

public String getResourceType(Class<?> entityClass) {
	JsonApiResource annotation1 = entityClass.getAnnotation(JsonApiResource.class);
	if (annotation1 != null) {
		return annotation1.type();
	if (entityClass.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) != null) {
		return null; // super classes do not have a document type

	String name = entityClass.getSimpleName();
	if (name.endsWith(ENTITY_NAME_SUFFIX)) {
		name = name.substring(0, name.length() - ENTITY_NAME_SUFFIX.length());
	return Character.toLowerCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
源代码2 项目: lams   文件: ClassFileArchiveEntryHandler.java
private ClassDescriptor toClassDescriptor(ClassFile classFile, ArchiveEntry entry) {
	ClassDescriptor.Categorization categorization = ClassDescriptor.Categorization.OTHER;;

	final AnnotationsAttribute visibleAnnotations = (AnnotationsAttribute) classFile.getAttribute( AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag );
	if ( visibleAnnotations != null ) {
		if ( visibleAnnotations.getAnnotation( Entity.class.getName() ) != null
				|| visibleAnnotations.getAnnotation( MappedSuperclass.class.getName() ) != null
				|| visibleAnnotations.getAnnotation( Embeddable.class.getName() ) != null ) {
			categorization = ClassDescriptor.Categorization.MODEL;
		else if ( visibleAnnotations.getAnnotation( Converter.class.getName() ) != null ) {
			categorization = ClassDescriptor.Categorization.CONVERTER;

	return new ClassDescriptorImpl( classFile.getName(), categorization, entry.getStreamAccess() );
private void categorizeAnnotatedClass(Class annotatedClass, AttributeConverterManager attributeConverterManager) {
	final XClass xClass = reflectionManager.toXClass( annotatedClass );
	// categorize it, based on assumption it does not fall into multiple categories
	if ( xClass.isAnnotationPresent( Converter.class ) ) {
		//noinspection unchecked
		attributeConverterManager.addAttributeConverter( annotatedClass );
	else if ( xClass.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class )
			|| xClass.isAnnotationPresent( MappedSuperclass.class ) ) {
		xClasses.add( xClass );
	else if ( xClass.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class ) ) {
		xClasses.add( xClass );
	else {
		log.debugf( "Encountered a non-categorized annotated class [%s]; ignoring", annotatedClass.getName() );
源代码4 项目: cuba   文件: CubaClientTestCase.java
protected List<String> getClasses(Resource[] resources) {
    List<String> classNames = new ArrayList<>();

    for (Resource resource : resources) {
        if (resource.isReadable()) {
            MetadataReader metadataReader;
            try {
                metadataReader = metadataReaderFactory.getMetadataReader(resource);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read metadata resource", e);

            AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata = metadataReader.getAnnotationMetadata();
            if (annotationMetadata.isAnnotated(com.haulmont.chile.core.annotations.MetaClass.class.getName())
                    || annotationMetadata.isAnnotated(MappedSuperclass.class.getName())
                    || annotationMetadata.isAnnotated(Entity.class.getName())) {
                ClassMetadata classMetadata = metadataReader.getClassMetadata();
    return classNames;
源代码5 项目: nomulus   文件: EntityCallbacksListener.java
 * Executes eligible callbacks in {@link Embedded} properties recursively.
 * @param entity the Java object of the entity class
 * @param entityType either the type of the entity or an ancestor type
private void execute(Object entity, Class<?> entityType) {
  Class<?> parentType = entityType.getSuperclass();
  if (parentType != null && parentType.isAnnotationPresent(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
    execute(entity, parentType);

  findEmbeddedProperties(entity, entityType)
          normalEmbedded -> {
            // For each normal embedded property, we don't execute its callback method because
            // it is handled by Hibernate. However, for the embedded property defined in the
            // entity's parent class, we need to treat it as a nested embedded property and
            // invoke its callback function.
            if (entity.getClass().equals(entityType)) {
                  normalEmbedded, normalEmbedded.getClass());
            } else {
                  normalEmbedded, normalEmbedded.getClass());
源代码6 项目: nomulus   文件: EntityCallbacksListener.java
private void executeCallbackForNestedEmbeddedProperty(
    Object nestedEmbeddedObject, Class<?> nestedEmbeddedType) {
  Class<?> parentType = nestedEmbeddedType.getSuperclass();
  if (parentType != null && parentType.isAnnotationPresent(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
    executeCallbackForNestedEmbeddedProperty(nestedEmbeddedObject, parentType);

  findEmbeddedProperties(nestedEmbeddedObject, nestedEmbeddedType)
          embeddedProperty ->
                  embeddedProperty, embeddedProperty.getClass()));

  for (Method method : nestedEmbeddedType.getDeclaredMethods()) {
    if (method.isAnnotationPresent(callbackType)) {
      invokeMethod(method, nestedEmbeddedObject);
源代码7 项目: o2oa   文件: EnhanceBuilder.java
private static Set<Class<?>> scanMappedSuperclass(Class<?> clz) throws Exception {
	Set<Class<?>> set = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
	Class<?> s = clz.getSuperclass();
	while (null != s) {
		if (null != s.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
		s = s.getSuperclass();
	return set;
源代码8 项目: o2oa   文件: PersistenceXmlWriter.java
private static Set<Class<?>> scanMappedSuperclass(Class<?> clz) throws Exception {
	Set<Class<?>> set = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
	Class<?> s = clz.getSuperclass();
	while (null != s) {
		if (null != s.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
		s = s.getSuperclass();
	return set;
源代码9 项目: o2oa   文件: JpaObjectTools.java
public static Set<Class<?>> scanMappedSuperclass(Class<?> clz) throws Exception {
	Set<Class<?>> set = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
	Class<?> s = clz.getSuperclass();
	while (null != s) {
		if (null != s.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
		s = s.getSuperclass();
	return set;
源代码10 项目: o2oa   文件: EnhancePersistenceXmlWriter.java
private static Set<Class<?>> scanMappedSuperclass(Class<?> clz) throws Exception {
	Set<Class<?>> set = new HashSet<Class<?>>();
	Class<?> s = clz.getSuperclass();
	while (null != s) {
		if (null != s.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
		s = s.getSuperclass();
	return set;
源代码11 项目: zhcet-web   文件: Hibernate5DDLExporter.java
private MetadataSources mapAnnotatedClasses(ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) {
    MetadataSources sources = new MetadataSources(serviceRegistry);

    final Reflections reflections = new Reflections();
    for (final Class<?> mappedSuperClass : reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
        System.out.println("Mapped = " + mappedSuperClass.getName());
    for (final Class<?> entityClasses : reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class)) {
        System.out.println("Mapped = " + entityClasses.getName());
    return sources;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public ResourceInformation build(final Class<?> resourceClass) {
	String resourceType = getResourceType(resourceClass);
	String resourcePath = getResourcePath(resourceClass);

	MetaDataObject meta = metaProvider.discoverMeta(resourceClass).asDataObject();
	DefaultResourceInstanceBuilder instanceBuilder = new DefaultResourceInstanceBuilder(resourceClass);

	BeanInformation beanInformation = BeanInformation.get(resourceClass);

	ResourceFieldAccess resourceAccess = getResourceAccess(resourceClass);

	List<ResourceField> fields = getResourceFields(resourceClass, resourceAccess, false);
	handleIdOverride(resourceClass, fields);

	Class<?> superclass = resourceClass.getSuperclass();
	String superResourceType = superclass != Object.class
			&& superclass.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) == null ? context.getResourceType(superclass)
			: null;

	TypeParser typeParser = context.getTypeParser();
	ResourceInformation information =
			new ResourceInformation(typeParser, resourceClass, resourceType, resourcePath, superResourceType,
					instanceBuilder, fields, OffsetLimitPagingSpec.class);
	information.setValidator(new JpaOptimisticLockingValidator(meta));

	ResourceField idField = information.getIdField();
	BeanAttributeInformation idAttr = beanInformation.getAttribute(idField.getUnderlyingName());
	if (idAttr.getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class).isPresent()) {
		information.setIdStringMapper(new JpaIdMapper(meta));

	return information;
源代码13 项目: lams   文件: InheritanceState.java
private void extractInheritanceType() {
	XAnnotatedElement element = getClazz();
	Inheritance inhAnn = element.getAnnotation( Inheritance.class );
	MappedSuperclass mappedSuperClass = element.getAnnotation( MappedSuperclass.class );
	if ( mappedSuperClass != null ) {
		setEmbeddableSuperclass( true );
		setType( inhAnn == null ? null : inhAnn.strategy() );
	else {
		setType( inhAnn == null ? InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE : inhAnn.strategy() );
源代码14 项目: lams   文件: InheritanceState.java
private void addMappedSuperClassInMetadata(PersistentClass persistentClass) {
	//add @MappedSuperclass in the metadata
	// classes from 0 to n-1 are @MappedSuperclass and should be linked
	org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass mappedSuperclass = null;
	final InheritanceState superEntityState =
			InheritanceState.getInheritanceStateOfSuperEntity( clazz, inheritanceStatePerClass );
	PersistentClass superEntity =
			superEntityState != null ?
					buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getEntityBinding( superEntityState.getClazz().getName() ) :
	final int lastMappedSuperclass = classesToProcessForMappedSuperclass.size() - 1;
	for ( int index = 0; index < lastMappedSuperclass; index++ ) {
		org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass parentSuperclass = mappedSuperclass;
		final Class<?> type = buildingContext.getBootstrapContext().getReflectionManager()
				.toClass( classesToProcessForMappedSuperclass.get( index ) );
		//add MAppedSuperclass if not already there
		mappedSuperclass = buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().getMappedSuperclass( type );
		if ( mappedSuperclass == null ) {
			mappedSuperclass = new org.hibernate.mapping.MappedSuperclass( parentSuperclass, superEntity );
			mappedSuperclass.setMappedClass( type );
			buildingContext.getMetadataCollector().addMappedSuperclass( type, mappedSuperclass );
	if ( mappedSuperclass != null ) {
		persistentClass.setSuperMappedSuperclass( mappedSuperclass );
源代码15 项目: lams   文件: AbstractPropertyHolder.java
private void buildHierarchyColumnOverride(XClass element) {
	XClass current = element;
	Map<String, Column[]> columnOverride = new HashMap<String, Column[]>();
	Map<String, JoinColumn[]> joinColumnOverride = new HashMap<String, JoinColumn[]>();
	Map<String, JoinTable> joinTableOverride = new HashMap<String, JoinTable>();
	Map<String, ForeignKey> foreignKeyOverride = new HashMap<String, ForeignKey>();
	while ( current != null && !context.getBootstrapContext().getReflectionManager().toXClass( Object.class ).equals( current ) ) {
		if ( current.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class ) || current.isAnnotationPresent( MappedSuperclass.class )
				|| current.isAnnotationPresent( Embeddable.class ) ) {
			//FIXME is embeddable override?
			Map<String, Column[]> currentOverride = buildColumnOverride( current, getPath() );
			Map<String, JoinColumn[]> currentJoinOverride = buildJoinColumnOverride( current, getPath() );
			Map<String, JoinTable> currentJoinTableOverride = buildJoinTableOverride( current, getPath() );
			Map<String, ForeignKey> currentForeignKeyOverride = buildForeignKeyOverride( current, getPath() );
			currentOverride.putAll( columnOverride ); //subclasses have precedence over superclasses
			currentJoinOverride.putAll( joinColumnOverride ); //subclasses have precedence over superclasses
			currentJoinTableOverride.putAll( joinTableOverride ); //subclasses have precedence over superclasses
			currentForeignKeyOverride.putAll( foreignKeyOverride ); //subclasses have precedence over superclasses
			columnOverride = currentOverride;
			joinColumnOverride = currentJoinOverride;
			joinTableOverride = currentJoinTableOverride;
			foreignKeyOverride = currentForeignKeyOverride;
		current = current.getSuperclass();

	holderColumnOverride = columnOverride.size() > 0 ? columnOverride : null;
	holderJoinColumnOverride = joinColumnOverride.size() > 0 ? joinColumnOverride : null;
	holderJoinTableOverride = joinTableOverride.size() > 0 ? joinTableOverride : null;
	holderForeignKeyOverride = foreignKeyOverride.size() > 0 ? foreignKeyOverride : null;
源代码16 项目: lams   文件: JPAOverriddenAnnotationReader.java
private MappedSuperclass getMappedSuperclass(Element tree, XMLContext.Default defaults) {
	if ( tree == null ) {
		return defaults.canUseJavaAnnotations() ? getPhysicalAnnotation( MappedSuperclass.class ) : null;
	else {
		if ( "mapped-superclass".equals( tree.getName() ) ) {
			AnnotationDescriptor entity = new AnnotationDescriptor( MappedSuperclass.class );
			return AnnotationFactory.create( entity );
		else {
			return null; //this is not an entity
private void insertMappedSuperclasses(List<XClass> original, List<XClass> copy) {
	for ( XClass clazz : original ) {
		XClass superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
		while ( superClass != null
				&& !reflectionManager.equals( superClass, Object.class )
				&& !copy.contains( superClass ) ) {
			if ( superClass.isAnnotationPresent( Entity.class )
					|| superClass.isAnnotationPresent( javax.persistence.MappedSuperclass.class ) ) {
				copy.add( superClass );
			superClass = superClass.getSuperclass();
private Class<?> getJpaSuperclass(Class<?> resourceClass) {
	Class<?> superclass = resourceClass.getSuperclass();
	while(superclass != Object.class){
		if(superclass.getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null || superclass.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) != null){
			return superclass;
		superclass = superclass.getSuperclass();
	return null;
源代码19 项目: cuba   文件: MetaClassRepresentation.java
public String getParent() {
    MetaClass ancestor = meta.getAncestor();

    if (ancestor == null ||
            !ancestor.getName().contains("$") && !ancestor.getName().contains("_") ||
        return "";

    if (!readPermitted(ancestor)) {
        return null;

    return "Parent is " + asHref(ancestor.getName());
源代码20 项目: cuba   文件: QueryCacheManager.java
protected Set<String> getDescendants(Set<String> relatedTypes) {
    if (relatedTypes == null) return null;
    Set<String> newRelatedTypes = new HashSet<>();
    relatedTypes.forEach(type -> {
        MetaClass metaClass = metadata.getClassNN(type);
        if (metaClass.getDescendants() != null) {
            Set<String> descendants = metaClass.getDescendants().stream()
                    .filter(it -> it.getJavaClass() != null && !it.getJavaClass().isAnnotationPresent(MappedSuperclass.class))
    return newRelatedTypes;
源代码21 项目: nomulus   文件: EntityCallbacksListener.java
private void executeCallbackForNormalEmbeddedProperty(
    Object normalEmbeddedObject, Class<?> normalEmbeddedType) {
  Class<?> parentType = normalEmbeddedType.getSuperclass();
  if (parentType != null && parentType.isAnnotationPresent(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
    executeCallbackForNormalEmbeddedProperty(normalEmbeddedObject, parentType);

  findEmbeddedProperties(normalEmbeddedObject, normalEmbeddedType)
          embeddedProperty ->
                  embeddedProperty, embeddedProperty.getClass()));
源代码22 项目: nomulus   文件: EntityCallbacksListenerTest.java
private static boolean hasMethodAnnotatedWithEmbedded(Class<?> entityType) {
  boolean result = false;
  Class<?> parentType = entityType.getSuperclass();
  if (parentType != null && parentType.isAnnotationPresent(MappedSuperclass.class)) {
    result = hasMethodAnnotatedWithEmbedded(parentType);
  for (Method method : entityType.getDeclaredMethods()) {
    if (method.isAnnotationPresent(Embedded.class)) {
      result = true;
  return result;
源代码23 项目: hyperjaxb3   文件: DefaultProcessPropertyInfos.java
public boolean isRootClass(Class<?> theClass) {
	final boolean notMappedSuperclassAndNotEmbeddable = theClass
			.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) == null
			&& theClass.getAnnotation(Embeddable.class) == null;
	if (theClass.getSuperclass() != null) {
		return notMappedSuperclassAndNotEmbeddable
				&& !isSelfOrAncestorRootClass(theClass.getSuperclass());
	} else {
		return notMappedSuperclassAndNotEmbeddable;
源代码24 项目: hyperjaxb3   文件: DefaultProcessPropertyInfos.java
public boolean isSelfOrAncestorRootClass(Class<?> theClass) {
	if (isRootClass(theClass)) {
		return true;
	} else if (theClass.getSuperclass() != null) {
		return isSelfOrAncestorRootClass(theClass.getSuperclass());
	} else {
		return theClass.getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) == null
				&& theClass.getAnnotation(Embeddable.class) == null;
 * Scans for *.orm.xml and adds Entites from classpath.
 * @param pui
 *            the pui
public void postProcessPersistenceUnitInfo( MutablePersistenceUnitInfo pui )
    _Log.info( "Scanning for JPA orm.xml files" );

    for ( File ormFile : getListORMFiles( ) )
        String ormAbsolutePath = ormFile.getAbsolutePath( );
        _Log.info( "Found ORM file : " + ormAbsolutePath );
        pui.addMappingFileName( ormAbsolutePath.substring( ormAbsolutePath.indexOf( CLASSPATH_PATH_IDENTIFIER ) ) );

    _Log.info( "Scanning for JPA entities..." );

    Set<String> entityClasses = AnnotationUtil.find( Entity.class.getName( ) );
    entityClasses.addAll( AnnotationUtil.find( Embeddable.class.getName( ) ) );
    entityClasses.addAll( AnnotationUtil.find( MappedSuperclass.class.getName( ) ) );

    for ( String strClass : entityClasses )
        _Log.info( "Found entity class : " + strClass );

        if ( !pui.getManagedClassNames( ).contains( strClass ) )
            pui.addManagedClassName( strClass );

    if ( _Log.isDebugEnabled( ) )
        dumpPersistenceUnitInfo( pui );
源代码26 项目: rice   文件: StaticWeavingTest.java
public void testStaticWeaving() {
    // first, scan for all files on the classpath with an @Entity or @MappedSuperClass annotation
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections(
    Set<Class<?>> entityTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class);
    Set<Class<?>> superTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class);
    Set<Class<?>> embeddableTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Embeddable.class);

    // next, let's assert that they have been statically weaved
    assertStaticWeaved(entityTypes, superTypes, embeddableTypes);
源代码27 项目: rice   文件: StaticWeavingTest.java
public void testStaticWeaving() {
    // first, scan for all files on the classpath with an @Entity or @MappedSuperClass annotation
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections("org.kuali.rice.krad");
    Set<Class<?>> entityTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class);
    Set<Class<?>> superTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class);
    Set<Class<?>> embeddableTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Embeddable.class);

    // next, let's assert that they have been statically weaved
    assertStaticWeaved(entityTypes, superTypes, embeddableTypes);
源代码28 项目: rice   文件: StaticWeavingTest.java
public void testStaticWeaving() {
    // first, scan for all files on the classpath with an @Entity or @MappedSuperClass annotation
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections(getClass().getPackage().getName());
    Set<Class<?>> entityTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class);
    Set<Class<?>> superTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class);
    Set<Class<?>> embeddableTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Embeddable.class);

    // next, let's assert that they have been statically weaved
    assertStaticWeaved(entityTypes, superTypes, embeddableTypes);
源代码29 项目: rice   文件: StaticWeavingTest.java
public void testStaticWeaving() {
    // first, scan for all files on the classpath with an @Entity or @MappedSuperClass annotation
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections(
    Set<Class<?>> entityTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class);
    Set<Class<?>> superTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class);
    Set<Class<?>> embeddableTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Embeddable.class);

    // next, let's assert that they have been statically weaved
    assertStaticWeaved(entityTypes, superTypes, embeddableTypes);
源代码30 项目: rice   文件: StaticWeavingTest.java
public void testStaticWeaving() {
    // first, scan for all files on the classpath with an @Entity or @MappedSuperClass annotation
    Reflections reflections = new Reflections(getClass().getPackage().getName());
    Set<Class<?>> entityTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Entity.class);
    Set<Class<?>> superTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(MappedSuperclass.class);
    Set<Class<?>> embeddableTypes = reflections.getTypesAnnotatedWith(Embeddable.class);

    // next, let's assert that they have been statically weaved
    assertStaticWeaved(entityTypes, superTypes, embeddableTypes);