

public static void setupSharedState()

    // Configure XMLUnit.
    XMLUnit.setIgnoreWhitespace( true );
    XMLUnit.setIgnoreAttributeOrder( true );

    // Configure the TransformerFactory

        factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        final CodeSource codeSource = factory.getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();

                "-- Found TransformerFactory of type [" + factory.getClass().getName() + "] loaded from [" + codeSource.getLocation().toString() + "]" );

    catch ( Exception ex )
源代码2 项目: baratine   文件: SimpleLoader.java

 * Initializes the loader.
public void init()
  throws ConfigException
  try {
    _codeSource = new CodeSource(new URL(_path.getURL()),
                                 (Certificate []) null);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);

  getClassLoader().addURL(_path, _isScanned);
源代码3 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: Launcher.java

 * create a context that can read any directories (recursively)
 * mentioned in the class path. In the case of a jar, it has to
 * be the directory containing the jar, not just the jar, as jar
 * files might refer to other jar files.

private static AccessControlContext getContext(File[] cp)
    throws java.net.MalformedURLException
    PathPermissions perms =
        new PathPermissions(cp);

    ProtectionDomain domain =
        new ProtectionDomain(new CodeSource(perms.getCodeBase(),
            (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null),

    AccessControlContext acc =
        new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { domain });

    return acc;
源代码4 项目: hottub   文件: JarFile.java

CodeSource[] getCodeSources(URL url) {
    if (jv != null) {
        return jv.getCodeSources(this, url);

     * JAR file has no signed content. Is there a non-signing
     * code source?
    Enumeration<String> unsigned = unsignedEntryNames();
    if (unsigned.hasMoreElements()) {
        return new CodeSource[]{JarVerifier.getUnsignedCS(url)};
    } else {
        return null;
源代码5 项目: jdk8u60   文件: Activation.java

private static PermissionCollection getExecPermissions() {
     * The approach used here is taken from the similar method
     * getLoaderAccessControlContext() in the class
     * sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.

    // obtain permissions granted to all code in current policy
    PermissionCollection perms = AccessController.doPrivileged(
        new PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() {
            public PermissionCollection run() {
                CodeSource codesource =
                    new CodeSource(null, (Certificate[]) null);
                Policy p = Policy.getPolicy();
                if (p != null) {
                    return p.getPermissions(codesource);
                } else {
                    return new Permissions();

    return perms;
源代码6 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: Activation.java

private static PermissionCollection getExecPermissions() {
     * The approach used here is taken from the similar method
     * getLoaderAccessControlContext() in the class
     * sun.rmi.server.LoaderHandler.

    // obtain permissions granted to all code in current policy
    PermissionCollection perms = AccessController.doPrivileged(
        new PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() {
            public PermissionCollection run() {
                CodeSource codesource =
                    new CodeSource(null, (Certificate[]) null);
                Policy p = Policy.getPolicy();
                if (p != null) {
                    return p.getPermissions(codesource);
                } else {
                    return new Permissions();

    return perms;
源代码7 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件: ClassLoader.java

private void checkCerts(String name, CodeSource cs) {
    int i = name.lastIndexOf('.');
    String pname = (i == -1) ? "" : name.substring(0, i);

    Certificate[] certs = null;
    if (cs != null) {
        certs = cs.getCertificates();
    Certificate[] pcerts = null;
    if (parallelLockMap == null) {
        synchronized (this) {
            pcerts = package2certs.get(pname);
            if (pcerts == null) {
                package2certs.put(pname, (certs == null? nocerts:certs));
    } else {
        pcerts = ((ConcurrentHashMap<String, Certificate[]>)package2certs).
            putIfAbsent(pname, (certs == null? nocerts:certs));
    if (pcerts != null && !compareCerts(pcerts, certs)) {
        throw new SecurityException("class \""+ name +
             "\"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package");
源代码8 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: Launcher.java

private static AccessControlContext getContext(File[] dirs)
    throws IOException
    PathPermissions perms =
        new PathPermissions(dirs);

    ProtectionDomain domain = new ProtectionDomain(
        new CodeSource(perms.getCodeBase(),
            (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null),

    AccessControlContext acc =
        new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { domain });

    return acc;
源代码9 项目: sofa-ark   文件: ClassUtils.java

public static String getCodeBase(Class<?> cls) {

        if (cls == null) {
            return null;
        ProtectionDomain domain = cls.getProtectionDomain();
        if (domain == null) {
            return null;
        CodeSource source = domain.getCodeSource();
        if (source == null) {
            return null;
        URL location = source.getLocation();
        if (location == null) {
            return null;
        return location.getFile();
源代码10 项目: javamelody   文件: HeapHistogram.java

private static String findSource(Class<?> clazz) {
	final CodeSource codeSource = clazz.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
	if (codeSource != null && codeSource.getLocation() != null) {
		String src = codeSource.getLocation().toString();
		if (src.startsWith("file:/")) {
			src = src.substring("file:/".length());
		} else if (src.startsWith("vfs:/")) {
			// "vfs:/" pour jboss 6.0
			src = src.substring("vfs:/".length());
		} else if (src.startsWith("reference:file:/")) {
			// "reference:file:/" pour les bundles osgi
			src = src.substring("reference:file:/".length());
		if (src.endsWith(".jar") || src.endsWith(".war")) {
			src = src.intern();
		return src;
	return null;
源代码11 项目: brpc-java   文件: ReflectUtils.java

public static String getCodeBase(Class<?> cls) {
    if (cls == null) {
        return null;
    ProtectionDomain domain = cls.getProtectionDomain();
    if (domain == null) {
        return null;
    CodeSource source = domain.getCodeSource();
    if (source == null) {
        return null;
    URL location = source.getLocation();
    if (location == null) {
        return null;
    return location.getFile();
源代码12 项目: nem.core   文件: CodeSourceFacadeTest.java

public void canCreateFacadeAroundNoCertificates() throws Exception {
	// Act:
	final URL url = new URL("http://nem.com/foo/n.jar");
	final CodeSourceFacade facade = new CodeSourceFacade(new CodeSource(url, new Certificate[] {}));

	// Assert:
	Assert.assertThat(facade.getLocation(), IsEqual.equalTo(url));
	Assert.assertThat(facade.getFirstCertificate(), IsNull.nullValue());
源代码13 项目: birt   文件: URLClassLoader.java

Resource loadResource( String name ) throws IOException
	URL url = new URL( baseUrl, name );
	InputStream in = url.openStream( );
		final byte[] bytes = loadStream( in );
		return new Resource( ) {

			byte[] getBytes( )
				return bytes;

			CodeSource getCodeSource( )
				return codeSource;

			Manifest getManifest( )
				return null;
		in.close( );
源代码14 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: ClassLoading.java

 * Repeatedly load a class not found in classpath through RMIClassLoader.
 * Arguments: <# reps>
public long run(String[] args) throws Exception {
    int reps = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    CodeSource csrc = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
    String url = "jar:" + csrc.getLocation().toString() + ALTROOT;

    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++)
        RMIClassLoader.loadClass(url, CLASSNAME);
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;

    return time;
源代码15 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: AuthPolicyFile.java

public PermissionCollection getPermissions(final Subject subject,
                                           final CodeSource codesource) {

    // 1)   if code instantiates PolicyFile directly, then it will need
    //      all the permissions required for the PolicyFile initialization
    // 2)   if code calls Policy.getPolicy, then it simply needs
    //      AuthPermission(getPolicy), and the javax.security.auth.Policy
    //      implementation instantiates PolicyFile in a doPrivileged block
    // 3)   if after instantiating a Policy (either via #1 or #2),
    //      code calls getPermissions, PolicyFile wraps the call
    //      in a doPrivileged block.
    return AccessController.doPrivileged
        (new PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() {
        @Override public PermissionCollection run() {
            SubjectCodeSource scs = new SubjectCodeSource(
                subject, null,
                codesource == null ? null : codesource.getLocation(),
                codesource == null ? null : codesource.getCertificates());
            if (initialized) {
                return getPermissions(new Permissions(), scs);
            } else {
                return new PolicyPermissions(AuthPolicyFile.this, scs);
源代码16 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: Implies.java

private static void testImplies(URL thisURL, URL thatURL, boolean result)
    throws SecurityException
    CodeSource thisCs =
        new CodeSource(thisURL, (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null);
    CodeSource thatCs =
        new CodeSource(thatURL, (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null);
    if (thisCs.implies(thatCs) != result) {
        throw new SecurityException("test failed");
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: MethodUtil.java

private Class<?> defineClass(String name, byte[] b) throws IOException {
    CodeSource cs = new CodeSource(null, (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null);
    if (!name.equals(TRAMPOLINE)) {
        throw new IOException("MethodUtil: bad name " + name);
    return defineClass(name, b, 0, b.length, cs);
源代码18 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ClassLoader.java

private String defineClassSourceLocation(ProtectionDomain pd) {
    CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource();
    String source = null;
    if (cs != null && cs.getLocation() != null) {
        source = cs.getLocation().toString();
    return source;
源代码19 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: Launcher.java

 * allow any classes loaded from classpath to exit the VM.
protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource)
    PermissionCollection perms = super.getPermissions(codesource);
    perms.add(new RuntimePermission("exitVM"));
    return perms;
源代码20 项目: jeesuite-libs   文件: ReflectUtils.java

public static String getCodeBase(Class<?> cls) {
	if (cls == null)
		return null;
	ProtectionDomain domain = cls.getProtectionDomain();
	if (domain == null)
		return null;
	CodeSource source = domain.getCodeSource();
	if (source == null)
		return null;
	URL location = source.getLocation();
	if (location == null)
		return null;
	return location.getFile();

static URL urlFromCodeSource(Class aclass) {
  try {
    CodeSource codeSource = aclass.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource();
    URL url = codeSource != null ? codeSource.getLocation() : null;
    // url is in one of two forms
    // 1) ./build/classes/
    // 2) jardir/JarName.jar
    return url;
  } catch (SecurityException ex) {
    return null;
源代码22 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: RegistryImpl.java

 * Generates an AccessControlContext with minimal permissions.
 * The approach used here is taken from the similar method
 * getAccessControlContext() in the sun.applet.AppletPanel class.
private static AccessControlContext getAccessControlContext(int port) {
    // begin with permissions granted to all code in current policy
    PermissionCollection perms = AccessController.doPrivileged(
        new java.security.PrivilegedAction<PermissionCollection>() {
            public PermissionCollection run() {
                CodeSource codesource = new CodeSource(null,
                    (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null);
                Policy p = java.security.Policy.getPolicy();
                if (p != null) {
                    return p.getPermissions(codesource);
                } else {
                    return new Permissions();

     * Anyone can connect to the registry and the registry can connect
     * to and possibly download stubs from anywhere. Downloaded stubs and
     * related classes themselves are more tightly limited by RMI.
    perms.add(new SocketPermission("*", "connect,accept"));
    perms.add(new SocketPermission("localhost:"+port, "listen,accept"));

    perms.add(new RuntimePermission("accessClassInPackage.sun.jvmstat.*"));
    perms.add(new RuntimePermission("accessClassInPackage.sun.jvm.hotspot.*"));

    perms.add(new FilePermission("<<ALL FILES>>", "read"));

     * Create an AccessControlContext that consists of a single
     * protection domain with only the permissions calculated above.
    ProtectionDomain pd = new ProtectionDomain(
        new CodeSource(null,
            (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null), perms);
    return new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] { pd });
源代码23 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: ClassLoader.java

private String defineClassSourceLocation(ProtectionDomain pd)
    CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource();
    String source = null;
    if (cs != null && cs.getLocation() != null) {
        source = cs.getLocation().toString();
    return source;

protected AppletClassLoader(URL base) {
    super(new URL[0]);
    this.base = base;
    this.codesource =
        new CodeSource(base, (java.security.cert.Certificate[]) null);
    acc = AccessController.getContext();
源代码25 项目: jdk8u60   文件: NashornLoader.java

protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(final CodeSource codesource) {
    final Permissions permCollection = new Permissions();
    for (final Permission perm : SCRIPT_PERMISSIONS) {
    return permCollection;
源代码26 项目: jsongood   文件: ReflectUtils.java

public static String getCodeBase(Class<?> cls) {
    if (cls == null)
        return null;
    ProtectionDomain domain = cls.getProtectionDomain();
    if (domain == null)
        return null;
    CodeSource source = domain.getCodeSource();
    if (source == null)
        return null;
    URL location = source.getLocation();
    if (location == null)
        return null;
    return location.getFile();
源代码27 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: NullCodeSource.java

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Policy policy = Policy.getPolicy();
    PermissionCollection perms = policy.getPermissions((CodeSource)null);
    if (perms.elements().hasMoreElements()) {
        throw new Exception("PermissionCollection is not empty");
源代码28 项目: groovy   文件: GroovyClassLoader.java

private String genSourceCacheKey(GroovyCodeSource codeSource) {
    StringBuilder strToDigest;

    String scriptText = codeSource.getScriptText();
    if (null != scriptText) {
        strToDigest = new StringBuilder((int) (scriptText.length() * 1.2));

        CodeSource cs = codeSource.getCodeSource();
        if (null != cs) {
    } else {
        strToDigest = new StringBuilder(32);
        // if the script text is null, i.e. the script content is invalid
        // use the name as cache key for the time being to trigger the validation by `groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader.validate`
        // note: the script will not be cached due to the invalid script content,
        //       so it does not matter even if cache key is not the md5 value of script content

    try {
        return EncodingGroovyMethods.md5(strToDigest);
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        throw new GroovyRuntimeException(e); // should never reach here!
源代码29 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: ClassLoader.java

private String defineClassSourceLocation(ProtectionDomain pd)
    CodeSource cs = pd.getCodeSource();
    String source = null;
    if (cs != null && cs.getLocation() != null) {
        source = cs.getLocation().toString();
    return source;
源代码30 项目: hottub   文件: Launcher.java

 * allow any classes loaded from classpath to exit the VM.
protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource)
    PermissionCollection perms = super.getPermissions(codesource);
    perms.add(new RuntimePermission("exitVM"));
    return perms;