

源代码1 项目: Strata   文件: SimpleDiscountFactors.java
private SimpleDiscountFactors(
    Currency currency,
    LocalDate valuationDate,
    Curve curve) {

  ArgChecker.notNull(currency, "currency");
  ArgChecker.notNull(valuationDate, "valuationDate");
  ArgChecker.notNull(curve, "curve");
      ValueType.YEAR_FRACTION, "Incorrect x-value type for discount curve");
      ValueType.DISCOUNT_FACTOR, "Incorrect y-value type for discount curve");
  DayCount dayCount = curve.getMetadata().findInfo(CurveInfoType.DAY_COUNT)
      .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Incorrect curve metadata, missing DayCount"));

  this.currency = currency;
  this.valuationDate = valuationDate;
  this.curve = curve;
  this.dayCount = dayCount;
源代码2 项目: ofdrw   文件: CT_DocInfoTest.java
public static CT_DocInfo docInfoCase(){
    CT_DocInfo docInfo = new CT_DocInfo();
    CustomDatas customDatas = new CustomDatas()
            .addCustomData("key1", "value1")
            .addCustomData("key2", "value2");

            .setAbstract("This is abstract")
            .setCover(new ST_Loc("./Res/Cover.xml"))
    return docInfo;
源代码3 项目: Strata   文件: ResolvedCapitalIndexedBondTest.java
public void test_builder() {
  ResolvedCapitalIndexedBond test = sut();
  assertThat(test.calculateSettlementDateFromValuation(date(2015, 6, 30), REF_DATA))
      .isEqualTo(SETTLE_OFFSET.adjust(date(2015, 6, 30), REF_DATA));
源代码4 项目: jdk8u-dev-jdk   文件: TestChronoLocalDate.java
public void test_date_comparator_checkGenerics_LocalDate() {
    List<LocalDate> dates = new ArrayList<>();
    LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2013, 1, 1);

    // Insert dates in order, no duplicates
    dates.add(date.minus(10, ChronoUnit.YEARS));
    dates.add(date.minus(1, ChronoUnit.YEARS));
    dates.add(date.minus(1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS));
    dates.add(date.minus(1, ChronoUnit.WEEKS));
    dates.add(date.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS));
    dates.add(date.plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS));
    dates.add(date.plus(1, ChronoUnit.WEEKS));
    dates.add(date.plus(1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS));
    dates.add(date.plus(1, ChronoUnit.YEARS));
    dates.add(date.plus(10, ChronoUnit.YEARS));

    List<LocalDate> copy = new ArrayList<>(dates);
    Collections.sort(copy, ChronoLocalDate.timeLineOrder());
    assertEquals(copy, dates);
    assertTrue(ChronoLocalDate.timeLineOrder().compare(copy.get(0), copy.get(1)) < 0);
源代码5 项目: j2objc   文件: TCKLocalDateTime.java
void test_comparisons_LocalDateTime(LocalDate... localDates) {
        LocalTime.of(0, 0, 0, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(0, 0, 59, 0),
        LocalTime.of(0, 0, 59, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(0, 59, 0, 0),
        LocalTime.of(0, 59, 59, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(12, 0, 0, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(12, 0, 59, 0),
        LocalTime.of(12, 0, 59, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(12, 59, 0, 0),
        LocalTime.of(12, 59, 59, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(23, 0, 0, 0),
        LocalTime.of(23, 0, 0, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(23, 0, 59, 0),
        LocalTime.of(23, 0, 59, 999999999),
        LocalTime.of(23, 59, 0, 0),
        LocalTime.of(23, 59, 59, 999999999)
源代码6 项目: doov   文件: HtmlMappingTest.java
void mapping_to_date_field_with_converter() {
    ctx = map(LocalDate.of(2000, 1, 1)).using(converter(date -> date.toString(), "empty", "date to string"))
                    .to(stringField).executeOn(model, model);
    doc = documentOf(ctx);
    assertThat(doc).tokenOperator_SPAN().containsExactly("map", "using", "to");
    assertThat(doc).tokenValue_SPAN().containsExactly("2000-01-01", "'date to string'");
public String winners2() {
    int remaining = 6;
    ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();

    // If the JWT contains a birthdate claim, use the day of the month as a pick
    if (birthdate.isPresent()) {
        String bdayString = birthdate.get().getString();
        LocalDate bday = LocalDate.parse(bdayString);
    // Fill remaining picks with random numbers
    while (remaining > 0) {
        int pick = (int) Math.rint(64 * Math.random() + 1);
    return numbers.toString();
源代码8 项目: finmath-lib   文件: AbstractForwardCurve.java
public double getPaymentOffset(final double fixingTime) {
	if(getPaymentOffsetCode() == null) {
		return paymentOffset;

	if(paymentOffsets.containsKey(fixingTime)) {
		return paymentOffsets.get(fixingTime);
	else {
		 * TODO In case paymentDate is relevant for the index modeling, it should be checked
		 * if the following derivation of paymentDate is accurate (e.g. wo we have a fixingOffset).
		 * In such a case, this method may be overridden.
		final LocalDate referenceDate = getReferenceDate();
		final LocalDate fixingDate = FloatingpointDate.getDateFromFloatingPointDate(referenceDate, fixingTime);
		final LocalDate paymentDate = getPaymentBusinessdayCalendar().getAdjustedDate(fixingDate, getPaymentOffsetCode(), getPaymentDateRollConvention());
		final double paymentTime = FloatingpointDate.getFloatingPointDateFromDate(referenceDate, paymentDate);
		paymentOffsets.put(fixingTime, paymentTime-fixingTime);
		return paymentTime-fixingTime;
源代码9 项目: jdk8u60   文件: TestLocalDate.java
void doTest_comparisons_LocalDate(LocalDate... localDates) {
    for (int i = 0; i < localDates.length; i++) {
        LocalDate a = localDates[i];
        for (int j = 0; j < localDates.length; j++) {
            LocalDate b = localDates[j];
            if (i < j) {
                assertTrue(a.compareTo(b) < 0, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.isBefore(b), true, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.isAfter(b), false, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.equals(b), false, a + " <=> " + b);
            } else if (i > j) {
                assertTrue(a.compareTo(b) > 0, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.isBefore(b), false, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.isAfter(b), true, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.equals(b), false, a + " <=> " + b);
            } else {
                assertEquals(a.compareTo(b), 0, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.isBefore(b), false, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.isAfter(b), false, a + " <=> " + b);
                assertEquals(a.equals(b), true, a + " <=> " + b);
源代码10 项目: dragonwell8_jdk   文件: TCKIsoChronology.java
@Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymaa")
public void test_resolve_ymaa_strict(int y, int m, int w, int d, LocalDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) {
    Map<TemporalField, Long> fieldValues = new HashMap<>();
    fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y);
    fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m);
    fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH, (long) w);
    fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, (long) d);
    if (strict) {
        LocalDate date = IsoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT);
        assertEquals(date, expected);
        assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0);
    } else {
        try {
            IsoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT);
            fail("Should have failed");
        } catch (DateTimeException ex) {
            // expected
源代码11 项目: j2objc   文件: TCKOffsetDateTime.java
public void constructor_nullOffset() throws Throwable  {
    Constructor<OffsetDateTime> con = OffsetDateTime.class.getDeclaredConstructor(LocalDateTime.class, ZoneOffset.class);
    try {
        con.newInstance(LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.of(2008, 6, 30), LocalTime.of(11, 30)), null);
    } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
        throw ex.getCause();
源代码12 项目: openjdk-8-source   文件: TestOffsetDateTime.java
public void test_get_same(int y, int o, int d, int h, int m, int s, int n, ZoneOffset offset) {
    LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(y, o, d);
    LocalTime localTime = LocalTime.of(h, m, s, n);
    LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(localDate, localTime);
    OffsetDateTime a = OffsetDateTime.of(localDateTime, offset);

    assertSame(a.getOffset(), offset);
    assertSame(a.toLocalDate(), localDate);
    assertSame(a.toLocalTime(), localTime);
    assertSame(a.toLocalDateTime(), localDateTime);
源代码13 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: TCKTemporalAdjusters.java
public void test_firstDayOfNextMonth_leap() {
    for (Month month : Month.values()) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= month.length(true); i++) {
            LocalDate date = date(2008, month, i);
            LocalDate test = (LocalDate) TemporalAdjusters.firstDayOfNextMonth().adjustInto(date);
            assertEquals(test.getYear(), month == DECEMBER ? 2009 : 2008);
            assertEquals(test.getMonth(), month.plus(1));
            assertEquals(test.getDayOfMonth(), 1);
源代码14 项目: sumk   文件: DateAdapters.java
public LocalDate read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
	if (in.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) {
		return null;
	String v = in.nextString();
	return SumkDate.of(v, SumkDate.yyyy_MM_dd).toLocalDate();
源代码15 项目: jdk8u_jdk   文件: IsoFields.java
private static int getWeekRange(int wby) {
    LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(wby, 1, 1);
    // 53 weeks if standard year starts on Thursday, or Wed in a leap year
    if (date.getDayOfWeek() == THURSDAY || (date.getDayOfWeek() == WEDNESDAY && date.isLeapYear())) {
        return 53;
    return 52;
源代码16 项目: hottub   文件: TestLocalDate.java
public void test_plusDays_symmetry(LocalDate reference) {
    for (int days = 0; days < 365 * 8; days++) {
        LocalDate t = reference.plusDays(days).plusDays(-days);
        assertEquals(t, reference);

        t = reference.plusDays(-days).plusDays(days);
        assertEquals(t, reference);
源代码17 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: TCKJulianFields.java
public void test_samples_parse_LENIENT(TemporalField field, LocalDate date, long value) {
    DateTimeFormatter f = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendValue(field)
    LocalDate parsed = LocalDate.parse(Long.toString(value), f);
    assertEquals(parsed, date);
源代码18 项目: jsr354-ri   文件: TestRoundingProvider.java
public MonetaryRounding getRounding(RoundingQuery roundingQuery) {
    LocalDate timestamp = roundingQuery.get(LocalDate.class);
    if (roundingQuery.getRoundingName() == null) {
        return getRounding(roundingQuery, timestamp, "default");
    } else {
        return getRounding(roundingQuery, timestamp, roundingQuery.getRoundingName());
源代码19 项目: elexis-3-core   文件: InvoiceService.java
public boolean hasStornoBeforeDate(IInvoice invoice, LocalDate date){
	List<IPayment> zahlungen = invoice.getPayments();
	for (IPayment zahlung : zahlungen) {
		if (zahlung.getRemark().equals("Storno")) {
			if (zahlung.getDate().isBefore(date) || zahlung.getDate().equals(date)) {
				return true;
	return false;
public InvoicePayment createInvoicePayment(
    Invoice invoice,
    BigDecimal amount,
    LocalDate paymentDate,
    Currency currency,
    PaymentMode paymentMode,
    int typeSelect);
源代码21 项目: jdmn   文件: MixedJavaTimeFEELLib.java
public Duration yearsAndMonthsDuration(ZonedDateTime from, LocalDate to) {
    try {
        return this.durationLib.yearsAndMonthsDuration(from, to);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String message = String.format("yearsAndMonthsDuration(%s, %s)", from, to);
        logError(message, e);
        return null;
public double explainRate(
    OvernightAveragedRateComputation computation,
    LocalDate startDate,
    LocalDate endDate,
    RatesProvider provider,
    ExplainMapBuilder builder) {

  double rate = rate(computation, startDate, endDate, provider);
  builder.put(ExplainKey.COMBINED_RATE, rate);
  return rate;
源代码23 项目: ehcache3-samples   文件: WeatherService.java
private WeatherReport getFakeWeatherReport(String location, LocalDate date) {
    Random rand = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
    try {
        Thread.sleep(500 + rand.nextInt(500));
        resourceCallService.addCall("Fake Webservice call", ResourceType.WEB_SERVICE, location, stopwatch.elapsed(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        // ignore
    int min = -30 + rand.nextInt(60);
    int max = min + rand.nextInt(15);
    String summary = WEATHERS[rand.nextInt(WEATHERS.length)];
    String icon = summary.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
    return new WeatherReport(date, location, summary, icon, min, max);
源代码24 项目: pgadba   文件: SelectDataTypesTest.java
public void selectDate() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException {
  try (Session session = ds.getSession()) {
    CompletionStage<LocalDate> idF = session.<LocalDate>rowOperation("select '2018-04-29 20:55:57.692132'::date as t")

    assertEquals(LocalDate.of(2018, 4, 29), get10(idF));
源代码25 项目: baleen   文件: YYYYMMDDAssigner.java
protected void doProcess(final JCas jCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
  final DocumentAnnotation da = getDocumentAnnotation(jCas);
  final String source = da.getSourceUri();

  final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(source);
  if (matcher.matches()) {
    try {
      final int y = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("year"));
      final int m = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("month"));
      final int d = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group("day"));

      if (m >= 1 && m <= 12 && d >= 1 && d <= 31) {
        // This will check if its' actually valid (31 Feb) it's actualy valid date...

        final LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(y, m, d);
        final long ts = date.atStartOfDay().atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC).toInstant().toEpochMilli();


    } catch (final Exception e) {
      // Do nothing.. not a valid source path...
      getMonitor().warn("Cant parse date from source uri {} ", source, e);
源代码26 项目: alf.io   文件: EventManagerIntegrationTest.java
public void testNewBoundedCategoryWithExistingBoundedAndPendingTicket() {
    List<TicketCategoryModification> categories = Collections.singletonList(
        new TicketCategoryModification(null, "default", AVAILABLE_SEATS,
            new DateTimeModification(LocalDate.now(), LocalTime.now()),
            new DateTimeModification(LocalDate.now(), LocalTime.now()),
            DESCRIPTION, BigDecimal.TEN, false, "", false, null, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, AlfioMetadata.empty()));
    Pair<Event, String> pair = initEvent(categories, organizationRepository, userManager, eventManager, eventRepository);
    Event event = pair.getLeft();
    String username = pair.getRight();
    assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(AVAILABLE_SEATS), ticketRepository.countFreeTicketsForUnbounded(event.getId()));
    TicketReservationModification trm = new TicketReservationModification();
    TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification reservation = new TicketReservationWithOptionalCodeModification(trm, Optional.empty());
    ticketReservationManager.createTicketReservation(event, Collections.singletonList(reservation), Collections.emptyList(),
        DateUtils.addDays(new Date(), 1), Optional.empty(), Locale.ENGLISH, false);
    TicketCategoryModification tcm = new TicketCategoryModification(null, "new", 1,
        Collections.emptyMap(), BigDecimal.TEN, false, "", true, null, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, AlfioMetadata.empty());
    Result<Integer> insertResult = eventManager.insertCategory(event, tcm, username);
    Integer categoryID = insertResult.getData();
    tcm = new TicketCategoryModification(categoryID, tcm.getName(), AVAILABLE_SEATS,
        tcm.getInception(), tcm.getExpiration(), tcm.getDescription(), tcm.getPrice(), false, "", true, null, null, null, null, null, 0, null, null, AlfioMetadata.empty());
    Result<TicketCategory> result = eventManager.updateCategory(categoryID, event, tcm, username);
源代码27 项目: j2objc   文件: TCKWeekFields.java
public void test_fieldRanges(DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek, int minDays) {
    WeekFields weekDef = WeekFields.of(firstDayOfWeek, minDays);
    TemporalField womField = weekDef.weekOfMonth();
    TemporalField woyField = weekDef.weekOfYear();

    LocalDate day = LocalDate.of(2012, 11, 30);
    LocalDate endDay = LocalDate.of(2013, 1, 2);
    while (day.isBefore(endDay)) {
        LocalDate last = day.with(DAY_OF_MONTH, day.lengthOfMonth());
        int lastWOM = last.get(womField);
        LocalDate first = day.with(DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
        int firstWOM = first.get(womField);
        ValueRange rangeWOM = day.range(womField);
        assertEquals("Range min should be same as WeekOfMonth for first day of month: "
                + first + ", " + weekDef, rangeWOM.getMinimum(), firstWOM);
        assertEquals("Range max should be same as WeekOfMonth for last day of month: "
                + last + ", " + weekDef, rangeWOM.getMaximum(), lastWOM);

        last = day.with(DAY_OF_YEAR, day.lengthOfYear());
        int lastWOY = last.get(woyField);
        first = day.with(DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
        int firstWOY = first.get(woyField);
        ValueRange rangeWOY = day.range(woyField);
        assertEquals("Range min should be same as WeekOfYear for first day of Year: "
                + day + ", " + weekDef, rangeWOY.getMinimum(), firstWOY);
        assertEquals("Range max should be same as WeekOfYear for last day of Year: "
                + day + ", " + weekDef, rangeWOY.getMaximum(), lastWOY);

        day = day.plusDays(1);
源代码28 项目: jdk8u-jdk   文件: TestLocalDate.java
public void test_minusDays_symmetry(LocalDate reference) {
    for (int days = 0; days < 365 * 8; days++) {
        LocalDate t = reference.minusDays(days).minusDays(-days);
        assertEquals(t, reference);

        t = reference.minusDays(-days).minusDays(days);
        assertEquals(t, reference);
源代码29 项目: Strata   文件: FxSwapCurveNode.java
public DatedParameterMetadata metadata(LocalDate valuationDate, ReferenceData refData) {
  LocalDate nodeDate = date(valuationDate, refData);
  if (date.isFixed()) {
    return LabelDateParameterMetadata.of(nodeDate, label);
  Tenor tenor = Tenor.of(template.getPeriodToFar());
  return TenorDateParameterMetadata.of(nodeDate, tenor, label);
源代码30 项目: openjdk-jdk8u   文件: TestLocalDate.java
Object[][] provider_sampleMinusDaysSymmetry() {
    return new Object[][] {
        {LocalDate.of(-1, 1, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(-1, 2, 28)},
        {LocalDate.of(-1, 3, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(-1, 12, 31)},
        {LocalDate.of(0, 1, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(0, 2, 28)},
        {LocalDate.of(0, 2, 29)},
        {LocalDate.of(0, 3, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(0, 12, 31)},
        {LocalDate.of(2007, 1, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2007, 2, 28)},
        {LocalDate.of(2007, 3, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2007, 12, 31)},
        {LocalDate.of(2008, 1, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2008, 2, 28)},
        {LocalDate.of(2008, 2, 29)},
        {LocalDate.of(2008, 3, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2008, 12, 31)},
        {LocalDate.of(2099, 1, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2099, 2, 28)},
        {LocalDate.of(2099, 3, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2099, 12, 31)},
        {LocalDate.of(2100, 1, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2100, 2, 28)},
        {LocalDate.of(2100, 3, 1)},
        {LocalDate.of(2100, 12, 31)},