

源代码1 项目: mobi   文件: OntologyRest.java
 * Returns object property IRIs in the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
 * @param context     the context of the request.
 * @param recordIdStr the String representing the record Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:".
 * @param branchIdStr the String representing the Branch Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the
 *                    master Branch.
 * @param commitIdStr the String representing the Commit Resource id. NOTE: Assumes id represents an IRI unless
 *                    String begins with "_:". NOTE: Optional param - if nothing is specified, it will get the head
 *                    Commit. The provided commitId must be on the Branch identified by the provided branchId;
 *                    otherwise, nothing will be returned.
 * @return object properties in the ontology identified by the provided IDs.
@ApiOperation("Gets the object properties in the identified ontology.")
@ResourceId(type = ValueType.PATH, value = "recordId")
public Response getObjectPropertiesInOntology(@Context ContainerRequestContext context,
                                              @PathParam("recordId") String recordIdStr,
                                              @QueryParam("branchId") String branchIdStr,
                                              @QueryParam("commitId") String commitIdStr) {
    try {
        ArrayNode result = doWithOntology(context, recordIdStr, branchIdStr, commitIdStr,
                this::getObjectPropertyArray, true);
        return Response.ok(result.toString()).build();
    } catch (MobiException e) {
        throw ErrorUtils.sendError(e, e.getMessage(), Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
源代码2 项目: incubator-taverna-language   文件: JsonExport.java
protected JsonNode toJson(Revision currentRevision) {
    ArrayNode revisions = mapper.createArrayNode();
    while (currentRevision != null) {
        ObjectNode rev = mapper.createObjectNode();
        rev.putPOJO("id", currentRevision.getIdentifier());
        if (currentRevision.getGeneratedAtTime() != null) {
            rev.putPOJO("generatedAtTime", currentRevision.getGeneratedAtTime());
        currentRevision = currentRevision.getPreviousRevision();
        if (currentRevision != null) {
            rev.putPOJO("wasRevisionOf", currentRevision.getIdentifier());
    return revisions;
源代码3 项目: axelor-open-suite   文件: MapRestServiceImpl.java
public void setData(ObjectNode mainNode, ArrayNode arrayNode)
    throws AxelorException, JSONException {

  mainNode.put("status", 0);
  mainNode.set("data", arrayNode);
  Optional<Address> optionalAddress = Beans.get(UserService.class).getUserActiveCompanyAddress();

  if (optionalAddress.isPresent()) {
    Optional<Pair<BigDecimal, BigDecimal>> latLong =

    if (latLong.isPresent()) {
      JsonNodeFactory factory = JsonNodeFactory.instance;
      ObjectNode objectNode = factory.objectNode();
      objectNode.put("lat", latLong.get().getLeft());
      objectNode.put("lng", latLong.get().getRight());
      mainNode.set("company", objectNode);
源代码4 项目: constellation   文件: ListGraphs.java
public void callService(final PluginParameters parameters, final InputStream in, final OutputStream out) throws IOException {
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    final ArrayNode root = mapper.createArrayNode();
    final Map<String, Graph> graphs = GraphNode.getAllGraphs();
    graphs.entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
        final String id = entry.getKey();
        final Graph graph = entry.getValue();
        final ObjectNode obj = mapper.createObjectNode();
        obj.put("id", id);
        obj.put("name", GraphNode.getGraphNode(id).getDisplayName());
        final Schema schema = graph.getSchema();
        obj.put("schema", schema != null ? schema.getFactory().getName() : null);

    mapper.writeValue(out, root);
源代码5 项目: flowable-engine   文件: ModelsResource.java
protected void internalDeleteNodeByNameFromBPMNModel(JsonNode editorJsonNode, String propertyName) {
    JsonNode childShapesNode = editorJsonNode.get("childShapes");
    if (childShapesNode != null && childShapesNode.isArray()) {
        ArrayNode childShapesArrayNode = (ArrayNode) childShapesNode;
        for (JsonNode childShapeNode : childShapesArrayNode) {
            // Properties
            ObjectNode properties = (ObjectNode) childShapeNode.get("properties");
            if (properties != null && properties.has(propertyName)) {
                JsonNode propertyNode = properties.get(propertyName);
                if (propertyNode != null) {

            // Potential nested child shapes
            if (childShapeNode.has("childShapes")) {
                internalDeleteNodeByNameFromBPMNModel(childShapeNode, propertyName);

源代码6 项目: onos   文件: ControlMetricsWebResource.java
 * Returns disk metrics of all resources.
 * @return disk metrics of all resources
 * @onos.rsModel DiskMetrics
public Response diskMetrics() {
    ObjectNode root = mapper().createObjectNode();
    ControlPlaneMonitorService monitorService = get(ControlPlaneMonitorService.class);
    ClusterService clusterService = get(ClusterService.class);
    NodeId localNodeId = clusterService.getLocalNode().id();
    ArrayNode diskNodes = root.putArray("disks");
    monitorService.availableResourcesSync(localNodeId, DISK).forEach(name -> {
        ObjectNode diskNode = mapper().createObjectNode();
        ObjectNode valueNode = mapper().createObjectNode();

        metricsStats(monitorService, localNodeId, DISK_METRICS, name, valueNode);
        diskNode.put("name", name);
        diskNode.set("value", valueNode);


    return ok(root).build();
源代码7 项目: onos   文件: BasicHostConfig.java
 * Returns the auxLocations of the host.
 * @return auxLocations of the host or null if none specified
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if auxLocations are set but empty or not
 *                                  specified with correct format
public Set<HostLocation> auxLocations() {
    if (!object.has(AUX_LOCATIONS)) {
        return null; //no auxLocations are specified

    ImmutableSet.Builder<HostLocation> auxLocationsSetBuilder = ImmutableSet.<HostLocation>builder();

    ArrayNode auxLocationNodes = (ArrayNode) object.path(AUX_LOCATIONS);
    auxLocationNodes.forEach(n -> {
        ConnectPoint cp = ConnectPoint.deviceConnectPoint((n.asText()));
        auxLocationsSetBuilder.add(new HostLocation(cp, 0));

    return auxLocationsSetBuilder.build();
源代码8 项目: bootique   文件: InPlaceMapOverriderTest.java
public void testApply_ObjectArray_PastEnd() {

    Map<String, String> props = Collections.singletonMap("a[2]", "50");
    InPlaceMapOverrider overrider = new InPlaceMapOverrider(props);

    JsonNode node = YamlReader.read("a:\n" +
            "  - 1\n" +
            "  - 5");

    ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) node.get("a");
    assertEquals(3, array.size());
    assertEquals(1, array.get(0).asInt());
    assertEquals(5, array.get(1).asInt());
    assertEquals(50, array.get(2).asInt());
public JsonNode getAutocompleteValues(@Param("key") String key) {
  try {
    if (!storage.traceSearchEnabled) return MAPPER.createArrayNode();
    ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<String, Set<String>> autocompleteTagsStore =
    Set<String> values = autocompleteTagsStore.get(key);
    ArrayNode array = MAPPER.createArrayNode();
    if (values != null) values.forEach(array::add);
    return array;
  } catch (InvalidStateStoreException e) {
    LOG.debug("State store is not ready", e);
    throw e;
源代码10 项目: symja_android_library   文件: Pods.java
static ObjectNode createJSONErrorString(String str) {
	ObjectNode outJSON = JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode();
	outJSON.put("prefix", "Error");
	outJSON.put("message", Boolean.TRUE);
	outJSON.put("tag", "syntax");
	outJSON.put("symbol", "General");
	outJSON.put("text", "<math><mrow><mtext>" + str + "</mtext></mrow></math>");

	ObjectNode resultsJSON = JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode();

	ArrayNode temp = JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.createArrayNode();
	resultsJSON.putPOJO("out", temp);

	temp = JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.createArrayNode();
	ObjectNode json = JSON_OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode();
	json.putPOJO("results", temp);
	return json;
源代码11 项目: endpoints-java   文件: JsonConfigWriter.java
 * Converts the auth config from the auth annotation. Subclasses may override
 * to add additional information to the auth config.
private void convertApiAuth(ObjectNode root, ApiAuthConfig config) {
  ObjectNode authConfig = objectMapper.createObjectNode();

  authConfig.put("allowCookieAuth", config.getAllowCookieAuth());

  List<String> blockedRegions = config.getBlockedRegions();
  if (!blockedRegions.isEmpty()) {
    ArrayNode blockedRegionsNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode();
    for (String region : blockedRegions) {
    authConfig.set("blockedRegions", blockedRegionsNode);

  root.set("auth", authConfig);
源代码12 项目: onos   文件: PiTableModelCodec.java
public ObjectNode encode(PiTableModel table, CodecContext context) {

    ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode();

    result.put(NAME, table.id().toString());
    result.put(MAX_SIZE, table.maxSize());
    result.put(HAS_COUNTERS, table.counters().size() > 0);
    result.put(SUPPORT_AGING, table.supportsAging());

    ArrayNode matchFields = result.putArray(MATCH_FIELDS);
    table.matchFields().forEach(matchField -> {
        ObjectNode matchFieldData =
                context.encode(matchField, PiMatchFieldModel.class);

    ArrayNode actions = result.putArray(ACTIONS);
    table.actions().forEach(action -> {

    return result;
源代码13 项目: crnk-framework   文件: JsonFilterSpecMapper.java
private Object deserializeJsonFilterValue(ResourceInformation resourceInformation, PathSpec attributePath, JsonNode jsonNode, QueryContext queryContext) {
	QueryPathSpec resolvedPath = pathResolver.resolve(resourceInformation, attributePath.getElements(), QueryPathResolver.NamingType.JSON, "filter", queryContext);

	Class valueType = ClassUtils.getRawType(resolvedPath.getValueType());
	ObjectReader reader = context.getObjectMapper().readerFor(valueType);
	try {
		if (jsonNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
			List values = new ArrayList();
			for (JsonNode elementNode : jsonNode) {
			return values;
		return reader.readValue(jsonNode);
	catch (IOException e) {
		throw new ParametersDeserializationException("failed to parse value " + jsonNode + " to type " + valueType);
源代码14 项目: onos   文件: MappingTreatmentCodec.java
public ObjectNode encode(MappingTreatment treatment, CodecContext context) {
    checkNotNull(treatment, "Mapping treatment cannot be null");

    final ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode();
    final ArrayNode jsonInstructions = result.putArray(INSTRUCTIONS);

    final JsonCodec<MappingInstruction> instructionCodec =

    final JsonCodec<MappingAddress> addressCodec =

    for (final MappingInstruction instruction : treatment.instructions()) {
        jsonInstructions.add(instructionCodec.encode(instruction, context));

    result.set(ADDRESS, addressCodec.encode(treatment.address(), context));

    return result;
源代码15 项目: onos   文件: EncodeConstraintCodecHelper.java
 * Encodes a link type constraint.
 * @return JSON ObjectNode representing the constraint
private ObjectNode encodeLinkTypeConstraint() {
    checkNotNull(constraint, "Link type constraint cannot be null");

    final LinkTypeConstraint linkTypeConstraint =
            (LinkTypeConstraint) constraint;

    final ObjectNode result = context.mapper().createObjectNode()
            .put(ConstraintCodec.INCLUSIVE, linkTypeConstraint.isInclusive());

    final ArrayNode jsonTypes = result.putArray(ConstraintCodec.TYPES);

    if (linkTypeConstraint.types() != null) {
        for (Link.Type type : linkTypeConstraint.types()) {

    return result;
源代码16 项目: yosegi   文件: TestJacksonArrayFormatter.java
public void T_write_equalsSetValue_withNestingObjectFromParser() throws IOException {
  JacksonArrayFormatter formatter = new JacksonArrayFormatter();
  JsonNode node = formatter.writeParser( new TestParentParser( false ) );
  assertTrue( ( node instanceof ArrayNode ) );

  ArrayNode parentNode = (ArrayNode)node;
  assertEquals( parentNode.size() , 1 );

  JsonNode childNode = parentNode.get(0);
  assertTrue( ( childNode instanceof ObjectNode ) );
  ObjectNode objNode = (ObjectNode)childNode;

  assertEquals( objNode.size() , 3 );
  assertTrue( objNode.get("key1").isTextual() );
  assertTrue( objNode.get("key2").isTextual() );
  assertTrue( objNode.get("key3").isTextual() );
  assertEquals( objNode.get("key1").asText() , "a" );
  assertEquals( objNode.get("key2").asText() , "b" );
  assertEquals( objNode.get("key3").asText() , "c" );
源代码17 项目: serverless   文件: GatewayUtil.java
public static final String proxyIntegration(int statusCode, String[] headers, String body) {
	ObjectMapper mapper = Jackson.getObjectMapper();
	ObjectNode json = mapper.createObjectNode();
    json.put("statusCode", statusCode);
    ArrayNode array = mapper.createArrayNode();
    Arrays.stream(headers).forEach(header -> array.add(header));
    json.put("headers", array);

    json.put("body", body);

    return json.toString();
源代码18 项目: link-move   文件: JsonQueryTest.java
private List<JsonNode> collectNodes(ArrayNode arrayNode) {

        List<JsonNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>();

        Iterator<JsonNode> iter = arrayNode.elements();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        return nodes;
源代码19 项目: azure-cosmosdb-java   文件: IncludedPath.java
private Collection<Index> getIndexCollection() {
    if (this.propertyBag != null && this.propertyBag.has(Constants.Properties.INDEXES)) {
        ArrayNode jsonArray = (ArrayNode) this.propertyBag.get(Constants.Properties.INDEXES);
        Collection<Index> result = new ArrayList<Index>();

        for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) {
            JsonNode jsonObject = jsonArray.get(i);

            IndexKind indexKind = IndexKind.valueOf(WordUtils.capitalize(
            switch (indexKind) {
            case Hash:
                result.add(new HashIndex(jsonObject.toString()));
            case Range:
                result.add(new RangeIndex(jsonObject.toString()));
            case Spatial:
                result.add(new SpatialIndex(jsonObject.toString()));

        return result;

    return null;
 * Converts a DynamoDB list to a JSON list.
 * @param item
 *            DynamoDB list
 * @param depth
 *            Current JSON depth
 * @return JSON array node representation of DynamoDB list
 * @throws JacksonConverterException
 *             Null DynamoDB list or JSON too deep
private JsonNode listToJsonArray(final List<AttributeValue> item, final int depth) throws JacksonConverterException {
    if (item != null) {
        final ArrayNode node = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();
        for (final AttributeValue value : item) {
            node.add(getJsonNode(value, depth + 1));
        return node;
    throw new JacksonConverterException("Item cannot be null");
源代码21 项目: flowable-engine   文件: CaseInstanceResourceTest.java
protected ArrayNode getStageOverviewResponse(CaseInstance caseInstance) throws IOException {
    CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + CmmnRestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(
            CmmnRestUrls.URL_CASE_INSTANCE_STAGE_OVERVIEW, caseInstance.getId())), HttpStatus.SC_OK);
    JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent());

    return (ArrayNode) responseNode;
源代码22 项目: arctic-sea   文件: FieldEncoder.java
private ObjectNode encodeSweTimeRangeField(SweField field) {
    ObjectNode jfield = createField(field);
    jfield.put(JSONConstants.TYPE, JSONConstants.TIME_RANGE_TYPE);
    SweTimeRange sweTimeRange = (SweTimeRange) field.getElement();
    jfield.put(JSONConstants.UOM, sweTimeRange.getUom());
    if (sweTimeRange.isSetValue()) {
        ArrayNode av = jfield.putArray(JSONConstants.VALUE);
    return jfield;
源代码23 项目: incubator-pinot   文件: AvroWriter.java
public static org.apache.avro.Schema getAvroSchema(Schema schema) {
  ObjectNode avroSchema = JsonUtils.newObjectNode();
  avroSchema.put("name", "data_gen_record");
  avroSchema.put("type", "record");

  ArrayNode fields = JsonUtils.newArrayNode();
  for (FieldSpec fieldSpec : schema.getAllFieldSpecs()) {
    JsonNode jsonObject = AvroSchemaUtil.toAvroSchemaJsonObject(fieldSpec);
  avroSchema.set("fields", fields);

  return new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(avroSchema.toString());
@StreamListener(target = Sink.INPUT)
public void messageReceived(String messageJson) throws Exception { 

  // Build array with exactly this one event
  ArrayNode messageArray = objectMapper.createArrayNode();    
  // and send it over to Optimize
  // An optimization could be to collect events and send them as batch
  // if you have high loads
源代码25 项目: keycloak   文件: ReflectionUtil.java
private static void setArrayItem(ArrayNode list, int index, JsonNode valNode) {
    if (index == -1) {
        // append to end of array
    // make sure items up to index exist
    for (int i = list.size(); i < index+1; i++) {
    list.set(index, valNode);
@Deployment(resources = { "org/activiti/engine/test/bpmn/dynamic/dynamic-bpmn-test-process.bpmn20.xml" })
public void testTheCandidateUserOfTheFirstTasksIsChanged() throws Exception {
    ProcessInstance processInstance = runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("dynamicServiceTest");
    String processDefinitionId = processInstance.getProcessDefinitionId();

    ObjectNode processInfo = dynamicBpmnService.changeUserTaskCandidateUser(TASK_ONE_SID, "bob", false);
    dynamicBpmnService.saveProcessDefinitionInfo(processDefinitionId, processInfo);

    DynamicProcessDefinitionSummary summary = dynamicBpmnService.getDynamicProcessDefinitionSummary(processDefinitionId);

    ArrayNode bpmnModelCandidateUsers = processEngineConfiguration.getObjectMapper().createArrayNode();

    ArrayNode dynamicCandidateUsers = processEngineConfiguration.getObjectMapper().createArrayNode();

    JsonNode taskOneNode = summary.getElement(TASK_ONE_SID).get(ELEMENT_PROPERTIES);
    assertThat((ArrayNode) taskOneNode.get(USER_TASK_CANDIDATE_USERS).get(BPMN_MODEL_VALUE), is(bpmnModelCandidateUsers));
    assertThat((ArrayNode) taskOneNode.get(USER_TASK_CANDIDATE_USERS).get(DYNAMIC_VALUE), is(dynamicCandidateUsers));

    // verify if runtime is up to date
    // bob and david both should have a single task.
    org.flowable.task.api.Task bobTask = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateUser("bob").singleResult();
    assertThat("Bob must have one task", bobTask, is(notNullValue()));

    org.flowable.task.api.Task davidTask = taskService.createTaskQuery().taskCandidateUser("david").singleResult();
    assertThat("David must have one task", davidTask, is(not(nullValue())));
源代码27 项目: lams   文件: PresenceWebsocketServer.java
    * Filteres messages meant for the given user (group or personal).
   private static ArrayNode filterMessages(List<PresenceChatMessage> messages, String nickName) {
ArrayNode messagesJSON = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();

for (PresenceChatMessage message : messages) {
    String messageTo = message.getTo();
    if ((messageTo == null) || message.getTo().equals(nickName) || message.getFrom().equals(nickName)) {
	ObjectNode messageJSON = PresenceWebsocketServer.buildMessageJSON(message);

return messagesJSON;
源代码28 项目: cloudbreak   文件: AmbariClusterResponse.java
public Object handle(Request request, Response response) {
    ObjectNode rootNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

    Set<String> hostNames = instanceMap.values().stream()
            .map(cv -> HostNameUtil.generateHostNameByIp(cv.getMetaData().getPrivateIp())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
            .set("Hosts", getObjectMapper().valueToTree(new Hosts(hostNames, "HEALTHY")));

    ArrayNode items = rootNode.putArray("items");
            .set("Clusters", getObjectMapper().valueToTree(new Clusters(clusterName)));
    return rootNode;
源代码29 项目: onos   文件: VirtualFlowsListCommand.java
 * Produces a JSON array of flows grouped by the each device.
 * @param devices     collection of devices to group flow by
 * @param flows       collection of flows per each device
 * @return JSON array
private JsonNode json(Iterable<Device> devices,
                      Map<Device, List<FlowEntry>> flows) {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    ArrayNode result = mapper.createArrayNode();
    for (Device device : devices) {
        result.add(json(mapper, device, flows.get(device)));
    return result;
源代码30 项目: sf-java-ui   文件: UiFormSchemaGenerator.java
private void handleActionsAnnotation(ObjectMapper mapper, Class<? extends Serializable> formDto,
		ArrayNode formDefinition) {
	ObjectNode groupedActionsNode = mapper.createObjectNode();

	buildActions(mapper, formDto, formDefinition);
	buildGroupedActions(mapper, formDto, groupedActionsNode, formDefinition);