

源代码1 项目: Tomcat8-Source-Read   文件: TestStandardContext.java
public void onStartup(Set<Class<?>> c, ServletContext ctx)
        throws ServletException {
    // Register and map servlet
    Servlet s = new TesterServlet();
    ServletRegistration.Dynamic sr = ctx.addServlet("test", s);

    // Add a constraint with uncovered methods
    HttpConstraintElement hce = new HttpConstraintElement(
            TransportGuarantee.NONE, "tomcat");
    HttpMethodConstraintElement hmce =
            new HttpMethodConstraintElement("POST", hce);
    Set<HttpMethodConstraintElement> hmces = new HashSet<>();
    ServletSecurityElement sse = new ServletSecurityElement(hmces);
 * Default constraint is permit with no transport guarantee.
public HttpConstraintElement() {
    // Default constructor
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT;
    this.transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE;
    this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
源代码3 项目: Tomcat8-Source-Read   文件: TestStandardContext.java
public void onStartup(Set<Class<?>> c, ServletContext ctx)
        throws ServletException {
    // Register and map servlet
    Servlet s = new TesterServlet();
    ServletRegistration.Dynamic sr = ctx.addServlet("bug50015", s);

    // Limit access to users in the Tomcat role
    HttpConstraintElement hce = new HttpConstraintElement(
            TransportGuarantee.NONE, "tomcat");
    ServletSecurityElement sse = new ServletSecurityElement(hce);
源代码4 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Default constraint is permit with no transport guarantee.
public HttpConstraintElement() {
    // Default constructor
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT;
    this.transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE;
    this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
源代码5 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Convenience constructor to specify transport guarantee and/or roles.
public HttpConstraintElement(TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee,
        String... rolesAllowed) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
源代码6 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * @param emptyRoleSemantic
 * @param transportGuarantee
 * @param rolesAllowed
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if roles are specified when DENY is used
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic,
        TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee, String... rolesAllowed) {
    if (rolesAllowed != null && rolesAllowed.length > 0 &&
            EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY.equals(emptyRoleSemantic)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(lStrings.getString(
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
源代码7 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件: TestStandardContext.java
public void onStartup(Set<Class<?>> c, ServletContext ctx)
        throws ServletException {
    // Register and map servlet
    Servlet s = new Bug50015Servlet();
    ServletRegistration.Dynamic sr = ctx.addServlet("bug50015", s);

    // Limit access to users in the Tomcat role
    HttpConstraintElement hce = new HttpConstraintElement(
            TransportGuarantee.NONE, "tomcat");
    ServletSecurityElement sse = new ServletSecurityElement(hce);
源代码8 项目: tomcatsrc   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Default constraint is permit with no transport guarantee.
public HttpConstraintElement() {
    // Default constructor
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT;
    this.transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE;
    this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
源代码9 项目: tomcatsrc   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Convenience constructor to specify transport guarantee and/or roles.
public HttpConstraintElement(TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee,
        String... rolesAllowed) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
源代码10 项目: tomcatsrc   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * @param emptyRoleSemantic
 * @param transportGuarantee
 * @param rolesAllowed
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if roles are specified when DENY is used
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic,
        TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee, String... rolesAllowed) {
    if (rolesAllowed != null && rolesAllowed.length > 0 &&
            EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY.equals(emptyRoleSemantic)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(lStrings.getString(
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
源代码11 项目: tomcatsrc   文件: TestStandardContext.java
public void onStartup(Set<Class<?>> c, ServletContext ctx)
        throws ServletException {
    // Register and map servlet
    Servlet s = new Bug50015Servlet();
    ServletRegistration.Dynamic sr = ctx.addServlet("bug50015", s);

    // Limit access to users in the Tomcat role
    HttpConstraintElement hce = new HttpConstraintElement(
            TransportGuarantee.NONE, "tomcat");
    ServletSecurityElement sse = new ServletSecurityElement(hce);
源代码12 项目: Tomcat8-Source-Read   文件: RealmBase.java
 * Enforce any user data constraint required by the security constraint
 * guarding this request URI.  Return <code>true</code> if this constraint
 * was not violated and processing should continue, or <code>false</code>
 * if we have created a response already.
 * @param request Request we are processing
 * @param response Response we are creating
 * @param constraints Security constraint being checked
 * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
public boolean hasUserDataPermission(Request request,
                                     Response response,
                                     SecurityConstraint []constraints)
    throws IOException {

    // Is there a relevant user data constraint?
    if (constraints == null || constraints.length == 0) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("  No applicable security constraint defined");
        return true;
    for(int i=0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
        SecurityConstraint constraint = constraints[i];
        String userConstraint = constraint.getUserConstraint();
        if (userConstraint == null) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("  No applicable user data constraint defined");
            return true;
        if (userConstraint.equals(TransportGuarantee.NONE.name())) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("  User data constraint has no restrictions");
            return true;

    // Validate the request against the user data constraint
    if (request.getRequest().isSecure()) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("  User data constraint already satisfied");
        return true;
    // Initialize variables we need to determine the appropriate action
    int redirectPort = request.getConnector().getRedirectPort();

    // Is redirecting disabled?
    if (redirectPort <= 0) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("  SSL redirect is disabled");
        return false;

    // Redirect to the corresponding SSL port
    StringBuilder file = new StringBuilder();
    String protocol = "https";
    String host = request.getServerName();
    // Protocol
    // Host with port
    if(redirectPort != 443) {
    // URI
    String requestedSessionId = request.getRequestedSessionId();
    if ((requestedSessionId != null) &&
        request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) {
    String queryString = request.getQueryString();
    if (queryString != null) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled())
        log.debug("  Redirecting to " + file.toString());
    response.sendRedirect(file.toString(), transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus);
    return false;

源代码13 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Convenience constructor for {@link EmptyRoleSemantic#DENY}.
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE;
    this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
源代码14 项目: Tomcat7.0.67   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
public TransportGuarantee getTransportGuarantee() {
    return transportGuarantee;
源代码15 项目: tomcatsrc   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Convenience constructor for {@link EmptyRoleSemantic#DENY}.
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE;
    this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
源代码16 项目: tomcatsrc   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
public TransportGuarantee getTransportGuarantee() {
    return transportGuarantee;
 * Construct a constraint with a transport guarantee and roles.
 * @param transportGuarantee The transport guarantee to apply to the newly
 *                           created constraint
 * @param rolesAllowed       The roles to associate with the newly created
 *                           constraint
public HttpConstraintElement(TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee,
        String... rolesAllowed) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
 * Construct a constraint with an empty role semantic, a transport guarantee
 * and roles.
 * @param emptyRoleSemantic The empty role semantic to apply to the newly
 *                          created constraint
 * @param transportGuarantee The transport guarantee to apply to the newly
 *                           created constraint
 * @param rolesAllowed       The roles to associate with the newly created
 *                           constraint
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if roles are specified when DENY is used
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic,
        TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee, String... rolesAllowed) {
    if (rolesAllowed != null && rolesAllowed.length > 0 &&
            EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY.equals(emptyRoleSemantic)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(lStrings.getString(
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
源代码19 项目: lams   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Constructor to establish all of getEmptyRoleSemantic,
 * getRolesAllowed, and getTransportGuarantee.
 * @param semantic <tt>EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY</tt> or
 * <tt>EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT</tt>
 * @param guarantee <tt>TransportGuarantee.NONE</tt> or
 * <tt>TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL</tt>
 * @param roleNames the names of the roles that are to be allowed
 * access, or missing if the semantic is <tt>EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY</tt>
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic semantic,
        TransportGuarantee guarantee, String... roleNames) {
    if (semantic == EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY && roleNames.length > 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Deny semantic with rolesAllowed");
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = semantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = guarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = copyStrings(roleNames);
 * Construct a constraint with an empty role semantic. Typically used with
 * {@link EmptyRoleSemantic#DENY}.
 * @param emptyRoleSemantic The empty role semantic to apply to the newly
 *                          created constraint
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = TransportGuarantee.NONE;
    this.rolesAllowed = new String[0];
 * @return TODO
public TransportGuarantee getTransportGuarantee() {
    return transportGuarantee;
源代码22 项目: piranha   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param emptyRoleSemantic the EmptyRoleSemantic.
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic) {
    this(emptyRoleSemantic, TransportGuarantee.NONE, new String[0]);
源代码23 项目: piranha   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param transportGuarantee the TransportGuarantee.
 * @param rolesAllowed the roles allowed.
public HttpConstraintElement(TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee, String... rolesAllowed) {
    this(EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT, transportGuarantee, rolesAllowed);
源代码24 项目: piranha   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Constructor.
 * @param emptyRoleSemantic the EmptyRoleSemantic.
 * @param transportGuarantee the TransportGuarantee.
 * @param rolesAllowed the roles allowed.
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic emptyRoleSemantic, TransportGuarantee transportGuarantee, String... rolesAllowed) {
    this.emptyRoleSemantic = emptyRoleSemantic;
    this.transportGuarantee = transportGuarantee;
    this.rolesAllowed = rolesAllowed;
源代码25 项目: piranha   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Get the transport guarantee.
 * @return the transport guarantee.
public TransportGuarantee getTransportGuarantee() {
    return transportGuarantee;
源代码26 项目: lams   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Convenience constructor to establish <tt>EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY</tt>
 * @param semantic should be EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY
public HttpConstraintElement(EmptyRoleSemantic semantic) {
    this(semantic, TransportGuarantee.NONE, new String[0]);
源代码27 项目: lams   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Constructor to establish non-empty getRolesAllowed and/or
 * <tt>TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL</tt>.
 * @param guarantee <tt>TransportGuarantee.NONE</tt> or
 * <tt>TransportGuarantee.CONFIDENTIAL</tt>
 * @param roleNames the names of the roles that are to be
 * allowed access
public HttpConstraintElement(TransportGuarantee guarantee,
        String... roleNames) {
    this(EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT, guarantee, roleNames);
源代码28 项目: lams   文件: HttpConstraintElement.java
 * Gets the data protection requirement (i.e., whether or not SSL/TLS is
 * required) that must be satisfied by the transport connection.
 * @return the {@link TransportGuarantee} indicating the data
 * protection that must be provided by the connection
public TransportGuarantee getTransportGuarantee() {
    return this.transportGuarantee;