

源代码1 项目: squidb   文件: SquidbTestRunner.java
 * @return true if {@param cls} is {@link JUnit4} annotated.
protected boolean isJUnit4TestClass(Class cls) {
    // Need to find test classes, otherwise crashes with b/11790448.
    if (!cls.getName().endsWith("Test")) {
        return false;
    // Check the annotations.
    Annotation annotation = cls.getAnnotation(RunWith.class);
    if (annotation != null) {
        RunWith runWith = (RunWith) annotation;
        Object value = runWith.value();
        if (value.equals(JUnit4.class) || value.equals(Suite.class)) {
            return true;
    return false;
源代码2 项目: j2objc   文件: TestUtil.java
public static TestSuite getPackageTests(String pkgName) {
  if (pkgName == null || pkgName.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("package name not specified");
  Class<?>[] allJreTests = null;
  try {
    Class<?> allJreTestsClass = Class.forName("AllJreTests");
    Annotation a = allJreTestsClass.getAnnotation(Suite.SuiteClasses.class);
    if (a == null) {
      throw new AssertionError(ALLJRETESTS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE);
    Method valueAccessor = Suite.SuiteClasses.class.getDeclaredMethod("value");
    allJreTests = (Class<?>[]) valueAccessor.invoke(a);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new AssertionError(ALLJRETESTS_NOT_ACCESSIBLE);

  TestSuite packageTests = new TestSuite();
  for (Class<?> jreTest : allJreTests) {
    Package testPackage = jreTest.getPackage();
    if (testPackage != null && testPackage.getName().equals(pkgName) && !isSuiteClass(jreTest)) {
      packageTests.addTest(new TestSuite(jreTest));
  return packageTests;
源代码3 项目: hbase   文件: ClassTestFinder.java
private boolean isTestClass(Class<?> c) {
  if (Modifier.isAbstract(c.getModifiers())) {
    return false;

  if (c.getAnnotation(Suite.SuiteClasses.class) != null) {
    return true;

  for (Method met : c.getMethods()) {
    if (met.getAnnotation(Test.class) != null) {
      return true;

  return false;
源代码4 项目: sis   文件: TestSuite.java
 * Same verification than {@link #verifyTestList(Class)}, except that the set of base classes
 * is explicitly specified. This method is preferred to {@code verifyTestList(Class)} only in
 * the rare cases where some test cases need to extend something else than geoapi-conformance
 * or Apache SIS test class.
 * @param  suite            the suite for which to verify test order.
 * @param  baseTestClasses  the set of base classes that all test cases are expected to extends.
protected static void verifyTestList(final Class<? extends TestSuite> suite, final Class<?>[] baseTestClasses) {
    final Class<?>[] testCases = suite.getAnnotation(Suite.SuiteClasses.class).value();
    final Set<Class<?>> done = new HashSet<>(testCases.length);
    for (final Class<?> testCase : testCases) {
        if (!Classes.isAssignableToAny(testCase, baseTestClasses)) {
            fail("Class " + testCase.getCanonicalName() + " does not extends TestCase.");
        final DependsOn dependencies = testCase.getAnnotation(DependsOn.class);
        if (dependencies != null) {
            for (final Class<?> dependency : dependencies.value()) {
                if (!done.contains(dependency)) {
                    fail("Class " + testCase.getCanonicalName() + " depends on " + dependency.getCanonicalName()
                            + ", but the dependency has not been found before the test.");
        if (!done.add(testCase)) {
            fail("Class " + testCase.getCanonicalName() + " is declared twice.");
源代码5 项目: j2cl   文件: J2clTestingProcessingStep.java
private void handleJUnit4Suite(TypeElement typeElement) {
  List<String> classes =
      MoreApt.getClassNamesFromAnnotation(typeElement, Suite.SuiteClasses.class, "value");
  if (classes.isEmpty()) {
    errorReporter.report(ErrorMessage.EMPTY_SUITE, typeElement);
  for (String clazzName : classes) {
    TypeElement t = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(clazzName);
源代码6 项目: android-test   文件: TestRequestBuilder.java
static Suite createSuite(List<Runner> runners) {
  try {
    return new ExtendedSuite(runners);
  } catch (InitializationError e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(
        "Internal Error: "
            + Suite.class.getName()
            + "(Class<?>, List<Runner>) should never throw an "
            + "InitializationError when passed a null Class");
源代码7 项目: android-test   文件: TestRequestBuilder.java
 * Builds the {@link Request} based on provided data.
 * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if provided set of data is not valid
public Request build() {

  boolean scanningPath = includedClasses.isEmpty();

  // If scanning then suite methods are not supported.
  boolean ignoreSuiteMethods = this.ignoreSuiteMethods || scanningPath;

  AndroidRunnerParams runnerParams =
      new AndroidRunnerParams(instr, argsBundle, perTestTimeout, ignoreSuiteMethods);
  RunnerBuilder runnerBuilder = getRunnerBuilder(runnerParams, scanningPath);

  TestLoader loader = TestLoader.testLoader(classLoader, runnerBuilder, scanningPath);
  Collection<String> classNames;
  if (scanningPath) {
    // no class restrictions have been specified. Load all classes.
    classNames = getClassNamesFromClassPath();
  } else {
    classNames = includedClasses;

  List<Runner> runners = loader.getRunnersFor(classNames, scanningPath);

  Suite suite = ExtendedSuite.createSuite(runners);
  Request request = Request.runner(suite);
  return new LenientFilterRequest(request, filter);
源代码8 项目: android-test   文件: AndroidLogOnlyBuilderTest.java
public void builderHandlesJunit4SuitesTests() throws Throwable {
  Runner selectedRunner = androidLogOnlyBuilder.runnerForClass(JUnit4TestSuite.class);
  assertThat(selectedRunner, notNullValue());
  // Although this returns a Suite all the nested Runner implementations will be
  // NonExecutingRunner otherwise there will be failures when run.
  assertThat(selectedRunner.getClass(), typeCompatibleWith(Suite.class));
  runWithRunner(selectedRunner, 2, 0);
源代码9 项目: pitest   文件: JUnit4SuiteFinder.java
private boolean hasSuitableRunnner(final Class<?> clazz) {

    final RunWith runWith = clazz.getAnnotation(RunWith.class);
    if (runWith != null) {
      return (runWith.value().equals(Suite.class));
    return false;
源代码10 项目: sis   文件: TestSuite.java
 * Verifies that we did not forgot to declare some test classes in the given suite.
 * This method scans the directory for {@code *Test.class} files.
 * <p>This check is disabled if {@link #skipCheckForMissingTests} is {@code true}.</p>
 * @param  suite  the suite for which to check for missing tests.
protected static void assertNoMissingTest(final Class<? extends TestSuite> suite) {
    if (skipCheckForMissingTests) return;
     * Verifies if we are in the Maven target directory. In some IDE configuration, all the ".class" files
     * are in the same directory, in which case the verification performed by this method become irrelevant.
    final ProjectDirectories dir = new ProjectDirectories(suite);
    if (!dir.isMavenModule()) {
     * Now scan all "*Test.class" in the "target/org" directory and and sub-directories,
     * and fail on the first missing test file if any.
    List<Class<?>> declared = Arrays.asList(suite.getAnnotation(Suite.SuiteClasses.class).value());
    final Set<Class<?>> tests = new HashSet<>(declared);
    if (tests.size() != declared.size()) {
        declared = new ArrayList<>(declared);
        fail("Classes defined twice in " + suite.getSimpleName() + ": " + declared);
     * Ignore classes that are not really test, like "APIVerifier".
    for (final Iterator<Class<?>> it=tests.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
        if (!it.next().getName().endsWith(CLASSNAME_SUFFIX)) {
    final ClassLoader loader = suite.getClassLoader();
    final File root = dir.classesRootDirectory.resolve("org").toFile();
    removeExistingTests(loader, root, new StringBuilder(120).append(root.getName()), tests);
    if (!tests.isEmpty()) {
        fail("Classes not found. Are they defined in an other module? " + tests);
源代码11 项目: j2cl   文件: J2clTestingProcessingStep.java
private boolean isJUnit4Suite(TypeElement typeElement) {
  return TestingPredicates.hasAnnotation(Suite.SuiteClasses.class).apply(typeElement);
源代码12 项目: j2objc   文件: TestUtil.java
private static boolean isSuiteClass(Class<?> cls) {
  if (cls.getSuperclass().equals(TestSuite.class)) {
    return true;
  return cls.getAnnotation(Suite.SuiteClasses.class) != null;
源代码13 项目: dsl-devkit   文件: FilterRegistry.java
 * Determines if the given {@link Description} is describing a {@link Suite}.
 * @param description
 *          the {@link Description} to check, must not be {@code null}
 * @return whether the description is describing a Suite
public static boolean isSuite(final Description description) {
  final RunWith runWithAnnotation = description.getAnnotation(RunWith.class);
  return runWithAnnotation != null && Suite.class.isAssignableFrom(runWithAnnotation.value());