

源代码1 项目: Spark   文件: SparkTransferManager.java
public void sendFileTo(ContactItem item) {
    FileDialog fileChooser = getFileChooser(SparkManager.getMainWindow(), Res.getString("title.select.file.to.send"));
    if (defaultDirectory != null)
        fileChooser.setDirectory( defaultDirectory.getAbsolutePath() );

    final File[] files = fileChooser.getFiles();
    if ( files.length == 0) {
        // no selection

    File file = files[0]; // Single-file selection is used. Using the first array item is safe.

    if (file.exists()) {
        defaultDirectory = file.getParentFile();
        sendFile( file, item.getJid() );

源代码2 项目: mpcmaid   文件: MainFrame.java
public void open() {
	final FileDialog openDialog = new FileDialog(this);
	openDialog.setFilenameFilter(new FilenameFilter() {
		public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
			String[] supportedFiles = { "PGM", "pgm" };
			for (int i = 0; i < supportedFiles.length; i++) {
				if (name.endsWith(supportedFiles[i])) {
					return true;
			return false;
	if (openDialog.getDirectory() != null && openDialog.getFile() != null) {
		String filePath = openDialog.getDirectory() + openDialog.getFile();
		final File pgmFile = new File(filePath);
		final MainFrame newFrame = new MainFrame(pgmFile);
源代码3 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: FileDialogForPackages.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Check that files can't be selected.",
            "3) Check that directories can be selected.",
            "4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 a few times for different files and directories.",
            "5) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码5 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname, filename,
        fd.getFilenameFilter(), fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
源代码6 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: FileDialogForPackages.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码7 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: FileDialogForDirectories.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Check that files can't be selected.",
            "3) Check that directories can be selected.",
            "4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 a few times for different files and directories.",
            "5) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码8 项目: PIPE   文件: StateSpaceLoader.java
 * @param temporary path to copy to new location
 * @param message   displayed message in save file dialog pop up
private void copyFile(Path temporary, String message) {

    File[] files = loadDialog.getFiles();
    if (files.length > 0) {
        File file = files[0];
        Path path = Paths.get(file.toURI());
        try {
            Files.copy(temporary, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage());
源代码9 项目: jdk8u60   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname, filename,
        fd.getFilenameFilter(), fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
源代码10 项目: jdk8u60   文件: FileDialogForPackages.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码11 项目: jdk8u60   文件: FileDialogForDirectories.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Check that files can't be selected.",
            "3) Check that directories can be selected.",
            "4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 a few times for different files and directories.",
            "5) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码12 项目: toxiclibs   文件: FileUtils.java
 * Displays a standard AWT file dialog for choosing a file for loading or
 * saving.
 * @param frame
 *            parent frame
 * @param title
 *            dialog title
 * @param path
 *            base directory (or null)
 * @param filter
 *            a FilenameFilter implementation (or null)
 * @param mode
 *            either FileUtils.LOAD or FileUtils.SAVE
 * @return path to chosen file or null, if user has canceled
public static String showFileDialog(final Frame frame, final String title,
        String path, FilenameFilter filter, final int mode) {
    String fileID = null;
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(frame, title, mode);
    if (path != null) {
    if (filter != null) {
    if (fd.getFile() != null) {
        fileID = fd.getFile();
        fileID = fd.getDirectory() + fileID;
    return fileID;
源代码13 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname, filename,
        fd.getFilenameFilter(), fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
源代码14 项目: EchoSim   文件: ApplicationPanel.java
protected void doUtteranceLoadFile()
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(getFrame(), "Load Utterance File", FileDialog.LOAD);
    if (fd.getDirectory() == null)
    String intentFile = fd.getDirectory()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+fd.getFile();
    if ((intentFile == null) || (intentFile.length() == 0))
        RuntimeLogic.readUtterances(mRuntime, (new File(intentFile)).toURI());
        RuntimeLogic.setProp("utterance.file.dir", fd.getDirectory());
        RuntimeLogic.setProp("utterance.file.file", fd.getFile());
    catch (IOException e)
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getLocalizedMessage(), "Error reading "+intentFile, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
源代码15 项目: netbeans   文件: FileChooserBuilder.java
 * Show an open dialog with a file chooser set up according to the
 * parameters of this builder.
 * @return A file if the user clicks the accept button and a file or
 * folder was selected at the time the user clicked cancel.
public File showOpenDialog() {
    JFileChooser chooser = createFileChooser();
    if( Boolean.getBoolean("nb.native.filechooser") ) { //NOI18N
        FileDialog fileDialog = createFileDialog( chooser.getCurrentDirectory() );
        if( null != fileDialog ) {
            return showFileDialog(fileDialog, FileDialog.LOAD );
    int dlgResult = chooser.showOpenDialog(findDialogParent());
    if (JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION == dlgResult) {
        File result = chooser.getSelectedFile();
        if (result != null && !result.exists()) {
            result = null;
        return result;
    } else {
        return null;

源代码16 项目: PIPE   文件: StateSpaceLoader.java
 * Opens the file dialog and saves the selected Petri net into lastLoadedPetriNet
 * for use when calculating the state space exploration
private void loadData() {
    loadDialog.setTitle("Select petri net");

    File[] files = loadDialog.getFiles();
    if (files.length > 0) {
        File path = files[0];
        try {
            PetriNetReader petriNetIO = new PetriNetIOImpl();
            lastLoadedPetriNet = petriNetIO.read(path.getAbsolutePath());
        } catch (JAXBException | FileNotFoundException e) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage());
源代码17 项目: EchoSim   文件: ApplicationPanel.java
protected void doIntentLoadFile()
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(getFrame(), "Load Intent File", FileDialog.LOAD);
    if (fd.getDirectory() == null)
    String intentFile = fd.getDirectory()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+fd.getFile();
    if ((intentFile == null) || (intentFile.length() == 0))
        RuntimeLogic.readIntents(mRuntime, (new File(intentFile)).toURI());
        RuntimeLogic.setProp("intent.file.dir", fd.getDirectory());
        RuntimeLogic.setProp("intent.file.file", fd.getFile());
    catch (IOException e)
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getLocalizedMessage(), "Error reading "+intentFile, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码19 项目: EchoSim   文件: SuitePanel.java
private void doLoadDisk()
    FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(getFrame(), "Load Test Suite", FileDialog.LOAD);
    if (fd.getDirectory() == null)
    String historyFile = fd.getDirectory()+System.getProperty("file.separator")+fd.getFile();
    if ((historyFile == null) || (historyFile.length() == 0))
        SuiteLogic.load(mRuntime, new File(historyFile));
        RuntimeLogic.setProp("suite.file.dir", fd.getDirectory());
        RuntimeLogic.setProp("suite.file.file", fd.getFile());
    catch (IOException e)
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, e.getLocalizedMessage(), "Error reading "+historyFile, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
源代码20 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    if (!quit) {
        run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname, filename,
                fd.getFilenameFilter(), fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
源代码21 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: FileDialogForPackages.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码22 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: FileDialogForDirectories.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Check that files can't be selected.",
            "3) Check that directories can be selected.",
            "4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 a few times for different files and directories.",
            "5) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码23 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname, filename,
        fd.getFilenameFilter(), fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
源代码24 项目: pumpernickel   文件: AudioPlayerUI.java
public void doBrowseForFile(AudioPlayerComponent apc) {
	Window w = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(apc);
	if (!(w instanceof Frame))
		throw new RuntimeException(
				"cannot invoke a FileDialog if the player is not in a java.awt.Frame");
	// the button shouldn't be enabled if w isn't a Frame...
	Frame f = (Frame) w;
	FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(f);

	if (fd.getFile() == null)
		throw new UserCancelledException();
	File file = new File(fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile());
	try {
	} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
源代码25 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: FileDialogForPackages.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码26 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: FileDialogForDirectories.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Check that files can't be selected.",
            "3) Check that directories can be selected.",
            "4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 a few times for different files and directories.",
            "5) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码27 项目: hottub   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname, filename,
        fd.getFilenameFilter(), fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
源代码28 项目: hottub   文件: FileDialogForPackages.java
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Navigate to the Applications folder if not already there",
            "3) Check that the application bundles can be selected and can not be navigated",
            "4) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};
源代码29 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: GtkFileDialogPeer.java
private void showNativeDialog() {
    String dirname = fd.getDirectory();
    // File path has a priority against directory path.
    String filename = fd.getFile();
    if (filename != null) {
        final File file = new File(filename);
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.LOAD
            && dirname != null
            && file.getParent() == null) {
            // File path for gtk_file_chooser_set_filename.
            filename = dirname + (dirname.endsWith(File.separator) ? "" :
                                          File.separator) + filename;
        if (fd.getMode() == FileDialog.SAVE && file.getParent() != null) {
            // Filename for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_name.
            filename = file.getName();
            // Directory path for gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder.
            dirname = file.getParent();
    GtkFileDialogPeer.this.run(fd.getTitle(), fd.getMode(), dirname,
                               filename, fd.getFilenameFilter(),
                               fd.isMultipleMode(), fd.getX(), fd.getY());
public void init() {
    if (OSInfo.getOSType() != OSInfo.OSType.MACOSX) {
        Sysout.createDialogWithInstructions(new String[]{
                "Press PASS, this test is for MacOS X only."});

    System.setProperty("apple.awt.fileDialogForDirectories", "true");

    setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 1));

    fd = new FileDialog(new Frame(), "Open");

    showBtn = new Button("Show File Dialog");
    String[] instructions = {
            "1) Click on 'Show File Dialog' button. A file dialog will come up.",
            "2) Check that files can't be selected.",
            "3) Check that directories can be selected.",
            "4) Repeat steps 1 - 3 a few times for different files and directories.",
            "5) If it's true then the test passed, otherwise it failed."};