

源代码1 项目: atlas   文件: ApDependency.java
private File getBaseApFile(Project project, TBuildType tBuildType) {
    File apBaseFile;
    File buildTypeBaseApFile = tBuildType.getBaseApFile();
    if (null != buildTypeBaseApFile && buildTypeBaseApFile.exists()) {
        apBaseFile = buildTypeBaseApFile;
    } else if (!isNullOrEmpty(tBuildType.getBaseApDependency())) {
        String apDependency = tBuildType.getBaseApDependency();
        // Preconditions.checkNotNull(apDependency,
        //                            "You have to specify the baseApFile property or the baseApDependency
        // dependency");
        Dependency dependency = project.getDependencies().create(apDependency);
        Configuration configuration = project.getConfigurations().detachedConfiguration(dependency);
        apBaseFile = Iterables.getOnlyElement(Collections2.filter(configuration.getFiles(), new Predicate<File>() {
            public boolean apply(@Nullable File file) {
                return file.getName().endsWith(".ap");
    } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("AP is missing");
    return apBaseFile;
源代码2 项目: attic-apex-malhar   文件: FileEndpointTest.java
private boolean waitTillStdoutIsPopulated(ByteArrayOutputStream baos, int timeout) throws InterruptedException,
  long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
  Collection<String> filter = Lists.newArrayList();
  while (System.currentTimeMillis() - now < timeout) {
    String[] sout = baos.toString().split(System.lineSeparator());
    filter = Collections2.filter(Arrays.asList(sout), Predicates.containsPattern("Delta Record:"));
    if (filter.size() != 0) {


  return (filter.size() != 0);
源代码3 项目: PGM   文件: MapContextImpl.java
public MapContextImpl(MapInfo info, MapSource source, Collection<MapModule> modules) {
  this.source = checkNotNull(source);
  this.modules = ImmutableList.copyOf(checkNotNull(modules));

  for (MapModule module : this.modules) {

    if (module instanceof TeamModule) {
          Collections2.transform(((TeamModule) module).getTeams(), TeamFactory::getMaxPlayers));

    if (module instanceof FreeForAllModule) {
      this.players.add(((FreeForAllModule) module).getOptions().maxPlayers);

  if (getWorld().hasTerrain()) {
源代码4 项目: cerberus-source   文件: DeleteTest.java
 * Get {@link TestCaseStep} which are using an other {@link TestCaseStep}
 * from the given {@link Test} but which are NOT included into this
 * {@link Test}
 * @param test the {@link Test} from which getting externally used
 * {@link TestCaseStep}s
 * @return a {@link Collection} of {@link TestCaseStep} which are using an
 * other {@link TestCaseStep} from the given {@link Test} but which are NOT
 * included into this {@link Test}
 * @throws CerberusException if an unexpected error occurred
private Collection<TestCaseStep> externallyUsedTestCaseSteps(final Test test) throws CerberusException {
    // Get the associated ApplicationContext to this servlet
    final ApplicationContext applicationContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(this.getServletContext());

    // Get all TestCaseSteps which are using an other TestCaseSteps from given Test
    final ITestCaseStepService testCaseStepService = applicationContext.getBean(ITestCaseStepService.class);
    final List<TestCaseStep> stepsInUse = testCaseStepService.getTestCaseStepsUsingTestInParameter(test.getTest());

    // Filter the retrieved list to only retain those which are not included from the given Test
    return Collections2.filter(stepsInUse, new Predicate<TestCaseStep>() {
        public boolean apply(@Nullable final TestCaseStep input) {
            return !input.getTest().equals(test.getTest());

        public boolean test(TestCaseStep t) {
            return Predicate.super.test(t); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
源代码5 项目: streamline   文件: StreamlineEventImpl.java
public String getDataSourceId() {
    String res = dataSourceId;
    if (res == null) {
        Object dataSourceIds = header.get("dataSourceIds");
        if (dataSourceIds instanceof List) {
            res = Joiner.on(",").join(Collections2.filter((List) dataSourceIds, new Predicate() {
                public boolean apply(Object input) {
                    return input != null;
    return res;
private Dictionary<String> buildDictionary(TblColRef dim, List<Object> inputValues) throws IOException {
    Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
    final Collection<String> values = Collections2.transform(Sets.newHashSet(inputValues),
            new Function<Object, String>() {
                public String apply(Object input) {
                    String value = (String) input;
                    return value;
    final Dictionary<String> dict = DictionaryGenerator.buildDictionary(dim.getType(),
            new IterableDictionaryValueEnumerator(values));
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("BuildDictionary for column : " + dim.getName() + " took : " + stopwatch.elapsedMillis()
                + " ms ");
    return dict;
源代码7 项目: SciGraph   文件: GraphOwlVisitor.java
public Void visit(OWLEquivalentObjectPropertiesAxiom axiom) {
  Set<OWLObjectPropertyExpression> properties = axiom.getProperties();
  boolean anonymousPropertyExists = false;
  for (OWLObjectPropertyExpression property : properties) {
    anonymousPropertyExists = anonymousPropertyExists || property.isAnonymous();

  // #217 - in case of EquivalentObjectProperties(:p ObjectInverseOf(:q))
  if (!anonymousPropertyExists) {
    Collection<Long> nodes = Collections2.transform(axiom.getObjectPropertiesInSignature(),
        new Function<OWLObjectProperty, Long>() {

          public Long apply(OWLObjectProperty objectProperty) {
            return getOrCreateNode(getIri(objectProperty));

    getOrCreateRelationshipPairwise(nodes, OwlRelationships.OWL_EQUIVALENT_OBJECT_PROPERTY);
  return null;
protected List<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> retrieveAnomaliesFromDatabase(List<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> generated) {
  List<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> retrieved = super.retrieveAnomaliesFromDatabase(generated);

  Collection<MergedAnomalyResultDTO> anomalies =
              mergedAnomaly -> mergedAnomaly != null &&
              !mergedAnomaly.isChild() &&
              mergedAnomaly.getAnomalyResultSource().equals(AnomalyResultSource.DEFAULT_ANOMALY_DETECTION) &&
                  // merge if only the anomaly generated by the same detector
              this.detectorComponentName.equals(mergedAnomaly.getProperties().getOrDefault(PROP_DETECTOR_COMPONENT_NAME, "")) &&
                  // merge if only the anomaly is in the same dimension
  for (MergedAnomalyResultDTO anomaly : anomalies) {
    if(anomaly.getId() != null) this.existingAnomalies.put(anomaly.getId(), copyAnomalyInfo(anomaly, new MergedAnomalyResultDTO()));
  return new ArrayList<>(anomalies);
源代码9 项目: db   文件: Query.java
 * Creates a query for inserting a collection of records of the specified type
 * @param ds name of datastore
 * @param collection name of collection
 * @param records a collection of records that are to be inserted
 * @param recordType the @link {@link RecordType} indicating the format engine to use for data
 * @return the generated query in JSON format
public Query insertQuery(final String ds, final String collection, List<Record> records, final RecordType recordType) {
    queryJson.put(QueryParams.QUERY.getParam(), QueryType.INSERT.getQueryCode());
    queryJson.put(QueryParams.DATASTORE.getParam(), ds);
    queryJson.put(QueryParams.COLLECTION.getParam(), collection);

    JSONObject payloadJson = new JSONObject();
    payloadJson.put(QueryParams.TYPE.getParam(), recordType.getTypeCode());
    payloadJson.put(QueryParams.DATA.getParam(), new JSONArray(Collections2.transform(records, new Function<Record, JSONObject>() {
        public JSONObject apply(Record record) {
            return record.asJson();

    queryJson.put(QueryParams.PAYLOAD.getParam(), payloadJson);
    return this;
源代码10 项目: rya   文件: TupleExecutionPlanGenerator.java
private List<TupleExpr> getPlans(final TupleExpr te) {

        final NodeCollector nc = new NodeCollector();

        final Set<QueryModelNode> nodeSet = nc.getNodeSet();
        final List<Filter> filterList = nc.getFilterSet();
        final Projection projection = nc.getProjection().clone();

        final List<TupleExpr> queryPlans = Lists.newArrayList();

        final Collection<List<QueryModelNode>> plans = Collections2.permutations(nodeSet);

        for (final List<QueryModelNode> p : plans) {
            if (p.size() == 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tuple must contain at least one node!");
            } else if (p.size() == 1) {
            } else {
                queryPlans.add(buildTuple(p, filterList, projection));

        return queryPlans;
源代码11 项目: incubator-pinot   文件: AlertUtils.java
 * Helper to convert a collection of email strings into {@code InternetAddress} instances, filtering
 * out invalid addresses and nulls.
 * @param emailCollection collection of email address strings
 * @return filtered collection of InternetAddress objects
public static Collection<InternetAddress> toAddress(Collection<String> emailCollection) {
  if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(emailCollection)) {
    return Collections.emptySet();
  return Collections2.filter(Collections2.transform(emailCollection,
      new Function<String, InternetAddress>() {
        public InternetAddress apply(String s) {
          try {
            return InternetAddress.parse(s)[0];
          } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;
      new Predicate<InternetAddress>() {
        public boolean apply(InternetAddress internetAddress) {
          return internetAddress != null;
源代码12 项目: streamline   文件: StreamCatalogService.java
private Collection<TopologyProcessor> fillProcessorStreams(Collection<TopologyProcessor> processors) {
    if (processors != null) {
        for (TopologyProcessor processor : processors) {
            List<TopologyStream> topologyStreams = getOutputStreams(processor);
            processor.setOutputStreamIds(new ArrayList<>(Collections2.transform(topologyStreams, new Function<TopologyStream, Long>() {
                public Long apply(@Nullable TopologyStream input) {
                    return input.getId();
    return processors;