

源代码1 项目: sequence-mining   文件: Transaction.java
/** Calculate cached cost for structural EM-step */
private double calculateCachedCost(final Table<Sequence, Integer, Double> sequences,
		final Multiset<Sequence> covering) {
	double totalCost = 0;
	int lenCovering = 0;
	for (final Sequence seq : cachedSequences.rowKeySet()) {
		if (sequences.containsRow(seq)) {
			if (covering.contains(seq)) {
				final int occur = covering.count(seq);
				totalCost += -Math.log(sequences.get(seq, occur));
				for (int m = 1; m <= occur; m++) {
					totalCost += sumLogRange(lenCovering + 1, lenCovering + seq.size());
					lenCovering += seq.size();
			} else if (seq.size() == 1 && sum(cachedSequences.row(seq).values()) == 0.) {
				continue; // ignore seqs used to fill incomplete coverings
			} else {
				totalCost += -Math.log(sequences.get(seq, 0));
	return totalCost;
源代码2 项目: SPDS   文件: AbstractBoomerangResults.java
public Table<Statement, Val, W> asStatementValWeightTable(ForwardQuery query) {
    final Table<Statement, Val, W> results = HashBasedTable.create();
    WeightedPAutomaton<Statement, INode<Val>, W> callAut = queryToSolvers.getOrCreate(query).getCallAutomaton();
    for (Entry<Transition<Statement, INode<Val>>, W> e : callAut.getTransitionsToFinalWeights().entrySet()) {
        Transition<Statement, INode<Val>> t = e.getKey();
        W w = e.getValue();
        if (t.getLabel().equals(Statement.epsilon()))
        if (t.getStart().fact().value() instanceof Local
                && !t.getLabel().getMethod().equals(t.getStart().fact().m()))
        if (t.getLabel().getUnit().isPresent())
            results.put(t.getLabel(), t.getStart().fact(), w);
    return results;
源代码3 项目: twill   文件: YarnTwillRunnerService.java
 * Renews the {@link SecureStore} for all the running applications.
 * @param liveApps set of running applications that need to have secure store renewal
 * @param renewer the {@link SecureStoreRenewer} for renewal
 * @param mergeCredentials {@code true} to merge with existing credentials
 * @return a {@link Multimap} containing the application runs that were failed to have secure store renewed
private Multimap<String, RunId> renewSecureStore(Table<String, RunId, YarnTwillController> liveApps,
                                                 SecureStoreRenewer renewer, boolean mergeCredentials) {
  Multimap<String, RunId> failureRenews = HashMultimap.create();

  // Renew the secure store for each running application
  for (Table.Cell<String, RunId, YarnTwillController> liveApp : liveApps.cellSet()) {
    String application = liveApp.getRowKey();
    RunId runId = liveApp.getColumnKey();
    YarnTwillController controller = liveApp.getValue();

    try {
      renewer.renew(application, runId, new YarnSecureStoreWriter(application, runId, controller, mergeCredentials));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.warn("Failed to renew secure store for {}:{}", application, runId, e);
      failureRenews.put(application, runId);

  return failureRenews;
源代码4 项目: powsybl-core   文件: MathUtil.java
public static Table<String, String, Float> parseMatrix(Reader reader) throws IOException {
    Table<String, String, Float> table = HashBasedTable.create();
    try (ICsvListReader csvReader = new CsvListReader(reader, CsvPreference.STANDARD_PREFERENCE)) {
        List<String> columnHeaders = csvReader.read();
        List<String> row;
        while ((row = csvReader.read()) != null) {
            String rowHeader = row.get(0);
            for (int i = 1; i < row.size(); i++) {
                String columnHeader = columnHeaders.get(i);
                String value = row.get(i);
                table.put(rowHeader, columnHeader, value == null ? Float.NaN : Float.parseFloat(value));
    return table;
源代码5 项目: tutorials   文件: GuavaTableUnitTest.java
public void givenArrayTable_whenGet_returnsSuccessfully() {
    final List<String> universityRowTable = Lists.newArrayList("Mumbai", "Harvard");
    final List<String> courseColumnTables = Lists.newArrayList("Chemical", "IT", "Electrical");
    final Table<String, String, Integer> universityCourseSeatTable = ArrayTable.create(universityRowTable, courseColumnTables);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "Chemical", 120);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "IT", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "Electrical", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "IT", 120);

    final int seatCount = universityCourseSeatTable.get("Mumbai", "IT");

源代码6 项目: batfish   文件: EvpnCumulusTest.java
public void testRoutePresence() throws IOException {
  final String leaf1 = "leaf1";
  final String leaf2 = "leaf2";
  final String spine = "spine";
  Batfish batfish =
              .setConfigurationFiles(SNAPSHOT_FOLDER, ImmutableSet.of(leaf1, leaf2, spine))
  DataPlane dp = batfish.loadDataPlane(batfish.getSnapshot());

  Table<String, String, Set<EvpnRoute<?, ?>>> ribs = dp.getEvpnRoutes();

      ribs.get(leaf1, DEFAULT_VRF_NAME),
      ribs.get(leaf2, DEFAULT_VRF_NAME),
源代码7 项目: synthea   文件: FhirR4.java
private static Table<String, String, String> loadMapping(String filename) {
  Table<String, String, String> mappingTable = HashBasedTable.create();

  List<LinkedHashMap<String, String>> csvData;
  try {
    csvData = SimpleCSV.parse(Utilities.readResource(filename));
  } catch (IOException e) {
    return null;

  for (LinkedHashMap<String, String> line : csvData) {
    String system = line.get("SYSTEM");
    String code = line.get("CODE");
    String url = line.get("URL");

    mappingTable.put(system, code, url);

  return mappingTable;
源代码8 项目: Strata   文件: CashFlowReport.java
private CashFlowReport(
    LocalDate valuationDate,
    Instant runInstant,
    List<ExplainKey<?>> columnKeys,
    List<String> columnHeaders,
    Table<Integer, Integer, Object> data) {
  JodaBeanUtils.notNull(valuationDate, "valuationDate");
  JodaBeanUtils.notNull(runInstant, "runInstant");
  JodaBeanUtils.notNull(columnKeys, "columnKeys");
  JodaBeanUtils.notNull(columnHeaders, "columnHeaders");
  JodaBeanUtils.notNull(data, "data");
  this.valuationDate = valuationDate;
  this.runInstant = runInstant;
  this.columnKeys = ImmutableList.copyOf(columnKeys);
  this.columnHeaders = ImmutableList.copyOf(columnHeaders);
  this.data = ImmutableTable.copyOf(data);
源代码9 项目: tutorials   文件: GuavaTableUnitTest.java
public void givenTable_whenContains_returnsSuccessfully() {
    final Table<String, String, Integer> universityCourseSeatTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "Chemical", 120);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "IT", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "Electrical", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "IT", 120);

    final boolean entryIsPresent = universityCourseSeatTable.contains("Mumbai", "IT");
    final boolean entryIsAbsent = universityCourseSeatTable.contains("Oxford", "IT");
    final boolean courseIsPresent = universityCourseSeatTable.containsColumn("IT");
    final boolean universityIsPresent = universityCourseSeatTable.containsRow("Mumbai");
    final boolean seatCountIsPresent = universityCourseSeatTable.containsValue(60);

源代码10 项目: SPDS   文件: WeightedBoomerang.java
public Table<Statement, Val, W> getResults(Query seed) {
    final Table<Statement, Val, W> results = HashBasedTable.create();
    WeightedPAutomaton<Statement, INode<Val>, W> fieldAut = queryToSolvers.getOrCreate(seed).getCallAutomaton();
    for (Entry<Transition<Statement, INode<Val>>, W> e : fieldAut.getTransitionsToFinalWeights().entrySet()) {
        Transition<Statement, INode<Val>> t = e.getKey();
        W w = e.getValue();
        if (t.getLabel().equals(Statement.epsilon()))
        if (t.getStart().fact().value() instanceof Local
                && !t.getLabel().getMethod().equals(t.getStart().fact().m()))
        if (t.getLabel().getUnit().isPresent())
            results.put(t.getLabel(), t.getStart().fact(), w);
    return results;
源代码11 项目: uavstack   文件: ReliableTaildirEventReader.java
 * Create a ReliableTaildirEventReader to watch the given directory. map<serverid.appid.logid, logpath>
private ReliableTaildirEventReader(Map<String, LogPatternInfo> filePaths, Table<String, String, String> headerTable,
        String positionFilePath, boolean skipToEnd, boolean addByteOffset, String os) throws IOException {
    // Sanity checks
    // get operation system info
    if (logger.isDebugEnable()) {
        logger.debug(this, "Initializing {" + ReliableTaildirEventReader.class.getSimpleName()
                + "} with directory={" + filePaths + "}");

    // tailFile
    this.tailFileTable = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().expireAfterWrite(2, TimeUnit.DAYS)
            .<String, LogPatternInfo> build();
    this.headerTable = headerTable;
    this.addByteOffset = addByteOffset;
    this.os = os;

    logger.info(this, "tailFileTable: " + tailFileTable.toString());
    logger.info(this, "headerTable: " + headerTable.toString());
    logger.info(this, "Updating position from position file: " + positionFilePath);
源代码12 项目: SPDS   文件: TestingResultReporter.java
public void onSeedFinished(Node<Statement, Val> seed, final ForwardBoomerangResults<W> res) {
    Table<Statement, Val, W> results = res.asStatementValWeightTable();
    for (final Entry<Unit, Assertion> e : stmtToResults.entries()) {
        if (e.getValue() instanceof ComparableResult) {
            final ComparableResult<W, Val> expectedResults = (ComparableResult) e.getValue();
            W w2 = results.get(new Statement((Stmt) e.getKey(), null), expectedResults.getVal());
            if (w2 != null) {
        // check if any of the methods that should not be analyzed have been analyzed
        if (e.getValue() instanceof ShouldNotBeAnalyzed) {
            final ShouldNotBeAnalyzed shouldNotBeAnalyzed = (ShouldNotBeAnalyzed) e.getValue();
            Unit analyzedUnit = e.getKey();
            if (analyzedUnit.equals(shouldNotBeAnalyzed.unit)) {
源代码13 项目: qmq   文件: SubscriberStatusChecker.java
private void cleanPullLogAndCheckpoint() {
    final Table<String, String, PullLog> pullLogs = storage.allPullLogs();
    if (pullLogs == null || pullLogs.size() == 0) return;

    // delete all pull log without max pulled message sequence
    for (final String groupAndSubject : pullLogs.columnKeySet()) {
        final GroupAndSubject gs = GroupAndSubject.parse(groupAndSubject);
        final long maxPulledMessageSequence = storage.getMaxPulledMessageSequence(gs.getSubject(), gs.getGroup());
        if (maxPulledMessageSequence == -1) {
            for (final Map.Entry<String, PullLog> entry : pullLogs.column(groupAndSubject).entrySet()) {
                final String consumerId = entry.getKey();
                LOG.info("remove pull log. subject: {}, group: {}, consumerId: {}", gs.getSubject(), gs.getGroup(), consumerId);
                storage.destroyPullLog(gs.getSubject(), gs.getGroup(), consumerId);
源代码14 项目: bazel   文件: ConfigCommand.java
private static ConfigurationDiffForOutput getConfigurationDiffForOutput(
    String configHash1,
    String configHash2,
    Table<Class<? extends FragmentOptions>, String, Pair<Object, Object>> diffs) {
  ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<FragmentDiffForOutput> fragmentDiffs =
      ImmutableSortedSet.orderedBy(comparing(e -> e.name));
          fragmentClass -> {
            String fragmentName =
                    ? UserDefinedFragment.DESCRIPTIVE_NAME
                    : fragmentClass.getName();
            ImmutableSortedMap<String, Pair<String, String>> sortedOptionDiffs =
                            e -> toNullableStringPair(e.getValue())));
            fragmentDiffs.add(new FragmentDiffForOutput(fragmentName, sortedOptionDiffs));
  return new ConfigurationDiffForOutput(
      configHash1, configHash2, ImmutableList.copyOf(fragmentDiffs.build()));
源代码15 项目: clutz   文件: TypeAnnotationPass.java
public TypeAnnotationPass(
    AbstractCompiler compiler,
    PathUtil pathUtil,
    NameUtil nameUtil,
    Map<String, FileModule> symbolMap,
    Table<String, String, String> typeRewrite,
    NodeComments nodeComments,
    Map<String, String> externsMap) {
  this.compiler = compiler;
  this.pathUtil = pathUtil;
  this.nameUtil = nameUtil;
  this.nodeComments = nodeComments;

  this.symbolToModule = new HashMap<>(symbolMap);
  this.typeRewrite = HashBasedTable.create(typeRewrite);
  this.externsMap = externsMap;
源代码16 项目: tutorials   文件: GuavaTableUnitTest.java
public void givenTable_whenColKeySet_returnsSuccessfully() {
    final Table<String, String, Integer> universityCourseSeatTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "Chemical", 120);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Mumbai", "IT", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "Electrical", 60);
    universityCourseSeatTable.put("Harvard", "IT", 120);

    final Set<String> courseSet = universityCourseSeatTable.columnKeySet();

 * Create a ReliableTaildirEventReader to watch the given directory.
private ReliableTaildirEventReader(Map<String, String> filePaths,
                                   Map<String, String[]> exclusiveFiles,
                                   long fileExpiredTime,
                                   Table<String, String, String> headerTable, String positionFilePath,
                                   boolean skipToEnd, boolean addByteOffset, boolean cachePatternMatching,
                                   boolean annotateFileName, String fileNameHeader) throws IOException {
    // Sanity checks

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Initializing {} with directory={}, metaDir={}",
                new Object[]{ReliableTaildirEventReader.class.getSimpleName(), filePaths});

    List<TaildirMatcher> taildirCache = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : filePaths.entrySet()) {
        taildirCache.add(new TaildirMatcher(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), exclusiveFiles.get(e.getKey()), fileExpiredTime, cachePatternMatching));
    logger.info("taildirCache: " + taildirCache.toString());
    logger.info("headerTable: " + headerTable.toString());

    this.taildirCache = taildirCache;
    this.headerTable = headerTable;
    this.addByteOffset = addByteOffset;
    this.cachePatternMatching = cachePatternMatching;
    this.annotateFileName = annotateFileName;
    this.fileNameHeader = fileNameHeader;

    logger.info("Updating position from position file: " + positionFilePath);
源代码18 项目: JAADAS   文件: IDESolver.java
private void addEndSummary(N sP, D d1, N eP, D d2, EdgeFunction<V> f) {
	Table<N, D, EdgeFunction<V>> summaries = endSummary.get(sP, d1);
	if(summaries==null) {
		summaries = HashBasedTable.create();
		endSummary.put(sP, d1, summaries);
	//note: at this point we don't need to join with a potential previous f
	//because f is a jump function, which is already properly joined
	//within propagate(..)
源代码19 项目: scava   文件: CROSSRecSimilarityCalculator.java
public Table<String, String, Double> calculateAggregatedSimilarityValues(List<Artifact> artifacts,
		Map<String, String> params) {
	Table<String, String, Double> result = HashBasedTable.create();
	int i = 0;
	for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
		List<Dependency> deps = new ArrayList<>();
		if (i % 10 == 0)
			logger.info("CROSSRec similarity calculator is computing {} of {} similarity.", i, artifacts.size());
		for (String dependency : artifact.getDependencies()) {
			String[] value = dependency.split(":");
			if (value.length == 2) {
				Dependency dep = new Dependency();
		try {
			Map<String, Double> map = computeWeightCosineSimilarity(deps);
			for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : map.entrySet()) {
				result.put(artifact.getFullName(), artifactRepository.findOne(entry.getKey()).getFullName(),
		} catch (Exception e) {
	return result;
private void mergeResult(Table<String, String, Set<String>> groupRolePrivilegeTableTemp) {
  for (Cell<String, String, Set<String>> cell : groupRolePrivilegeTableTemp.cellSet()) {
    String groupName = cell.getRowKey();
    String roleName = cell.getColumnKey();
    Set<String> privileges = groupRolePrivilegeTable.get(groupName, roleName);
    if (privileges == null) {
      privileges = new HashSet<String>();
      groupRolePrivilegeTable.put(groupName, roleName, privileges);
源代码21 项目: NBANDROID-V2   文件: MergerResourceRepositoryV2.java
public Table<ResourceNamespace, ResourceType, ResourceValueMap> getConfiguredResources(
        @NonNull FolderConfiguration referenceConfig) {
    synchronized (ITEM_MAP_LOCK) {
        Set<ResourceNamespace> namespaces = getNamespaces();

        Map<ResourceNamespace, Map<ResourceType, ResourceValueMap>> backingMap;
        if (KnownNamespacesMap.canContainAll(namespaces)) {
            backingMap = new KnownNamespacesMap<>();
        } else {
            backingMap = new HashMap<>();
        Table<ResourceNamespace, ResourceType, ResourceValueMap> table
                = Tables.newCustomTable(backingMap, () -> new EnumMap<>(ResourceType.class));

        for (ResourceNamespace namespace : namespaces) {
            // TODO(namespaces): Move this method to ResourceResolverCache.
            // For performance reasons don't mix framework and non-framework resources since
            // they have different life spans.

            for (ResourceType type : ResourceType.values()) {
                // get the local results and put them in the map
                        getConfiguredResources(namespace, type, referenceConfig));
        return table;
源代码22 项目: batfish   文件: IncrementalDataPlane.java
private Table<String, String, Set<Layer2Vni>> computeVniSettings() {
  Table<String, String, Set<Layer2Vni>> result = HashBasedTable.create();
  for (Node node : _nodes.values()) {
    for (Entry<String, VirtualRouter> vr : node.getVirtualRouters().entrySet()) {
          node.getConfiguration().getHostname(), vr.getKey(), vr.getValue().getLayer2Vnis());
  return result;
源代码23 项目: batfish   文件: IncrementalDataPlane.java
private Table<String, String, Set<Bgpv4Route>> computeBgpRoutes() {
  Table<String, String, Set<Bgpv4Route>> table = HashBasedTable.create();

      (hostname, node) ->
                  (vrfName, vr) -> {
                    table.put(hostname, vrfName, vr.getBgpRoutes());
  return table;
源代码24 项目: flowml   文件: GuavaTableModel.java
public GuavaTableModel(Table<Integer, String, V> guavaTable) {
    this.guavaTable = guavaTable;
    this.columnNames = Lists.newArrayList(guavaTable.columnKeySet());
    Set<Integer> rowIndexes = this.guavaTable.rowKeySet();
    this.rowCount = Collections.max(rowIndexes) + 1;
源代码25 项目: batfish   文件: VxlanTopologyUtils.java
 * Convert VNI setting table obtained from the dataplane into a table format that's easier to work
 * with
private static Table<VrfId, Integer, Layer2Vni> computeVniSettingsTable(
    Table<String, String, ? extends Collection<Layer2Vni>> allVniSettings) {
  Table<VrfId, Integer, Layer2Vni> table = HashBasedTable.create();
  for (Cell<String, String, ? extends Collection<Layer2Vni>> cell : allVniSettings.cellSet()) {
    assert cell.getValue() != null;
    assert cell.getRowKey() != null;
    assert cell.getColumnKey() != null;
    for (Layer2Vni vni : cell.getValue()) {
      table.put(new VrfId(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey()), vni.getVni(), vni);
  return table;
源代码26 项目: fiat   文件: RedisPermissionsRepository.java
private Table<String, ResourceType, Response<Map<String, String>>> getAllFromRedis() {
  try {
    Set<String> allUsers = scanSet(allUsersKey());
    return getAllFromRedis(allUsers);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    log.error("Storage exception reading all entries.", e);
    return null;
public void testBatchModeReads() throws Exception {
    System.setProperty(CoreConfig.META_CACHE_BATCHED_READS.name(), "true");
    // Verify batch write mode is actually on

    MetadataCache cache = MetadataCache.createLoadingCacheInstance();

    // Write some data to metadata cache.
    Locator l0 = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents("1", "a", "b");
    Locator l1 = Locator.createLocatorFromPathComponents("1", "c", "d");

    AMetadataIO metadataIO = new AMetadataIO();
    Table<Locator, String, String> metaToWrite = HashBasedTable.create();

    // By the pass the cache and write to disk directly.
    metaToWrite.put(l0, "foo", "l0_foo");
    metaToWrite.put(l0, "bar", "l0_bar");
    metaToWrite.put(l1, "zee", "zzzzz");

    // Do a cache get on one of those locators. We should get back null immediately.
    Assert.assertNull(cache.get(l0, "foo"));

    // Wait for the cache to be populated async for that locator + meta.

    Assert.assertTrue(cache.get(l0, "foo").equals("l0_foo"));
    // We should have also read other meta for that locator.
    Assert.assertTrue(cache.get(l0, "bar").equals("l0_bar"));
源代码28 项目: levelup-java-examples   文件: TableExample.java
public void guava_table_example () {
	Random r = new Random(3000);
	Table<Integer, String, Workout> table = HashBasedTable.create();
	table.put(1, "Filthy 50", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(1, "Fran", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(1, "The Seven", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(1, "Murph", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(1, "The Ryan", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(1, "King Kong", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(2, "Filthy 50", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(2, "Fran", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(2, "The Seven", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(2, "Murph", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(2, "The Ryan", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	table.put(2, "King Kong", new Workout(r.nextLong()));
	// for each row key
	for (Integer key : table.rowKeySet()) {
		logger.info("Person: " + key);

		for (Entry<String, Workout> row : table.row(key).entrySet()) {
			logger.info("Workout name: " + row.getKey() + " for elapsed time of " + row.getValue().getElapsedTime());
源代码29 项目: qconfig   文件: TypedConfig.java
public Map<String, U> parse(String data) throws IOException {
    Table<String, String, String> table = tableParser.parse(data);
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, U> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> rowInfo : table.rowMap().entrySet()) {
        String key = rowInfo.getKey();
        U bean = Translators.translate(rowInfo.getValue(), clazz);
        builder.put(key, bean);

    return builder.build();
源代码30 项目: tutorials   文件: AssertJGuavaUnitTest.java
public void givenTable_whenVerifying_thenShouldBeCorrect() throws Exception {
    final Table<Integer, String, String> table = HashBasedTable.create(2, 2);

    table.put(1, "A", "PRESENT");
    table.put(1, "B", "ABSENT");

    assertThat(table).hasRowCount(1).containsValues("ABSENT").containsCell(1, "B", "ABSENT");