

源代码1 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
 * Returns a new instance with the specified ad set to the specified {@code state}. The ad
 * specified must currently either be in {@link #AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE} or {@link
 * <p>This instance's ad count may be unknown, in which case {@code index} must be less than the
 * ad count specified later. Otherwise, {@code index} must be less than the current ad count.
public AdGroup withAdState(@AdState int state, int index) {
  Assertions.checkArgument(count == C.LENGTH_UNSET || index < count);
  @AdState int[] states = copyStatesWithSpaceForAdCount(this.states, index + 1);
      states[index] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE
          || states[index] == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE
          || states[index] == state);
  long[] durationsUs =
      this.durationsUs.length == states.length
          ? this.durationsUs
          : copyDurationsUsWithSpaceForAdCount(this.durationsUs, states.length);
  Uri[] uris =
      this.uris.length == states.length ? this.uris : Arrays.copyOf(this.uris, states.length);
  states[index] = state;
  return new AdGroup(count, states, uris, durationsUs);
源代码2 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
 * Returns a new instance with the specified ad set to the specified {@code state}. The ad
 * specified must currently either be in {@link #AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE} or {@link
 * <p>This instance's ad count may be unknown, in which case {@code index} must be less than the
 * ad count specified later. Otherwise, {@code index} must be less than the current ad count.
public AdGroup withAdState(@AdState int state, int index) {
  Assertions.checkArgument(count == C.LENGTH_UNSET || index < count);
  @AdState int[] states = copyStatesWithSpaceForAdCount(this.states, index + 1);
      states[index] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE
          || states[index] == AD_STATE_AVAILABLE
          || states[index] == state);
  long[] durationsUs =
      this.durationsUs.length == states.length
          ? this.durationsUs
          : copyDurationsUsWithSpaceForAdCount(this.durationsUs, states.length);
  Uri[] uris =
      this.uris.length == states.length ? this.uris : Arrays.copyOf(this.uris, states.length);
  states[index] = state;
  return new AdGroup(count, states, uris, durationsUs);
源代码3 项目: XKnife-Android   文件: LogParser.java
 * Parse string.
 * @param options the options
 * @return the string
public static String parse(Options options) {
    switch (options) {
        case SILENT:
            return SILENT;
        case FILE:
            return FILE;
        case BYTES:
            return BYTES;
        case COUNT:
            return COUNT;
        case FORMAT:
            return FORMAT;
        case CLEAR:
            return CLEAR;
        case DUMP:
            return DUMP;
            return DUMP;
源代码4 项目: XKnife-Android   文件: LogParser.java
 * Parse string.
 * @param level the level
 * @return the string
public static String parse(Level level) {
    switch (level) {
        case VERBOSE:
            return VERBOSE;
        case DEBUG:
            return DEBUG;
        case INFO:
            return INFO;
        case WARN:
            return WARN;
        case ERROR:
            return ERROR;
        case FATAL:
            return FATAL;
        case ASSERT:
            return ASSERT;
            return ASSERT;
源代码5 项目: XKnife-Android   文件: LogParser.java
 * Parse lev log utils . level.
 * @param level the level
 * @return the log utils . level
public static Level parseLev(String level) {
    switch (level) {
        case VERBOSE:
            return Level.VERBOSE;
        case DEBUG:
            return Level.DEBUG;
        case INFO:
            return Level.INFO;
        case WARN:
            return Level.WARN;
        case ERROR:
            return Level.ERROR;
        case FATAL:
            return Level.FATAL;
        case ASSERT:
            return Level.ASSERT;
            return Level.ASSERT;
源代码6 项目: MiPushFramework   文件: CondomCore.java
@CheckResult <R, T extends Throwable> R proceed(final OutboundType type, final Intent intent, final @Nullable R negative_value,
												final CondomCore.WrappedValueProcedureThrows<R, T> procedure) throws T {
	final String target_pkg = getTargetPackage(intent);
	if (target_pkg != null) {
		if (mBase.getPackageName().equals(target_pkg)) return procedure.proceed();	// Self-targeting request is allowed unconditionally

		if (shouldBlockRequestTarget(type, intent, target_pkg)) return negative_value;
	final int original_flags = adjustIntentFlags(type, intent);
	try {
		return procedure.proceed();
	} finally {
源代码7 项目: MiPushFramework   文件: CondomCore.java
@CheckResult <T extends Throwable> List<ResolveInfo> proceedQuery(
		final OutboundType type, final Intent intent, final CondomCore.WrappedValueProcedureThrows<List<ResolveInfo>, T> procedure) throws T {
	return proceed(type, intent, Collections.<ResolveInfo>emptyList(), new CondomCore.WrappedValueProcedureThrows<List<ResolveInfo>, T>() { @Override public List<ResolveInfo> proceed() throws T {
		final List<ResolveInfo> candidates = procedure.proceed();

		if (mOutboundJudge != null && getTargetPackage(intent) == null) {	// Package-targeted intent is already filtered by OutboundJudge in proceed().
			final Iterator<ResolveInfo> iterator = candidates.iterator();
			while (iterator.hasNext()) {
				final ResolveInfo candidate = iterator.next();
				final String pkg = type == OutboundType.QUERY_SERVICES ? candidate.serviceInfo.packageName
						: (type == OutboundType.QUERY_RECEIVERS ? candidate.activityInfo.packageName : null);
				if (pkg != null && shouldBlockRequestTarget(type, intent, pkg))		// Dry-run is checked inside shouldBlockRequestTarget()
					iterator.remove();		// TODO: Not safe to assume the list returned from PackageManager is modifiable.
		return candidates;
源代码8 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
 * Returns a new instance with the specified {@code uri} set for the specified ad, and the ad
 * marked as {@link #AD_STATE_AVAILABLE}. The specified ad must currently be in {@link
 * #AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE}, which is the default state.
 * <p>This instance's ad count may be unknown, in which case {@code index} must be less than the
 * ad count specified later. Otherwise, {@code index} must be less than the current ad count.
public AdGroup withAdUri(Uri uri, int index) {
  Assertions.checkArgument(count == C.LENGTH_UNSET || index < count);
  @AdState int[] states = copyStatesWithSpaceForAdCount(this.states, index + 1);
  Assertions.checkArgument(states[index] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE);
  long[] durationsUs =
      this.durationsUs.length == states.length
          ? this.durationsUs
          : copyDurationsUsWithSpaceForAdCount(this.durationsUs, states.length);
  Uri[] uris = Arrays.copyOf(this.uris, states.length);
  uris[index] = uri;
  states[index] = AD_STATE_AVAILABLE;
  return new AdGroup(count, states, uris, durationsUs);
源代码9 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
private static @AdState int[] copyStatesWithSpaceForAdCount(@AdState int[] states, int count) {
  int oldStateCount = states.length;
  int newStateCount = Math.max(count, oldStateCount);
  states = Arrays.copyOf(states, newStateCount);
  Arrays.fill(states, oldStateCount, newStateCount, AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE);
  return states;
源代码10 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
private static long[] copyDurationsUsWithSpaceForAdCount(long[] durationsUs, int count) {
  int oldDurationsUsCount = durationsUs.length;
  int newDurationsUsCount = Math.max(count, oldDurationsUsCount);
  durationsUs = Arrays.copyOf(durationsUs, newDurationsUsCount);
  Arrays.fill(durationsUs, oldDurationsUsCount, newDurationsUsCount, C.TIME_UNSET);
  return durationsUs;
源代码11 项目: Bus-Tracking-Parent   文件: Toasty.java
public static
Toast custom(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull CharSequence message, @DrawableRes int iconRes,
             @ColorInt int textColor, @ColorInt int tintColor, int duration,
             boolean withIcon, boolean shouldTint) {
    return custom(context, message, ToastyUtils.getDrawable(context, iconRes), textColor,
            tintColor, duration, withIcon, shouldTint);
源代码12 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad marked as played. */
public AdPlaybackState withPlayedAd(int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdState(AD_STATE_PLAYED, adIndexInAdGroup);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码13 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad marked as skipped. */
public AdPlaybackState withSkippedAd(int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdState(AD_STATE_SKIPPED, adIndexInAdGroup);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码14 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad marked as having a load error. */
public AdPlaybackState withAdLoadError(int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdState(AD_STATE_ERROR, adIndexInAdGroup);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码15 项目: Protein   文件: ColorUtils.java
 * Set the alpha component of {@code color} to be {@code alpha}.
public static
int modifyAlpha(@ColorInt int color,
        @IntRange(from = 0, to = 255) int alpha) {
    return (color & 0x00ffffff) | (alpha << 24);
源代码16 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad durations, in microseconds. */
public AdPlaybackState withAdDurationsUs(long[][] adDurationUs) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  for (int adGroupIndex = 0; adGroupIndex < adGroupCount; adGroupIndex++) {
    adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdDurationsUs(adDurationUs[adGroupIndex]);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码17 项目: Bus-Tracking-Parent   文件: Toasty.java
public static
Toast custom(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull CharSequence message, Drawable icon,
             @ColorInt int textColor, @ColorInt int tintColor, int duration,
             boolean withIcon, boolean shouldTint) {
    final Toast currentToast = new Toast(context);
    final View toastLayout = ((LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE))
            .inflate(R.layout.toasty_layout, null);
    final ImageView toastIcon = (ImageView) toastLayout.findViewById(R.id.toast_icon);
    final TextView toastTextView = (TextView) toastLayout.findViewById(R.id.toast_text);
    Drawable drawableFrame;

    if (shouldTint)
        drawableFrame = ToastyUtils.tint9PatchDrawableFrame(context, tintColor);
        drawableFrame = ToastyUtils.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.toast_frame);
    ToastyUtils.setBackground(toastLayout, drawableFrame);

    if (withIcon) {
        if (icon == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Avoid passing 'icon' as null if 'withIcon' is set to true");
        ToastyUtils.setBackground(toastIcon, icon);
    } else

    toastTextView.setTypeface(Typeface.create(TOAST_TYPEFACE, Typeface.NORMAL));

    return currentToast;
源代码18 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified content duration, in microseconds. */
public AdPlaybackState withContentDurationUs(long contentDurationUs) {
  if (this.contentDurationUs == contentDurationUs) {
    return this;
  } else {
    return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码19 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: MediaCodecRenderer.java
private DecoderInitializationException copyWithFallbackException(
    DecoderInitializationException fallbackException) {
  return new DecoderInitializationException(
源代码20 项目: ucar-weex-core   文件: WXComponent.java
 * Called when property has empty value
 * @param propName
protected Object convertEmptyProperty(String propName, Object originalValue) {
  switch (propName) {
    case Constants.Name.BACKGROUND_COLOR:
      return "transparent";
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_RADIUS:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_BOTTOM_LEFT_RADIUS:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_RADIUS:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_TOP_RIGHT_RADIUS:
      return 0;
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_WIDTH:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_TOP_WIDTH:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH:
      return 0;
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_COLOR:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_TOP_COLOR:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_LEFT_COLOR:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR:
    case Constants.Name.BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR:
      return "black";
  return originalValue;
源代码21 项目: RetroMusicPlayer   文件: Util.java
public static Drawable createTintedDrawable(@Nullable Drawable drawable, @NonNull ColorStateList colorStateList) {
    if (drawable == null) {
        return null;
    Drawable wrap = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable.mutate());
    DrawableCompat.setTintList(wrap, colorStateList);
    return wrap;
源代码22 项目: Synapse   文件: ActivateFunction.java
static Matrix sigmoid(@NonNull Matrix matrix) {

    final Matrix copy = matrix.copy();
    final double[] doubles = copy.getArray();

    for (int i = 0, len = doubles.length; i < len; ++i) {
            final double cur = -doubles[i];
            doubles[i] = 1D / (1D + Math.exp(cur));

    return copy;
源代码23 项目: Protein   文件: ColorUtils.java
 * Set the alpha component of {@code color} to be {@code alpha}.
public static
int modifyAlpha(@ColorInt int color,
        @FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f) float alpha) {
    return modifyAlpha(color, (int) (255f * alpha));
源代码24 项目: neatle   文件: OperationBuilder.java
 * Creates the operation. Note that you still need to call {@link Operation#execute()} to start
 * the operation.
 * @param device the device on which this operation will run
 * @return the created operation
public Operation build(BluetoothDevice device) {
    if (device == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Device cannot be null");

    return new OperationImpl(context, device, commands, retryCount, masterObserver);
源代码25 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
 * Returns a new instance with the specified {@code uri} set for the specified ad, and the ad
 * marked as {@link #AD_STATE_AVAILABLE}. The specified ad must currently be in {@link
 * #AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE}, which is the default state.
 * <p>This instance's ad count may be unknown, in which case {@code index} must be less than the
 * ad count specified later. Otherwise, {@code index} must be less than the current ad count.
public AdGroup withAdUri(Uri uri, int index) {
  Assertions.checkArgument(count == C.LENGTH_UNSET || index < count);
  @AdState int[] states = copyStatesWithSpaceForAdCount(this.states, index + 1);
  Assertions.checkArgument(states[index] == AD_STATE_UNAVAILABLE);
  long[] durationsUs =
      this.durationsUs.length == states.length
          ? this.durationsUs
          : copyDurationsUsWithSpaceForAdCount(this.durationsUs, states.length);
  Uri[] uris = Arrays.copyOf(this.uris, states.length);
  uris[index] = uri;
  states[index] = AD_STATE_AVAILABLE;
  return new AdGroup(count, states, uris, durationsUs);
源代码26 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns a new instance with the specified ad durations, in microseconds. */
public AdGroup withAdDurationsUs(long[] durationsUs) {
  Assertions.checkArgument(count == C.LENGTH_UNSET || durationsUs.length <= this.uris.length);
  if (durationsUs.length < this.uris.length) {
    durationsUs = copyDurationsUsWithSpaceForAdCount(durationsUs, uris.length);
  return new AdGroup(count, states, uris, durationsUs);
源代码27 项目: RetroMusicPlayer   文件: Util.java
public static Drawable createTintedDrawable(@Nullable Drawable drawable, @ColorInt int i) {
    if (drawable == null) {
        return null;
    Drawable wrap = DrawableCompat.wrap(drawable.mutate());
    DrawableCompat.setTintMode(wrap, Mode.SRC_IN);
    DrawableCompat.setTint(wrap, i);
    return wrap;
源代码28 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad URI. */
public AdPlaybackState withAdUri(int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup, Uri uri) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdUri(uri, adIndexInAdGroup);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码29 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad marked as played. */
public AdPlaybackState withPlayedAd(int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdState(AD_STATE_PLAYED, adIndexInAdGroup);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);
源代码30 项目: TelePlus-Android   文件: AdPlaybackState.java
/** Returns an instance with the specified ad marked as skipped. */
public AdPlaybackState withSkippedAd(int adGroupIndex, int adIndexInAdGroup) {
  AdGroup[] adGroups = Arrays.copyOf(this.adGroups, this.adGroups.length);
  adGroups[adGroupIndex] = adGroups[adGroupIndex].withAdState(AD_STATE_SKIPPED, adIndexInAdGroup);
  return new AdPlaybackState(adGroupTimesUs, adGroups, adResumePositionUs, contentDurationUs);