

源代码1 项目: ccu-historian   文件: ArcDialFrame.java
 * Returns the shape for the window for this dial.  Some dial layers will
 * request that their drawing be clipped within this window.
 * @param frame  the reference frame (<code>null</code> not permitted).
 * @return The shape of the dial's window.
public Shape getWindow(Rectangle2D frame) {

    Rectangle2D innerFrame = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius(frame,
            this.innerRadius, this.innerRadius);
    Rectangle2D outerFrame = DialPlot.rectangleByRadius(frame,
            this.outerRadius, this.outerRadius);
    Arc2D inner = new Arc2D.Double(innerFrame, this.startAngle,
            this.extent, Arc2D.OPEN);
    Arc2D outer = new Arc2D.Double(outerFrame, this.startAngle
            + this.extent, -this.extent, Arc2D.OPEN);
    GeneralPath p = new GeneralPath();
    Point2D point1 = inner.getStartPoint();
    p.moveTo((float) point1.getX(), (float) point1.getY());
    p.append(inner, true);
    p.append(outer, true);
    return p;

源代码2 项目: ECG-Viewer   文件: SamplingXYLineRenderer.java
 * Initialises the renderer.
 * <P>
 * This method will be called before the first item is rendered, giving the
 * renderer an opportunity to initialise any state information it wants to
 * maintain.  The renderer can do nothing if it chooses.
 * @param g2  the graphics device.
 * @param dataArea  the area inside the axes.
 * @param plot  the plot.
 * @param data  the data.
 * @param info  an optional info collection object to return data back to
 *              the caller.
 * @return The renderer state.
public XYItemRendererState initialise(Graphics2D g2,
        Rectangle2D dataArea, XYPlot plot, XYDataset data,
        PlotRenderingInfo info) {

    double dpi = 72;
//        Integer dpiVal = (Integer) g2.getRenderingHint(HintKey.DPI);
//        if (dpiVal != null) {
//            dpi = dpiVal.intValue();
//        }
    State state = new State(info);
    state.seriesPath = new GeneralPath();
    state.intervalPath = new GeneralPath();
    state.dX = 72.0 / dpi;
    return state;
源代码3 项目: hottub   文件: LayoutPathImpl.java
public Shape mapShape(Shape s) {
    if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("mapshape on path: %s\n", LayoutPathImpl.SegmentPath.this);
    PathIterator pi = s.getPathIterator(null, 1); // cheap way to handle curves.

    if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("start\n");

    final double[] coords = new double[2];
    while (!pi.isDone()) {
        switch (pi.currentSegment(coords)) {
        case SEG_CLOSE: close(); break;
        case SEG_MOVETO: moveTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break;
        case SEG_LINETO: lineTo(coords[0], coords[1]); break;
        default: break;

    if (LOGMAP) LOG.format("finish\n\n");

    GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
    for (Segment seg: segments) {
        gp.append(seg.gp, false);
    return gp;
源代码4 项目: algs4   文件: StdDraw.java
 * Draws a polygon with the vertices 
 * (<em>x</em><sub>0</sub>, <em>y</em><sub>0</sub>),
 * (<em>x</em><sub>1</sub>, <em>y</em><sub>1</sub>), ...,
 * (<em>x</em><sub><em>n</em>–1</sub>, <em>y</em><sub><em>n</em>–1</sub>).
 * @param  x an array of all the <em>x</em>-coordinates of the polygon
 * @param  y an array of all the <em>y</em>-coordinates of the polygon
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless {@code x[]} and {@code y[]}
 *         are of the same length
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any coordinate is either NaN or infinite
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either {@code x[]} or {@code y[]} is {@code null}
public static void polygon(double[] x, double[] y) {
    validateNotNull(x, "x-coordinate array");
    validateNotNull(y, "y-coordinate array");
    for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) validate(x[i], "x[" + i + "]");
    for (int i = 0; i < y.length; i++) validate(y[i], "y[" + i + "]");

    int n1 = x.length;
    int n2 = y.length;
    if (n1 != n2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("arrays must be of the same length");
    int n = n1;
    if (n == 0) return;

    GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
    path.moveTo((float) scaleX(x[0]), (float) scaleY(y[0]));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        path.lineTo((float) scaleX(x[i]), (float) scaleY(y[i]));
源代码5 项目: hottub   文件: TextLayout.java
private GeneralPath rightShape(Rectangle2D bounds) {
    double[] path1;
    if (isVerticalLine) {
        path1 = new double[] {
            bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(),
            bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(),
            bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight()
    } else {
        path1 = new double[] {
            bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(),
            bounds.getY() + bounds.getHeight(),
            bounds.getX() + bounds.getWidth(),

    double[] path0 = getCaretPath(characterCount, bounds, true);

    return boundingShape(path0, path1);
源代码6 项目: pumpernickel   文件: AbstractSearchHighlight.java
 * Repositions this component.
protected void nudge() {
	Point topLeft = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(highlightInfo.jc, 0, 0,

	GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
	path.moveTo(0, 0);
	path.lineTo(image.getWidth(), 0);
	path.lineTo(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
	path.lineTo(0, image.getHeight());

	AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform
			.getTranslateInstance(-imageCenter.x, -imageCenter.y);
	AffineTransform hTransform = (AffineTransform) getClientProperty(
	if (hTransform != null) {
	Rectangle bounds = path.getBounds();
	setBounds(center.x + topLeft.x - bounds.width / 2,
			center.y + topLeft.y - bounds.height / 2, bounds.width,
源代码7 项目: consulo   文件: UIUtil.java
public static void drawWave(Graphics2D g, Rectangle rectangle) {
  GraphicsConfig config = GraphicsUtil.setupAAPainting(g);
  Stroke oldStroke = g.getStroke();
  try {
    g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(0.7F));
    double cycle = 4;
    final double wavedAt = rectangle.y + (double)rectangle.height / 2 - .5;
    GeneralPath wavePath = new GeneralPath();
    wavePath.moveTo(rectangle.x, wavedAt - Math.cos(rectangle.x * 2 * Math.PI / cycle));
    for (int x = rectangle.x + 1; x <= rectangle.x + rectangle.width; x++) {
      wavePath.lineTo(x, wavedAt - Math.cos(x * 2 * Math.PI / cycle));
  finally {
源代码8 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: StandardGlyphVector.java
Rectangle2D getGlyphOutlineBounds(int glyphID, float x, float y) {
    Rectangle2D result = null;
    if (sgv.invdtx == null) {
        result = new Rectangle2D.Float();
        result.setRect(strike.getGlyphOutlineBounds(glyphID)); // don't mutate cached rect
    } else {
        GeneralPath gp = strike.getGlyphOutline(glyphID, 0, 0);
        result = gp.getBounds2D();
    /* Since x is the logical advance of the glyph to this point.
     * Because of the way that Rectangle.union is specified, this
     * means that subsequent unioning of a rect including that
     * will be affected, even if the glyph is empty. So skip such
     * cases. This alone isn't a complete solution since x==0
     * may also not be what is wanted. The code that does the
     * unioning also needs to be aware to ignore empty glyphs.
    if (!result.isEmpty()) {
        result.setRect(result.getMinX() + x + dx,
                       result.getMinY() + y + dy,
                       result.getWidth(), result.getHeight());
    return result;
源代码9 项目: pumpernickel   文件: ButtonShape.java
private static GeneralPath findShapeToFitRectangle(Shape originalShape,
		int w, int h) {
	GeneralPath newShape = new GeneralPath();
	Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float();
	ShapeBounds.getBounds(originalShape, rect);
	if (originalShape.contains(rect.getX() + rect.getWidth() / 2,
			rect.getY() + rect.getHeight() / 2) == false)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException(
				"This custom shape is not allowed.  The center of this shape must be inside the shape.");
	double scale = Math.min((w) / rect.getWidth(), (h) / rect.getHeight());
	AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
	while (true) {
		newShape.append(originalShape, true);
		transform.setToScale(scale, scale);
		ShapeBounds.getBounds(newShape, rect);

		if (newShape.contains(rect.getX() + rect.getWidth() / 2 - w / 2,
				rect.getY() + rect.getHeight() / 2 - h / 2, w, h)) {
			return newShape;

		scale += .01;
源代码10 项目: sambox   文件: PDTextAppearanceHandler.java
private void drawCheck(PDAnnotationText annotation,
        final PDAppearanceContentStream contentStream) throws IOException
    PDRectangle bbox = adjustRectAndBBox(annotation, 20, 19);

    float min = Math.min(bbox.getWidth(), bbox.getHeight());

    contentStream.setLineWidth(0.59f); // value from Adobe

    contentStream.transform(Matrix.getScaleInstance(0.001f * min / 0.8f, 0.001f * min / 0.8f));
    contentStream.transform(Matrix.getTranslateInstance(0, 50));

    // we get the shape of a Zapf Dingbats check (0x2714) and use that one.
    // Adobe uses a different font (which one?), or created the shape from scratch.
    GeneralPath path = PDType1Font.ZAPF_DINGBATS.getPath("a20");
    addPath(contentStream, path);
源代码11 项目: gcs   文件: PDTextAppearanceHandler.java
private void drawRightPointer(PDAnnotationText annotation, final PDAppearanceContentStream contentStream)
        throws IOException
    PDRectangle bbox = adjustRectAndBBox(annotation, 20, 17);

    float min = Math.min(bbox.getWidth(), bbox.getHeight());

    contentStream.setLineWidth(0.59f); // value from Adobe

    contentStream.transform(Matrix.getScaleInstance(0.001f * min / 0.8f, 0.001f * min / 0.8f));
    contentStream.transform(Matrix.getTranslateInstance(0, 50));

    // we get the shape of a Zapf Dingbats right pointer (0x27A4) and use that one.
    // Adobe uses a different font (which one?), or created the shape from scratch.
    GeneralPath path = PDType1Font.ZAPF_DINGBATS.getPath("a174");
    addPath(contentStream, path);
源代码12 项目: pumpernickel   文件: AccuracyTest.java
private GeneralPath getShape(int index) {
	Random r = new Random(index * 100000);
	GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(
			r.nextBoolean() ? Path2D.WIND_EVEN_ODD : Path2D.WIND_NON_ZERO);
	path.moveTo(r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100);
	for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
		int k;
		if (type.getSelectedIndex() == 0) {
			k = r.nextInt(3);
		} else {
			k = type.getSelectedIndex() - 1;

		if (k == 0) {
			path.lineTo(r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100);
		} else if (k == 1) {
			path.quadTo(r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100,
					r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100);
		} else {
			path.curveTo(r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100,
					r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100,
					r.nextFloat() * 100, r.nextFloat() * 100);
	return path;
源代码13 项目: jts   文件: PointShapeFactory.java
 * Creates a shape representing a point.
 * @param point
 *          the location of the point
 * @return a shape
public Shape createPoint(Point2D point) {
  GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
  path.moveTo((float) (point.getX()), (float) (point.getY() - size * 1/8));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() + size * 2/8), (float) (point.getY() - size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() + size/2), (float) (point.getY() - size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() + size * 1/8), (float) (point.getY()));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() + size/2), (float) (point.getY() + size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() + size * 2/8), (float) (point.getY() + size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX()), (float) (point.getY() + size * 1/8));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() - size * 2/8), (float) (point.getY() + size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() - size/2), (float) (point.getY() + size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() - size * 1/8), (float) (point.getY()));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() - size/2), (float) (point.getY() - size/2));
  path.lineTo((float) (point.getX() - size * 2/8), (float) (point.getY() - size/2));
  return path;
源代码14 项目: mil-sym-java   文件: clsUtilityCPOF.java
private static ShapeInfo BuildDummyShapeSpec() {
    ShapeInfo shape = new ShapeInfo(null);
    try {
        AffineTransform tx = new AffineTransform();
        GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
        shape.setStroke(new BasicStroke());
        gp.moveTo(-1000, -1000);
        gp.lineTo(-1001, -1001);
    } catch (Exception exc) {
        ErrorLogger.LogException(_className, "BuidDummyShapeSpec",
                new RendererException("Failed inside BuildDummyShapeSpec", exc));
    return shape;
源代码15 项目: MeteoInfo   文件: Draw.java
 * Fill polygon
 * @param points The points array
 * @param g Graphics2D
 * @param aPGB Polygon break
public static void fillPolygon(PointD[] points, Graphics2D g, PolygonBreak aPGB) {
    GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD, points.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            path.moveTo(points[i].X, points[i].Y);
        } else {
            path.lineTo(points[i].X, points[i].Y);

    if (aPGB != null) {
        if (aPGB.isUsingHatchStyle()) {
            int size = aPGB.getStyleSize();
            BufferedImage bi = getHatchImage(aPGB.getStyle(), size, aPGB.getColor(), aPGB.getBackColor());
            Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, size, size);
            g.setPaint(new TexturePaint(bi, rect));
        } else {
    } else {
源代码16 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: StandardGlyphVector.java
void appendGlyphOutline(int glyphID, GeneralPath result, float x, float y) {
    // !!! fontStrike needs a method for this.  For that matter, GeneralPath does.
    GeneralPath gp = null;
    if (sgv.invdtx == null) {
        gp = strike.getGlyphOutline(glyphID, x + dx, y + dy);
    } else {
        gp = strike.getGlyphOutline(glyphID, 0, 0);
        gp.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x + dx, y + dy));
    PathIterator iterator = gp.getPathIterator(null);
    result.append(iterator, false);
源代码17 项目: hottub   文件: FreetypeFontScaler.java
synchronized GeneralPath getGlyphVectorOutline(
                 long pScalerContext, int[] glyphs, int numGlyphs,
                 float x, float y) throws FontScalerException {
    if (nativeScaler != 0L) {
        return getGlyphVectorOutlineNative(font.get(),
                                           x, y);
    return FontScaler
        .getNullScaler().getGlyphVectorOutline(0L, glyphs, numGlyphs, x, y);
源代码18 项目: energy2d   文件: Polygon2D.java
public void setVertices(List<Point2D.Float> points) {
	if (points.size() < 3)
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("the number of vertices must be no less than 3.");
	if (vertex == null || points.size() != vertex.length)
		path = new GeneralPath();
	vertex = new Point2D.Float[points.size()];
	for (int i = 0; i < vertex.length; i++) {
		Point2D.Float pi = points.get(i);
		setVertex(i, pi.x, pi.y);
源代码19 项目: pdfxtk   文件: MoveTo.java
     * process : m : Begin new subpath.
     * @param operator The operator that is being executed.
     * @param arguments List
    public void process(PDFOperator operator, List arguments) 
            PDFObjectExtractor drawer = (PDFObjectExtractor)context;
            COSNumber x = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 0 );
            COSNumber y = (COSNumber)arguments.get( 1 );
            drawer.getLineSubPaths().add( drawer.getLinePath() );
            GeneralPath newPath = new GeneralPath();
            Point2D Ppos = drawer.TransformedPoint(x.doubleValue(), y.doubleValue());
            //newPath.moveTo( x.floatValue(), (float)drawer.fixY( x.doubleValue(), y.doubleValue()) );
            //logger().info("Ready to move to " + Ppos.getX() + ", " + Ppos.getY());
            newPath.moveTo((float)Ppos.getX(), (float)Ppos.getY());
            drawer.setLinePath( newPath );
            ////drawer.simpleMoveTo((float)Ppos.getX(), (float)Ppos.getY());
            drawer.simpleMoveTo(x.floatValue(), y.floatValue());
        }catch (Exception E){
            //logger().warning( E.toString() + "/n at/n" + FullStackTrace(E));
////    extractor.setCurrentX(x.floatValue());
////    extractor.setCurrentY(y.floatValue());
源代码20 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: TextLine.java
public Shape getOutline(AffineTransform tx) {

        GeneralPath dstShape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO);

        for (int i=0, n = 0; i < fComponents.length; i++, n += 2) {
            TextLineComponent tlc = fComponents[getComponentLogicalIndex(i)];

            dstShape.append(tlc.getOutline(locs[n], locs[n+1]), false);

        if (tx != null) {
        return dstShape;
源代码21 项目: energy2d   文件: Tree.java
public static Area getShape(Rectangle2D.Float r, byte type) {
	// the positions and sizes of the circles must ensure that r is the bounding box
	Area a = new Area(new Rectangle2D.Float(r.x + r.width * 0.45f, r.y + r.height * 0.5f, r.width * 0.1f, r.height * 0.5f));
	switch (type) {
	case REGULAR:
		float p = Math.min(r.width, r.height) * 0.6f;
		float q = p * 0.8f;
		a.add(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x + (r.width - p) * 0.5f, r.y, p, p)));
		a.add(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x, r.y + p * 0.8f, q, q)));
		a.add(new Area(new Ellipse2D.Float(r.x + r.width - q, r.y + p * 0.8f, q, q)));
	case PINE:
		GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
		path.moveTo(r.x + r.width * 0.5f, r.y);
		path.lineTo(r.x + r.width * 0.3f, r.y + r.height * 0.3f);
		path.lineTo(r.x + r.width * 0.7f, r.y + r.height * 0.3f);
		a.add(new Area(path));
		path.moveTo(r.x + r.width * 0.5f, r.y + r.height * 0.2f);
		path.lineTo(r.x + r.width * 0.2f, r.y + r.height * 0.5f);
		path.lineTo(r.x + r.width * 0.8f, r.y + r.height * 0.5f);
		a.add(new Area(path));
		path.moveTo(r.x + r.width * 0.5f, r.y + r.height * 0.3f);
		path.lineTo(r.x, r.y + r.height * 0.8f);
		path.lineTo(r.x + r.width, r.y + r.height * 0.8f);
		a.add(new Area(path));
	return a;
源代码22 项目: PyramidShader   文件: MultiThumbSliderUI.java
/** Create a thumb that is centered at (0,0) for a horizontally oriented slider.
 * @param sliderUI the slider UI this thumb relates to.
 * @param x the x-coordinate where this thumb is centered.
 * @param y the y-coordinate where this thumb is centered.
 * @param width the width of the the thumb (assuming this is a horizontal slider)
 * @param height the height of the the thumb (assuming this is a horizontal slider)
 * @param leftEdge true if this is the left-most thumb
 * @param rightEdge true if this is the right-most thumb.
 * @return the shape of this thumb.
public Shape getShape(MultiThumbSliderUI<?> sliderUI,float x,float y,int width,int height,boolean leftEdge,boolean rightEdge) {

	// TODO: reinstate leftEdge and rightEdge once bug related to nudging
	// adjacent thumbs is resolved.
	GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath(getShape(width, height, false, false, !sliderUI.getThumbAntialiasing()));
	if(sliderUI.slider.getOrientation()==SwingConstants.VERTICAL) {
	path.transform( AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(MathG.roundInt(x), MathG.roundInt(y)) );
	return path;
源代码23 项目: ccu-historian   文件: ShapeUtilities.java
 * Tests two polygons for equality.  If both are <code>null</code> this
 * method returns <code>true</code>.
 * @param p1  path 1 (<code>null</code> permitted).
 * @param p2  path 2 (<code>null</code> permitted).
 * @return A boolean.
public static boolean equal(final GeneralPath p1, final GeneralPath p2) {
    if (p1 == null) {
        return (p2 == null);
    if (p2 == null) {
        return false;
    if (p1.getWindingRule() != p2.getWindingRule()) {
        return false;
    PathIterator iterator1 = p1.getPathIterator(null);
    PathIterator iterator2 = p2.getPathIterator(null);
    double[] d1 = new double[6];
    double[] d2 = new double[6];
    boolean done = iterator1.isDone() && iterator2.isDone();
    while (!done) {
        if (iterator1.isDone() != iterator2.isDone()) {
            return false;
        int seg1 = iterator1.currentSegment(d1);
        int seg2 = iterator2.currentSegment(d2);
        if (seg1 != seg2) {
            return false;
        if (!Arrays.equals(d1, d2)) {
            return false;
        done = iterator1.isDone() && iterator2.isDone();
    return true;
源代码24 项目: magarena   文件: ArrowBuilder.java
private static Area getArrow (float length, float bendPercent) {

        final int bodyWidth = 10;
        final float headSize = 17;

        float p1x = 0, p1y = 0;
        float p2x = length, p2y = 0;
        float cx = length / 2, cy = length / 8f * bendPercent;

        float adjSize, ex, ey, abs_e;
        adjSize = (float)(bodyWidth / 2 / Math.sqrt(2));
        ex = p2x - cx;
        ey = p2y - cy;
        abs_e = (float)Math.sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey);
        ex /= abs_e;
        ey /= abs_e;
        GeneralPath bodyPath = new GeneralPath();
        bodyPath.moveTo(p2x + (ey - ex) * adjSize, p2y - (ex + ey) * adjSize);
        bodyPath.quadTo(cx, cy, p1x, p1y - bodyWidth / 2);
        bodyPath.lineTo(p1x, p1y + bodyWidth / 2);
        bodyPath.quadTo(cx, cy, p2x - (ey + ex) * adjSize, p2y + (ex - ey) * adjSize);

        adjSize = (float)(headSize / Math.sqrt(2));
        ex = p2x - cx;
        ey = p2y - cy;
        abs_e = (float)Math.sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey);
        ex /= abs_e;
        ey /= abs_e;
        GeneralPath headPath = new GeneralPath();
        headPath.moveTo(p2x - (ey + ex) * adjSize, p2y + (ex - ey) * adjSize);
        headPath.lineTo(p2x, p2y);
        headPath.lineTo(p2x + (ey - ex) * adjSize, p2y - (ex + ey) * adjSize);

        Area area = new Area(headPath);
        area.add(new Area(bodyPath));
        return area;
源代码25 项目: freecol   文件: Flag.java
 * Returns a triangle of the given shape and size. This is a large
 * top left triangle if the given shape is BEND, and a small left
 * triangle if the given shape is CHEVRON or TRIANGLE.
 * @param unionShape The shape of the union.
 * @param small Whether the shape is limited by decorations.
 * @return The triangle shape.
private GeneralPath getTriangle(UnionShape unionShape, boolean small) {
    GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
    double x = 0;
    double y = 0;
    if (small) {
        x = BEND_X;
        y = BEND_Y;
    switch(unionShape) {
    case BEND:
        path.moveTo(0, HEIGHT - y);
        path.lineTo(0, 0);
        path.lineTo(WIDTH - x, 0);
    case CHEVRON:
        path.moveTo(0, y);
        path.lineTo(CHEVRON_X - x, HEIGHT / 2);
        path.lineTo(0, HEIGHT - y);
    case TRIANGLE:
        if (unionPosition == UnionPosition.LEFT
            || unionPosition == UnionPosition.RIGHT) {
            path.moveTo(0, y);
            path.lineTo(WIDTH / 2 - x, HEIGHT / 2);
            path.lineTo(0, HEIGHT - y);
        } else {
            path.moveTo(0, x);
            path.lineTo(HEIGHT / 2 - y, WIDTH / 2);
            path.lineTo(0, WIDTH - x);
    return path;
源代码26 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: TextLine.java
public Shape getOutline(AffineTransform tx) {

        GeneralPath dstShape = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_NON_ZERO);

        for (int i=0, n = 0; i < fComponents.length; i++, n += 2) {
            TextLineComponent tlc = fComponents[getComponentLogicalIndex(i)];

            dstShape.append(tlc.getOutline(locs[n], locs[n+1]), false);

        if (tx != null) {
        return dstShape;
源代码27 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: FileFont.java
GeneralPath getGlyphOutline(long pScalerContext, int glyphCode, float x, float y) {
    try {
        return getScaler().getGlyphOutline(pScalerContext, glyphCode, x, y);
    } catch (FontScalerException fe) {
        scaler = FontScaler.getNullScaler();
        return getGlyphOutline(pScalerContext, glyphCode, x, y);
源代码28 项目: openjdk-8   文件: FreetypeFontScaler.java
synchronized GeneralPath getGlyphVectorOutline(
                 long pScalerContext, int[] glyphs, int numGlyphs,
                 float x, float y) throws FontScalerException {
    if (nativeScaler != 0L) {
        return getGlyphVectorOutlineNative(font.get(),
                                           x, y);
    return FontScaler
        .getNullScaler().getGlyphVectorOutline(0L, glyphs, numGlyphs, x, y);
源代码29 项目: snap-desktop   文件: BoundaryOverlay.java
private GeneralPath convertToPixelPath(final GeoPos[] geoBoundary) {
    final GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath();
    for (int i = 0; i < geoBoundary.length; i++) {
        final GeoPos geoPos = geoBoundary[i];
        final AffineTransform m2vTransform = layerCanvas.getViewport().getModelToViewTransform();
        final Point2D viewPos = m2vTransform.transform(new PixelPos.Double(geoPos.lon, geoPos.lat), null);
        if (i == 0) {
            gp.moveTo(viewPos.getX(), viewPos.getY());
        } else {
            gp.lineTo(viewPos.getX(), viewPos.getY());
    return gp;
源代码30 项目: ccu-historian   文件: ClipPath.java
 * Generates the clip path.
 * @param dataArea  the dataArea that the plot is being draw in.
 * @param horizontalAxis  the horizontal axis.
 * @param verticalAxis  the vertical axis.
 * @return The GeneralPath defining the outline
public GeneralPath generateClipPath(Rectangle2D dataArea,
                                    ValueAxis horizontalAxis,
                                    ValueAxis verticalAxis) {

    GeneralPath generalPath = new GeneralPath();
    double transX = horizontalAxis.valueToJava2D(
        this.xValue[0], dataArea, RectangleEdge.BOTTOM
    double transY = verticalAxis.valueToJava2D(
        this.yValue[0], dataArea, RectangleEdge.LEFT
    generalPath.moveTo((float) transX, (float) transY);
    for (int k = 0; k < this.yValue.length; k++) {
        transX = horizontalAxis.valueToJava2D(
            this.xValue[k], dataArea, RectangleEdge.BOTTOM
        transY = verticalAxis.valueToJava2D(
            this.yValue[k], dataArea, RectangleEdge.LEFT
        generalPath.lineTo((float) transX, (float) transY);

    return generalPath;
