

源代码1 项目: netbeans   文件: BaseDocumentEvent.java
public @Override void die() {
       // Super of die()
int size = edits.size();
for (int i = size-1; i >= 0; i--)
    UndoableEdit e = (UndoableEdit)edits.elementAt(i);

       alive2 = false;
       // End super of die()
       if (previous != null) {
           previous = null;
源代码2 项目: PIPE   文件: ArcControllerTest.java
public void setWeightsCreatesHistoryItem() throws UnparsableException {
    Map<String, String> tokenWeights = new HashMap<>();
    String oldWeight = "5";

    String newWeight = "51";
    tokenWeights.put(DEFAULT_TOKEN_ID, newWeight);

    UndoableEdit weightAction = new SetArcWeightAction<>(mockArc, DEFAULT_TOKEN_ID, oldWeight, newWeight);
    UndoableEdit edit = new MultipleEdit(Arrays.asList(weightAction));

源代码3 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: FrmMain.java
private void jMenuItem_CutActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    VectorLayer layer = (VectorLayer) _mapDocument.getActiveMapFrame().getMapView().getSelectedLayer();
    List<Shape> selShapes = (List<Shape>)layer.getSelectedShapes();

    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapViewUndoRedo()).new RemoveFeaturesEdit(_mapView, layer, selShapes);

    for (Shape shape : selShapes) {

    ShapeSelection shapeSelection = new ShapeSelection(selShapes);
    Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(shapeSelection, null);
源代码4 项目: netbeans   文件: StableCompoundEdit.java
   public String getUndoPresentationName() {
UndoableEdit last = lastEdit();
if (last != null) {
    return last.getUndoPresentationName();
} else {
           String name = getPresentationName();
           if (!"".equals(name)) {
               name = UIManager.getString("AbstractUndoableEdit.undoText")
                       + " " + name;
           } else {
               name = UIManager.getString("AbstractUndoableEdit.undoText");

           return name;
源代码5 项目: netbeans   文件: NbDocument.java
private static <T extends UndoableEdit> T getEditToBeUndoneRedoneOfType(EditorCookie ec, Class<T> type, boolean redone) {
    UndoRedo ur;
    if (ec instanceof CloneableEditorSupport &&
            ((ur = ((CloneableEditorSupport)ec).getUndoRedo()) instanceof UndoRedoManager))
        UndoRedoManager urManager = (UndoRedoManager) ur;
        UndoableEdit edit = urManager.editToBeUndoneRedone(redone);
        if (type.isInstance(edit)) {
            return type.cast(edit);
        } else if (edit instanceof List) {
            List<UndoableEdit> listEdit = (List<UndoableEdit>) edit;
            for (int i = listEdit.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) { // Go from most wrapped back
                edit = listEdit.get(i);
                if (type.isInstance(edit)) {
                    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T inst = (T) edit;
                    return inst;
    return null;
源代码6 项目: netbeans   文件: TestingUndoableEditWrapper.java
public UndoableEdit wrap(UndoableEdit edit, Document doc) {
    WrapCompoundEdit wrapEdit = new WrapCompoundEdit();
    return wrapEdit;
源代码7 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: LayersLegend.java
private void onZoomToLayerClick(ActionEvent e) {
    LayerNode aLN = (LayerNode) _selectedNode;
    MapLayer aLayer = aLN.getMapFrame().getMapView().getLayerByHandle(aLN.getLayerHandle());
    MapView mapView = aLN.getMapFrame().getMapView();
    Extent oldExtent = (Extent) mapView.getViewExtent().clone();
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapViewUndoRedo()).new ZoomEdit(mapView, oldExtent, (Extent) mapView.getViewExtent().clone());
源代码8 项目: netbeans   文件: LineRootElement.java
UndoableEdit removeUpdate(int removeOffset, int removeLength) {
    // The algorithm here is similar to the one in PlainDocument.removeUpdate().
    // Unfortunately in case exactly a line element (or multiple line elements)
    // the algorithm removes extra line that follows the end of removed area.
    // That could be improved but compatibility with PlainDocument would be lost.
    Edit edit = null;
    int removeEndOffset = removeOffset + removeLength;
    int line0 = getElementIndex(removeOffset);
    int line1 = getElementIndex(removeEndOffset);
    if (line0 != line1) {
        // at least one line was removed
        line1++; // will remove the line where remove ends as well
        Element[] removeElements = new Element[line1 - line0];
        copyElements(line0, line1, removeElements, 0);
        Element[] addElements = new Element[] {
            new LineElement(this,
                ((LineElement)removeElements[removeElements.length - 1]).getEndPosition()
        replace(line0, removeElements.length, addElements);
        edit = new Edit(line0, removeElements, addElements);
    // checkConsistency();
    return edit;
源代码9 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: MapLayout.java
private void onRemoveElementClick() {
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapLayoutUndoRedo()).new RemoveElementsEdit(this, _selectedElements);
    for (LayoutElement element : _selectedElements) {

    _startNewGraphic = true;
源代码10 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: FrmMain.java
private void jMenuItem_InsertTitleActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    LayoutGraphic text = _mapDocument.getMapLayout().addText("Map Title", _mapDocument.getMapLayout().getWidth() / 2, 20, 12);
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapLayoutUndoRedo()).new AddElementEdit(_mapDocument.getMapLayout(), text);
源代码11 项目: PIPE   文件: TransitionControllerTest.java
public void setNameCreatesUndoItem() {
    String oldName = "oldName";
    String newName = "newName";

    UndoableEdit nameEdit = new ChangePetriNetComponentName(transition, oldName, newName);
源代码12 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: FrmMain.java
private void jMenuItem_InsertLegendActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    LayoutLegend legend = _mapDocument.getMapLayout().addLegend(100, 100);
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapLayoutUndoRedo()).new AddElementEdit(_mapDocument.getMapLayout(), legend);
源代码13 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: FrmMain.java
private void jMenuItem_InsertScaleBarActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    LayoutScaleBar sb = _mapDocument.getMapLayout().addScaleBar(100, 100);
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapLayoutUndoRedo()).new AddElementEdit(_mapDocument.getMapLayout(), sb);
源代码14 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: FrmMain.java
private void jMenuItem_InsertNorthArrowActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    LayoutNorthArrow na = _mapDocument.getMapLayout().addNorthArrow(200, 100);
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapLayoutUndoRedo()).new AddElementEdit(_mapDocument.getMapLayout(), na);
源代码15 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: FrmMain.java
private void jButton_FullExtentActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    Extent oldExtent = (Extent) _mapView.getViewExtent().clone();
    UndoableEdit edit = (new MapViewUndoRedo()).new ZoomEdit(_mapView, oldExtent, (Extent) _mapView.getViewExtent().clone());
源代码16 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: GapContent.java
 * Removes part of the content.
 * @param where the starting position &gt;= 0, where + nitems &lt; length()
 * @param nitems the number of characters to remove &gt;= 0
 * @return an UndoableEdit object for undoing
 * @exception BadLocationException if the specified position is invalid
 * @see AbstractDocument.Content#remove
public UndoableEdit remove(int where, int nitems) throws BadLocationException {
    if (where + nitems >= length()) {
        throw new BadLocationException("Invalid remove", length() + 1);
    String removedString = getString(where, nitems);
    UndoableEdit edit = new RemoveUndo(where, removedString);
    replace(where, nitems, empty, 0);
    return edit;

源代码17 项目: PIPE   文件: PlaceControllerTest.java
public void incrementPlaceCounterCreatesHistoryItem() {
    int oldCount = 7;


    UndoableEdit changed = new ChangePlaceTokens(place, DEFAULT_TOKEN_ID, oldCount, oldCount + 1);
    MultipleEdit edit = new MultipleEdit(Arrays.asList(changed));
源代码18 项目: bigtable-sql   文件: SquirrelDefaultUndoManager.java
 * The same as super.editToBeUndone() just that we treat DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE
 * the same way as true == edit.isSignificant().
protected UndoableEdit editToBeUndone()
	UndoableEdit ue = super.editToBeUndone();

	if (ue == null)
		return null;

	int i = edits.indexOf(ue);
	while (i >= 0)
		UndoableEdit edit = edits.elementAt(i--);
		if (edit.isSignificant())
			if (edit instanceof AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent)
				if (DocumentEvent.EventType.CHANGE != ((AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent)edit).getType())
					return edit;
				return edit;
	return null;
源代码19 项目: PIPE   文件: Contains.java
public boolean matches(Object argument) {
    UndoableEditEvent event = (UndoableEditEvent) argument;
    UndoableEdit edit = event.getEdit();

    return edit.equals(expectedEdit);
源代码20 项目: netbeans   文件: BaseDocument.java
public @Override boolean replaceEdit(UndoableEdit anEdit) {
    if (nonSignificant) { // Non-significant edit must be replacing
        previousEdit = anEdit;
        // Becomes significant
        nonSignificant = false;
        return true;
    if (!undoMergeReset && mergeEditIndex >= 0) { // Only merge if this edit contains BaseDocumentEvent child item
        List<UndoableEdit> thisEdits = getEdits();
        BaseDocumentEvent thisMergeEdit = (BaseDocumentEvent) thisEdits.get(mergeEditIndex);
        if (anEdit instanceof BaseDocument.AtomicCompoundEdit) {
            BaseDocument.AtomicCompoundEdit anAtomicEdit
                    = (BaseDocument.AtomicCompoundEdit)anEdit;
            List<UndoableEdit> anAtomicEditChildren = anAtomicEdit.getEdits();
            for (int i = 0; i < anAtomicEditChildren.size(); i++) {
                UndoableEdit child = (UndoableEdit)anAtomicEditChildren.get(i);
                if (child instanceof BaseDocumentEvent && thisMergeEdit.canMerge((BaseDocumentEvent)child)) {
                    previousEdit = anEdit;
                    return true;
        } else if (anEdit instanceof BaseDocumentEvent) {
            BaseDocumentEvent evt = (BaseDocumentEvent)anEdit;

            if (thisMergeEdit.canMerge(evt)) {
                previousEdit = anEdit;
                return true;
    return false;
源代码21 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: GapContent.java
 * Removes part of the content.
 * @param where the starting position &gt;= 0, where + nitems &lt; length()
 * @param nitems the number of characters to remove &gt;= 0
 * @return an UndoableEdit object for undoing
 * @exception BadLocationException if the specified position is invalid
 * @see AbstractDocument.Content#remove
public UndoableEdit remove(int where, int nitems) throws BadLocationException {
    if (where + nitems >= length()) {
        throw new BadLocationException("Invalid remove", length() + 1);
    String removedString = getString(where, nitems);
    UndoableEdit edit = new RemoveUndo(where, removedString);
    replace(where, nitems, empty, 0);
    return edit;

private KeyMasterTextArea(String text) {

	Document document = getDocument();
	document.addUndoableEditListener(e -> {
		UndoableEdit item = e.getEdit();
源代码23 项目: PIPE   文件: ArcControllerTest.java
public void splittingCreatesHistoryItem() {
    ArcPoint nextPoint = new ArcPoint(new Point2D.Double(10, 10), false);
    ArcPoint splitPoint = new ArcPoint(new Point2D.Double(0, 0), true);


    ArcPoint expected = new ArcPoint(new Point2D.Double(5, 5), true);
    UndoableEdit addArcPointAction = new AddArcPathPoint<>(mockArc, expected);

源代码24 项目: PIPE   文件: RateParameterController.java
 * Tries to set the functional expression of the rate
 * @param expression new functional expression
 * @throws InvalidRateException if the funcitonal expression is invalid because either it
 *                              contains a syntax error or it references a component that does not exist
public void setRate(String expression) throws InvalidRateException {
    String oldRate = component.getExpression();
    if (!oldRate.equals(expression)) {
        FunctionalResults<Double> results = petriNet.parseExpression(expression);
        if (results.hasErrors()) {
            throw new InvalidRateException(results.getErrorString("\n"));
        UndoableEdit rateAction = new ChangeRateParameterRate(component, oldRate, expression);

源代码25 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: GapContent.java
 * Removes part of the content.
 * @param where the starting position &gt;= 0, where + nitems &lt; length()
 * @param nitems the number of characters to remove &gt;= 0
 * @return an UndoableEdit object for undoing
 * @exception BadLocationException if the specified position is invalid
 * @see AbstractDocument.Content#remove
public UndoableEdit remove(int where, int nitems) throws BadLocationException {
    if (where + nitems >= length()) {
        throw new BadLocationException("Invalid remove", length() + 1);
    String removedString = getString(where, nitems);
    UndoableEdit edit = new RemoveUndo(where, removedString);
    replace(where, nitems, empty, 0);
    return edit;

源代码26 项目: PIPE   文件: RateParameterControllerTest.java
public void setIdCreatesUndoItem() {
    String oldId = "id";
    String newId = "id2";


    UndoableEdit changed = new ChangePetriNetComponentName(rateParameter, oldId, newId);
源代码27 项目: netbeans   文件: ExpectedDocumentContent.java
public UndoableEdit remove(int offset, int len) throws BadLocationException {
    checkBoundsInDoc(offset, len);
    UndoEdit edit = new UndoEdit(true, offset, getString(offset, len));
    return edit;
源代码28 项目: JDKSourceCode1.8   文件: GapContent.java
 * Removes part of the content.
 * @param where the starting position &gt;= 0, where + nitems &lt; length()
 * @param nitems the number of characters to remove &gt;= 0
 * @return an UndoableEdit object for undoing
 * @exception BadLocationException if the specified position is invalid
 * @see AbstractDocument.Content#remove
public UndoableEdit remove(int where, int nitems) throws BadLocationException {
    if (where + nitems >= length()) {
        throw new BadLocationException("Invalid remove", length() + 1);
    String removedString = getString(where, nitems);
    UndoableEdit edit = new RemoveUndo(where, removedString);
    replace(where, nitems, empty, 0);
    return edit;

源代码29 项目: PIPE   文件: MultipleEdit.java
 * Undoes every action in the multiple edits
public void undo() {

    for (UndoableEdit edit : multipleEdits) {
源代码30 项目: netbeans   文件: DuplicateAction.java
private static void duplicate(Node[] nodes, int dimension, int direction) {
    List<RADComponent> comps = FormUtils.getSelectedLayoutComponents(nodes);
    RADVisualContainer parent = (comps != null) ? getParent(comps) : null;
    if (parent != null) {
        FormModel formModel = parent.getFormModel();
        LayoutModel layoutModel = formModel.getLayoutModel();
        Object layoutUndoMark = layoutModel.getChangeMark();
        UndoableEdit layoutEdit = layoutModel.getUndoableEdit();
        boolean autoUndo = true; // in case of unexpected error, for robustness

        String[] sourceIds = new String[comps.size()];
        String[] targetIds = new String[comps.size()];
        int i = 0;
        MetaComponentCreator creator = formModel.getComponentCreator();
        try {
            for (RADComponent comp : comps) {
                RADComponent copiedComp = creator.copyComponent(comp, parent);
                if (copiedComp == null) {
                    return; // copy failed...
                sourceIds[i] = comp.getId();
                targetIds[i] = copiedComp.getId();
                    .duplicateLayout(sourceIds, targetIds, dimension, direction);
            autoUndo = false;
        } finally {
            if (layoutUndoMark != null && !layoutUndoMark.equals(layoutModel.getChangeMark())) {
            if (autoUndo) {