

default void add(Element element) {
  // JAX-RS
  ApplicationPath applicationPath = element.getAnnotation(ApplicationPath.class);
  if (applicationPath != null) {
    HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put(ApplicationPath.class.getName(), new HashMap<String, String>() {{
      put("value", applicationPath.value());

  if (element.getAnnotation(Path.class) != null) {

  // servlet
  if (element.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class) != null) {
源代码2 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: WebServletInstaller.java
public void install(final Environment environment, final HttpServlet instance) {
    final Class<? extends HttpServlet> extType = FeatureUtils.getInstanceClass(instance);
    final WebServlet annotation = FeatureUtils.getAnnotation(extType, WebServlet.class);
    final String[] patterns = annotation.urlPatterns().length > 0 ? annotation.urlPatterns() : annotation.value();
    Preconditions.checkArgument(patterns.length > 0,
            "Servlet %s not specified url pattern for mapping", extType.getName());
    final AdminContext context = FeatureUtils.getAnnotation(extType, AdminContext.class);
    final String name = WebUtils.getServletName(annotation, extType);
    reporter.line("%-25s %-8s %-4s %s   %s", Joiner.on(",").join(patterns),
            WebUtils.getAsyncMarker(annotation), WebUtils.getContextMarkers(context),
            RenderUtils.renderClassLine(extType), name);

    if (WebUtils.isForMain(context)) {
        configure(environment.servlets(), instance, extType, name, annotation);
    if (WebUtils.isForAdmin(context)) {
        configure(environment.admin(), instance, extType, name, annotation);
源代码3 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: WebServletInstaller.java
private void configure(final ServletEnvironment environment, final HttpServlet servlet,
                       final Class<? extends HttpServlet> type, final String name, final WebServlet annotation) {
    final ServletRegistration.Dynamic mapping = environment.addServlet(name, servlet);
    final Set<String> clash = mapping
            .addMapping(annotation.urlPatterns().length > 0 ? annotation.urlPatterns() : annotation.value());
    if (clash != null && !clash.isEmpty()) {
        final String msg = String.format(
                "Servlet registration %s clash with already installed servlets on paths: %s",
                type.getSimpleName(), Joiner.on(',').join(clash));
        if (option(DenyServletRegistrationWithClash)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
        } else {
    if (annotation.initParams().length > 0) {
        for (WebInitParam param : annotation.initParams()) {
            mapping.setInitParameter(param.name(), param.value());
源代码4 项目: Tomcat8-Source-Read   文件: Tomcat.java
private static boolean hasAsync(Servlet existing) {
    boolean result = false;
    Class<?> clazz = existing.getClass();
    WebServlet ws = clazz.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class);
    if (ws != null) {
        result = ws.asyncSupported();
    return result;
源代码5 项目: piranha   文件: AnnotationScanInitializer.java
 * Is this a web annotation.
 * @param annotation the annotation.
 * @return true if it is, false otherwise.
private boolean isWebAnnotation(Annotation annotation) {
    return annotation instanceof WebServlet
            || annotation instanceof WebListener
            || annotation instanceof WebInitParam
            || annotation instanceof WebFilter
            || annotation instanceof ServletSecurity
            || annotation instanceof MultipartConfig;
源代码6 项目: HongsCORE   文件: ServerCmdlet.java
public void init(ServletContextHandler context) {
    String pkgx  = CoreConfig.getInstance("defines"   )
    if  (  pkgx != null ) {
        String[]   pkgs = pkgx.split(";");
        for(String pkgn : pkgs) {
            pkgn = pkgn.trim  ( );
            if  (  pkgn.length( ) == 0  ) {

            Set<String> clss = getClss(pkgn);
            for(String  clsn : clss) {
                Class   clso = getClso(clsn);

                WebFilter   wf = (WebFilter  ) clso.getAnnotation(WebFilter.class  );
                if (null != wf) {
                    addFilter  (context, clso, wf);

                WebServlet  wb = (WebServlet ) clso.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class );
                if (null != wb) {
                    addServlet (context, clso, wb);

                WebListener wl = (WebListener) clso.getAnnotation(WebListener.class);
                if (null != wl) {
                    addListener(context, clso, wl);
源代码7 项目: HongsCORE   文件: ServerCmdlet.java
private void addServlet(ServletContextHandler context, Class clso, WebServlet anno) {
    ServletHolder hd = new ServletHolder(clso );
    hd.setName          (anno./****/name(    ));

    for(WebInitParam nv : anno.initParams ()) {
        hd.setInitParameter(nv.name( ), nv.value());

    for(String       ur : anno.urlPatterns()) {
        context.addServlet(hd, ur/**/);
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static void addServletWithMapping(ServletHandler sh, Class type){
	WebServlet annotation = (WebServlet)type.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class);
	String[] paths = annotation.value();
	for (String path : paths) {
		sh.addServletWithMapping(type, path);			
源代码9 项目: seed   文件: WebServletPlugin.java
public Collection<ClasspathScanRequest> classpathScanRequests() {
    return classpathScanRequestBuilder()
源代码10 项目: seed   文件: WebServletPlugin.java
public InitState initialize(InitContext initContext) {
    if (servletContext != null) {

    return InitState.INITIALIZED;
源代码11 项目: seed   文件: WebServletPlugin.java
private List<ServletDefinition> detectServlets(Collection<Class<?>> servletClasses) {
    List<ServletDefinition> servletDefinitions = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Class<?> candidate : servletClasses) {
        if (Servlet.class.isAssignableFrom(candidate)) {
            Class<? extends Servlet> servletClass = (Class<? extends Servlet>) candidate;
            WebServlet annotation = servletClass.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class);
            ServletDefinition servletDefinition = new ServletDefinition(
                    Strings.isNullOrEmpty(annotation.name()) ? servletClass.getCanonicalName() : annotation.name(),
            if (annotation.value().length > 0) {
            if (annotation.urlPatterns().length > 0) {


    return servletDefinitions;
源代码12 项目: hammock   文件: StartWebServer.java
private void procesServlets() {
    Consumer<Class<? extends HttpServlet>> c = servlet -> {
        WebServlet webServlet = ClassUtils.getAnnotation(servlet, WebServlet.class);
        if(webServlet != null) {
            ServletDescriptor servletDescriptor = new ServletDescriptor(webServlet.name(),
                    webServlet.value(), mapUrls(webServlet.urlPatterns()), webServlet.loadOnStartup(),
源代码13 项目: keycloak   文件: UndertowDeployerHelper.java
private void addAnnotatedServlets(DeploymentInfo di, Archive<?> archive) {
    Map<ArchivePath, Node> classNodes = archive.getContent((ArchivePath path) -> {

        String stringPath = path.get();
        return (stringPath.startsWith("/WEB-INF/classes") && stringPath.endsWith("class"));


    for (Map.Entry<ArchivePath, Node> entry : classNodes.entrySet()) {
        Node n = entry.getValue();
        if (n.getAsset() instanceof ClassAsset) {
            ClassAsset classAsset = (ClassAsset) n.getAsset();
            Class<?> clazz = classAsset.getSource();

            WebServlet annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(WebServlet.class);
            if (annotation != null) {
                ServletInfo undertowServlet = new ServletInfo(clazz.getSimpleName(), (Class<? extends Servlet>) clazz);

                String[] mappings = annotation.value();
                if (mappings != null) {
                    for (String urlPattern : mappings) {


protected void webConfig() {
    if (context.getServletContext().getAttribute("meecrowave.configuration") == null) { // redeploy
                Meecrowave.Builder.class.isInstance(configuration) ? configuration : new Meecrowave.Builder(configuration));
        context.addServletContainerInitializer(intializer, emptySet());

    if (!configuration.isTomcatScanning()) {

    // eagerly start CDI to scan only once and not twice (tomcat+CDI)
    final ClassLoader loader = context.getLoader().getClassLoader(); // should already be started at that point
    final Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
    final ClassLoader old = thread.getContextClassLoader();
    try {
        final OWBTomcatWebScannerService scannerService = OWBTomcatWebScannerService.class.cast(WebBeansContext.getInstance().getScannerService());
        scannerService.setFilter(ofNullable(context.getJarScanner()).map(JarScanner::getJarScanFilter).orElse(null), context.getServletContext());
        if (configuration.getWatcherBouncing() > 0) { // note that caching should be disabled with this config in most of the times
            watcher = new ReloadOnChangeController(context, configuration.getWatcherBouncing());
            scannerService.setFileVisitor(f -> watcher.register(f));
        finder = scannerService.getFinder();
        final CdiArchive archive = CdiArchive.class.cast(finder.getArchive());
        Stream.of(WebServlet.class, WebFilter.class, WebListener.class)
                .forEach(marker -> finder.findAnnotatedClasses(marker).stream()
                        .filter(c -> !Modifier.isAbstract(c.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers()))
                        .forEach(webComponent -> webClasses.computeIfAbsent(
                                        .filter(e -> e.getValue().getClassNames().contains(webComponent.getName()))
                                        .findFirst().get().getKey(), k -> new HashSet<>())
    } finally {
    try {
    } finally {
        finder = null;
源代码15 项目: HTTP-RPC   文件: WebService.java
public void init() throws ServletException {
    root = new Resource();

    Method[] methods = getClass().getMethods();

    for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
        Method method = methods[i];

        RequestMethod requestMethod = method.getAnnotation(RequestMethod.class);

        if (requestMethod != null) {
            Handler handler = new Handler(method);

            Resource resource = root;

            ResourcePath resourcePath = method.getAnnotation(ResourcePath.class);

            if (resourcePath != null) {
                String[] components = resourcePath.value().split("/");

                for (int j = 0; j < components.length; j++) {
                    String component = components[j];

                    if (component.length() == 0) {

                    if (component.startsWith(ResourcePath.PATH_VARIABLE_PREFIX)) {
                        int k = ResourcePath.PATH_VARIABLE_PREFIX.length();

                        String key;
                        if (component.length() > k) {
                            if (component.charAt(k++) != ':') {
                                throw new ServletException("Invalid path variable.");

                            key = component.substring(k);

                            component = ResourcePath.PATH_VARIABLE_PREFIX;
                        } else {
                            key = null;


                    Resource child = resource.resources.get(component);

                    if (child == null) {
                        child = new Resource();

                        resource.resources.put(component, child);

                    resource = child;

            String verb = requestMethod.value().toLowerCase();

            LinkedList<Handler> handlerList = resource.handlerMap.get(verb);

            if (handlerList == null) {
                handlerList = new LinkedList<>();

                resource.handlerMap.put(verb, handlerList);


    Class<? extends WebService> type = getClass();

    if (getClass().getAnnotation(WebServlet.class) != null) {
        services.put(type, this);
源代码16 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: WebServletInstaller.java
public boolean matches(final Class<?> type) {
    return FeatureUtils.is(type, HttpServlet.class)
            && FeatureUtils.hasAnnotation(type, WebServlet.class);
源代码17 项目: hammock   文件: WebServerExtension.java
public void findServlets(@Observes @WithAnnotations({WebServlet.class})
                                  ProcessAnnotatedType<? extends HttpServlet> pat) {
源代码18 项目: consulo   文件: WebContainerStartup.java
private void registerServlets(ServletHandler handler) {
  Class[] classes = new Class[]{RootUIServlet.class, UIIconServlet.class};

  for (Class aClass : classes) {
    Servlet servlet = (Servlet)ReflectionUtil.newInstance(aClass);

    ServletHolder servletHolder = new ServletHolder(servlet);

    WebServlet declaredAnnotation = (WebServlet)aClass.getDeclaredAnnotation(WebServlet.class);

    String[] urls = declaredAnnotation.urlPatterns();

    for (String url : urls) {
      handler.addServletWithMapping(servletHolder, url);

    System.out.println(aClass.getName() + " registered to: " + Arrays.asList(urls));
源代码19 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: WebUtils.java
 * @param servlet servlet annotation
 * @param type    servlet type
 * @return servlet name or generated name if name not provided
public static String getServletName(final WebServlet servlet, final Class<? extends HttpServlet> type) {
    final String name = Strings.emptyToNull(servlet.name());
    return name != null ? name : generateName(type, "servlet");
源代码20 项目: dropwizard-guicey   文件: WebUtils.java
 * @param annotation servlet registration annotation
 * @return "async" string if servlet support async and empty string otherwise
public static String getAsyncMarker(final WebServlet annotation) {
    return getAsyncMarker(annotation.asyncSupported());