

源代码1 项目: dss   文件: JksCertificateInformation.java
public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException {

		try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream("src/main/resources/keystore.jks");
				JKSSignatureToken jksSignatureToken = new JKSSignatureToken(is, new PasswordProtection("dss-password".toCharArray()))) {

			DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss");

			List<DSSPrivateKeyEntry> keys = jksSignatureToken.getKeys();
			for (DSSPrivateKeyEntry key : keys) {

				CertificateToken certificate = key.getCertificate();
				System.out.println(dateFormat.format(certificate.getNotAfter()) + ": " + certificate.getSubject().getCanonical());
				CertificateToken[] certificateChain = key.getCertificateChain();
				for (CertificateToken x509Certificate : certificateChain) {

					System.out.println("/t" + dateFormat.format(x509Certificate.getNotAfter()) + ": " + x509Certificate.getSubject().getCanonical());


源代码2 项目: dss   文件: AbstractKeyStoreTokenConnection.java
private DSSPrivateKeyEntry getDSSPrivateKeyEntry(KeyStore keyStore, String alias, PasswordProtection passwordProtection) {
	try {
		if (keyStore.isKeyEntry(alias)) {
			final Entry entry = keyStore.getEntry(alias, passwordProtection);
			if (entry instanceof PrivateKeyEntry) {
				PrivateKeyEntry pke = (PrivateKeyEntry) entry;
				return new KSPrivateKeyEntry(alias, pke);
			} else {
				LOG.warn("Skipped entry (unsupported class : {})", entry.getClass().getSimpleName());
		} else {
			LOG.debug("No related/supported key found for alias '{}'", alias);
	} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
		throw new DSSException("Unable to retrieve key from keystore", e);
	return null;
源代码3 项目: j2objc   文件: TestKeyStoreSpi.java
public void engineLoad(LoadStoreParameter param) throws IOException,
        NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {
    if (param == null) {
        engineLoad(null, null);

    ProtectionParameter pParam = param.getProtectionParameter();
    if (pParam == null) {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException();

    if (pParam instanceof PasswordProtection) {
        char[] password = ((PasswordProtection) pParam).getPassword();
        if (password == null) {
            throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException();
        } else {
    throw new CertificateException();
源代码4 项目: j2objc   文件: TestKeyStoreSpi.java
public void engineStore(LoadStoreParameter param) throws IOException,
        NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException {
    if (param == null) {
        throw new IOException();

    ProtectionParameter pParam = param.getProtectionParameter();
    if (pParam instanceof PasswordProtection) {
        char[] password = ((PasswordProtection) pParam).getPassword();
        if (password == null) {
            throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException();
        } else if (password.length == 0) {
            throw new CertificateException();
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
源代码5 项目: presto   文件: KeyStoreUtils.java
public static String readEntity(KeyStore keyStore, String entityAlias, String entityPassword)
        throws GeneralSecurityException
    SecretKeyEntry secretKeyEntry = (SecretKeyEntry) keyStore.getEntry(entityAlias, new PasswordProtection(entityPassword.toCharArray()));

    SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBE");
    PBEKeySpec keySpec = (PBEKeySpec) factory.getKeySpec(secretKeyEntry.getSecretKey(), PBEKeySpec.class);

    return new String(keySpec.getPassword());
源代码6 项目: bundletool   文件: Flag.java
private static Password createFromFlagValue(String flagValue) {
  if (flagValue.startsWith("pass:")) {
    return new Password(
        () -> new PasswordProtection(flagValue.substring("pass:".length()).toCharArray()));
  } else if (flagValue.startsWith("file:")) {
    Path passwordFile = Paths.get(flagValue.substring("file:".length()));
    return new Password(
        () -> new PasswordProtection(readPasswordFromFile(passwordFile).toCharArray()));

  throw new FlagParseException("Passwords must be prefixed with \"pass:\" or \"file:\".");
源代码7 项目: balzac   文件: ECKeyStore.java
public String addKey(PrivateKey key) throws KeyStoreException {
    String keyID = getUniqueID(key);
    SecretKey secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "EC");
    SecretKeyEntry kEntry = new SecretKeyEntry(secretKey);
    ks.setEntry(keyID, kEntry, new PasswordProtection(password));
    netwotkTypeMap.put(keyID, key.getNetworkType());
    return keyID;
源代码8 项目: balzac   文件: ECKeyStore.java
public void changePassword(char[] password) throws KeyStoreException {
    try {
        for (String alias : Collections.list(ks.aliases())) {
            Entry entry = ks.getEntry(alias, new PasswordProtection(this.password)); // read
            ks.setEntry(alias, entry, new PasswordProtection(password)); // override

        // update the password
        Arrays.fill(this.password, '0');
        this.password = Arrays.copyOf(password, password.length);

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | UnrecoverableEntryException e) {
        throw new KeyStoreException(e);
 * Creates a new SSLContext based on the provided parameters. This SSLContext will be used to
 * provide new SSLSockets that are authorized to connect to a Cloud SQL instance.
private SSLContext createSslContext(
    KeyPair keyPair, Metadata metadata, Certificate ephemeralCertificate) {
  try {
    KeyStore authKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
    authKeyStore.load(null, null);
    KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry privateKey =
        new PrivateKeyEntry(keyPair.getPrivate(), new Certificate[] {ephemeralCertificate});
    authKeyStore.setEntry("ephemeral", privateKey, new PasswordProtection(new char[0]));
    KeyManagerFactory kmf =
    kmf.init(authKeyStore, new char[0]);

    KeyStore trustedKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
    trustedKeyStore.load(null, null);
    trustedKeyStore.setCertificateEntry("instance", metadata.getInstanceCaCertificate());
    TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("X.509");

    SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2");
    sslContext.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), new SecureRandom());

    return sslContext;
  } catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException ex) {
    throw new RuntimeException(
            "[%s] Unable to create a SSLContext for the Cloud SQL instance.", connectionName),
源代码10 项目: development   文件: SignTask.java
private PrivateKeyEntry loadCAKeyEntry() throws IOException,
        GeneralSecurityException {
    final KeyStore keystore = loadKeyStore();
    final Entry entry = keystore.getEntry(this.alias,
            new PasswordProtection(this.password.toCharArray()));
    return (PrivateKeyEntry) entry;
源代码11 项目: development   文件: CertificateHandler.java
private void loadPrivateKeyEntry() throws GeneralSecurityException {
    rootPrivateKeyEntry = (PrivateKeyEntry) rootCaKeystore.getEntry(
            new PasswordProtection(rootCaPassword.toCharArray()));

    if (rootPrivateKeyEntry == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException(
                "Could not read private key entry from rootca keystore with alias "
                        + rootCaAlias);
源代码12 项目: dss   文件: KeyStoreCertificateSource.java
private void initKeystore(final InputStream ksStream, final String ksType, final String ksPassword) {
	try (InputStream is = ksStream) {
		keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(ksType);
		final char[] password = (ksPassword == null) ? null : ksPassword.toCharArray();
		keyStore.load(is, password);
		passwordProtection = new PasswordProtection(password);
	} catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException e) {
		throw new DSSException("Unable to initialize the keystore", e);
源代码13 项目: dss   文件: Pkcs12SignatureTokenTest.java
public void testPkcs12() throws IOException {
	try (Pkcs12SignatureToken signatureToken = new Pkcs12SignatureToken("src/test/resources/user_a_rsa.p12",
			new PasswordProtection("password".toCharArray()))) {

		List<DSSPrivateKeyEntry> keys = signatureToken.getKeys();

		KSPrivateKeyEntry dssPrivateKeyEntry = (KSPrivateKeyEntry) keys.get(0);

		DSSPrivateKeyEntry entry = signatureToken.getKey(dssPrivateKeyEntry.getAlias(),
				new PasswordProtection("password".toCharArray()));

		ToBeSigned toBeSigned = new ToBeSigned("Hello world".getBytes("UTF-8"));
		SignatureValue signValue = signatureToken.sign(toBeSigned, DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, entry);
源代码14 项目: dss   文件: Pkcs12SignatureTokenTest.java
public void wrongPassword() throws IOException {
	PasswordProtection passwordProtection = new PasswordProtection("wrong password".toCharArray());
	Exception exception = assertThrows(DSSException.class,
			() -> new Pkcs12SignatureToken("src/test/resources/user_a_rsa.p12", passwordProtection));
	assertEquals("Unable to instantiate KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection", exception.getMessage());
源代码15 项目: ghidra   文件: ServerTestUtil.java
 * Generate self-signed test-CA key/certificate and a test user key/certificate
private static void generatePkiCerts() throws Exception {

	String caPath = getTestPkiCACertsPath(); // CA certs keystore is .jks file
	File caFile = new File(caPath);
	if (caFile.exists() && !caFile.delete()) {
		throw new RuntimeException("Failed to generate new test-CA key file: " + caPath);

	String userKeystorePath = getTestPkiUserKeystorePath(); // user keystore is .p12 file
	File userKeystoreFile = new File(userKeystorePath);
	if (userKeystoreFile.exists() && !userKeystoreFile.delete()) {
		throw new RuntimeException(
			"Failed to generate new test-user key file: " + userKeystorePath);

	String serverKeystorePath = getTestPkiServerKeystorePath(); // server keystore is .p12 file
	File serverKeystoreFile = new File(serverKeystorePath);
	if (serverKeystoreFile.exists() && !serverKeystoreFile.delete()) {
		throw new RuntimeException(
			"Failed to generate new test-server key file: " + serverKeystorePath);

	// Generate CA certificate and keystore
	Msg.info(ServerTestUtil.class, "Generating self-signed CA cert: " + caPath);

	CertificateExtensions caCertExtensions = new CertificateExtensions();
	BasicConstraintsExtension caBasicConstraints = new BasicConstraintsExtension(true, true, 1);
	caCertExtensions.set(PKIXExtensions.BasicConstraints_Id.toString(), caBasicConstraints);

	KeyUsageExtension caKeyUsage = new KeyUsageExtension();
	caKeyUsage.set(KeyUsageExtension.KEY_CERTSIGN, true);
	caCertExtensions.set(PKIXExtensions.KeyUsage_Id.toString(), caKeyUsage);

	KeyStore caKeystore = ApplicationKeyManagerUtils.createKeyStore(null, "PKCS12",
		ApplicationKeyManagerFactory.DEFAULT_PASSWORD.toCharArray(), "test-CA",
		caCertExtensions, TEST_PKI_CA_DN, null, 2);
	ApplicationKeyManagerUtils.exportX509Certificates(caKeystore, caFile);

	PasswordProtection caPass =
		new PasswordProtection(ApplicationKeyManagerFactory.DEFAULT_PASSWORD.toCharArray());
	PrivateKeyEntry caPrivateKeyEntry =
		(PrivateKeyEntry) caKeystore.getEntry("test-CA", caPass);

	// Generate User/Client certificate and keystore
	Msg.info(ServerTestUtil.class, "Generating test user key/cert (signed by test-CA, pwd: " +
		TEST_PKI_USER_PASSPHRASE + "): " + userKeystorePath);
	ApplicationKeyManagerUtils.createKeyStore(userKeystoreFile, "PKCS12",
		TEST_PKI_USER_PASSPHRASE.toCharArray(), "test-sig", null, TEST_PKI_USER_DN,
		caPrivateKeyEntry, 2);

	// Generate Server certificate and keystore
	Msg.info(ServerTestUtil.class, "Generating test server key/cert (signed by test-CA, pwd: " +
		TEST_PKI_SERVER_PASSPHRASE + "): " + serverKeystorePath);
	ApplicationKeyManagerUtils.createKeyStore(serverKeystoreFile, "PKCS12",
		TEST_PKI_SERVER_PASSPHRASE.toCharArray(), "test-sig", null, TEST_PKI_SERVER_DN,
		caPrivateKeyEntry, 2);
源代码16 项目: bundletool   文件: Password.java
public Password(Supplier<PasswordProtection> passwordSupplier) {
  this.passwordSupplier = passwordSupplier;
源代码17 项目: bundletool   文件: Password.java
public static Password createForTest(String password) {
  return new Password(() -> new PasswordProtection(password.toCharArray()));
源代码18 项目: bundletool   文件: Password.java
/** Special note: It's the responsibility of the caller to destroy the password once used. */
public final PasswordProtection getValue() {
  return passwordSupplier.get();
源代码19 项目: development   文件: CopyKeyTask.java
private ProtectionParameter createProtection(final EntryDescriptor descr) {
    return new PasswordProtection(descr.getPassword().toCharArray());
源代码20 项目: dss   文件: PKIFactoryAccess.java
protected AbstractKeyStoreTokenConnection getToken() {
	return new KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection(getKeystoreContent(getSigningAlias() + ".p12"), KEYSTORE_TYPE,
			new PasswordProtection(PKI_FACTORY_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD.toCharArray()));
源代码21 项目: dss   文件: PKCS12Snippet.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

		// tag::demo[]

		try (Pkcs12SignatureToken token = new Pkcs12SignatureToken("src/main/resources/user_a_rsa.p12", new PasswordProtection("password".toCharArray()))) {

			List<DSSPrivateKeyEntry> keys = token.getKeys();
			for (DSSPrivateKeyEntry entry : keys) {

			ToBeSigned toBeSigned = new ToBeSigned("Hello world".getBytes());
			SignatureValue signatureValue = token.sign(toBeSigned, DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, keys.get(0));

			System.out.println("Signature value : " + Utils.toBase64(signatureValue.getValue()));

		// end::demo[]

源代码22 项目: dss   文件: Pkcs11SignatureToken.java
PasswordProtection getKeyProtectionParameter() {
	return null;
源代码23 项目: dss   文件: MSCAPISignatureToken.java
PasswordProtection getKeyProtectionParameter() {
	return new PasswordProtection("nimp".toCharArray());
源代码24 项目: dss   文件: KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection.java
public KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection(byte[] ksBytes, String ksType, PasswordProtection ksPassword) {
	this(new ByteArrayInputStream(ksBytes), ksType, ksPassword);
源代码25 项目: dss   文件: KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection.java
public KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection(String filepath, String ksType, PasswordProtection ksPassword) throws IOException {
	this(new File(filepath), ksType, ksPassword);
源代码26 项目: dss   文件: KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection.java
public KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection(File ksFile, String ksType, PasswordProtection ksPassword) throws IOException {
	this(new FileInputStream(ksFile), ksType, ksPassword);
源代码27 项目: dss   文件: KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection.java
PasswordProtection getKeyProtectionParameter() {
	return password;
源代码28 项目: dss   文件: PKCS11SignatureTokenApp.java
public static void main(String[] args) {

		String PIN = "PINCODE";

		// -Djava.security.debug = sunpkcs11

		// 32b
		// Pkcs11SignatureToken token = new Pkcs11SignatureToken("C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64\\onepin-opensc-pkcs11.dll");

		// 64b
		// Pkcs11SignatureToken token = new Pkcs11SignatureToken("C:\\Windows\\System32\\beidpkcs11.dll");
		// Pkcs11SignatureToken token = new Pkcs11SignatureToken("C:\\Windows\\System32\\beidpkcs11.dll",
		// (PasswordInputCallback) null, 3)

		// Pkcs11SignatureToken token = new Pkcs11SignatureToken("C:\\Windows\\System32\\onepin-opensc-pkcs11.dll",
		// new PasswordProtection(PIN.toCharArray()), 1)
		String alias = null;
		try (Pkcs11SignatureToken token = new Pkcs11SignatureToken("C:\\Program Files\\Gemalto\\Classic Client\\BIN\\gclib.dll",
				new PasswordProtection(PIN.toCharArray()), 2)) {

			List<DSSPrivateKeyEntry> keys = token.getKeys();
			for (DSSPrivateKeyEntry entry : keys) {

			alias = ((KSPrivateKeyEntry) keys.get(0)).getAlias();

			// ToBeSigned toBeSigned = new ToBeSigned("Hello world".getBytes());
			// SignatureValue signatureValue = token.sign(toBeSigned, DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, dssPrivateKeyEntry);
			// System.out.println("Signature value : " +
			// DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(signatureValue.getValue()));

		try (Pkcs11SignatureToken token = new Pkcs11SignatureToken("C:\\Program Files\\Gemalto\\Classic Client\\BIN\\gclib.dll",
				new PasswordProtection(PIN.toCharArray()), 2)) {

			DSSPrivateKeyEntry key = token.getKey(alias, new PasswordProtection(PIN.toCharArray()));

			ToBeSigned toBeSigned = new ToBeSigned("Hello world".getBytes());
			SignatureValue signatureValue = token.sign(toBeSigned, DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, key);

			System.out.println("Signature value : " + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(signatureValue.getValue()));
源代码29 项目: dss   文件: KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection.java
 * Construct a KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection object.
 * Please note that the keystore password will also be used to retrieve the private key.
 * For each keystore entry (identifiable by alias) the same private key password will be used.
 * If you want to specify a separate private key password use the {@link #getKey(String, PasswordProtection)}
 * method.
 * @param ksStream
 *            the inputstream which contains the keystore
 * @param ksType
 *            the keystore type
 * @param password
 *            the keystore password
public KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection(InputStream ksStream, String ksType, PasswordProtection password) {
	try (InputStream is = ksStream) {
		this.keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(ksType);
		this.password = password;
		this.keyStore.load(is, password.getPassword());
	} catch (Exception e) {
		throw new DSSException("Unable to instantiate KeyStoreSignatureTokenConnection", e);
源代码30 项目: dss   文件: Pkcs11SignatureToken.java
 * Sometimes, the password is known in advance. This create a SignatureTokenConnection and the keys will be accessed
 * using the provided password. The default constructor for CallbackPkcs11SignatureToken.
 * @param pkcs11Path
 *            the path for the library (.dll, .so)
 * @param password
 *            the pin code / password to use
public Pkcs11SignatureToken(String pkcs11Path, PasswordProtection password) {
	this(pkcs11Path, password, 0);