of data dirs and conf, or null if
 * no directory from this directory list can be created.
 * @throws IOException
public static DataNode makeInstance(String[] dataDirs, Configuration conf)
  throws IOException {
  ArrayList<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>();
  for (int i = 0; i < dataDirs.length; i++) {
    File data = new File(dataDirs[i]);
    try {
    } catch(DiskErrorException e) {
      LOG.warn("Invalid directory in dfs.data.dir: " + e.getMessage());
  if (dirs.size() > 0) 
    return new DataNode(conf, dirs);
  LOG.error("All directories in dfs.data.dir are invalid.");
  return null;
源代码7 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: HddsVolume.java
 * Run a check on the current volume to determine if it is healthy.
 * @param unused context for the check, ignored.
 * @return result of checking the volume.
 * @throws Exception if an exception was encountered while running
 *            the volume check.
public VolumeCheckResult check(@Nullable Boolean unused) throws Exception {
  if (!hddsRootDir.exists()) {
    return VolumeCheckResult.FAILED;
  return VolumeCheckResult.HEALTHY;
源代码8 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: TestKeyValueContainer.java
public void testDiskFullExceptionCreateContainer() throws Exception {

  Mockito.when(volumeChoosingPolicy.chooseVolume(anyList(), anyLong()))
  try {
    keyValueContainer.create(volumeSet, volumeChoosingPolicy, scmId);
    fail("testDiskFullExceptionCreateContainer failed");
  } catch (StorageContainerException ex) {
    GenericTestUtils.assertExceptionContains("disk out of space",
    assertEquals(ContainerProtos.Result.DISK_OUT_OF_SPACE, ex.getResult());
源代码9 项目: hadoop   文件: DirectoryCollection.java
Map<String, DiskErrorInformation> testDirs(List<String> dirs) {
  HashMap<String, DiskErrorInformation> ret =
      new HashMap<String, DiskErrorInformation>();
  for (final String dir : dirs) {
    String msg;
    try {
      File testDir = new File(dir);
      if (isDiskUsageOverPercentageLimit(testDir)) {
        msg =
            "used space above threshold of "
                + diskUtilizationPercentageCutoff
                + "%";
          new DiskErrorInformation(DiskErrorCause.DISK_FULL, msg));
      } else if (isDiskFreeSpaceUnderLimit(testDir)) {
        msg =
            "free space below limit of " + diskUtilizationSpaceCutoff
                + "MB";
          new DiskErrorInformation(DiskErrorCause.DISK_FULL, msg));

      // create a random dir to make sure fs isn't in read-only mode
    } catch (IOException ie) {
        new DiskErrorInformation(DiskErrorCause.OTHER, ie.getMessage()));
  return ret;
源代码10 项目: hadoop   文件: JournalNode.java
private static void validateAndCreateJournalDir(File dir) throws IOException {
  if (!dir.isAbsolute()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Journal dir '" + dir + "' should be an absolute path");

源代码11 项目: big-c   文件: DirectoryCollection.java
Map<String, DiskErrorInformation> testDirs(List<String> dirs) {
  HashMap<String, DiskErrorInformation> ret =
      new HashMap<String, DiskErrorInformation>();
  for (final String dir : dirs) {
    String msg;
    try {
      File testDir = new File(dir);
      if (isDiskUsageOverPercentageLimit(testDir)) {
        msg =
            "used space above threshold of "
                + diskUtilizationPercentageCutoff
                + "%";
          new DiskErrorInformation(DiskErrorCause.DISK_FULL, msg));
      } else if (isDiskFreeSpaceUnderLimit(testDir)) {
        msg =
            "free space below limit of " + diskUtilizationSpaceCutoff
                + "MB";
          new DiskErrorInformation(DiskErrorCause.DISK_FULL, msg));

      // create a random dir to make sure fs isn't in read-only mode
    } catch (IOException ie) {
        new DiskErrorInformation(DiskErrorCause.OTHER, ie.getMessage()));
  return ret;
源代码12 项目: big-c   文件: JournalNode.java
private static void validateAndCreateJournalDir(File dir) throws IOException {
  if (!dir.isAbsolute()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "Journal dir '" + dir + "' should be an absolute path");

源代码13 项目: lucene-solr   文件: HdfsTestUtil.java
 * Ensure that the tests are picking up the modified Hadoop classes
private static void checkOverriddenHadoopClasses() {
  List<Class<?>> modifiedHadoopClasses = Arrays.asList(BlockPoolSlice.class, DiskChecker.class,
      FileUtil.class, HardLink.class, HttpServer2.class, NameNodeResourceChecker.class, RawLocalFileSystem.class);
  for (Class<?> clazz : modifiedHadoopClasses) {
    try {
      LuceneTestCase.assertNotNull("Field on " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + " should not have been null",
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
      LuceneTestCase.fail("Expected to load Solr modified Hadoop class " + clazz.getCanonicalName() +
          " , but it was not found.");
源代码14 项目: RDFS   文件: FSDataset.java
 * check if a data directory is healthy
 * @throws DiskErrorException
public void checkDirTree() throws DiskErrorException {

  FSDir[] children = this.getChildren();
  if (children != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
源代码15 项目: RDFS   文件: DataStorage.java
 * Create physical directory for Name Spaces on the data node
 * @param dataDirs
 *          List of data directories
 * @throws IOException on errors
public static void makeNameSpaceDataDir(Collection<File> dataDirs) throws IOException {
  for (File data : dataDirs) {
    try {
    } catch ( IOException e ) {
      LOG.warn("Invalid directory in: " + data.getCanonicalPath() + ": "
          + e.getMessage());
源代码16 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件: FSDataset.java
 * check if a data diretory is healthy
 * @throws DiskErrorException
public void checkDirTree() throws DiskErrorException {
  if (children != null) {
    for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
源代码17 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: MutableVolumeSet.java
HddsVolumeChecker getVolumeChecker(ConfigurationSource configuration)
    throws DiskChecker.DiskErrorException {
  return new HddsVolumeChecker(configuration, new Timer());
源代码18 项目: hadoop   文件: ResourceLocalizationService.java
public void addResource(LocalizerResourceRequestEvent request) {
  // TODO handle failures, cancellation, requests by other containers
  LocalizedResource rsrc = request.getResource();
  LocalResourceRequest key = rsrc.getRequest();
  LOG.info("Downloading public rsrc:" + key);
   * Here multiple containers may request the same resource. So we need
   * to start downloading only when
   * 1) ResourceState == DOWNLOADING
   * 2) We are able to acquire non blocking semaphore lock.
   * If not we will skip this resource as either it is getting downloaded
   * or it FAILED / LOCALIZED.

  if (rsrc.tryAcquire()) {
    if (rsrc.getState() == ResourceState.DOWNLOADING) {
      LocalResource resource = request.getResource().getRequest();
      try {
        Path publicRootPath =
            dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite("." + Path.SEPARATOR
                + ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE,
              ContainerLocalizer.getEstimatedSize(resource), true);
        Path publicDirDestPath =
            publicRsrc.getPathForLocalization(key, publicRootPath,
        if (!publicDirDestPath.getParent().equals(publicRootPath)) {
          DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(publicDirDestPath.toUri().getPath()));

        // explicitly synchronize pending here to avoid future task
        // completing and being dequeued before pending updated
        synchronized (pending) {
          pending.put(queue.submit(new FSDownload(lfs, null, conf,
              publicDirDestPath, resource, request.getContext().getStatCache())),
      } catch (IOException e) {
        publicRsrc.handle(new ResourceFailedLocalizationEvent(request
          .getResource().getRequest(), e.getMessage()));
        LOG.error("Local path for public localization is not found. "
            + " May be disks failed.", e);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
        publicRsrc.handle(new ResourceFailedLocalizationEvent(request
            .getResource().getRequest(), ie.getMessage()));
        LOG.error("Local path for public localization is not found. "
            + " Incorrect path. " + request.getResource().getRequest()
            .getPath(), ie);
      } catch (RejectedExecutionException re) {
        publicRsrc.handle(new ResourceFailedLocalizationEvent(request
          .getResource().getRequest(), re.getMessage()));
        LOG.error("Failed to submit rsrc " + rsrc + " for download."
            + " Either queue is full or threadpool is shutdown.", re);
    } else {
源代码19 项目: hadoop   文件: ContainerLocalizer.java
Callable<Path> download(Path path, LocalResource rsrc,
    UserGroupInformation ugi) throws IOException {
  DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(path.toUri().getRawPath()));
  return new FSDownload(lfs, ugi, conf, path, rsrc);
源代码20 项目: hadoop   文件: BlockPoolSlice.java
void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {
源代码21 项目: hadoop   文件: DataNode.java
public void checkDir(LocalFileSystem localFS, Path path)
    throws DiskErrorException, IOException {
  DiskChecker.checkDir(localFS, path, expectedPermission);
源代码22 项目: big-c   文件: ResourceLocalizationService.java
public void addResource(LocalizerResourceRequestEvent request) {
  // TODO handle failures, cancellation, requests by other containers
  LocalizedResource rsrc = request.getResource();
  LocalResourceRequest key = rsrc.getRequest();
  LOG.info("Downloading public rsrc:" + key);
   * Here multiple containers may request the same resource. So we need
   * to start downloading only when
   * 1) ResourceState == DOWNLOADING
   * 2) We are able to acquire non blocking semaphore lock.
   * If not we will skip this resource as either it is getting downloaded
   * or it FAILED / LOCALIZED.

  if (rsrc.tryAcquire()) {
    if (rsrc.getState() == ResourceState.DOWNLOADING) {
      LocalResource resource = request.getResource().getRequest();
      try {
        Path publicRootPath =
            dirsHandler.getLocalPathForWrite("." + Path.SEPARATOR
                + ContainerLocalizer.FILECACHE,
              ContainerLocalizer.getEstimatedSize(resource), true);
        Path publicDirDestPath =
            publicRsrc.getPathForLocalization(key, publicRootPath);
        if (!publicDirDestPath.getParent().equals(publicRootPath)) {
          DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(publicDirDestPath.toUri().getPath()));

        // In case this is not a newly initialized nm state, ensure
        // initialized local/log dirs similar to LocalizerRunner

        // explicitly synchronize pending here to avoid future task
        // completing and being dequeued before pending updated
        synchronized (pending) {
          pending.put(queue.submit(new FSDownload(lfs, null, conf,
              publicDirDestPath, resource, request.getContext().getStatCache())),
      } catch (IOException e) {
        publicRsrc.handle(new ResourceFailedLocalizationEvent(request
          .getResource().getRequest(), e.getMessage()));
        LOG.error("Local path for public localization is not found. "
            + " May be disks failed.", e);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
        publicRsrc.handle(new ResourceFailedLocalizationEvent(request
            .getResource().getRequest(), ie.getMessage()));
        LOG.error("Local path for public localization is not found. "
            + " Incorrect path. " + request.getResource().getRequest()
            .getPath(), ie);
      } catch (RejectedExecutionException re) {
        publicRsrc.handle(new ResourceFailedLocalizationEvent(request
          .getResource().getRequest(), re.getMessage()));
        LOG.error("Failed to submit rsrc " + rsrc + " for download."
            + " Either queue is full or threadpool is shutdown.", re);
    } else {
源代码23 项目: big-c   文件: ContainerLocalizer.java
Callable<Path> download(Path path, LocalResource rsrc,
    UserGroupInformation ugi) throws IOException {
  DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(path.toUri().getRawPath()));
  return new FSDownload(lfs, ugi, conf, path, rsrc);
源代码24 项目: big-c   文件: BlockPoolSlice.java
void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {
源代码25 项目: big-c   文件: DataNode.java
public void checkDir(LocalFileSystem localFS, Path path)
    throws DiskErrorException, IOException {
  DiskChecker.checkDir(localFS, path, expectedPermission);
源代码26 项目: lucene-solr   文件: BlockPoolSlice.java
void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {
源代码27 项目: RDFS   文件: FSDataset.java
void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {
源代码28 项目: tez   文件: ShuffleHandler.java
 * Calls sendMapOutput for the mapId pointed by ReduceContext.mapsToSend
 * and increments it. This method is first called by messageReceived()
 * maxSessionOpenFiles times and then on the completion of every
 * sendMapOutput operation. This limits the number of open files on a node,
 * which can get really large(exhausting file descriptors on the NM) if all
 * sendMapOutputs are called in one go, as was done previous to this change.
 * @param reduceContext used to call sendMapOutput with correct params.
 * @return the ChannelFuture of the sendMapOutput, can be null.
public ChannelFuture sendMap(ReduceContext reduceContext)
    throws Exception {

  ChannelFuture nextMap = null;
  if (reduceContext.getMapsToSend().get() <
      reduceContext.getMapIds().size()) {
    int nextIndex = reduceContext.getMapsToSend().getAndIncrement();
    String mapId = reduceContext.getMapIds().get(nextIndex);

    try {
      MapOutputInfo info = reduceContext.getInfoMap().get(mapId);
      if (info == null) {
        info = getMapOutputInfo(reduceContext.dagId, mapId, reduceContext.getReduceRange(),
      nextMap = sendMapOutput(
          reduceContext.getUser(), mapId,
          reduceContext.getReduceRange(), info);
      if (null == nextMap) {
        sendError(reduceContext.getCtx(), NOT_FOUND);
        return null;
      nextMap.addListener(new ReduceMapFileCount(reduceContext));
    } catch (IOException e) {
      if (e instanceof DiskChecker.DiskErrorException) {
        LOG.error("Shuffle error :" + e);
      } else {
        LOG.error("Shuffle error :", e);
      String errorMessage = getErrorMessage(e);
      sendError(reduceContext.getCtx(), errorMessage,
      return null;
  return nextMap;
源代码29 项目: hadoop-gpu   文件: FSDataset.java
void checkDirs() throws DiskErrorException {