

源代码1 项目: MHViewer   文件: Hosts.java
 * Get all data from this host.
public List<Pair<String, String>> getAll() {
  List<Pair<String, String>> result = new ArrayList<>();

  Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + TABLE_HOSTS + ";", null);
  try {
    while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
      String host = SqlUtils.getString(cursor, COLUMN_HOST, null);
      String ip = SqlUtils.getString(cursor, COLUMN_IP, null);

      InetAddress inetAddress = toInetAddress(host, ip);
      if (inetAddress == null) {

      result.add(new Pair<>(host, ip));
  } finally {

  return result;
 * Handle {@link android.content.pm.ShortcutManager#createShortcutResultIntent(ShortcutInfo)}.
 * In this flow the PinItemRequest is delivered to the caller app. Its the app's responsibility
 * to send it to the Launcher app (via {@link android.app.Activity#setResult(int, Intent)}).
public Intent createShortcutResultIntent(@NonNull ShortcutInfo inShortcut, int userId) {
    // Find the default launcher activity
    final int launcherUserId = mService.getParentOrSelfUserId(userId);
    final ComponentName defaultLauncher = mService.getDefaultLauncher(launcherUserId);
    if (defaultLauncher == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Default launcher not found.");
        return null;

    // Make sure the launcher user is unlocked. (it's always the parent profile, so should
    // really be unlocked here though.)

    // Next, validate the incoming shortcut, etc.
    final PinItemRequest request = requestPinShortcutLocked(inShortcut, null,
            Pair.create(defaultLauncher, launcherUserId));
    return new Intent().putExtra(LauncherApps.EXTRA_PIN_ITEM_REQUEST, request);
源代码3 项目: AndroidComponentPlugin   文件: ContentService.java
public Bundle getCache(String packageName, Uri key, int userId) {
    enforceCrossUserPermission(userId, TAG);
    mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CACHE_CONTENT, TAG);

    final String providerPackageName = getProviderPackageName(key);
    final Pair<String, Uri> fullKey = Pair.create(packageName, key);

    synchronized (mCache) {
        final ArrayMap<Pair<String, Uri>, Bundle> cache = findOrCreateCacheLocked(userId,
        return cache.get(fullKey);
源代码4 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: JobStatus.java
 * Create a new JobStatus that was loaded from disk. We ignore the provided
 * {@link android.app.job.JobInfo} time criteria because we can load a persisted periodic job
 * from the {@link com.android.server.job.JobStore} and still want to respect its
 * wallclock runtime rather than resetting it on every boot.
 * We consider a freshly loaded job to no longer be in back-off, and the associated
 * standby bucket is whatever the OS thinks it should be at this moment.
public JobStatus(JobInfo job, int callingUid, String sourcePkgName, int sourceUserId,
        int standbyBucket, long baseHeartbeat, String sourceTag,
        long earliestRunTimeElapsedMillis, long latestRunTimeElapsedMillis,
        long lastSuccessfulRunTime, long lastFailedRunTime,
        Pair<Long, Long> persistedExecutionTimesUTC,
        int innerFlags) {
    this(job, callingUid, resolveTargetSdkVersion(job), sourcePkgName, sourceUserId,
            standbyBucket, baseHeartbeat,
            sourceTag, 0,
            earliestRunTimeElapsedMillis, latestRunTimeElapsedMillis,
            lastSuccessfulRunTime, lastFailedRunTime, innerFlags);

    // Only during initial inflation do we record the UTC-timebase execution bounds
    // read from the persistent store.  If we ever have to recreate the JobStatus on
    // the fly, it means we're rescheduling the job; and this means that the calculated
    // elapsed timebase bounds intrinsically become correct.
    this.mPersistedUtcTimes = persistedExecutionTimesUTC;
    if (persistedExecutionTimesUTC != null) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Slog.i(TAG, "+ restored job with RTC times because of bad boot clock");
源代码5 项目: GPUVideo-android   文件: GlFilterGroup.java
public void draw(final int texName, final GlFramebufferObject fbo) {
    prevTexName = texName;
    for (final Pair<GlFilter, GlFramebufferObject> pair : list) {
        if (pair.second != null) {
            if (pair.first != null) {

                pair.first.draw(prevTexName, pair.second);
            prevTexName = pair.second.getTexName();

        } else {
            if (fbo != null) {
            } else {
                GLES20.glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);

            if (pair.first != null) {
                pair.first.draw(prevTexName, fbo);
源代码6 项目: PGSGP   文件: PlayGameServices.java
protected void onMainActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    if (requestCode == SignInController.RC_SIGN_IN) {
        GoogleSignInResult googleSignInResult = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInResultFromIntent(data);
    } else if (requestCode == AchievementsController.RC_ACHIEVEMENT_UI || requestCode == LeaderboardsController.RC_LEADERBOARD_UI) {
        Pair<Boolean, String> isConnected = connectionController.isConnected();
        godotCallbacksUtils.invokeGodotCallback(GodotCallbacksUtils.PLAYER_CONNECTED, new Object[]{isConnected.first, isConnected.second});
    } else if (requestCode == SavedGamesController.RC_SAVED_GAMES) {
        if (data != null) {
            if (data.hasExtra(SnapshotsClient.EXTRA_SNAPSHOT_METADATA)) {
                SnapshotMetadata snapshotMetadata = data.getParcelableExtra(SnapshotsClient.EXTRA_SNAPSHOT_METADATA);
                if (snapshotMetadata != null) {
            } else if (data.hasExtra(SnapshotsClient.EXTRA_SNAPSHOT_NEW)) {
                String unique = new BigInteger(281, new Random()).toString(13);
                String currentSaveName = appActivity.getString(R.string.default_game_name) + unique;

源代码7 项目: MediaSDK   文件: CacheUtil.java
 * Queries the cache to obtain the request length and the number of bytes already cached for a
 * given {@link DataSpec}.
 * @param dataSpec Defines the data to be checked.
 * @param cache A {@link Cache} which has the data.
 * @param cacheKeyFactory An optional factory for cache keys.
 * @return A pair containing the request length and the number of bytes that are already cached.
public static Pair<Long, Long> getCached(
    DataSpec dataSpec, Cache cache, @Nullable CacheKeyFactory cacheKeyFactory) {
  String key = buildCacheKey(dataSpec, cacheKeyFactory);
  long position = dataSpec.absoluteStreamPosition;
  long requestLength = getRequestLength(dataSpec, cache, key);
  long bytesAlreadyCached = 0;
  long bytesLeft = requestLength;
  while (bytesLeft != 0) {
    long blockLength =
            key, position, bytesLeft != C.LENGTH_UNSET ? bytesLeft : Long.MAX_VALUE);
    if (blockLength > 0) {
      bytesAlreadyCached += blockLength;
    } else {
      blockLength = -blockLength;
      if (blockLength == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
    position += blockLength;
    bytesLeft -= bytesLeft == C.LENGTH_UNSET ? 0 : blockLength;
  return Pair.create(requestLength, bytesAlreadyCached);
源代码8 项目: mollyim-android   文件: FullBackupImporter.java
private static void processSticker(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttachmentSecret attachmentSecret, @NonNull SQLiteDatabase db, @NonNull Sticker sticker, BackupRecordInputStream inputStream)
    throws IOException
  File stickerDirectory = context.getDir(AttachmentDatabase.DIRECTORY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
  File dataFile         = File.createTempFile("sticker", ".mms", stickerDirectory);

  Pair<byte[], OutputStream> output = ModernEncryptingPartOutputStream.createFor(attachmentSecret, dataFile, false);

  inputStream.readAttachmentTo(output.second, sticker.getLength());

  ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues();
  contentValues.put(StickerDatabase.FILE_PATH, dataFile.getAbsolutePath());
  contentValues.put(StickerDatabase.FILE_LENGTH, sticker.getLength());
  contentValues.put(StickerDatabase.FILE_RANDOM, output.first);

  db.update(StickerDatabase.TABLE_NAME, contentValues,
            StickerDatabase._ID + " = ?",
            new String[] {String.valueOf(sticker.getRowId())});
源代码9 项目: SoloPi   文件: ReplayMainResultFragment.java
private void initViewData(View v) {
    recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this.getActivity()));
    recyclerView.setAdapter(new RecyclerView.Adapter<ResultItemViewHolder>() {
        private LayoutInflater mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(ReplayMainResultFragment.this.getActivity());
        public ResultItemViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
            return new ResultItemViewHolder(mInflater.inflate(R.layout.item_case_result, parent, false));

        public void onBindViewHolder(ResultItemViewHolder holder, int position) {
            Pair<String, String> data = contents.get(position);
            holder.bindData(data.first, data.second);

        public int getItemCount() {
            return contents == null? 0: contents.size();

    recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new RecycleViewDivider(getActivity(),
            LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, 1, getResources().getColor(R.color.divider_color)));
源代码10 项目: mollyim-android   文件: PushProcessMessageJob.java
private void updateGroupReceiptStatus(@NonNull SentTranscriptMessage message, long messageId, @NonNull GroupId groupString) {
  GroupReceiptDatabase      receiptDatabase   = DatabaseFactory.getGroupReceiptDatabase(context);
  List<Recipient>           messageRecipients = Stream.of(message.getRecipients()).map(address -> Recipient.externalPush(context, address)).toList();
  List<Recipient>           members           = DatabaseFactory.getGroupDatabase(context).getGroupMembers(groupString, GroupDatabase.MemberSet.FULL_MEMBERS_EXCLUDING_SELF);
  Map<RecipientId, Integer> localReceipts     = Stream.of(receiptDatabase.getGroupReceiptInfo(messageId))
                                                      .collect(Collectors.toMap(GroupReceiptInfo::getRecipientId, GroupReceiptInfo::getStatus));

  for (Recipient messageRecipient : messageRecipients) {
    //noinspection ConstantConditions
    if (localReceipts.containsKey(messageRecipient.getId()) && localReceipts.get(messageRecipient.getId()) < GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_UNDELIVERED) {
      receiptDatabase.update(messageRecipient.getId(), messageId, GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_UNDELIVERED, message.getTimestamp());
    } else if (!localReceipts.containsKey(messageRecipient.getId())) {
      receiptDatabase.insert(Collections.singletonList(messageRecipient.getId()), messageId, GroupReceiptDatabase.STATUS_UNDELIVERED, message.getTimestamp());

  List<org.whispersystems.libsignal.util.Pair<RecipientId, Boolean>> unidentifiedStatus = Stream.of(members)
                                                                                                .map(m -> new org.whispersystems.libsignal.util.Pair<>(m.getId(), message.isUnidentified(m.requireServiceId())))
  receiptDatabase.setUnidentified(unidentifiedStatus, messageId);
源代码11 项目: MediaSDK   文件: AsyncSSLSocketWrapper.java
public static AsyncSSLServerSocket listenSecure(final Context context, final AsyncServer server, final String subjectName, final InetAddress host, final int port, final ListenCallback handler) {
    final ObjectHolder<AsyncSSLServerSocket> holder = new ObjectHolder<>();
    server.run(() -> {
        try {
            Pair<KeyPair, Certificate> keyCert = selfSignCertificate(context, subjectName);
            KeyPair pair = keyCert.first;
            Certificate cert = keyCert.second;

            holder.held = listenSecure(server, pair.getPrivate(), cert, host, port, handler);
        catch (Exception e) {
    return holder.held;
源代码12 项目: EasyPhotos   文件: StraightPuzzleLayout.java
protected void cutSpiral(int position) {
  StraightArea area = areas.get(position);
  Pair<List<StraightLine>, List<StraightArea>> spilt = cutAreaSpiral(area);



  Step step = new Step();
  step.type = Step.CUT_SPIRAL;
  step.position = position;
源代码13 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: CaptureCollector.java
 * Called to alert the {@link CaptureCollector} that the jpeg capture has completed.
 * @return a pair containing the {@link RequestHolder} and the timestamp of the capture.
public Pair<RequestHolder, Long> jpegProduced() {
    final ReentrantLock lock = this.mLock;
    try {
        CaptureHolder h = mJpegProduceQueue.poll();
        if (h == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "jpegProduced called with no jpeg request on queue!");
            return null;
        return new Pair<>(h.mRequest, h.mTimestamp);
    } finally {
源代码14 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: AccountsDb.java
 * Returns list of all grants as {@link Pair pairs} of account name and UID.
List<Pair<String, Integer>> findAllAccountGrants() {
    SQLiteDatabase db = mDeDatabase.getReadableDatabase();
    try (Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(ACCOUNT_ACCESS_GRANTS, null)) {
        if (cursor == null || !cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        List<Pair<String, Integer>> results = new ArrayList<>();
        do {
            final String accountName = cursor.getString(0);
            final int uid = cursor.getInt(1);
            results.add(Pair.create(accountName, uid));
        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
        return results;
源代码15 项目: MediaSDK   文件: AtomParsers.java
 * Parses the edts atom (defined in 14496-12 subsection 8.6.5).
 * @param edtsAtom edts (edit box) atom to decode.
 * @return Pair of edit list durations and edit list media times, or a pair of nulls if they are
 *     not present.
private static Pair<long[], long[]> parseEdts(Atom.ContainerAtom edtsAtom) {
  Atom.LeafAtom elst;
  if (edtsAtom == null || (elst = edtsAtom.getLeafAtomOfType(Atom.TYPE_elst)) == null) {
    return Pair.create(null, null);
  ParsableByteArray elstData = elst.data;
  int fullAtom = elstData.readInt();
  int version = Atom.parseFullAtomVersion(fullAtom);
  int entryCount = elstData.readUnsignedIntToInt();
  long[] editListDurations = new long[entryCount];
  long[] editListMediaTimes = new long[entryCount];
  for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) {
    editListDurations[i] =
        version == 1 ? elstData.readUnsignedLongToLong() : elstData.readUnsignedInt();
    editListMediaTimes[i] = version == 1 ? elstData.readLong() : elstData.readInt();
    int mediaRateInteger = elstData.readShort();
    if (mediaRateInteger != 1) {
      // The extractor does not handle dwell edits (mediaRateInteger == 0).
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported media rate.");
  return Pair.create(editListDurations, editListMediaTimes);
源代码16 项目: MediaSDK   文件: AtomParsers.java
 * Parses encryption data from an audio/video sample entry, returning a pair consisting of the
 * unencrypted atom type and a {@link TrackEncryptionBox}. Null is returned if no common
 * encryption sinf atom was present.
private static Pair<Integer, TrackEncryptionBox> parseSampleEntryEncryptionData(
    ParsableByteArray parent, int position, int size) {
  int childPosition = parent.getPosition();
  while (childPosition - position < size) {
    int childAtomSize = parent.readInt();
    Assertions.checkArgument(childAtomSize > 0, "childAtomSize should be positive");
    int childAtomType = parent.readInt();
    if (childAtomType == Atom.TYPE_sinf) {
      Pair<Integer, TrackEncryptionBox> result = parseCommonEncryptionSinfFromParent(parent,
          childPosition, childAtomSize);
      if (result != null) {
        return result;
    childPosition += childAtomSize;
  return null;
源代码17 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: CacheQuotaService.java
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
    final int action = msg.what;
    switch (action) {
        case MSG_SEND_LIST:
            final Pair<RemoteCallback, List<CacheQuotaHint>> pair =
                    (Pair<RemoteCallback, List<CacheQuotaHint>>) msg.obj;
            List<CacheQuotaHint> processed = onComputeCacheQuotaHints(pair.second);
            final Bundle data = new Bundle();
            data.putParcelableList(REQUEST_LIST_KEY, processed);

            final RemoteCallback callback = pair.first;
            Log.w(TAG, "Handling unknown message: " + action);
源代码18 项目: MediaSDK   文件: MlltSeeker.java
 * Given a set of reference points as coordinates in {@code xReferences} and {@code yReferences}
 * and an x-axis value, linearly interpolates between corresponding reference points to give a
 * y-axis value.
 * @param x The x-axis value for which a y-axis value is needed.
 * @param xReferences x coordinates of reference points.
 * @param yReferences y coordinates of reference points.
 * @return The linearly interpolated y-axis value.
private static Pair<Long, Long> linearlyInterpolate(
    long x, long[] xReferences, long[] yReferences) {
  int previousReferenceIndex =
      Util.binarySearchFloor(xReferences, x, /* inclusive= */ true, /* stayInBounds= */ true);
  long xPreviousReference = xReferences[previousReferenceIndex];
  long yPreviousReference = yReferences[previousReferenceIndex];
  int nextReferenceIndex = previousReferenceIndex + 1;
  if (nextReferenceIndex == xReferences.length) {
    return Pair.create(xPreviousReference, yPreviousReference);
  } else {
    long xNextReference = xReferences[nextReferenceIndex];
    long yNextReference = yReferences[nextReferenceIndex];
    double proportion =
        xNextReference == xPreviousReference
            ? 0.0
            : ((double) x - xPreviousReference) / (xNextReference - xPreviousReference);
    long y = (long) (proportion * (yNextReference - yPreviousReference)) + yPreviousReference;
    return Pair.create(x, y);
源代码19 项目: MediaSDK   文件: PlaybackStatsListener.java
private void maybeUpdateVideoFormat(EventTime eventTime, @Nullable Format newFormat) {
  if (Util.areEqual(currentVideoFormat, newFormat)) {
  if (newFormat != null) {
    if (initialVideoFormatHeight == C.LENGTH_UNSET && newFormat.height != Format.NO_VALUE) {
      initialVideoFormatHeight = newFormat.height;
    if (initialVideoFormatBitrate == C.LENGTH_UNSET && newFormat.bitrate != Format.NO_VALUE) {
      initialVideoFormatBitrate = newFormat.bitrate;
  currentVideoFormat = newFormat;
  if (keepHistory) {
    videoFormatHistory.add(Pair.create(eventTime, currentVideoFormat));
源代码20 项目: AndroidComponentPlugin   文件: ContentService.java
private ArrayMap<Pair<String, Uri>, Bundle> findOrCreateCacheLocked(int userId,
        String providerPackageName) {
    ArrayMap<String, ArrayMap<Pair<String, Uri>, Bundle>> userCache = mCache.get(userId);
    if (userCache == null) {
        userCache = new ArrayMap<>();
        mCache.put(userId, userCache);
    ArrayMap<Pair<String, Uri>, Bundle> packageCache = userCache.get(providerPackageName);
    if (packageCache == null) {
        packageCache = new ArrayMap<>();
        userCache.put(providerPackageName, packageCache);
    return packageCache;
private static Pair<String, ? extends AlgorithmParameterSpec>
        getSignatureAlgorithmJcaSignatureAlgorithm(int sigAlgorithm) {
    switch (sigAlgorithm) {
            return Pair.create(
                    new PSSParameterSpec(
                            "SHA-256", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA256, 256 / 8, 1));
            return Pair.create(
                    new PSSParameterSpec(
                            "SHA-512", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA512, 512 / 8, 1));
        case SIGNATURE_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5_WITH_SHA256:
            return Pair.create("SHA256withRSA", null);
        case SIGNATURE_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5_WITH_SHA512:
            return Pair.create("SHA512withRSA", null);
            return Pair.create("SHA256withECDSA", null);
            return Pair.create("SHA512withECDSA", null);
        case SIGNATURE_DSA_WITH_SHA256:
            return Pair.create("SHA256withDSA", null);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unknown signature algorithm: 0x"
                            + Long.toHexString(sigAlgorithm & 0xffffffff));
源代码22 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: AlarmManagerService.java
 * Adjusts the alarm delivery time based on the current app standby bucket.
 * @param alarm The alarm to adjust
 * @return true if the alarm delivery time was updated.
private boolean adjustDeliveryTimeBasedOnStandbyBucketLocked(Alarm alarm) {
    if (isExemptFromAppStandby(alarm)) {
        return false;
    if (mAppStandbyParole) {
        if (alarm.whenElapsed > alarm.expectedWhenElapsed) {
            // We did defer this alarm earlier, restore original requirements
            alarm.whenElapsed = alarm.expectedWhenElapsed;
            alarm.maxWhenElapsed = alarm.expectedMaxWhenElapsed;
            return true;
        return false;
    final long oldWhenElapsed = alarm.whenElapsed;
    final long oldMaxWhenElapsed = alarm.maxWhenElapsed;

    final String sourcePackage = alarm.sourcePackage;
    final int sourceUserId = UserHandle.getUserId(alarm.creatorUid);
    final int standbyBucket = mUsageStatsManagerInternal.getAppStandbyBucket(
            sourcePackage, sourceUserId, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());

    final Pair<String, Integer> packageUser = Pair.create(sourcePackage, sourceUserId);
    final long lastElapsed = mLastAlarmDeliveredForPackage.getOrDefault(packageUser, 0L);
    if (lastElapsed > 0) {
        final long minElapsed = lastElapsed + getMinDelayForBucketLocked(standbyBucket);
        if (alarm.expectedWhenElapsed < minElapsed) {
            alarm.whenElapsed = alarm.maxWhenElapsed = minElapsed;
        } else {
            // app is now eligible to run alarms at the originally requested window.
            // Restore original requirements in case they were changed earlier.
            alarm.whenElapsed = alarm.expectedWhenElapsed;
            alarm.maxWhenElapsed = alarm.expectedMaxWhenElapsed;
    return (oldWhenElapsed != alarm.whenElapsed || oldMaxWhenElapsed != alarm.maxWhenElapsed);
源代码23 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: HdmiLogger.java
private static void increaseLogCount(HashMap<String, Pair<Long, Integer>> cache,
        String message) {
    Pair<Long, Integer> timing = cache.get(message);
    if (timing != null) {
        cache.put(message, new Pair<>(timing.first, timing.second + 1));
源代码24 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: SyncManager.java
private boolean isAdapterDelayed(EndPoint target) {
    long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
    Pair<Long, Long> backoff = mSyncStorageEngine.getBackoff(target);
    if (backoff != null && backoff.first != SyncStorageEngine.NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE
            && backoff.first > now) {
        return true;
    if (mSyncStorageEngine.getDelayUntilTime(target) > now) {
        return true;
    return false;
源代码25 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: ApkSigningBlockUtils.java
static Pair<String, ? extends AlgorithmParameterSpec>
        getSignatureAlgorithmJcaSignatureAlgorithm(int sigAlgorithm) {
    switch (sigAlgorithm) {
            return Pair.create(
                    new PSSParameterSpec(
                            "SHA-256", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA256, 256 / 8, 1));
            return Pair.create(
                    new PSSParameterSpec(
                            "SHA-512", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA512, 512 / 8, 1));
        case SIGNATURE_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5_WITH_SHA256:
            return Pair.create("SHA256withRSA", null);
        case SIGNATURE_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5_WITH_SHA512:
            return Pair.create("SHA512withRSA", null);
            return Pair.create("SHA256withECDSA", null);
            return Pair.create("SHA512withECDSA", null);
        case SIGNATURE_DSA_WITH_SHA256:
            return Pair.create("SHA256withDSA", null);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Unknown signature algorithm: 0x"
                            + Long.toHexString(sigAlgorithm & 0xffffffff));
源代码26 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: JobStore.java
 * Extract a job's earliest/latest run time data from XML.  These are returned in
 * unadjusted UTC wall clock time, because we do not yet know whether the system
 * clock is reliable for purposes of calculating deltas from 'now'.
 * @param parser
 * @return A Pair of timestamps in UTC wall-clock time.  The first is the earliest
 *     time at which the job is to become runnable, and the second is the deadline at
 *     which it becomes overdue to execute.
 * @throws NumberFormatException
private Pair<Long, Long> buildRtcExecutionTimesFromXml(XmlPullParser parser)
        throws NumberFormatException {
    String val;
    // Pull out execution time data.
    val = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "delay");
    final long earliestRunTimeRtc = (val != null)
            ? Long.parseLong(val)
            : JobStatus.NO_EARLIEST_RUNTIME;
    val = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "deadline");
    final long latestRunTimeRtc = (val != null)
            ? Long.parseLong(val)
            : JobStatus.NO_LATEST_RUNTIME;
    return Pair.create(earliestRunTimeRtc, latestRunTimeRtc);
源代码27 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: FragmentManager.java
void dispatchOnFragmentViewCreated(Fragment f, View v, Bundle savedInstanceState,
        boolean onlyRecursive) {
    if (mParent != null) {
        FragmentManager parentManager = mParent.getFragmentManager();
        if (parentManager instanceof FragmentManagerImpl) {
            ((FragmentManagerImpl) parentManager)
                    .dispatchOnFragmentViewCreated(f, v, savedInstanceState, true);
    for (Pair<FragmentLifecycleCallbacks, Boolean> p : mLifecycleCallbacks) {
        if (!onlyRecursive || p.second) {
            p.first.onFragmentViewCreated(this, f, v, savedInstanceState);
private @NonNull Pair<String, Integer> getVibrateSummary(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull VibrateState vibrateState) {
  if (vibrateState == VibrateState.DEFAULT) {
    return new Pair<>(context.getString(R.string.preferences__default), 0);
  } else if (vibrateState == VibrateState.ENABLED) {
    return new Pair<>(context.getString(R.string.RecipientPreferenceActivity_enabled), 1);
  } else {
    return new Pair<>(context.getString(R.string.RecipientPreferenceActivity_disabled), 2);
源代码29 项目: android_9.0.0_r45   文件: KeepaliveTracker.java
public void handleCheckKeepalivesStillValid(NetworkAgentInfo nai) {
    HashMap <Integer, KeepaliveInfo> networkKeepalives = mKeepalives.get(nai);
    if (networkKeepalives != null) {
        ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> invalidKeepalives = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int slot : networkKeepalives.keySet()) {
            int error = networkKeepalives.get(slot).isValid();
            if (error != SUCCESS) {
                invalidKeepalives.add(Pair.create(slot, error));
        for (Pair<Integer, Integer> slotAndError: invalidKeepalives) {
            handleStopKeepalive(nai, slotAndError.first, slotAndError.second);
源代码30 项目: BaldPhone   文件: SingleContactActivity.java
private void inflateAddresses() {
    for (Pair<Integer, String[]> pair : contact.getAddressList()) {
        final View layout = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.contact_address, ll, false);
        final TextView tv_addressType = layout.findViewById(R.id.tv_address);
        final BaldPictureTextButton button = layout.findViewById(R.id.address_button);
                String.format("%s %s",
                        , String.valueOf(getText(R.string.address)

        final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for (final String s : pair.second) {
            if (s == null || s.equals(""))

            stringBuilder.append(s).append(" ");

        button.setOnClickListener(v -> startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("geo:0,0?q=" + stringBuilder))));
