

源代码1 项目: hedera-mirror-node   文件: NetworkAddressBook.java
private void saveToDisk(byte[] contents, OpenOption openOption) throws IOException {
    if (contents == null || contents.length == 0) {
        log.warn("Ignored empty byte array");

    Path path = mirrorProperties.getAddressBookPath();
    Path tempPath = path.resolveSibling(path.getFileName() + ".tmp");
    Files.write(tempPath, contents, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, openOption);
    log.info("Saved {}B partial address book update to {}", contents.length, tempPath);

    try {
        Collection<NodeAddress> nodeAddresses = parse(tempPath);
        if (!nodeAddresses.isEmpty()) {
            Files.move(tempPath, path, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
            this.nodeAddresses = nodeAddresses;
            log.info("New address book with {} addresses successfully parsed and saved to {}",
                    nodeAddresses.size(), path);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.warn("Unable to parse address book: {}", e.getMessage());
源代码2 项目: freehealth-connector   文件: PropertyHandler.java
public PropertyHandler(String propertyfile) {
   try {
      this.properties = new Properties();
      Path configFile = Paths.get(propertyfile);
      if (Files.exists(configFile, new LinkOption[0])) {
         try {
            Charset charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
            String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(configFile), charset);
            String pathToFile = Paths.get(propertyfile).getParent().toString().replace("\\", "/");
            content = content.replaceAll("%CONF%", pathToFile);
            Files.write(configFile, content.getBytes(charset), new OpenOption[0]);
         } finally {

      instance = this;
   } catch (Exception var10) {
      throw new RuntimeException(var10);
源代码3 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: ZipFSTester.java
private static void fchCopy(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException
    Set<OpenOption> read = new HashSet<>();
    Set<OpenOption> openwrite = new HashSet<>();

    try (FileChannel srcFc = src.getFileSystem()
                                .newFileChannel(src, read);
         FileChannel dstFc = dst.getFileSystem()
                                .newFileChannel(dst, openwrite))
        ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(8192);
        while (srcFc.read(bb) >= 0) {
源代码4 项目: coroutines   文件: AsynchronousFileStep.java
 * A helper function that opens a file channel for a certain file name and
 * open options.
 * @param  sFileName     The file name
 * @param  rMode         The open option for the file access mode (e.g.
 *                       READ, WRITE)
 * @param  rExtraOptions Optional extra file open options
 * @return The file channel
protected static AsynchronousFileChannel openFileChannel(
	String		  sFileName,
	OpenOption    rMode,
	OpenOption... rExtraOptions)
		return AsynchronousFileChannel.open(
			new File(sFileName).toPath(),
			CollectionUtil.join(rExtraOptions, rMode));
	catch (IOException e)
		throw new CoroutineException(e);
源代码5 项目: localization_nifi   文件: MockProcessSession.java
public void exportTo(final FlowFile flowFile, final Path path, final boolean append) {
    if (flowFile == null || path == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument cannot be null");
    if (!(flowFile instanceof MockFlowFile)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot export a flow file that I did not create");

    final MockFlowFile mock = (MockFlowFile) flowFile;

    final OpenOption mode = append ? StandardOpenOption.APPEND : StandardOpenOption.CREATE;

    try (final OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(path, mode)) {
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        throw new FlowFileAccessException(e.toString(), e);
源代码6 项目: cyberduck   文件: Local.java
protected OutputStream getOutputStream(final String path, final boolean append) throws LocalAccessDeniedException {
    try {
        final Set<OpenOption> options = new HashSet<>();
        if(!this.exists()) {
        if(append) {
        else {
        final FileChannel channel = FileChannel.open(Paths.get(path), options);
        return Channels.newOutputStream(channel);
    catch(RuntimeException | IOException e) {
        throw new LocalAccessDeniedException(e.getMessage(), e);
源代码7 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: HttpResponse.java
 * Returns a {@code BodyHandler<Path>} that returns a
 * {@link BodyProcessor BodyProcessor}&lt;{@link Path}&gt;
 * where the download directory is specified, but the filename is
 * obtained from the {@code Content-Disposition} response header. The
 * {@code Content-Disposition} header must specify the <i>attachment</i> type
 * and must also contain a
 * <i>filename</i> parameter. If the filename specifies multiple path
 * components only the final component is used as the filename (with the
 * given directory name). When the {@code HttpResponse} object is
 * returned, the body has been completely written to the file and {@link
 * #body()} returns a {@code Path} object for the file. The returned {@code Path} is the
 * combination of the supplied directory name and the file name supplied
 * by the server. If the destination directory does not exist or cannot
 * be written to, then the response will fail with an {@link IOException}.
 * @param directory the directory to store the file in
 * @param openOptions open options
 * @return a response body handler
public static BodyHandler<Path> asFileDownload(Path directory, OpenOption... openOptions) {
    return (status, headers) -> {
        String dispoHeader = headers.firstValue("Content-Disposition")
                .orElseThrow(() -> unchecked(new IOException("No Content-Disposition")));
        if (!dispoHeader.startsWith("attachment;")) {
            throw unchecked(new IOException("Unknown Content-Disposition type"));
        int n = dispoHeader.indexOf("filename=");
        if (n == -1) {
            throw unchecked(new IOException("Bad Content-Disposition type"));
        int lastsemi = dispoHeader.lastIndexOf(';');
        String disposition;
        if (lastsemi < n) {
            disposition = dispoHeader.substring(n + 9);
        } else {
            disposition = dispoHeader.substring(n + 9, lastsemi);
        Path file = Paths.get(directory.toString(), disposition);
        return BodyProcessor.asFile(file, openOptions);
源代码8 项目: incubator-tuweni   文件: Files.java
 * Copies the content of a resource to a file.
 * @param classloader The class loader of the resource.
 * @param resourceName The resource name.
 * @param destination The destination file.
 * @param options Options specifying how the destination file should be opened.
 * @return The destination file.
 * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs.
public static Path copyResource(ClassLoader classloader, String resourceName, Path destination, OpenOption... options)
    throws IOException {

  try (OutputStream out = java.nio.file.Files.newOutputStream(destination, options)) {
    copyResource(classloader, resourceName, out);
  return destination;
源代码9 项目: vividus   文件: CsvFileCreator.java
private void createCsvFile(File directory, CsvFileData csvData, boolean append) throws IOException
    File file = new File(directory, csvData.getFileName());
    boolean fileExists = file.exists();
    OpenOption[] openOptions = append ? new OpenOption[] { StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND }
            : new OpenOption[] { StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING };
    try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(Files.newOutputStream(file.toPath(), openOptions),
            CSVPrinter printer = append && fileExists ? csvFormat.print(writer)
                    : csvFormat.withHeader(csvData.getHeader()).print(writer))
源代码10 项目: manifold   文件: PathUtil.java
public static OutputStream createOutputStream( Path path, OpenOption... options )
    return Files.newOutputStream( path, options );
  catch( IOException e )
    throw new RuntimeException( e );
源代码11 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: WindowsChannelFactory.java
 * Open/creates file, returning FileChannel to access the file
 * @param   pathForWindows
 *          The path of the file to open/create
 * @param   pathToCheck
 *          The path used for permission checks (if security manager)
static FileChannel newFileChannel(String pathForWindows,
                                  String pathToCheck,
                                  Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                  long pSecurityDescriptor)
    throws WindowsException
    Flags flags = Flags.toFlags(options);

    // default is reading; append => writing
    if (!flags.read && !flags.write) {
        if (flags.append) {
            flags.write = true;
        } else {
            flags.read = true;

    // validation
    if (flags.read && flags.append)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("READ + APPEND not allowed");
    if (flags.append && flags.truncateExisting)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("APPEND + TRUNCATE_EXISTING not allowed");

    FileDescriptor fdObj = open(pathForWindows, pathToCheck, flags, pSecurityDescriptor);
    return FileChannelImpl.open(fdObj, pathForWindows, flags.read, flags.write, flags.append, null);
源代码12 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: BytesAndLines.java
 * Exercise NullPointerException
public void testNulls() {
    Path file = Paths.get("foo");
    byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
    List<String> lines = Collections.emptyList();

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllBytes(null));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, bytes));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (byte[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, new OpenOption[] { null } ));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(file, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null, Charset.defaultCharset()));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (List<String>)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, new OpenOption[] { null } ));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, null, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), new OpenOption[] { null } ));
源代码13 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: FaultyFileSystem.java
public SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path file,
                                          Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                          FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
    throws IOException
    triggerEx(file, "newByteChannel");
    return Files.newByteChannel(unwrap(file), options, attrs);
源代码14 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: WindowsChannelFactory.java
 * Open/creates file, returning FileChannel to access the file
 * @param   pathForWindows
 *          The path of the file to open/create
 * @param   pathToCheck
 *          The path used for permission checks (if security manager)
static FileChannel newFileChannel(String pathForWindows,
                                  String pathToCheck,
                                  Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                  long pSecurityDescriptor)
    throws WindowsException
    Flags flags = Flags.toFlags(options);

    // default is reading; append => writing
    if (!flags.read && !flags.write) {
        if (flags.append) {
            flags.write = true;
        } else {
            flags.read = true;

    // validation
    if (flags.read && flags.append)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("READ + APPEND not allowed");
    if (flags.append && flags.truncateExisting)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("APPEND + TRUNCATE_EXISTING not allowed");

    FileDescriptor fdObj = open(pathForWindows, pathToCheck, flags, pSecurityDescriptor);
    return FileChannelImpl.open(fdObj, pathForWindows, flags.read, flags.write, flags.append, null);
源代码15 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: BytesAndLines.java
 * Exercise NullPointerException
public void testNulls() {
    Path file = Paths.get("foo");
    byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
    List<String> lines = Collections.emptyList();

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllBytes(null));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, bytes));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (byte[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, new OpenOption[] { null } ));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(file, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null, Charset.defaultCharset()));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (List<String>)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, new OpenOption[] { null } ));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, null, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), new OpenOption[] { null } ));
源代码16 项目: TencentKona-8   文件: FaultyFileSystem.java
public SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path file,
                                          Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                          FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
    throws IOException
    triggerEx(file, "newByteChannel");
    return Files.newByteChannel(unwrap(file), options, attrs);
源代码17 项目: jdk8u60   文件: WindowsChannelFactory.java
 * Open/creates file, returning FileChannel to access the file
 * @param   pathForWindows
 *          The path of the file to open/create
 * @param   pathToCheck
 *          The path used for permission checks (if security manager)
static FileChannel newFileChannel(String pathForWindows,
                                  String pathToCheck,
                                  Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                  long pSecurityDescriptor)
    throws WindowsException
    Flags flags = Flags.toFlags(options);

    // default is reading; append => writing
    if (!flags.read && !flags.write) {
        if (flags.append) {
            flags.write = true;
        } else {
            flags.read = true;

    // validation
    if (flags.read && flags.append)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("READ + APPEND not allowed");
    if (flags.append && flags.truncateExisting)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("APPEND + TRUNCATE_EXISTING not allowed");

    FileDescriptor fdObj = open(pathForWindows, pathToCheck, flags, pSecurityDescriptor);
    return FileChannelImpl.open(fdObj, pathForWindows, flags.read, flags.write, flags.append, null);
源代码18 项目: jdk8u60   文件: BytesAndLines.java
 * Exercise NullPointerException
public void testNulls() {
    Path file = Paths.get("foo");
    byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
    List<String> lines = Collections.emptyList();

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllBytes(null));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, bytes));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (byte[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, new OpenOption[] { null } ));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(file, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null, Charset.defaultCharset()));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (List<String>)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, new OpenOption[] { null } ));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, null, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), new OpenOption[] { null } ));
源代码19 项目: jdk8u60   文件: FaultyFileSystem.java
public SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path file,
                                          Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                          FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
    throws IOException
    triggerEx(file, "newByteChannel");
    return Files.newByteChannel(unwrap(file), options, attrs);
源代码20 项目: cava   文件: Files.java
 * Copies the content of a resource to a file.
 * @param resourceName The resource name.
 * @param destination The destination file.
 * @param options Options specifying how the destination file should be opened.
 * @return The destination file.
 * @throws IOException If an I/O error occurs.
public static Path copyResource(String resourceName, Path destination, OpenOption... options) throws IOException {

  try (OutputStream out = java.nio.file.Files.newOutputStream(destination, options)) {
    copyResource(resourceName, out);
  return destination;
源代码21 项目: java-specialagent   文件: AgentRunner.java
public void run(final RunNotifier notifier) {
  if (delta != 0)

  try {
    final String className = getTestClass().getName();
    final File manifestFile = getManifestFile();
    final Path path = manifestFile.toPath();
    final OpenOption openOption;
    if (Files.exists(path)) {
      // Check if the test class name is mentioned in the manifest
      try (final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(manifestFile))) {
        String line;
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
          if (line.equals(className))

      openOption = StandardOpenOption.APPEND;
    else {
      openOption = StandardOpenOption.CREATE;

    // Add the test class name to the manifest
    Files.write(path, (className + "\n").getBytes(), openOption);
  catch (final IOException e) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(e);
源代码22 项目: openjdk-jdk9   文件: FaultyFileSystem.java
public SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path file,
                                          Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                          FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
    throws IOException
    triggerEx(file, "newByteChannel");
    return Files.newByteChannel(unwrap(file), options, attrs);
源代码23 项目: tessera   文件: DelegatingFileSystemProviderTest.java
public void newFileChannel() throws IOException
    final Path path = mock(Path.class);
    final Set<OpenOption> options = new HashSet<>();

    provider.newFileChannel(path, options);

    verify(delegate).newFileChannel(path, options);
源代码24 项目: tessera   文件: DelegatingFileSystemProviderTest.java
public void newAsynchronousFileChannel() throws IOException {
    final Path path = mock(Path.class);
    final Set<OpenOption> options = new HashSet<>();
    final ExecutorService executorService = mock(ExecutorService.class);

    provider.newAsynchronousFileChannel(path, options, executorService);

    verify(delegate).newAsynchronousFileChannel(path, options, executorService);
源代码25 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: WindowsChannelFactory.java
 * Open/creates file, returning FileChannel to access the file
 * @param   pathForWindows
 *          The path of the file to open/create
 * @param   pathToCheck
 *          The path used for permission checks (if security manager)
static FileChannel newFileChannel(String pathForWindows,
                                  String pathToCheck,
                                  Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                  long pSecurityDescriptor)
    throws WindowsException
    Flags flags = Flags.toFlags(options);

    // default is reading; append => writing
    if (!flags.read && !flags.write) {
        if (flags.append) {
            flags.write = true;
        } else {
            flags.read = true;

    // validation
    if (flags.read && flags.append)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("READ + APPEND not allowed");
    if (flags.append && flags.truncateExisting)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("APPEND + TRUNCATE_EXISTING not allowed");

    FileDescriptor fdObj = open(pathForWindows, pathToCheck, flags, pSecurityDescriptor);
    return FileChannelImpl.open(fdObj, pathForWindows, flags.read, flags.write, flags.append, null);
源代码26 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: BytesAndLines.java
 * Exercise NullPointerException
public void testNulls() {
    Path file = Paths.get("foo");
    byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
    List<String> lines = Collections.emptyList();

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllBytes(null));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, bytes));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (byte[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, new OpenOption[] { null } ));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(file, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null, Charset.defaultCharset()));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (List<String>)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, new OpenOption[] { null } ));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, null, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), new OpenOption[] { null } ));
源代码27 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: FaultyFileSystem.java
public SeekableByteChannel newByteChannel(Path file,
                                          Set<? extends OpenOption> options,
                                          FileAttribute<?>... attrs)
    throws IOException
    triggerEx(file, "newByteChannel");
    return Files.newByteChannel(unwrap(file), options, attrs);
源代码28 项目: javan-warty-pig   文件: FilePersistence.java
/** Helper to read a file into a byte buffer. The buffer is flipped before returned. */
public static ByteBuffer readFile(Path path, OpenOption... options) {
  try (SeekableByteChannel file = Files.newByteChannel(path, options)) {
    ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((int) file.size());
    if (buf.hasRemaining()) throw new IOException("Failed reading entire file");
    return buf;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
源代码29 项目: twister2   文件: FileUtils.java
public static boolean writeToFile(String filename, byte[] contents, boolean overwrite) {
  // default Files behavior is to overwrite. If we specify no overwrite then CREATE_NEW fails
  // if the file exist. This operation is atomic.
  OpenOption[] options = overwrite
      ? new OpenOption[]{} : new OpenOption[]{StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW};

  try {
    Files.write(new File(filename).toPath(), contents, options);
  } catch (IOException e) {
    LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed to write content to file. ", e);
    return false;

  return true;
源代码30 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: BytesAndLines.java
 * Exercise NullPointerException
public void testNulls() {
    Path file = Paths.get("foo");
    byte[] bytes = new byte[100];
    List<String> lines = Collections.emptyList();

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllBytes(null));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, bytes));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (byte[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, bytes, new OpenOption[] { null } ));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(file, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.readAllLines(null, Charset.defaultCharset()));

    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, (List<String>)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, new OpenOption[] { null } ));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(null, lines, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, null, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, (Charset)null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), (OpenOption[])null));
    checkNullPointerException(() -> Files.write(file, lines, Charset.defaultCharset(), new OpenOption[] { null } ));