

源代码1 项目: mycore   文件: MCRJobQueue.java
 * @param action
 * @param params
 * @return the query for the given parameters
 * */
private <T> T buildQuery(Class<? extends MCRJobAction> action, Map<String, String> params,
    Function<TypedQuery<MCRJob>, T> consumer) {
    EntityManager em = MCREntityManagerProvider.getCurrentEntityManager();
    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();

    CriteriaQuery<MCRJob> query = cb.createQuery(MCRJob.class);
    Root<MCRJob> jobRoot = query.from(MCRJob.class);

    params.keySet().forEach(key -> {
        MapJoin<MCRJob, String, String> parameterJoin = jobRoot.join(MCRJob_.parameters, JoinType.INNER);
        Path<String> keyPath = parameterJoin.key();
        Path<String> valuePath = parameterJoin.value();
        parameterJoin.on(cb.equal(keyPath, key), cb.equal(valuePath, params.get(key)));

    query.where(cb.equal(jobRoot.get(MCRJob_.action), action));
    T result = consumer.apply(em.createQuery(query));
    return result;
源代码2 项目: hawkbit   文件: RSQLUtility.java
private Predicate mapToMapPredicate(final ComparisonNode node, final Path<Object> fieldPath,
        final A enumField) {
    if (!enumField.isMap()) {
        return null;

    final String[] graph = getSubAttributesFrom(node.getSelector());

    final String keyValue = graph[graph.length - 1];
    if (fieldPath instanceof MapJoin) {
        // Currently we support only string key .So below cast is safe.
        return cb.equal(cb.upper((Expression<String>) (((MapJoin<?, ?, ?>) fieldPath).key())),

    final String keyFieldName = enumField.getSubEntityMapTuple().map(Entry::getKey)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "For the fields, defined as Map, only Map java type or tuple in the form of SimpleImmutableEntry are allowed. Neither of those could be found!"));

    return cb.equal(cb.upper(fieldPath.get(keyFieldName)), keyValue.toUpperCase());
源代码3 项目: crnk-framework   文件: JpaCriteriaQueryBackend.java
public Expression<?> joinMapValue(Expression<?> currentCriteriaPath, MetaAttribute pathElement, Object key) {
    MapJoin<Object, Object, Object> mapJoin = ((From<?, ?>) currentCriteriaPath).joinMap(pathElement.getName(),
    Predicate mapJoinCondition = cb.equal(mapJoin.key(), key);
    Predicate nullCondition = cb.isNull(mapJoin.key());
    addPredicate(cb.or(mapJoinCondition, nullCondition));
    return mapJoin;
源代码4 项目: lams   文件: AbstractFromImpl.java
public <X, K, V> MapJoin<X, K, V> joinMap(String attributeName, JoinType jt) {
	final Attribute<X, ?> attribute = (Attribute<X, ?>) locateAttribute( attributeName );
	if ( !attribute.isCollection() ) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Requested attribute was not a map" );

	final PluralAttribute pluralAttribute = (PluralAttribute) attribute;
	if ( !PluralAttribute.CollectionType.MAP.equals( pluralAttribute.getCollectionType() ) ) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Requested attribute was not a map" );

	return (MapJoin<X, K, V>) join( (MapAttribute) attribute, jt );
public Expression<?> joinMapValue(Expression<?> currentCriteriaPath, MetaAttribute pathElement, Object key) {
	MapJoin<Object, Object, Object> mapJoin = ((From<?, ?>) currentCriteriaPath).joinMap(pathElement.getName(),
	Predicate mapJoinCondition = cb.equal(mapJoin.key(), key);
	Predicate nullCondition = cb.isNull(mapJoin.key());
	addPredicate(cb.or(mapJoinCondition, nullCondition));
	return mapJoin;
源代码6 项目: hawkbit   文件: TargetSpecifications.java
 * {@link Specification} for retrieving {@link Target}s by "like attribute
 * value".
 * @param searchText
 *            to be filtered on
 * @return the {@link Target} {@link Specification}
public static Specification<JpaTarget> likeAttributeValue(final String searchText) {
    return (targetRoot, query, cb) -> {
        final String searchTextToLower = searchText.toLowerCase();
        final MapJoin<JpaTarget, String, String> attributeMap = targetRoot.join(JpaTarget_.controllerAttributes,
        return cb.like(cb.lower(attributeMap.value()), searchTextToLower);
源代码7 项目: hawkbit   文件: RSQLUtility.java
private Expression<String> getExpressionToCompare(final Path innerFieldPath, final A enumField) {
    if (!enumField.isMap()) {
        return pathOfString(innerFieldPath);
    if (innerFieldPath instanceof MapJoin) {
        // Currently we support only string key .So below cast
        // is safe.
        return (Expression<String>) (((MapJoin<?, ?, ?>) pathOfString(innerFieldPath)).value());
    final String valueFieldName = enumField.getSubEntityMapTuple().map(Entry::getValue)
            .orElseThrow(() -> new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "For the fields, defined as Map, only Map java type or tuple in the form of SimpleImmutableEntry are allowed. Neither of those could be found!"));
    return pathOfString(innerFieldPath).get(valueFieldName);
源代码8 项目: lams   文件: CriteriaBuilderImpl.java
public <X, K, T, V extends T> MapJoin<X, K, V> treat(MapJoin<X, K, T> join, Class<V> type) {
	return treat( join, type, (j, t) -> ((MapJoinImplementor) join).treatAs( type ) );
源代码9 项目: lams   文件: CriteriaSubqueryImpl.java
public <X, K, V> MapJoin<X, K, V> correlate(MapJoin<X, K, V> source) {
	final MapJoinImplementor<X, K, V> correlation = ( (MapJoinImplementor<X, K, V>) source ).correlateTo( this );
	queryStructure.addCorrelationRoot( correlation );
	return correlation;
源代码10 项目: lams   文件: AbstractFromImpl.java
public <K, V> MapJoin<X, K, V> join(MapAttribute<? super X, K, V> map) {
	return join( map, DEFAULT_JOIN_TYPE );
源代码11 项目: lams   文件: AbstractFromImpl.java
public <X, K, V> MapJoin<X, K, V> joinMap(String attributeName) {
	return joinMap( attributeName, DEFAULT_JOIN_TYPE );