

源代码1 项目: hadoop-ozone   文件: ChunkUtils.java
private static ContainerProtos.Result translate(Exception cause) {
  if (cause instanceof FileNotFoundException ||
      cause instanceof NoSuchFileException) {

  if (cause instanceof IOException) {
    return IO_EXCEPTION;

  if (cause instanceof NoSuchAlgorithmException) {

源代码2 项目: crate   文件: BlobStoreRepository.java
 * Get the latest snapshot index blob id.  Snapshot index blobs are named index-N, where N is
 * the next version number from when the index blob was written.  Each individual index-N blob is
 * only written once and never overwritten.  The highest numbered index-N blob is the latest one
 * that contains the current snapshots in the repository.
 * Package private for testing
long latestIndexBlobId() throws IOException {
    try {
        // First, try listing all index-N blobs (there should only be two index-N blobs at any given
        // time in a repository if cleanup is happening properly) and pick the index-N blob with the
        // highest N value - this will be the latest index blob for the repository.  Note, we do this
        // instead of directly reading the index.latest blob to get the current index-N blob because
        // index.latest is not written atomically and is not immutable - on every index-N change,
        // we first delete the old index.latest and then write the new one.  If the repository is not
        // read-only, it is possible that we try deleting the index.latest blob while it is being read
        // by some other operation (such as the get snapshots operation).  In some file systems, it is
        // illegal to delete a file while it is being read elsewhere (e.g. Windows).  For read-only
        // repositories, we read for index.latest, both because listing blob prefixes is often unsupported
        // and because the index.latest blob will never be deleted and re-written.
        return listBlobsToGetLatestIndexId();
    } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
        // If its a read-only repository, listing blobs by prefix may not be supported (e.g. a URL repository),
        // in this case, try reading the latest index generation from the index.latest blob
        try {
            return readSnapshotIndexLatestBlob();
        } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) {
            return RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN;
源代码3 项目: singer   文件: FileSystemMonitor.java
 * Handle the modified event. We can ignore the changes in watermark files that
 * starts with '.' character.
 * @throws IOException
private void handleEntryModifyEvent(Path logDir , Path modified ) throws IOException {
  Path fullPath = logDir.resolve(modified);
  long inode;
  try {
    inode = SingerUtils.getFileInode(fullPath);
  } catch(NoSuchFileException e) {
    LOG.warn("Failed to get inode info for " + fullPath, e);

  List<LogStream> logStreams = LogStreamManager.getLogStreamsFor(logDir, fullPath);
  for (LogStream stream : logStreams) {
    if (stream != null) {
      stream.append(new LogFile(inode), fullPath.toString());
    } else if (!modified.toString().startsWith(".")) {
      LOG.debug("Found a file {} that is not in any log stream", modified);
源代码4 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件: BlockDeviceSize.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    try (FileChannel ch = FileChannel.open(BLK_PATH, READ);
         RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(BLK_FNAME, "r")) {

        long size1 = ch.size();
        long size2 = file.length();
        if (size1 != size2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("size differs when retrieved" +
                    " in different ways: " + size1 + " != " + size2);

    } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) {
        System.err.println("File " + BLK_FNAME + " not found." +
                " Skipping test");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        System.err.println("Access to " + BLK_FNAME + " is denied." +
                " Run test as root.");
源代码5 项目: rdf-delta   文件: S_Data.java
protected void executeAction(DeltaAction action) throws IOException {
    LOG.info("GET "+action.getURL());
    Id dsRef = Id.fromString(action.httpArgs.datasourceName);
    String filenameIRI = determineData(action, dsRef);
    ContentType ct = RDFLanguages.guessContentType(filenameIRI) ;
    String fn = IRILib.IRIToFilename(filenameIRI);
    Path path = Paths.get(fn);
    try ( InputStream in = Files.newInputStream(path) ) {
        IOUtils.copy(in, action.response.getOutputStream());
    } catch (NoSuchFileException | FileNotFoundException ex) {
        throw new DeltaNotFoundException(action.getURL());
源代码6 项目: buck   文件: StackedFileHashCacheTest.java
public void skipsFirstCacheBecauseIgnoredForArchiveMemberPathAbsolutePath() throws IOException {
  Config config = ConfigBuilder.createFromText("[project]", "ignore = world.jar");
  Path fullPath = Paths.get("world.jar");
  ProjectFilesystem filesystem =
      TestProjectFilesystems.createProjectFilesystem(tmp.getRoot(), config);
  writeJarWithHashes(filesystem, filesystem.resolve(fullPath));
  ArchiveMemberPath archiveMemberPath =
      ArchiveMemberPath.of(filesystem.resolve(fullPath), Paths.get("Nonexistent.class"));
  ProjectFileHashCache innerCache =
      DefaultFileHashCache.createDefaultFileHashCache(filesystem, fileHashCacheMode);
  StackedFileHashCache cache = new StackedFileHashCache(ImmutableList.of(innerCache));
      archiveMemberPath.getArchivePath(), archiveMemberPath.getMemberPath());
源代码7 项目: datakernel   文件: Cube.java
public Promise<QueryResult> query(CubeQuery cubeQuery) throws QueryException {
	DefiningClassLoader queryClassLoader = getQueryClassLoader(new CubeClassLoaderCache.Key(
			new LinkedHashSet<>(cubeQuery.getAttributes()),
			new LinkedHashSet<>(cubeQuery.getMeasures()),
	long queryStarted = eventloop.currentTimeMillis();
	return new RequestContext<>().execute(queryClassLoader, cubeQuery)
			.whenComplete((queryResult, e) -> {
				if (e == null) {
					queryTimes.recordValue((int) (eventloop.currentTimeMillis() - queryStarted));
				} else {
					queryLastError = e;

					if (e instanceof NoSuchFileException) {
						logger.warn("Query failed because of NoSuchFileException. " + cubeQuery.toString(), e);
源代码8 项目: InflatableDonkey   文件: DiskChunk.java
Optional<InputStream> doInputStream() throws IOException {
    try {
        InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(file, READ);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("-- doInputStream() - open: {}", Hex.toHexString(checksum()));
            IOConsumer<InputStream> callback = u
                    -> logger.trace("-- doInputStream() - callback close: {}", Hex.toHexString(checksum()));
            is = new HookInputStream(is, callback);
        return Optional.of(is);

    } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) {
        logger.warn("-- doInputStream() - file was just deleted: {}", ex);
        return Optional.empty();
源代码9 项目: pravega   文件: FileSystemStorage.java
private <T> T throwException(String segmentName, Exception e) throws StreamSegmentException {
    if (e instanceof NoSuchFileException || e instanceof FileNotFoundException) {
        throw new StreamSegmentNotExistsException(segmentName);

    if (e instanceof FileAlreadyExistsException) {
        throw new StreamSegmentExistsException(segmentName);

    if (e instanceof IndexOutOfBoundsException) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());

    if (e instanceof AccessControlException
            || e instanceof AccessDeniedException
            || e instanceof NonWritableChannelException) {
        throw new StreamSegmentSealedException(segmentName, e);

    throw Exceptions.sneakyThrow(e);
源代码10 项目: flink   文件: LocalFileSystem.java
public boolean rename(final Path src, final Path dst) throws IOException {
	final File srcFile = pathToFile(src);
	final File dstFile = pathToFile(dst);

	final File dstParent = dstFile.getParentFile();

	// Files.move fails if the destination directory doesn't exist
	//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored -- we don't care if the directory existed or was created

	try {
		Files.move(srcFile.toPath(), dstFile.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
		return true;
	catch (NoSuchFileException | AccessDeniedException | DirectoryNotEmptyException | SecurityException ex) {
		// catch the errors that are regular "move failed" exceptions and return false
		return false;
源代码11 项目: jdk8u60   文件: BlockDeviceSize.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    try (FileChannel ch = FileChannel.open(BLK_PATH, READ);
         RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(BLK_FNAME, "r")) {

        long size1 = ch.size();
        long size2 = file.length();
        if (size1 != size2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("size differs when retrieved" +
                    " in different ways: " + size1 + " != " + size2);

    } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) {
        System.err.println("File " + BLK_FNAME + " not found." +
                " Skipping test");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        System.err.println("Access to " + BLK_FNAME + " is denied." +
                " Run test as root.");
源代码12 项目: incubator-taverna-language   文件: TestZipFS.java
public void setLastModifiedTime() throws Exception {
	Path root = fs.getRootDirectories().iterator().next();

	Path folder = root.resolve("folder");

	Path file = root.resolve("file");

	FileTime someTimeAgo = FileTime.from(365 * 12, TimeUnit.DAYS);
	Files.setLastModifiedTime(folder, someTimeAgo);
	Files.setLastModifiedTime(file, someTimeAgo);
	try {
		Files.setLastModifiedTime(root, someTimeAgo);
	} catch (NoSuchFileException ex) {
				.println("Unexpected failure of setLastModifiedTime on root");
源代码13 项目: buck   文件: AbstractBuildPackageComputationTest.java
@Parameters(method = "getAnyPathParams")
public void throwsIfNamedDirectoryAncestorIsRegularFile(Kind kind, String targetName)
    throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {

  BuildTargetPatternToBuildPackagePathKey key =
      key(CanonicalCellName.rootCell(), kind, "file/dir", targetName);

  transform("BUCK", key);
源代码14 项目: sftp-fs   文件: SFTPFileSystem.java
private SFTPAttributesAndOutputStreamPair newOutputStream(Channel channel, SFTPPath path, boolean requireAttributes, OpenOptions options)
        throws IOException {

    // retrieve the attributes unless create is true and createNew is false, because then the file can be created
    SftpATTRS attributes = null;
    if (!options.create || options.createNew) {
        attributes = findAttributes(channel, path, false);
        if (attributes != null && attributes.isDir()) {
            throw Messages.fileSystemProvider().isDirectory(path.path());
        if (!options.createNew && attributes == null) {
            throw new NoSuchFileException(path.path());
        } else if (options.createNew && attributes != null) {
            throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(path.path());
    // else the file can be created if necessary

    if (attributes == null && requireAttributes) {
        attributes = findAttributes(channel, path, false);

    OutputStream out = channel.newOutputStream(path.path(), options);
    return new SFTPAttributesAndOutputStreamPair(attributes, out);
源代码15 项目: mycore   文件: MCRIView2Tools.java
public static int getImageType(Path iviewFileRoot, ImageReader imageReader, int zoomLevel, int x, int y)
    throws IOException {
    String tileName = new MessageFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}.jpg", Locale.ROOT).format(new Object[] { zoomLevel, y, x });
    Path tile = iviewFileRoot.resolve(tileName);
    if (Files.exists(tile)) {
        try (SeekableByteChannel fileChannel = Files.newByteChannel(tile)) {
            ImageInputStream iis = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(fileChannel);
            if (iis == null) {
                throw new IOException("Could not acquire ImageInputStream from SeekableByteChannel: " + tile);
            imageReader.setInput(iis, true);
            int imageType = MCRImage.getImageType(imageReader);
            return imageType;
    } else {
        throw new NoSuchFileException(iviewFileRoot.toString(), tileName, null);
源代码16 项目: Launcher   文件: UnpackHelper.java
public static boolean unpackZipNoCheck(String resource, Path target) throws IOException {
    try {
        if (Files.isDirectory(target))
            return false;
        try (ZipInputStream input = IOHelper.newZipInput(IOHelper.getResourceURL(resource))) {
            for (ZipEntry entry = input.getNextEntry(); entry != null; entry = input.getNextEntry()) {
                if (entry.isDirectory())
                    continue; // Skip dirs
                // Unpack file
                IOHelper.transfer(input, target.resolve(IOHelper.toPath(entry.getName())));
        return true;
    } catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
        return true;
源代码17 项目: buck   文件: AppleToolchainDiscovery.java
private static void addIdentifierForToolchain(
    Path toolchainDir, ImmutableMap.Builder<String, AppleToolchain> identifierToToolchainBuilder)
    throws IOException {

  boolean addedToolchain = false;
  String[] potentialPlistNames = {"ToolchainInfo.plist", "Info.plist"};
  for (String plistName : potentialPlistNames) {
    try {
      Optional<AppleToolchain> toolchain = toolchainFromPlist(toolchainDir, plistName);
      if (toolchain.isPresent()) {
        identifierToToolchainBuilder.put(toolchain.get().getIdentifier(), toolchain.get());
        addedToolchain = true;
    } catch (FileNotFoundException | NoSuchFileException e) {
      LOG.debug("Loading toolchain from plist %s for %s failed", plistName, toolchainDir);

  if (!addedToolchain) {
        "Failed to resolve info about toolchain %s from plist files %s",
        toolchainDir.toString(), Arrays.toString(potentialPlistNames));
源代码18 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: BlockDeviceSize.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    try (FileChannel ch = FileChannel.open(BLK_PATH, READ);
         RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(BLK_FNAME, "r")) {

        long size1 = ch.size();
        long size2 = file.length();
        if (size1 != size2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("size differs when retrieved" +
                    " in different ways: " + size1 + " != " + size2);

    } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) {
        System.err.println("File " + BLK_FNAME + " not found." +
                " Skipping test");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        System.err.println("Access to " + BLK_FNAME + " is denied." +
                " Run test as root.");
源代码19 项目: lucene-solr   文件: TestDirectoryReader.java
public void testOpenReaderAfterDelete() throws IOException {
  Path dirFile = createTempDir("deletetest");
  Directory dir = newFSDirectory(dirFile);
  if (dir instanceof BaseDirectoryWrapper) {
    ((BaseDirectoryWrapper)dir).setCheckIndexOnClose(false); // we will hit NoSuchFileException in MDW since we nuked it!
  expectThrowsAnyOf(Arrays.asList(FileNotFoundException.class, NoSuchFileException.class),
      () -> DirectoryReader.open(dir)


  // Make sure we still get a CorruptIndexException (not NPE):
  expectThrowsAnyOf(Arrays.asList(FileNotFoundException.class, NoSuchFileException.class),
      () -> DirectoryReader.open(dir)
源代码20 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: BlockDeviceSize.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    try (FileChannel ch = FileChannel.open(BLK_PATH, READ);
         RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(BLK_FNAME, "r")) {

        long size1 = ch.size();
        long size2 = file.length();
        if (size1 != size2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("size differs when retrieved" +
                    " in different ways: " + size1 + " != " + size2);

    } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) {
        System.err.println("File " + BLK_FNAME + " not found." +
                " Skipping test");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        System.err.println("Access to " + BLK_FNAME + " is denied." +
                " Run test as root.");
源代码21 项目: genie   文件: DirectoryManifest.java
 * {@inheritDoc}
public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(final Path file, final IOException ioe) {
    if (ioe instanceof FileSystemLoopException) {
        log.warn("Detected file system cycle visiting while visiting {}. Skipping.", file);
        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
    } else if (ioe instanceof AccessDeniedException) {
        log.warn("Access denied for file {}. Skipping", file);
        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
    } else if (ioe instanceof NoSuchFileException) {
        log.warn("File or directory disappeared while visiting {}. Skipping", file);
        return FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;
    } else {
        log.error("Got unknown error {} while visiting {}. Terminating visitor", ioe.getMessage(), file, ioe);
        // TODO: Not sure if we should do this or skip subtree or just continue and ignore it?
        return FileVisitResult.TERMINATE;
源代码22 项目: cactoos   文件: AppendToTest.java
 * Ensures that AppendTo is failing on a negative predicate result.
public void failsIfFileDoesNotExist() {
    final File source = new File(
        new Randomized(
        'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'
    new Assertion<>(
        "Can't throw exception with proper message",
        () -> new AppendTo(source).stream(),
        new Throws<>(
源代码23 项目: crate   文件: BlobStoreRepository.java
private RepositoryData getRepositoryData(long indexGen) {
    if (indexGen == RepositoryData.EMPTY_REPO_GEN) {
        return RepositoryData.EMPTY;
    try {
        final String snapshotsIndexBlobName = INDEX_FILE_PREFIX + Long.toString(indexGen);

        RepositoryData repositoryData;
        // EMPTY is safe here because RepositoryData#fromXContent calls namedObject
        try (InputStream blob = blobContainer().readBlob(snapshotsIndexBlobName);
             XContentParser parser = XContentType.JSON.xContent().createParser(NamedXContentRegistry.EMPTY,
                                                                               LoggingDeprecationHandler.INSTANCE, blob)) {
            repositoryData = RepositoryData.snapshotsFromXContent(parser, indexGen);
        return repositoryData;
    } catch (NoSuchFileException ex) {
        // repository doesn't have an index blob, its a new blank repo
        return RepositoryData.EMPTY;
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new RepositoryException(metadata.name(), "could not read repository data from index blob", ioe);
源代码24 项目: openjdk-jdk8u-backup   文件: BlockDeviceSize.java
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
    try (FileChannel ch = FileChannel.open(BLK_PATH, READ);
         RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(BLK_FNAME, "r")) {

        long size1 = ch.size();
        long size2 = file.length();
        if (size1 != size2) {
            throw new RuntimeException("size differs when retrieved" +
                    " in different ways: " + size1 + " != " + size2);

    } catch (NoSuchFileException nsfe) {
        System.err.println("File " + BLK_FNAME + " not found." +
                " Skipping test");
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        System.err.println("Access to " + BLK_FNAME + " is denied." +
                " Run test as root.");
源代码25 项目: buck   文件: StackedFileHashCache.java
public long getSize(Path path) throws IOException {
  Optional<Pair<ProjectFileHashCache, Path>> found = lookup(path);
  if (!found.isPresent()) {
    throw new NoSuchFileException(path.toString());
  return found.get().getFirst().getSize(found.get().getSecond());
源代码26 项目: buck   文件: DependencyFileRuleKeyManager.java
public Optional<DependencyFileRuleKeyFactory.RuleKeyAndInputs> calculateDepFileRuleKey(
    Optional<ImmutableList<String>> depFile, boolean allowMissingInputs) throws IOException {


  // Extract the dep file from the last build.  If we don't find one, abort.
  if (!depFile.isPresent()) {
    return Optional.empty();

  // Build the dep-file rule key.  If any inputs are no longer on disk, this means something
  // changed and a dep-file based rule key can't be calculated.
  ImmutableList<DependencyFileEntry> inputs =

  try (Scope ignored =
          eventBus, RuleKeyCalculationEvent.Type.DEP_FILE, rule.getBuildTarget())) {
    return Optional.of(
            .build(((SupportsDependencyFileRuleKey) rule), inputs));
  } catch (SizeLimiter.SizeLimitException ex) {
    return Optional.empty();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // TODO(plamenko): fix exception propagation in RuleKeyBuilder
    if (allowMissingInputs && Throwables.getRootCause(e) instanceof NoSuchFileException) {
      return Optional.empty();
    throw e;
源代码27 项目: buck   文件: StackedFileHashCache.java
public HashCode getForArchiveMember(Path relativeArchivePath, Path memberPath)
    throws IOException {
  Optional<Pair<ProjectFileHashCache, Path>> found = lookup(relativeArchivePath);
  if (!found.isPresent()) {
    throw new NoSuchFileException(relativeArchivePath.toString());
  return found.get().getFirst().getForArchiveMember(found.get().getSecond(), memberPath);
源代码28 项目: spring-analysis-note   文件: FileSystemResource.java
 * This implementation opens a NIO file stream for the underlying file.
 * @see java.io.FileInputStream
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException {
	try {
		return Files.newInputStream(this.filePath);
	catch (NoSuchFileException ex) {
		throw new FileNotFoundException(ex.getMessage());
源代码29 项目: buck   文件: StackedFileHashCacheTest.java
public void skipsFirstCacheAbsolutePath() throws IOException {
  Path fullPath = Paths.get("some/path");
  ProjectFilesystem filesystem =
      new FakeProjectFilesystem(CanonicalCellName.rootCell(), tmp.getRoot());
  ProjectFileHashCache innerCache =
      DefaultFileHashCache.createDefaultFileHashCache(filesystem, fileHashCacheMode);
  StackedFileHashCache cache = new StackedFileHashCache(ImmutableList.of(innerCache));
源代码30 项目: openjdk-8   文件: FaultyFileSystem.java
public void checkAccess(Path file, AccessMode... modes)
    throws IOException
    triggerEx(file, "checkAccess");
    // hack
    if (modes.length == 0) {
        if (Files.exists(unwrap(file)))
            throw new NoSuchFileException(file.toString());
    throw new RuntimeException("not implemented yet");